Re: Lab 4 Report

Ed Casas ( Thu, 23 Mar 2000 07:49:04 -0800

Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 07:49:04 -0800
From: Ed Casas <>
Subject: Re: Lab 4 Report

On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 11:41:48AM -0800, Leonardo C Castro wrote: > I was wondering how much detail do we need to write for the Lab > 4 Report. The description that was given in the handout is > quite detailed in explaining how the hardware and software > work, and I think that there is not much left to be said in a > report. The lab asks you to: Submit a short report describing the hardware and software. Include a listing of your assembly-language program, the VHDL code and a printout of the simulation waveforms that demonstrates correct operation of your device. Follow the documentation conventions given on the course web page. These documentation conventions are at: The description in the report need not be as detailed as that in the first two pages of the lab handout but it should correspond to your particular design. There are various details that you will have changed while coming up with your solution. For example, make sure the structure and signal names in your block diagrams match your VHDL code, include any changes you made (e.g. using OSC instead of SYSCLK), use your own state names for the description of the state machine, etc. I would leave out the description of the RS-232 interface. If you include material taken verbatim out of the lab report make sure you include a reference to it so you are not accused of plagiarism. A (readable) hand-written report is quite acceptable. -- Ed Casas +1 604 822-2592