Assignment3 : 3 ways to design ROM

Jun Wang ( Sat, 04 Mar 2000 21:34:24 PST

From: "Jun Wang" <>
Subject: Assignment3 : 3 ways to design ROM 
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 21:34:24 PST

I got 3 version of ROM design 1. using conditional statement data <= instruction when address = xx 2. using with and select statement which is similar to the first design. 3. using array element in MaxplusII for example type byte_array is array of (0 to 31) ; signal ROM : byte_array; ROM(i) <= instruction ..... data <= ROM(address); It seems to me the first 2 designs has more glitches in output than the 3rd design and I guess that's because the structure created by first 2 design is complicated. Unlike using the array which is specificly for the ROM or RAM is simple and efficient in structure. However, there's a problem in using ROM. As we only use 32-byte ROM but the address is 8 bit long which would allocate a 256-byte ROM. Of course, we can ignor MS 3 bit in input address and can access the ROM contents by index, but u will recieve a warning of the input pins are ignored etc. u can use these 3-bit to do some dummy job to avoid the warning but that seems unreasonable to me and also I find the3rd design takes long time to comple. So I wonder what is the best design that fits our needs. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at