ddowler (ddowler@direct.ca) Mon, 28 Feb 2000 14:36:39 -0800

Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 14:36:39 -0800
From: ddowler <ddowler@direct.ca>
Subject: MIDTERM

Dr. Casas: I have found that the labs and assignments seem very difficult at first, but after a few hours of reading over them, and reading questions and answers from the class, i understand them. Once I understand the assignment, it is A LOT easier to write code for it. I sat and stewed over the third assignment for about 4 hours, and when I had an understanding of the problem, I wrote the code in about a half hour. I think this was the problem with the midterm. It was too much to take in all at once, especially with all the little details like the different clock frequencies, the speed of sound in water, etc. In real life, we would not start any design until we had a very good idea of the problem specification, which takes some time and thinking. Is there a way around this for the midterm? If we were to write another one, could we take it home and read the problem (and have a chance to ask questions), and then come to class and write our code? Or maybe you could give us some simpler problems that take only 5 or 10 minutes to understand, and don't have as many details. What do you think? Dustin Dowler EECE 379