Vague Specs

Shawn O'Neill ( Sun, 27 Feb 2000 11:39:38 -0800

From: "Shawn O'Neill" <>
Subject: Vague Specs
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 11:39:38 -0800

A general comment, I would like to add my 2 cents and say that from the level of confusion that seems to exist over these assignments and labs that, I agree, the specifications are not worded well. Once I get them figured out by asking questions through the grapevine, or Dr. Casas, it seems to me it would make things a lot easier if what we are supposed to be doing was better specified. I don't think, once you get the specs down, the assignments or labs are overly difficult, but the vagueness of the specs and our unfamiliarity with the course content seems to lead to a fair amount of confusion. Add to this the unreliablity and sometimes baffling behaviour of MAXPLUS2 and I can see how some people are having a tough time. Shawn O'Neill