Shawn O'Neill ( Sun, 27 Feb 2000 11:26:15 -0800

From: "Shawn O'Neill" <>
Subject: SBC/FPGA
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 11:26:15 -0800

Hello, I have a general quetion regarding the hardware in the lab. For Lab#3 we dowloaded our machine code to the SBC and the VHDL code to the FPGA to count up or down from 0 to 9. If you just dowloaded the assembly code to the SBC and ran it without programming the FPGA you would get an infinte loop outputting an asterix mark. Now once you programmed the FPGA you could go back to the hyperterminal and see the numbers count up or down and the program would stop after printing the number 9. The question is: Why do you have to reprogram the FPGA every time the your assembly language code ends???? With my code (and a few others I have seen) if you try to run your assembly code again at this point (ie. after running the program successfully once) it doesn't recognize any port input signal and starts the infinite loop of asterixes again. So to get your program to work properly you have to use this sequence of events avery time you want valid output: 1. dl machine code to SBC 2. run machine code -- starts infinte loop 3. program FPGA 4. return to hyperterminal to see valid output Why can't it just be: 1. dl machine code to SBC 2. program FPGA 3. run the machine code whenever you want and you get valid output as long as the board is not reset or power is not turned off. Any answers????? Thanks, Shawn O'Neill