Aged to perfection

(File Last Modified Fri, Oct 25, 2002.)

Type development timetable

``Good type development'' allows you to make the most of your natural abilities, enables you to make better decisions, and helps prevent you from being sabotaged by your innate weaknesses.

To some extent, people develop their personalities in predictable stages. People are likely to have different interests at different times in their life. Type theory indicates that these changes don't just occur randomly.

     0 --  6: not clear
     6 -- 12: dominant function
    12 -- 25: auxiliary function
    25 -- 50: third function
    50 -- ~ : fourth function

Evidence of Type development

Developing Sensing

New attitude:

    @ More aware of how things look,sound,
      smell,taste and feel
    @ A new appreciation of nature
    @ More interested in facts and details, 
      more precise and accurate
    @ More realistic

New interests:

    @ cooking
    @ building
    @ arts and crafts
    @ listening to music
    @ exercise
    @ hiking, camping
    @ gardening
    @ reading nonfiction
    @ careful attention to details
    @ greater interest in numbers

Developing Intuition

New attitude:

    @ More interested in meaning and symbols
    @ Developing an interest in spiritual matters 
      and the meaning of life
    @ More open to using imagination
    @ Thinking about the relationship of people and things

New interests:

    @ art, design
    @ religion
    @ research, study, returning to school
    @ problem solving, brainstorming
    @ inventing
    @ creative writing
    @ reading fiction
    @ travel to learn about different cultures
    @ long range planning/thinking

Developing Thinking

New attitude:

    @ Greater emphasis on fairness and equality
    @ New awareness of cause and effect 
      and logical consequences
    @ More critical in evaluating people and things
    @ Greater interest in efficiency and competency

New interests:

    @ the rights of others
    @ negotiating, arbitration
    @ strategy games (scrabble, chess)
    @ debating
    @ consumer awareness
    @ political interest
    @ elevating one's standard
    @ being aware of others' standards
    @ striving to be consistent

Developing Feeling

New attitude:

    @ Showing concern and emotional support for others
    @ Cultivating friendship; sharing personal 
      experiences and feelings
    @ Greater interest in communication and listening skills
    @ Greater appreciation for the contributions of others

New interests:

    @ volunteer work
    @ mentoring
    @ rekindling past relationship
    @ initiating or attending reunions
    @ personal therapy
    @ open, thoughtful conversation
    @ writing
    @ keeping a journal

Build 30. Apr 12, 2003

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  *  Introduction

Discover your personality type
  *  EI preference
  *  SN preference
  *  TF preference
  *  JP preference

  *  Type Description

More about type theory
  *  Function
  *  Evolution
  *  Scrutiny


Aged to perfection