Manuals >User's Guide >DUT/Setup Editing
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Adding a DUT or a Setup

To add a DUT to a model:

  1   With the model file open, click the Add button at the bottom of the DUT/Setup panel.

  2   In the dialog box that appears, select Add New DUT.

  3   Enter a name for the new DUT and click OK. The new DUT appears at the bottom of the DUT/Setup panel.

To add a Setup to a DUT:

  1   With the model file open, and the appropriate DUT selected, click the Add button at the bottom of the DUT/Setup panel.

  2   In the dialog box that appears, select Add New Setup.

  3   Enter a name for the new Setup and click OK. The new Setup appears for that DUT. The new Setup appears below any existing setup(s).

See Organizing DUTs and Setups for an alternate way to add DUTs and Setups to a model.
