Manuals >User's Guide >DUT/Setup Editing
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Input/Output Editing

The inputs and outputs of a Setup define the various currents, voltages, etc. you want to monitor with respect to the associated DUT.

To add a new input or output:

  1   Click New Input or New Output.

  2   Fill in all fields as necessary and click OK.

To delete an input or output:

  1   Select the input or output.

  2   Choose Edit > Cut, select the input/output option in the dialog box, and click OK.

To edit an input or output:

  1   Double-click the input or output or select it and click the Edit button in the Measure/Simulate folder or use the on-screen editor.

  2   Make all the necessary changes in the dialog box and click OK.

Alternatively, you can edit an input or output directly using the on-screen editor.

See also: Organizing DUTs and Setups
