Manuals >User's Guide >File and Data Management
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Importing Data into a Single Setup

  1   Select the DUT and setup.

  2   Select File > Import Data and choose Active Setup.

Alternatively, you can select Measure/Simulate and click Import Data.

  3   Enter the name of the file directly into the field corresponding to the setup, by typing in or by using the File Browser.

  4   Select a fill data type.
    • Measured if available, otherwise Simulated: Outputs of type M or B receive mdm data in their measured array. Outputs of type S receive mdm data in their simulated array.
    • Measured only: Outputs of type M or B receive data in their measured array. Outputs of type S do not receive any data.
    • Simulated if available, otherwise Measured: Outputs of type S or B receive mdm data in their simulated array. Outputs of type M receive mdm data in their measured array.
    • Simulated only: Outputs of type S or B receive mdm data in their simulated array. Outputs of type M do not receive any data.

  5   Click OK. The data is now imported into the outputs of the setup.

See Also
    • Importing Data into All Setups in an Active DUT or All DUTs in the Model
    • Chapter 13, "Managing Data"
