Manuals >User's Guide >File and Data Management
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Opening Files

To open a file:

  1   Choose File > Open and a dialog box appears. By default, the path in the Filter field is set to the directory from which you started the program and the filter is set to *.ext where ext is an extension specific to the task you are performing. (For example, *.mdl for model files, *.hdw for hardware configuration files, etc.). All files in the current directory with that extension are displayed.

  2   Adjust the path as needed. You can type in the Filter field and then click the Filter button or use the mouse to navigate the list of Directories.


The path for IC-CAP model files cannot contain any folder names that use a space. For example, C:\Model Files\IC-CAP 2004. If a model file is saved in a folder name with spaces, you will not be able to open the model file. You will have to move the model file to a folder name that does not use a space.

  3   To choose a file from the Files list box, double-click it or click once and choose OK. (Tip: If you click once, you will see the selected filename reflected in the Selection field.)


If loading a model file, once it is loaded, a symbol with the model name is displayed in the work area. Double-click the symbol to open the Model window.
