Manuals >User's Guide >Creating Graphic User Interfaces
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Counter (Example)

Load the model counterParts.mdl from the Model window.

This is how the tree looks:

Display the top level. This is how the GUI looks:

Try to make it work and you get error messages because the buttons are not linked to anything. It won't even display a value. We will now fix that.

We need to create a variable:

  1   Click on the Model Variables tab. The page will show an empty table.

  2   In the Name field type n and in the Value field type 0, the initial value.

Now we link the variable n to the Monitor (Edit Text) box:

  1   Click on the Model GUI Items tab and select the item Monitor (Edit Text).

  2   Double-click it to bring up the Properties dialog.

  3   In the Options list click on Field Value.

  4   In the Edit dialog (at the right) click on Track Variable.

  5   Click on the Variable box, and type n, the click on the Apply box underneath.

  6   The Field Value will now be displayed as Field Value (Variable n).

  7   The Edit Text box is now linked to the variable n.

  8   Click on the bottom left OK button.

We now create macros to execute when the buttons are pressed:

  1   Click on the Macros tab.

  2   Click on New from the left menu.

  3   In the dialog box type the macro name reset, and click OK.

  4   Under the Select Macro: heading click on reset.

  5   In the blank page on the right type n = 0.

This is the contents of the macro named reset.

  6   Now create two more macros:

countUp contains the text: n = n + 1

countDown contains the text: n = n - 1

We now link the buttons to the macros:

  1   Click on the Model GUI Items tab.

  2   Double-click the countUp push button in the tree.

  3   In the Properties dialog, under Callbacks, click on Button Pressed.

  4   In the Edit dialog enter
     The macro name countUp as the first argument.
     The action Execute as the second argument.

  5   Click on Apply underneath.

The callback will now show

Button Pressed (iccap funct("countUp","Execute"))

  6   Repeat this for the other two buttons, linking them to the macros with the same names.

The counter will now count up, count down and reset:
