Manuals >User's Guide >Printing and Plotting
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Automating Print Functionality

The following print functionality can be automated via PEL:

    • Print to the following supported file types:
     black and white postscript
     emf for the PC only
    • Display the File > Print dialog box, which enables the user to select a printer and to request a printout.

Starting with IC-CAP 2004, you can no longer send a print file to the printer from PEL without user intervention. You can not create print files other than the ones listed above. For example, you can not create a color postscript file formatted for a color printer. To generate that type of file, you must use the File > Print dialog boxes.

Also, the semantics of the Print Via Server command have changed slightly with IC-CAP 2004. In previous releases, if a printer was setup as the default, issuing a Print Via Server command would print the file with no user intervention. Now, the Print Via Server command always displays the print dialog box requiring user intervention. See the following examples.

    ! Displays dialog box as though File > Print menu had been 
   ! selected.  You cannot anticipate the dialog with 
   ! optional arguments, it will always come up. 
iccap_func("myPlot","Print Via Server") 

   ! following line creates an HPGL2 file 
iccap_func("myPlot","Dump Via Server","Y","hpglfile.hgl", 

   ! following line creates a black & white postscript file
iccap_func("myPlot","Dump Via Server","Y","","PS")

   ! following line creates a .emf file on PC only
iccap_func("myPlot","Dump Via Server","Y","emffile.emf",

   ! Note, the following form of the command worked in 
   ! previous releases of IC-CAP but is no longer supported.
iccap_func("myPlot","Dump Via Server","N")

   ! Displays dialog box as though the Print button had been 
   ! pressed on a tabular data window
iccap_func("myOutput","Print Via Server")

For additional information, see "Dump Via Server" and "Print Via Server" in the Reference manual.
