Manuals >User's Guide >Using Transforms and Functions
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Defining Transforms

Transforms are created as members of setups, since they typically operate on data from a particular setup.

To define a transform:

  1   In the Model window, select the setup.

  2   Select Extract/Optimize.

  3   Click New.

  4   In the prompt, type a name for the new transform. This name is used to refer to the data set created by this transform.

  5   Click OK. The new name appears in the transform list and is selected.

  6   In the Function field, enter the name of the function to be used for the new transform by doing one of the following:
     Click Browse to select a predefined function from the list.
     Type Program2 or Program and press Enter to create your own function.


For details on making user-defined functions appear in the Function Browser, refer to Adding Functions to the Function Browser.

  7   If inputs are required for the function, specify the inputs in the editor fields.
