Manuals >User's Guide >Using the Plot Optimizer
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Saving and Opening a Plot Optimizer Setup

Plot Optimizer setup files can be saved then opened in the Plot Optimizer or as an optimize transform in a model file.

To save a Plot Optimizer setup:

  1   Choose File > Save As....

  2   In the File name field, enter a unique filename and choose Save. A .pop file extension is appended automatically.

The Plot Optimizer settings along with the configuration information for each enabled plot is saved in the .pop file.

The saved Plot Optimizer settings include:

    • Options
    • Inputs table
    • Parameters table, except the Values field
The Values field is not saved since parameters and their values are defined in the Model window's DUT or Model Parameters table.

The saved configuration information for each enabled plot includes:

    • Plot name
    • Trace settings (B, T, S)
    • Global Region definitions
    • Trace Optimizer Region definitions

To open a previously saved Plot Optimizer file (.pop) in a Plot Optimizer window:

  1   Choose File > Open....

  2   Change directories as needed, select the desired file, and choose OK.

When a .pop file is opened, the saved optimizer information is loaded into the local Plot Optimizer and the plots are enabled and configured according to the saved settings overriding existing trace settings or regions. If a plot can not be found, a warning is sent to the Status window and the settings for the missing plot are deleted from the Plot Optimizer Inputs table. This occurs because the Inputs table is always synchronized with the enabled plots.

To open a previously saved Plot Optimizer file (.pop) as an optimize transform in a Model window:

  1   From a Model window, select a setup then choose the Extract / Optimize tab.

  2   Choose File > Open....

  3   Select the file type (.pop) Transform.

  4   Browse to the location of the .pop file, select the desired file, and choose OK.

When reading a Plot Optimizer file (.pop) into a normal transform, the target, simulated, and region information in the Inputs table is read into the optimizer transform's Inputs table. Reference Setup provides the context (or relative path) for the Target, Simulated, and X Data Ref datasets. This ensures that if the current setup belongs to the Model file associated with the Plot Optimizer window that saved the .pop file, the optimizer transform can be run without modifying the Inputs or Parameters tables.
