Manuals >User's Guide >Optimizing
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An Example Optimization

For an example of the optimization process, you can optimize the UCB MOS Level 2 saturation region parameters VMAX and NEFF, using id versus vd measured data.

  1   Load the model file mosfet/nmos2.

  2   Select the DUT/Setup large/idvg.

  3   In the Extract/Optimize folder, select the optimize transform.

  4   In the optimizer Parameters table, click Clear Table.

  5   From the Insert Pram or Var: drop-down box, select VMAX.

  6   To specify the minimum and maximum acceptable values that the VMAX parameter can be set to, enter a minimum acceptable value of 100.0 in the Min field and a maximum acceptable value of 1.000MEG in the Max field.

  7   Similarly, select the parameter name NEFF, and adjust the with a minimum acceptable value to 0.000 and a maximum acceptable value to 10.00.

  8   In the Options tab Termination Conditions group box, enter 35 in the Max Evals data entry field.

  9   To perform the optimization, click Execute on the Extract/Optimize page or from the menu bar.
