Manuals >User's Guide >Making Measurements
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Specifying Interface Files

You must specify an interface file for each GPIB card being used for the measurement. See the IC-CAP Installation and Customization Guide for information about configuring your interface. If your computer does not have access to an interface file, and you need to specify instrument options in a Model file, you can add a dummy interface. When you enter the name of an interface, begin the name with dummy, such as dummy_gpib, and IC-CAP will interpret it as a dummy interface.

To add an interface file:

  1   In the IC-CAP/Main window, select Tools > Hardware Setup or click Hardware Setup.

  2   Click Add Interface.

  3   In the prompt dialog, type the name of the interface.

  4   Choose OK.

The GPIB interface name is added to the HB-IB Interface list and made the currently selected interface.
