Manuals >User's Guide >Making Measurements
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Hardware Connections

Connecting the hardware consists of making the appropriate GPIB connections between the instruments and the computer. Connections must also be made between the individual units of the instruments and the test fixture. The test device should be inserted into the test fixture with the appropriate unit to device connections made.

DC Connections

DC connections usually require connecting the SMUs and VS/VMUs of a DC Analyzer to the test fixture in which the DUT is mounted. The test fixture may be the HP 16058A Test Fixture, a probe station, or a switching matrix.

CV Connections

CV measurements are taken using either an internal DC bias or an external DC bias. Usually, a DC analyzer is used to provide the external DC bias. When using internal or external biasing sources take note of the hardware connection differences.

When using the DC bias internal to the CV meter, you only need to connect the capacitance meter high and low units to the fixture in which the DUT is mounted. The internal DC bias is automatically available through this connection.

When using an external DC bias, this external source is used by making a connection to the rear panel of the CV meter.

AC Connections

AC connections require connecting the 2-port units of a network analyzer to the fixture in which the DUT is mounted, as well as connecting a DC analyzer to provide a DC source. Connect the external DC source to the rear panel of the network analyzer.

Time Domain Connections

Time domain connections may involve cabling between a generator, an oscilloscope, and the DUT. Another cable may be used to pass a trigger pulse from a generator to the oscilloscope's trigger input. For detailed information on these connections, refer to the text file,, provided in the lib/iccap directory.

In the example procedure, the DC Analyzer contains two SMUs (Source/Measurement Units), each capable of sourcing and measuring voltage and current. For each SMU, a single triaxial cable carries the input signal to the device and the output signal from the device.

To connect the DC Analyzer and the test fixture:

  1   Connect a cable from each of the connectors (marked SMU1 - 2) on the back of the DC Analyzer to each of the connectors (marked SMU1 - 2) on the back of the test fixture.

  2   Insert the device under test (DUT) into the test fixture and make the appropriate SMU to device lead connections.

  3   Connect an GPIB cable from the GPIB connector on the back of the DC Analyzer to the GPIB bus connector on the computer.

  4   Make sure the GPIB address is set to a value that does not conflict with other GPIB addresses on the bus.

  5   Turn on the DC Analyzer.
