Manuals >User's Guide >Making Measurements
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Using Multiple Instruments

Some measurements may require more than one instrument. For example, a capacitance measurement using a CV meter and an external bias source requires a CV meter and a DC analyzer. In this case, both the CV meter and the DC analyzer must be connected and recognized by IC-CAP.

IC-CAP also allows measurements using multiple instruments of the same type. For example, you may perform a DC measurement using SMUs from two different HP/Agilent 4142 instruments. To do this, the two 4142 instruments must be set to different GPIB addresses, connected to the system, and recognized by IC-CAP. Assign unique unit names to the SMUs and VS/VMs for each instrument since this unit name, which is entered in the Setup specification, determines the instrument and unit to be used to bias an input or monitor an output.


Because an GPIB interface is locked by IC-CAP while making measurement and calibration, it is possible to share a single GPIB interface with multiple users on an HP workstation. However, the GPIB interface on a Sun workstation is not sharable since this interface does not offer a device locking mechanism. Simultaneous access of the GP-IB interface on a Sun workstation is not supported by IC-CAP.
