Manuals >User's Guide >An Example IC-CAP Session
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An Example IC-CAP Session

Using the IC-CAP Modeling System, you can characterize a device by following this general procedure:

    • Start the program and load the model file into memory.
    • Measure the device characteristics.
    • View the measured data.
    • Perform a simulation.
    • Extract the model parameters from the measured data.
    • Simulate with extracted parameters.
    • Compare measured data and simulated data.
    • Optimize model parameters as needed.
    • Measure the remaining devices.

IC-CAP supplies a variety of model extractions in model files that you can load and work with immediately. This section provides an example of a typical IC-CAP session, using a supplied model file.


Your IC-CAP installation may not be identical to the system described. Depending on the options of your IC-CAP product, you may not be able to perform some portions of this demonstration. In such cases, an error message describes the missing codeword or license. For more information, refer to the installation procedures or consult your system administrator.
