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Working with Menus and Commands

You carry out an action by choosing a command. Program commands are listed on menus on the window menu bar. The following table lists menu conventions.

Table 2 Menu Conventions
Menu Convention
Dimmed command name
The command is not available now.
Ellipsis points (...) displayed after a command name
Opens a dialog box for completing information needed to carry out the command.
A triangle (>) at the right side of the menu command
Opens a sub menu for the command.


For information on specific commands, refer to Appendix A, "Menu Descriptions" in online help.

Using the Tearoff Menu

Pull-down menus can be separated from the menu bar and placed anywhere on your desktop. To tear off a menu, click the dashed line at the top of the menu and drag the menu to a new desktop location.

Using the Toolbar

Frequently-used commands are available as buttons on the toolbar in each design window. When you move the mouse pointer over a button, a balloon displays a label identifying the function of that button. The following figure shows the toolbar in the IC-CAP/Main window.

Figure 6 IC-CAP/Main Window Toolbar
