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Aborting an Operation

You can interrupt an IC-CAP activity from the Status window. The operations that can be aborted are: Measurement, Simulation, Macro Execution, Transform Execution, and Optimization. IC-CAP control is returned to you.

If you abort a measurement while an internal system sweep is in progress, the measurement in IC-CAP is aborted, but the instrument continues to step through its sweep values until the sweep is completed. If another IC-CAP measurement using this instrument is attempted before the sweep is completed, IC-CAP waits until the sweep is done before performing the measurement.

After an optimization is aborted, an optimization summary is printed before control is returned.

To abort an IC-CAP activity:

In the IC-CAP/Status window, click the Interrupt IC-CAP Activity button.

Alternatively, you can select the menu item, Interrupt > IC-CAP Activity.
