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IC-CAP Terminology

This section lists the terms used throughout the documentation to describe the basic parts of the IC-CAP system.


Complete instructions for characterizing a device, including a description of the device, measured and simulated data, and functions that are performed on the data.

Model Parameters

Parameters that govern the behavior of the device, and whose values are common to all devices being measured for a particular characterization.

DUT (Device Under Test)

A particular configuration of the device being measured and the hardware being used to perform the measurements.

Test Circuit

Additional circuitry that is connected between the device being measured and the hardware being used on a particular DUT.

DUT Parameters

Parameters that govern the behavior of the device, and whose values may be different for each DUT.


A description of the device, in SPICE deck format.


Instructions for performing a measurement or simulation on a DUT. A setup contains definitions of stimuli, responses, mathematical transformations, extractions, and graphical or tabular reports.


The application of a set of stimuli to an actual device to obtain a set of responses that are used in the characterization process.


The definition of a stimulus in a measurement or simulation. Input includes the array of data that results from this definition.


The definition of a response in a measurement or simulation. Output includes the arrays of data that result from performing those operations.


The calculation of the parameters that control the device behavior, typically from measured data, but sometimes from simulated data or data sheet values.


The definition of a function that is performed on IC-CAP data to create a new set of data or calculate parameter values. Transform includes the arrays of data that result from performing the function.


The calculation of a set of data from a mathematical model of the device.


The iterative adjustment of parameter values in order to achieve the best possible agreement between measured and simulated data.


Instructions for generating and displaying IC-CAP data, either in graphical or tabular format.


A group of IC-CAP functions combined into a single operation.
