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Dynamic Signal Analyzer

IC-CAP supports the HP/Agilent 35670A dynamic signal analyzer.

HP/Agilent 35670A Dynamic Signal Analyzer

The HP/Agilent 35670A portable 2- or 4-channel dynamic signal analyzer evaluates signals and devices under 102.4 kHz real-time rate at 800 lines of resolution. It provides spectrum, network, and time- and amplitude-domain measurements from virtually DC to slightly over 100 kHz.

IC-CAP assigns the following names to the units:

Channel Unit (1 and 2)
Source Unit

The following table describes the HP/Agilent 35670A options and their default values, where applicable.

Table 41 HP/Agilent 35670A Options 
Hold Time
Time delay, in seconds, before each primary sweep begins.
Delay Time
Time delay, in seconds, before each sweep point is measured.
Defines the averaging of the instrument. Maximum is 9,999,999.
Source Mode
Source waveforms: (R) random noise, (B) burst random,
(P) periodic chirp, or (S) fixed sine.

DC Offset
Specifies a DC offset for the source output.
Source Freq
Sets the frequency of the sine source.
Window Type
Type of windowing function:
(H) Hanning, (U) uniform, (F) flat or (E) exponential.

CHn Units
Vertical unit for the specified display's Y axis:
(V) volts, (V2) square volts, (V/RTHZ) square root power spectral density, or (V2/HZ) power spectral density.

Init Command
Extra command to initialize the instrument to a certain mode.
