Manuals >Nonlinear Device Models Volume 1 >UCB GaAs MESFET Characterization
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The UCB GaAs MESFET model is contained in an IC-CAP example file UCBGaas.mdl. The file consists of a single level model that is based on a model developed at Raytheon and implemented in UCB's SPICE3 simulator [1][2]. In this model, drain current is proportional to the square of the gate-to-source voltage multiplied by the expansion series of the hyperbolic tangent of the drain-to-source voltage.

The model defines total gate junction capacitance and takes into account the FET symmetry and carrier velocity saturation. Unlike the SPICE3 version, the IC-CAP model includes gate, source, and drain inductances, and gate resistance. These components are extracted in IC-CAP as external resistance and inductances to improve the accuracy of the model.
