Key Features and Enhancements of the MOS Modeling Packages
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The Measurement GUI of the MOS Modeling Packages has changed. The former GUI had 8 tabs and the new GUI only has 5. This is because the Measurement Conditions, DC Transistor, Capacitance, and Diode DUTs folders have been merged together to form the Device List folder. This newly designed folder features a tree overview of devices and measurement conditions for easy navigation. Please refer to Device List for a description of this folder. |
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An important new feature is the .mdm Import Wizard, which enables you to import data measured with software other than IC-CAP that is not in IC-CAP mdm-format. |
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Increased flexibility when measuring Id-Vd curves where Vd is first order sweep. The starting values of the second order sweep Vg can depend on the threshold voltage of an appropriate transconductance measurement for the same device. |
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The ability to select/deselect outputs for each measurement setup. |
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Additional setups, beside the standard idvg and idvd setups, are available. Idvg and idvd setups will remain as an absolute minimum requirement with at least one output id. |
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The graphical user interface in Agilent`s IC-CAP enables the quick setup of tests and measurements followed by automatic parameter extraction routines. |
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The general view has been changed to adopt a more intuitive look by using icons instead of buttons. |
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A data management concept enables powerful and flexible handling of measurement data using an open and easy data base concept. |
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The Multiplot feature enables you to view measured or simulated diagrams in one window together instead of one window for each diagram. |
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The powerful extraction procedures can be easily adopted to different CMOS processes. They support all possible configurations of the BSIM3 and BSIM4 models. |
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Quality assurance procedures are checking every step in the modeling flow from measurements to the final export of the SPICE model parameter set. |
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The fully automatic generation of HTML reports is included to enable web publishing of a modeling project. |
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The modeling package supports SPICE3e2 and major commercial simulator formats such as HSPICE, Spectre, and Agilent's ADS. |
The Modeling Packages Support Measurements on
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Single-finger (normal) transistors |
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Bulk-drain, source-drain junction |
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RF multifinger transistors |
The Modeling Package Supports Extractions for
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Basic transistor behavior |
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RF behavior (S-parameters) |