Quick-Trace :: A Virtual Overlay Network for FPGA Trace Buffers

Eddie Hung, Steven J. E. Wilton

Published at FPGA 2013, PDF.
Extended for TODAES, PDF (pre-print).

Quick-Trace implements the incremental signal-tracing techniques presented in
our FPGA'13 paper on the VPR6 CAD tool, part of the Verilog-To-Routing academic toolflow.
This was subsequently extended for the TODAES journal, where the key improvement
have been to extend the overlay network concept to triggering.

Quick-Trace v2.0 is supplied as a patch for VTR version 1.0:

Unpack VTR (into the vtr_release/ directory), copy the patch file inside, and then apply the patch by typing:

The overlay network can be enabled using VTR's own ./run_vtr_flow.pl script,
which has been augmented with three new stages:




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