
Go to the documentation of this file.
00023 #include "spfdInt.h"
00025 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00026 /* Constant declarations                                                     */
00027 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00030 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00031 /* Type declarations                                                         */
00032 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00035 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00036 /* Structure declarations                                                    */
00037 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00039 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00040 /* Variable declarations                                                     */
00041 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00043 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00044 /* Macro declarations                                                        */
00045 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00050 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00051 /* Static function prototypes                                                */
00052 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00054 static Tbl_Table_t * BuildNewTable(Ntk_Network_t *network, Ntk_Node_t *ntkNode, mdd_t *mddFunc);
00055 static void TableAddCube(Tbl_Table_t *table, array_t *faninIdArray, array_t *cube, int value);
00060 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00061 /* Definition of exported functions                                          */
00062 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00065 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00066 /* Definition of internal functions                                          */
00067 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00080 void
00081 SpfdReprogramRegionNodes(
00082   Ntk_Network_t *network,
00083   SpfdApplData_t *applData,
00084   array_t *regionArray)
00085 {
00086   st_table *nodeCountTable,*sinkTable;
00087   st_table *regionNodes = applData->currRegionNodes;
00088   st_table *currBddReq = applData->currBddReq;
00089   st_table *wireTable = applData->currWireTable;
00090   st_table *replaceTable = applData->currReplaceTable;
00091   bdd_manager *ddManager = applData->ddManager;
00092   Ntk_Node_t *fanout,*regNode,*fanin,*newFanin;
00093   bdd_node *bdd1,*localAlt,*globalAlt;
00094   bdd_node *ddTemp,*relNew,*relOld,*encRel;
00095   bdd_node *xCube;
00096   char *dummy;
00097   st_generator *stGen;
00098   int bound,i,j,k,piSwap;
00099   int *count;
00100   array_t *faninBdds,*faninNodes,*nodeArray;
00102   /* Cube of primary inputs. */
00103   xCube = applData->currXCube;
00104   /* Analyze the region to find out how many times the
00105      alternative/global function of an individual region node will be
00106      used. This count will be used to remove those functions when no
00107      longer needed, hence avoid memory peaks. */
00108   nodeCountTable = st_init_table(st_ptrcmp,st_ptrhash);
00109   st_foreach_item(currBddReq,stGen,&regNode,&bdd1) {
00110     count = ALLOC(int,1);
00111     *count = 0;
00112     Ntk_NodeForEachFanout(regNode,k,fanout) {
00113       if (st_lookup(regionNodes,(char *)fanout,&dummy))
00114         (*count)++;
00115     }
00116     /* The global function implemented by regNode is used count number
00117        of times */
00118     assert(*count);
00119     st_insert(nodeCountTable,(char *)regNode,(char *)count);
00120   }
00122   /* Reprogram region nodes */
00123   arrayForEachItem(Ntk_Node_t *,regionArray,i,regNode) {
00124     int numFanin;
00125     boolean reenc,replaced;
00126     bdd_node **orgVars,**auxVars,*orgCube;
00128     /* Skip, if it is a PI. */
00129     if (Ntk_NodeTestIsPrimaryInput(regNode))
00130       continue;
00132     /* Determine if the localAlt really needs to be re-encoded. This
00133        is true if any of the fanin nodes have been reprogrammed. If
00134        any fanin node of 'regNode' has a non NULL globalAlt, then it
00135        means that fanin node has been reprogrammed. */
00136     faninBdds = array_alloc(bdd_node *,0);
00137     faninNodes = array_alloc(Ntk_Node_t *,0);
00138     reenc = FALSE;
00139     replaced = FALSE;
00140     if (SpfdNodeReadLocalAlt(applData,regNode) !=
00141         bdd_read_logic_zero(ddManager)) {
00142       Ntk_NodeForEachFanin(regNode,j,fanin) {
00144         /* If a particular wire is redundant/replaced, make the sink node
00145            independent of that node. */
00146         if (!(st_lookup(wireTable,(char *)fanin,&sinkTable) &&
00147               st_lookup(sinkTable,(char *)regNode,&dummy))) {
00148           /* If not removed, is it replaced? */
00149           if (!(st_lookup(replaceTable,(char *)regNode,&sinkTable) &&
00150                 st_lookup(sinkTable,(char *)fanin,&newFanin))) {
00151             globalAlt = SpfdNodeReadGlobalAlternative(applData,fanin);
00152             if (globalAlt) { /* Reprogrammed? */
00153               array_insert_last(bdd_node *,faninBdds,globalAlt);
00154               array_insert_last(Ntk_Node_t *,faninNodes,fanin);
00155               reenc = TRUE;
00156             } else { /* No. So use the original global function */
00157               st_lookup(currBddReq,(char *)fanin,&ddTemp);
00158               array_insert_last(bdd_node *,faninBdds,ddTemp);
00159               array_insert_last(Ntk_Node_t *,faninNodes,fanin);
00160             }
00161           } else {
00162             /* The wire fanin --> regNode has been replaced by newFanin -->
00163                regNode */
00164             globalAlt = SpfdNodeReadGlobalAlternative(applData,newFanin);
00165             assert(globalAlt);
00166             array_insert_last(bdd_node *,faninBdds,globalAlt);
00167             array_insert_last(Ntk_Node_t *,faninNodes,newFanin);
00168             reenc = TRUE;
00169             replaced = TRUE;
00170           }
00171         } else {
00172           reenc = TRUE;
00173         }
00174       }
00175     }
00177     if (reenc) { /* Reencode the localAlt */
00178       /* Compute the encoding relation */
00179       relNew = SpfdComputeNodeArrayRelation(applData,NIL(st_table),
00180                                               faninBdds,faninNodes,
00181                                               FALSE,&piSwap);
00182       array_free(faninBdds);
00183       array_free(faninNodes);
00184       relOld = SpfdComputeNodeArrayRelation(applData,currBddReq,NIL(array_t),
00185                                               Ntk_NodeReadFanins(regNode),
00186                                               TRUE,&piSwap);
00187       bdd_ref(encRel = bdd_bdd_and_abstract(ddManager,relNew,relOld,xCube));
00188       bdd_recursive_deref(ddManager,relNew);
00189       bdd_recursive_deref(ddManager,relOld);
00191       if (piSwap) { /* If we have used alternate PI ids */
00192         ddTemp = SpfdSwapPiAndAltPi(applData,encRel);
00193         bdd_recursive_deref(ddManager,encRel);
00194         encRel = ddTemp;
00195       }
00196       /* Now encRel is in terms of Y, Y'. Y variables are the node's
00197          mdd ids. Y' are the auxIds of regNode's fanin nodes. One of
00198          these fanin nodes could be a new node replacing an old node. */
00199       /* Prepare variables for swapping and abstraction */
00200       numFanin = Ntk_NodeReadNumFanins(regNode);
00201       orgVars = ALLOC(bdd_node *,numFanin);
00202       auxVars = ALLOC(bdd_node *,numFanin);
00203       Ntk_NodeForEachFanin(regNode,k,fanin) {
00204         orgVars[k] = bdd_bdd_ith_var(ddManager,Ntk_NodeReadMddId(fanin));
00205         auxVars[k] = bdd_bdd_ith_var(ddManager,
00206                                      SpfdNodeReadAuxId(applData,fanin));
00207       }
00208       bdd_ref(orgCube = bdd_bdd_compute_cube(ddManager,orgVars,
00209                                              NIL(int),numFanin));
00211       /* Re-encode the localAlt function. ddTemp is in terms of Y' */
00212       localAlt = SpfdNodeReadLocalAlt(applData,regNode);
00213       bdd_ref(ddTemp = bdd_bdd_and_abstract(ddManager,localAlt,encRel,orgCube));
00214       SpfdNodeDeleteLocalAlt(applData,regNode);
00215       bdd_recursive_deref(ddManager,encRel);
00216       bdd_recursive_deref(ddManager,orgCube);
00218       /* Check if the wire is replaced. Pay attention to auxVars and
00219          orgVars. */
00220       /* Small caveat: Only here it is possible that the orgVar of
00221          newFanin is already being used as auxId by one of the nodes
00222          in the region. The situation can be as below: */
00223       /* 12 -> 19, 15->24, 133->15, 18->23. During swapping, 133 will
00224          be replace by 15. This will create a problem because 15->24
00225          has not been done yet! A consolation is that the intersection
00226          between the 'from' set and the 'two' set is only ONE. */
00227       /* To avoid this problem, we do two step swap to be sure. */
00228       if (replaced) {
00229         bdd_node **secOrgVars,**secAuxVars;
00230         int auxId,orgId,index;
00232         FREE(orgVars);
00233         FREE(auxVars);
00234         orgVars = ALLOC(bdd_node *,numFanin-1);
00235         auxVars = ALLOC(bdd_node *,numFanin-1);
00236         secOrgVars = ALLOC(bdd_node *,1);
00237         secAuxVars = ALLOC(bdd_node *,1);
00238         index = 0;
00239         Ntk_NodeForEachFanin(regNode,k,fanin) {
00240           if (st_lookup(replaceTable,(char *)regNode,&sinkTable) &&
00241               st_lookup(sinkTable,(char *)fanin,&newFanin)) {
00242             orgId = Ntk_NodeReadMddId(newFanin);
00243             auxId = SpfdNodeReadAuxId(applData,newFanin);
00244             secOrgVars[0] = bdd_bdd_ith_var(ddManager,orgId);
00245             secAuxVars[0] = bdd_bdd_ith_var(ddManager,auxId);
00246           } else {
00247             orgId = Ntk_NodeReadMddId(fanin);
00248             auxId = SpfdNodeReadAuxId(applData,fanin);
00249             orgVars[index] = bdd_bdd_ith_var(ddManager,orgId);
00250             auxVars[index] = bdd_bdd_ith_var(ddManager,auxId);
00251             index++;
00252           }
00253         }
00254         bdd_ref(localAlt = bdd_bdd_swap_variables(ddManager,ddTemp,auxVars,
00255                                                   orgVars,index));
00256         bdd_recursive_deref(ddManager,ddTemp);
00257         bdd_ref(ddTemp = bdd_bdd_swap_variables(ddManager,localAlt,
00258                                                 secAuxVars,secOrgVars,1));
00259         bdd_recursive_deref(ddManager,localAlt);
00260         localAlt = ddTemp;
00261         FREE(secOrgVars);
00262         FREE(secAuxVars);
00263       } else {
00264         bdd_ref(localAlt = bdd_bdd_swap_variables(ddManager,ddTemp,auxVars,
00265                                                   orgVars,numFanin));
00266         bdd_recursive_deref(ddManager,ddTemp);
00267       }
00268       FREE(orgVars);
00269       FREE(auxVars);
00271       SpfdNodeSetLocalAlt(applData,regNode,localAlt);
00272     } else {
00273       array_free(faninBdds);
00274       array_free(faninNodes);
00275     }
00277     /* Compute the global function (only if it is needed, i.e, it is
00278        present in the nodeCountTable) implemented by the alternate
00279        function, localAlt, chosen from the SPFD. */
00280     localAlt = SpfdNodeReadLocalAlt(applData,regNode);
00281     if (st_lookup(nodeCountTable,(char *)regNode,&count) &&
00282         !Ntk_NodeTestIsPrimaryInput(regNode) &&
00283         !Ntk_NodeTestIsPrimaryOutput(regNode)) {
00284       int size,id;
00285       bdd_node **composeBdds;
00287       size = bdd_num_vars(ddManager);;
00288       composeBdds = ALLOC(bdd_node *,size);
00289       for (k = 0; k < size; k++) {
00290         composeBdds[k] = bdd_bdd_ith_var(ddManager,k);
00291       }
00293       /* Here I don't have to worry about checking if a wire is redundant. The
00294          localAlt of the node already is independent of source node of that
00295          wire and so composing with the source node does not matter. But I do
00296          need to check for wire replacement. */
00297       Ntk_NodeForEachFanin(regNode,k,fanin) {
00298         if (st_lookup(replaceTable,(char *)regNode,&sinkTable) &&
00299             st_lookup(sinkTable,(char *)fanin,&newFanin)) {
00300           id = Ntk_NodeReadMddId(newFanin);
00301           globalAlt = SpfdNodeReadGlobalAlternative(applData,newFanin);
00302           composeBdds[id] = globalAlt;
00303         } else {
00304           id = Ntk_NodeReadMddId(fanin);
00305           globalAlt = SpfdNodeReadGlobalAlternative(applData,fanin);
00306           if (globalAlt) {
00307             composeBdds[id] = globalAlt;
00308           } else {
00309             st_lookup(currBddReq,(char *)fanin,(char **)&composeBdds[id]);
00310           }       
00311         }
00312       }
00313       localAlt = SpfdNodeReadLocalAlt(applData,regNode);
00314       bdd_ref(globalAlt = bdd_bdd_vector_compose(ddManager,localAlt,
00315                                                  composeBdds));
00316       SpfdNodeSetGlobalAlternative(applData,regNode,globalAlt);
00317       FREE(composeBdds);
00318     }
00320     /* Delete the global BDDs of fanin nodes if unnecessary */
00321     Ntk_NodeForEachFanin(regNode,k,fanin) {
00322       int *count;
00323       if (st_lookup(nodeCountTable,(char *)fanin,&count)) {
00324         (*count)--;
00325         if (*count == 0) {
00326           st_delete(currBddReq,&fanin,&bdd1);
00327           bdd_recursive_deref(ddManager,bdd1);
00328           SpfdNodeDeleteGlobalAlternative(applData,fanin);
00329           st_delete(nodeCountTable,&fanin,&count);
00330           FREE(count);
00331         }
00332       }
00333     }
00335     /* Finally, delete the redundant wires */
00336     nodeArray = array_dup(Ntk_NodeReadFanins(regNode));
00337     arrayForEachItem(Ntk_Node_t *,nodeArray,j,fanin) {
00338       /* If a particular wire is redundant, make the sink node independent of
00339          the source node. */
00340       if (st_lookup(wireTable,(char *)fanin,&sinkTable) &&
00341           st_lookup(sinkTable,(char *)regNode,&dummy)) {
00342         /* remove the wire from the wireTable */
00343         st_delete(sinkTable,&regNode,&dummy);
00344         if (st_count(sinkTable) == 0) {
00345           st_delete(wireTable,&fanin,&sinkTable);
00346           st_free_table(sinkTable);
00347         }
00348         SpfdNetworkRemoveWire(network,fanin,regNode);
00349       } else if (st_lookup(replaceTable,(char *)regNode,&sinkTable) &&
00350                  st_lookup(sinkTable,(char *)fanin,&newFanin)) {
00351         /* In this case I do not clean replaceTable as was done for
00352            wireTable. The table is needed later. */
00353         /* Add the new wire first and then remove the old wire. This
00354            way the source node of the new wire will not be deleted if
00355            it initially had a fanout of 1 and was in the TFI of the
00356            old wire. newsource --> fanin --> regNode. If 'fanin' has
00357            only one fanout then its entire TFI will be deleted, hence,
00358            possibly deleteing newsource from the network. */
00359         SpfdNetworkAddWire(network,newFanin,regNode);
00360         SpfdNetworkRemoveWire(network,fanin,regNode);
00361       }
00362     }
00363     array_free(nodeArray);
00365     /* Reprogram the node's table data structure. */
00366     localAlt = SpfdNodeReadLocalAlt(applData,regNode);
00367     SpfdReprogramNode(network,applData,regNode);
00368     SpfdNodeDeleteLocalAlt(applData,regNode);
00369   }
00371   /* nodeCountTable need not be empty at this time as some wire may be 
00372      removed and the count is not reduced appropriately in nodeCountTable. 
00373      So, delete them explicitly. Defensive programming. */
00374   st_foreach_item(nodeCountTable,stGen,&regNode,&count) {
00375     st_delete(currBddReq,&regNode,&bdd1);
00376     bdd_recursive_deref(ddManager,bdd1);
00377     SpfdNodeDeleteGlobalAlternative(applData,regNode);
00378     FREE(count);
00379   }
00380   st_free_table(nodeCountTable);
00382   /* Just reusing variable bound */
00383   bound = st_count(currBddReq);
00384   assert(bound == 0);
00385   st_free_table(applData->currBddReq);
00386   applData->currBddReq = NIL(st_table);
00388   return;
00389 } /* End of SpfdReprogramRegionNodes */
00400 void
00401 SpfdReprogramNode(
00402   Ntk_Network_t *network,
00403   SpfdApplData_t *applData,
00404   Ntk_Node_t *regNode)
00405 {
00406   bdd_node *localAlt;
00407   bdd_node *bdd1,*bdd0;
00408   bdd_manager *ddManager = applData->ddManager;
00409   graph_t *partition = (graph_t *) Ntk_NetworkReadApplInfo(
00410     network,PART_NETWORK_APPL_KEY);
00411   Tbl_Table_t *table;
00412   vertex_t *vertexPtr;
00413   Mvf_Function_t *mvf;
00414   mdd_t *tempMdd;
00416   /* Extract old local function from the partition */
00417   vertexPtr = Part_PartitionFindVertexByMddId(partition,
00418                                               Ntk_NodeReadMddId(regNode));
00419   mvf = Part_VertexReadFunction(vertexPtr);
00420   /* First delete the old mvf */
00421   Mvf_FunctionFree(mvf);
00423   /* Steps to reprogram the node.  1. Delete the old table associated with
00424    * this node. The table can be deleted because in BLIF format tables have
00425    * only a single output unlike BLIF-MV.  2. Create a new table and set it
00426    * in the node.  3. Update the new local function in the partition */
00427   table = Ntk_NodeReadTable(regNode);
00428   Tbl_TableFree(table);
00430   bdd_ref(localAlt = SpfdNodeReadLocalAlt(applData,regNode));
00432   /* If pattern simulation is performed, update node's static
00433      probability and transition probability */
00434   if (spfdPerfSim) {
00435     float prob;
00436     prob = Truesim_BddNodeComputeProbability(network,localAlt);
00437     Truesim_NetworkSetNodeStaticProb(network,regNode,prob);
00438     Truesim_NetworkSetNodeSwitchingProb(network,regNode,2*prob*(1-prob));
00439   }
00441   /* Create the new table */
00442   tempMdd = bdd_construct_bdd_t(ddManager,localAlt);
00443   table = BuildNewTable(network,regNode,tempMdd);
00444   Ntk_NodeSetTable(regNode,table);
00445   mdd_free(tempMdd);
00447   /* Compute the node's new MVF and set it in the partition. */
00448   mvf = array_alloc(bdd_t *,2);
00449   bdd_ref(bdd1 = SpfdNodeReadLocalAlt(applData,regNode));
00450   bdd_ref(bdd0 = bdd_not_bdd_node(bdd1));
00451   array_insert(bdd_t *,mvf,0,bdd_construct_bdd_t(ddManager,bdd0));
00452   array_insert(bdd_t *,mvf,1,bdd_construct_bdd_t(ddManager,bdd1));
00453   Part_VertexSetFunction(vertexPtr,mvf);
00455   return;
00456 } /* End of SpfdReprogramNode */
00466 void
00467 SpfdNetworkRemoveWire(
00468   Ntk_Network_t *network,
00469   Ntk_Node_t *from,
00470   Ntk_Node_t *to)
00471 {
00472   SpfdApplData_t *applData;
00473   st_table *wiresRemoved;
00474   st_table *sinkTable;
00475   array_t *oldFanouts,*oldFanins;
00476   array_t *newFanouts,*newFanins;
00477   int i;
00478   Ntk_Node_t *ntkNode;
00480   applData = (SpfdApplData_t *) Ntk_NetworkReadApplInfo(network,
00481                                                         SPFD_NETWORK_APPL_KEY);
00482   wiresRemoved = applData->wiresRemoved;
00484   assert(network == Ntk_NodeReadNetwork(from));
00485   assert(network == Ntk_NodeReadNetwork(to));
00487   oldFanouts = Ntk_NodeReadFanouts(from);
00488   oldFanins = Ntk_NodeReadFanins(to);
00490   newFanouts = array_alloc(Ntk_Node_t *,0);
00491   newFanins = array_alloc(Ntk_Node_t *,0);
00493   /* Remove 'from' from the fanins of 'to' */
00494   if (spfdVerbose > 1)
00495     (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,"** spfd info: Wire ");
00496   arrayForEachItem(Ntk_Node_t *,oldFanins,i,ntkNode) {
00497     if (ntkNode != from) {
00498       array_insert_last(Ntk_Node_t *,newFanins,ntkNode);
00499     } else {
00500       if (spfdVerbose > 1)
00501         (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,"%s --> ",Ntk_NodeReadName(from));
00502     }
00503   }
00504   /* Remove 'to' from the fanouts of 'from' */
00505   arrayForEachItem(Ntk_Node_t *,oldFanouts,i,ntkNode) {
00506     if (ntkNode != to) {
00507       array_insert_last(Ntk_Node_t *,newFanouts,ntkNode);
00508     } else {
00509       if (spfdVerbose > 1)
00510         (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,"%s removed.\n",Ntk_NodeReadName(to));
00511     }
00512   }
00514   /* Insert this wire in the wiresRemoved table */
00515   if (st_lookup(wiresRemoved,(char *)from,&sinkTable)) {
00516     st_insert(sinkTable,(char *)to,(char *)to);
00517   } else {
00518     sinkTable = st_init_table(st_ptrcmp,st_ptrhash);
00519     st_insert(sinkTable,(char *)to,(char *)to);
00520     st_insert(wiresRemoved,(char *)from,(char *)sinkTable);
00521   }
00523   /* Set the new arrays */
00524   Ntk_NodeSetFanins(to,newFanins);
00525   Ntk_NodeSetFanouts(from,newFanouts);
00527   /* The fanin cone is redundant if 'from' had only a single fanout and it is
00528      not a primary output. */
00529   if (array_n(newFanouts) == 0 &&
00530       !Ntk_NodeTestIsPrimaryOutput(from)) {
00531     array_t *faninArray;
00532     boolean check;
00533     faninArray = array_dup(Ntk_NodeReadFanins(from));
00534     arrayForEachItem(Ntk_Node_t *,faninArray,i,ntkNode) {
00535       SpfdNetworkRemoveWire(network,ntkNode,from);
00536       /* Register the wire removed */
00537       if (st_lookup(wiresRemoved,(char *)ntkNode,&sinkTable)) {
00538         st_insert(sinkTable,(char *)from,(char *)from);
00539       } else {
00540         sinkTable = st_init_table(st_ptrcmp,st_ptrhash);
00541         st_insert(sinkTable,(char *)from,(char *)from);
00542         st_insert(wiresRemoved,(char *)ntkNode,(char *)sinkTable);
00543       }
00544     }
00545     array_free(faninArray);
00546     check = Ntk_NodeRemoveFromNetwork(network,from,0,1,0);
00547     assert(check);
00548     if (spfdVerbose > 1)
00549       (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,"** spfd info: Node %s removed.\n",
00550                      Ntk_NodeReadName(from));    
00551     st_insert(applData->nodesRemoved,(char *)from,(char *)0);
00552   }
00554   spfdNtkChanged = TRUE;
00556   return;
00558 } /* End of SpfdNetworkRemoveWire */
00568 void
00569 SpfdNetworkAddWire(
00570   Ntk_Network_t *network,
00571   Ntk_Node_t *from,
00572   Ntk_Node_t *to)
00573 {
00574   array_t *oldFanouts,*oldFanins;
00576   assert(network == Ntk_NodeReadNetwork(from));
00577   assert(network == Ntk_NodeReadNetwork(to));
00579   oldFanouts = Ntk_NodeReadFanouts(from);
00580   oldFanins = Ntk_NodeReadFanins(to);
00582   array_insert_last(Ntk_Node_t *,oldFanouts,to);
00583   array_insert_last(Ntk_Node_t *,oldFanins,from);
00585   if (spfdVerbose > 1)
00586     (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,"** spfd info: Wire %s --> %s added\n",
00587                    Ntk_NodeReadName(from),Ntk_NodeReadName(to));
00588   spfdWiresAdded++;
00590   spfdNtkChanged = TRUE;
00592   return;
00594 } /* End of SpfdNetworkAddWire */
00597 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00598 /* Definition of static functions                                            */
00599 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00609 static Tbl_Table_t *
00610 BuildNewTable(
00611   Ntk_Network_t *network,
00612   Ntk_Node_t *ntkNode,
00613   mdd_t *mddFunc)
00614 {
00615   bdd_manager *ddManager = Ntk_NetworkReadMddManager(network);
00616   SpfdApplData_t *applData;
00617   st_table *wiresRemoved;
00618   Tbl_Table_t *table;
00619   Tbl_Entry_t *entry;
00620   int i,id,index;
00621   Ntk_Node_t *loopNode;
00622   Var_Variable_t *var;
00623   array_t *faninIdArray,*cube,*nodeArray;
00624   st_table *faninTable;
00625   bdd_gen *ddGen;
00627   applData = (SpfdApplData_t *) Ntk_NetworkReadApplInfo(network,
00628                                                         SPFD_NETWORK_APPL_KEY);
00629   wiresRemoved = applData->wiresRemoved;
00631   /* Allocaet a Table data structure */
00632   table = Tbl_TableAlloc();
00634   /* Find the true support. */
00635   faninIdArray = mdd_get_support(ddManager,mddFunc);
00636   faninTable = st_init_table(st_numcmp,st_numhash);
00637   arrayForEachItem(int,faninIdArray,i,id) {
00638     st_insert(faninTable,(char *)(long)id,(char *)(long)id);
00639   }
00640   array_free(faninIdArray);
00642   /* Delete wires that are not in the support of ntkNode. Collect
00643      valid fanin ids in the same order as already present in the
00644      node's original Table data structure. */
00645   faninIdArray = array_alloc(int,0);
00646   nodeArray = array_dup(Ntk_NodeReadFanins(ntkNode));
00647   index = 0;
00648   arrayForEachItem(Ntk_Node_t *,nodeArray,i,loopNode) {
00649     id = Ntk_NodeReadMddId(loopNode);
00650     if (!st_lookup(faninTable,(char *)(long)id,&id)) {
00651       st_table *sinkTable;
00653       if (spfdVerbose > 2)
00654         (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,
00655                        "** spfd info: removing wire in BuildNewTable.\n");
00656       SpfdNetworkRemoveWire(network,loopNode,ntkNode);
00657       /* Insert the wire removed for the purpose of statistics */
00658       if (st_lookup(wiresRemoved,(char *)loopNode,&sinkTable)) {
00659         st_insert(sinkTable,(char *)ntkNode,(char *)ntkNode);
00660       } else {
00661         sinkTable = st_init_table(st_ptrcmp,st_ptrhash);
00662         st_insert(sinkTable,(char *)ntkNode,(char *)ntkNode);
00663         st_insert(wiresRemoved,(char *)loopNode,(char *)sinkTable);
00664       }
00665     } else {
00666       var = Ntk_NodeReadVariable(loopNode); 
00667       array_insert_last(int,faninIdArray,id);
00668       Tbl_TableSetVar(table,index,var,0);
00669       index++;
00670     }
00671   }
00672   array_free(nodeArray);
00673   st_free_table(faninTable);
00675   /* Set the output variable */
00676   var = Ntk_NodeReadVariable(ntkNode);
00677   Tbl_TableSetVar(table,0,var,1/*output flag*/);
00679   /* Set the defaults field to 0 */
00680   entry = Tbl_EntryAlloc(Tbl_EntryNormal_c);
00681   Tbl_EntrySetValue(entry,0,0);
00682   Tbl_TableDefaultSetEntry(table,entry,0/*output index */);
00684   /* Add rows for each cube in the function */
00685   /* cube is an array of int ids. The length of cube is the size of
00686      the manager */
00687   ddGen = bdd_first_cube(mddFunc,&cube);
00688   /* If the function is zero, just add the zero cube */
00689   if (bdd_gen_read_status(ddGen) == bdd_EMPTY) {
00690     array_t *zeroCube;
00691     int size;
00693     size = bdd_num_vars(ddManager);
00694     zeroCube = array_alloc(int,0);
00695     for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
00696       array_insert_last(int,zeroCube,2);
00697     }
00698     TableAddCube(table,faninIdArray,zeroCube,0);
00699     array_free(zeroCube);
00700   } else {
00701     do {
00702       TableAddCube(table,faninIdArray,cube,1);
00703     } while (bdd_next_cube(ddGen,&cube));
00704   }  
00705   bdd_gen_free(ddGen);
00707   array_free(faninIdArray);
00709   return table;
00710 } /* End of BuildNewTable */
00721 static void
00722 TableAddCube(
00723   Tbl_Table_t *table,
00724   array_t *faninIdArray,
00725   array_t *cube,
00726   int value)
00727 {
00728   int rowIndex,colIndex,numFanins;
00729   int mddId,phase;
00730   Tbl_Entry_t *entry;
00732   numFanins = Tbl_TableReadNumInputs(table);
00734   /* Fill in the entries for the just added row */
00735   rowIndex = Tbl_TableAddRow(table);
00736   for (colIndex = 0; colIndex < numFanins; colIndex++) {
00737     entry = Tbl_EntryAlloc(Tbl_EntryNormal_c);
00738     mddId = array_fetch(int,faninIdArray,colIndex);
00739     phase = array_fetch(int,cube,mddId);
00740     if (phase == 2) {
00741       Tbl_EntrySetValue(entry,0,1);
00742     } else {
00743       Tbl_EntrySetValue(entry,phase,phase);
00744     }
00745     Tbl_TableSetEntry(table,entry,rowIndex,colIndex,0/*input flag*/);
00746   }
00747   /* Add an entry in the output column */
00748   entry = Tbl_EntryAlloc(Tbl_EntryNormal_c);
00749   Tbl_EntrySetValue(entry,value,value);
00750   Tbl_TableSetEntry(table,entry,rowIndex,0,1/*output flag*/);
00752 } /* End of TableAddCube */