src/abs/absCatalog.c File Reference

#include "absInt.h"
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Data Structures

struct  AbsVertexCatalog


#define AbsVertexCatalogReadFixedPoints(cPtr)   (cPtr->fixedPoints)
#define AbsVertexCatalogReadBooleanOps(cPtr)   (cPtr->booleanOps)
#define AbsVertexCatalogReadNegations(cPtr)   (cPtr->negations)
#define AbsVertexCatalogReadPreImages(cPtr)   (cPtr->preImages)
#define AbsVertexCatalogReadIdentifiers(cPtr)   (cPtr->identifiers)
#define AbsVertexCatalogReadVariables(cPtr)   (cPtr->variables)
#define AbsVertexCatalogSetFixedPoints(cPtr,data)   (cPtr->fixedPoints) = (data)
#define AbsVertexCatalogSetBooleanOps(cPtr,data)   (cPtr->booleanOps) = (data)
#define AbsVertexCatalogSetNegations(cPtr,data)   (cPtr->negations) = (data)
#define AbsVertexCatalogSetPreImages(cPtr,data)   (cPtr->preImages) = (data)
#define AbsVertexCatalogSetIdentifiers(cPtr,data)   (cPtr->identifiers) = (data)
#define AbsVertexCatalogSetVariables(cPtr,data)   (cPtr->variables) = (data)


static AbsVertexInfo_t * LookUpBooleanOp (lsList vertexList, AbsVertex_t type, boolean polarity, AbsVertexInfo_t *leftKid, AbsVertexInfo_t *rightKid)
static AbsVertexInfo_t * LookUpFixedPoint (lsList vertexList, boolean polarity, AbsVertexInfo_t *leftKid, int localId)
static AbsVertexInfo_t * LookUpIdentifier (lsList vertexList, boolean polarity, char *name, char *value)
static AbsVertexInfo_t * LookUpPreImage (lsList vertexList, boolean polarity, AbsVertexInfo_t *leftKid)
static AbsVertexInfo_t * LookUpVariable (lsList vertexList, boolean polarity, int localId)
AbsVertexCatalog_t * AbsVertexCatalogInitialize (void)
void AbsVertexCatalogFree (AbsVertexCatalog_t *c)
AbsVertexInfo_t * AbsVertexCatalogFindOrAdd (AbsVertexCatalog_t *catalog, AbsVertex_t type, boolean polarity, AbsVertexInfo_t *leftKid, AbsVertexInfo_t *rightKid, int localId, char *idName, char *idValue)
void AbsCatalogDelete (AbsVertexCatalog_t *catalog, AbsVertexInfo_t *vertex)


static char rcsid[] UNUSED = "$Id: absCatalog.c,v 1.8 2005/04/16 04:22:21 fabio Exp $"

Define Documentation

#define AbsVertexCatalogReadBooleanOps (   cPtr)    (cPtr->booleanOps)


Synopsis [Macro to read the booleanOps field from a AbsVertexCatalog_t structure]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalog]

Definition at line 75 of file absCatalog.c.

#define AbsVertexCatalogReadFixedPoints (   cPtr)    (cPtr->fixedPoints)


Synopsis [Macro to read the fixedPoints field from a AbsVertexCatalog_t structure]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalog]

Definition at line 60 of file absCatalog.c.

#define AbsVertexCatalogReadIdentifiers (   cPtr)    (cPtr->identifiers)


Synopsis [Macro to read the identifiers field from a AbsVertexCatalog_t structure]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalog]

Definition at line 120 of file absCatalog.c.

#define AbsVertexCatalogReadNegations (   cPtr)    (cPtr->negations)


Synopsis [Macro to read the negations field from a AbsVertexCatalog_t structure]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalog]

Definition at line 90 of file absCatalog.c.

#define AbsVertexCatalogReadPreImages (   cPtr)    (cPtr->preImages)


Synopsis [Macro to read the preImages field from a AbsVertexCatalog_t structure]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalog]

Definition at line 105 of file absCatalog.c.

#define AbsVertexCatalogReadVariables (   cPtr)    (cPtr->variables)


Synopsis [Macro to read the variables field from a AbsVertexCatalog_t structure]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalog]

Definition at line 135 of file absCatalog.c.

#define AbsVertexCatalogSetBooleanOps (   cPtr,
)    (cPtr->booleanOps) = (data)


Synopsis [Macro to set the booleanOps field from a AbsVertexCatalog_t structure]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalog]

Definition at line 166 of file absCatalog.c.

#define AbsVertexCatalogSetFixedPoints (   cPtr,
)    (cPtr->fixedPoints) = (data)


Synopsis [Macro to set the fixedPoints field from a AbsVertexCatalog_t structure]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalog]

Definition at line 150 of file absCatalog.c.

#define AbsVertexCatalogSetIdentifiers (   cPtr,
)    (cPtr->identifiers) = (data)


Synopsis [Macro to set the identifiers field from a AbsVertexCatalog_t structure]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalog]

Definition at line 214 of file absCatalog.c.

#define AbsVertexCatalogSetNegations (   cPtr,
)    (cPtr->negations) = (data)


Synopsis [Macro to set the negations field from a AbsVertexCatalog_t structure]

SideEffects [AbsVertexCatalog]

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 182 of file absCatalog.c.

#define AbsVertexCatalogSetPreImages (   cPtr,
)    (cPtr->preImages) = (data)


Synopsis [Macro to set the preImages field from a AbsVertexCatalog_t structure]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalog]

Definition at line 198 of file absCatalog.c.

#define AbsVertexCatalogSetVariables (   cPtr,
)    (cPtr->variables) = (data)


Synopsis [Macro to set the variables field from a AbsVertexCatalog_t structure]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalog]

Definition at line 230 of file absCatalog.c.

Function Documentation

void AbsCatalogDelete ( AbsVertexCatalog_t *  catalog,
AbsVertexInfo_t *  vertex 


Synopsis [Delete a vertex from the catalog]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexFree]

Definition at line 379 of file absCatalog.c.

  AbsVertex_t type;
  AbsVertexInfo_t *result;
  lsList vertexList;
  lsGen listGen;
  lsHandle item;
  lsGeneric userData;

  vertexList = 0;
  type = AbsVertexReadType(vertex);

  /* Select the proper list from the catalog */
  if (type == fixedPoint_c) {
    vertexList = AbsVertexCatalogReadFixedPoints(catalog);

  if (type == and_c || type == xor_c || type == xnor_c) {
    vertexList = AbsVertexCatalogReadBooleanOps(catalog);

  if (type == not_c) {
    vertexList = AbsVertexCatalogReadNegations(catalog);

  if (type == preImage_c) {
    vertexList = AbsVertexCatalogReadPreImages(catalog);

  if (type == identifier_c) {
    vertexList = AbsVertexCatalogReadIdentifiers(catalog);

  if (type == variable_c) {
    vertexList = AbsVertexCatalogReadVariables(catalog);
  listGen = lsStart(vertexList);
  while(lsNext(listGen, &result, &item) == LS_OK) {
    if (result == vertex) {
      lsRemoveItem(item, &userData);
      assert(vertex == (AbsVertexInfo_t *)userData);

  (void) fprintf(vis_stderr, "** abs error: Removing non-existent vertex from");
  (void) fprintf(vis_stderr, " catalog\n");

} /* End of AbsCatalogDelete */

Here is the caller graph for this function:

AbsVertexInfo_t* AbsVertexCatalogFindOrAdd ( AbsVertexCatalog_t *  catalog,
AbsVertex_t  type,
boolean  polarity,
AbsVertexInfo_t *  leftKid,
AbsVertexInfo_t *  rightKid,
int  localId,
char *  idName,
char *  idValue 


Synopsis [Find or create the vertex with the given sub-formula in the vertex catalog]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalog]

Definition at line 321 of file absCatalog.c.

  if (type == fixedPoint_c) {
    return LookUpFixedPoint(AbsVertexCatalogReadFixedPoints(catalog),
                            polarity, leftKid, localId);

  if (type == and_c || type == xor_c || type == xnor_c) {
    return LookUpBooleanOp(AbsVertexCatalogReadBooleanOps(catalog),
                           type, polarity, leftKid, rightKid);

  if (type == not_c) {
    return LookUpPreImage(AbsVertexCatalogReadNegations(catalog),
                          polarity, leftKid);

  if (type == preImage_c) {
    return LookUpPreImage(AbsVertexCatalogReadPreImages(catalog),
                          polarity, leftKid);

  if (type == identifier_c) {
    return LookUpIdentifier(AbsVertexCatalogReadIdentifiers(catalog),
                            polarity, idName, idValue);

  if (type == variable_c) {
    return LookUpVariable(AbsVertexCatalogReadVariables(catalog),
                          polarity, localId);

  (void) fprintf(vis_stderr, "** abs error: Unknown vertex type in function ");
  (void) fprintf(vis_stderr, "AbsVertexCatalogFindOrAdd.\n");

  return NIL(AbsVertexInfo_t);

} /* End of AbsVertexCatalogFindOrAdd */

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void AbsVertexCatalogFree ( AbsVertexCatalog_t *  c)


Synopsis [Deallocate the structure storing the catalog vertices]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalog]

Definition at line 295 of file absCatalog.c.

  lsDestroy(AbsVertexCatalogReadFixedPoints(c), (void (*)(lsGeneric))0);
  lsDestroy(AbsVertexCatalogReadBooleanOps(c), (void (*)(lsGeneric))0);
  lsDestroy(AbsVertexCatalogReadNegations(c), (void (*)(lsGeneric))0);
  lsDestroy(AbsVertexCatalogReadPreImages(c), (void (*)(lsGeneric))0);
  lsDestroy(AbsVertexCatalogReadIdentifiers(c), (void (*)(lsGeneric))0);
  lsDestroy(AbsVertexCatalogReadVariables(c), (void (*)(lsGeneric))0);


} /* End of AbsVertexCatalogFree */

Here is the caller graph for this function:

AbsVertexCatalog_t* AbsVertexCatalogInitialize ( void  )

AutomaticEnd Function********************************************************************

Synopsis [Allocate the structure to store the catalog of vertices]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalog]

Definition at line 269 of file absCatalog.c.

  AbsVertexCatalog_t *result;

  result = ALLOC(AbsVertexCatalog_t, 1);

  AbsVertexCatalogSetFixedPoints(result, lsCreate());
  AbsVertexCatalogSetBooleanOps(result, lsCreate());
  AbsVertexCatalogSetNegations(result, lsCreate());
  AbsVertexCatalogSetPreImages(result, lsCreate());
  AbsVertexCatalogSetIdentifiers(result, lsCreate());
  AbsVertexCatalogSetVariables(result, lsCreate());

  return result;
} /* End of AbsVertexCatalogInitialize */

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static AbsVertexInfo_t * LookUpBooleanOp ( lsList  vertexList,
AbsVertex_t  type,
boolean  polarity,
AbsVertexInfo_t *  leftKid,
AbsVertexInfo_t *  rightKid 
) [static]



Synopsis [Find or add a vertex to the list of boolean ops]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalogFindOrAdd]

Definition at line 448 of file absCatalog.c.

  lsGen listGen;
  AbsVertexInfo_t *result;

  /* Start the generator and traverse the list */
  listGen = lsStart(vertexList);
  while(lsNext(listGen, &result, NIL(lsHandle)) == LS_OK) {
    if (AbsVertexReadType(result) == type &&
        AbsVertexReadLeftKid(result) == leftKid &&
        AbsVertexReadRightKid(result) == rightKid &&
        AbsVertexReadPolarity(result) == polarity) {
      return result;

  /* Item has not been found */
  result = AbsVertexInitialize();
  lsNewBegin(vertexList, (lsGeneric)result, NIL(lsHandle));

  return result;
} /* End of LookUpBooleanOp */

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static AbsVertexInfo_t * LookUpFixedPoint ( lsList  vertexList,
boolean  polarity,
AbsVertexInfo_t *  leftKid,
int  localId 
) [static]


Synopsis [Find or add a vertex to the list of fixedpoints]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalogFindOrAdd]

Definition at line 489 of file absCatalog.c.

  lsGen listGen;
  AbsVertexInfo_t *result;

  /* Start the generator and traverse the list */
  listGen = lsStart(vertexList);
  while(lsNext(listGen, &result, NIL(lsHandle)) == LS_OK) {
    if (AbsVertexReadLeftKid(result) == leftKid &&
        AbsVertexReadPolarity(result) == polarity &&
        AbsVertexReadVarId(AbsVertexReadFpVar(result)) == localId) {
      return result;

  /* Item has not been found */
  result = AbsVertexInitialize();
  lsNewBegin(vertexList, (lsGeneric)result, NIL(lsHandle));

  return result;
} /* End of LookUpFixedPoint */

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static AbsVertexInfo_t * LookUpIdentifier ( lsList  vertexList,
boolean  polarity,
char *  name,
char *  value 
) [static]


Synopsis [Find or add a vertex to the list of identifiers]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalogFindOrAdd]

Definition at line 528 of file absCatalog.c.

  lsGen listGen;
  AbsVertexInfo_t *result;

  /* Start the generator and traverse the list */
  listGen = lsStart(vertexList);
  while(lsNext(listGen, &result, NIL(lsHandle)) == LS_OK) {
    if (AbsVertexReadPolarity(result) == polarity &&
        strcmp(AbsVertexReadName(result), name) == 0 && 
        strcmp(AbsVertexReadValue(result), value) == 0) {
      return result;

  /* Item has not been found */
  result = AbsVertexInitialize();
  lsNewBegin(vertexList, (lsGeneric)result, NIL(lsHandle));

  return result;
} /* End of LookUpIdentifier */

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static AbsVertexInfo_t * LookUpPreImage ( lsList  vertexList,
boolean  polarity,
AbsVertexInfo_t *  leftKid 
) [static]


Synopsis [Find or add a vertex to the list of preimages]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalogFindOrAdd]

Definition at line 567 of file absCatalog.c.

  lsGen listGen;
  AbsVertexInfo_t *result;

  /* Start the generator and traverse the list */
  listGen = lsStart(vertexList);
  while(lsNext(listGen, &result, NIL(lsHandle)) == LS_OK) {
    if (AbsVertexReadLeftKid(result) == leftKid &&
        AbsVertexReadPolarity(result) == polarity) {
      return result;

  /* Item has not been found */
  result = AbsVertexInitialize();
  lsNewBegin(vertexList, (lsGeneric)result, NIL(lsHandle));

  return result;
} /* End of LookUpPreImage */

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static AbsVertexInfo_t * LookUpVariable ( lsList  vertexList,
boolean  polarity,
int  localId 
) [static]


Synopsis [Find or add a vertex to the list of variables]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso [AbsVertexCatalogFindOrAdd]

Definition at line 604 of file absCatalog.c.

  lsGen listGen;
  AbsVertexInfo_t *result;

  /* Start the generator and traverse the list */
  listGen = lsStart(vertexList);
  while(lsNext(listGen, &result, NIL(lsHandle)) == LS_OK) {
    if (AbsVertexReadPolarity(result) == polarity &&
        AbsVertexReadVarId(result) == localId) {
      return result;

  /* Item has not been found */
  result = AbsVertexInitialize();
  lsNewBegin(vertexList, (lsGeneric)result, NIL(lsHandle));

  return result;
} /* End of LookUpVariable */

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

char rcsid [] UNUSED = "$Id: absCatalog.c,v 1.8 2005/04/16 04:22:21 fabio Exp $" [static]


FileName [absCatalog.c]

PackageName [abs]

Synopsis [Functions to handle a catalog of sub-formulas to detect common sub-expressions]

Author [Abelardo Pardo <>]

Copyright [This file was created at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The University of Colorado at Boulder makes no warranty about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is presented on an AS IS basis.]

Definition at line 21 of file absCatalog.c.