
Go to the documentation of this file.
00017 #include "ltlInt.h"
00019 static char rcsid[] UNUSED = "$Id: ltlCompose.c,v 1.30 2005/04/28 08:51:19 bli Exp $";
00021 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00022 /* Constant declarations                                                     */
00023 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00025 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00026 /* Structure declarations                                                    */
00027 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00029 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00030 /* Type declarations                                                         */
00031 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00033 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00034 /* Variable declarations                                                     */
00035 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00037 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00038 /* Macro declarations                                                        */
00039 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00043 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00044 /* Static function prototypes                                                */
00045 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00047 static void AutomatonGetInputNames(Ltl_Automaton_t *A, array_t *InputNames, array_t *Name2LabelIdx);
00048 static int AutomatonCountSelector(Ltl_Automaton_t *A);
00049 static int AutomatonComputeInitState(Ltl_Automaton_t *A);
00050 /*static lsList AutomatonLabelGetCubes(Ltl_Automaton_t *A, LtlSet_t *compositeLabel, Ntk_Network_t *network);*/
00051 static lsList GetCubes_Aux(Ltl_Automaton_t *A, int index);
00052 static char * StringNormalize(char *inputString);
00053 static void AutomatonVtxLabelToBlifMv(FILE *fp, Ltl_Automaton_t *A, vertex_t *vtx);
00054 static void VtxLabelToBlifMv_Aux(FILE *fp, Ltl_Automaton_t *A, int node_idx, int index, st_table *CreatedSignals);
00058 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00059 /* Definition of exported functions                                          */
00060 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00073 void
00074 Ltl_AutomatonToDot(
00075   FILE *fp,
00076   Ltl_Automaton_t *aut,
00077   int level)
00078 {
00079   edge_t   *edge;
00080   vertex_t *vtx1, *vtx2;         
00081   Ltl_AutomatonNode_t *node, *node2;
00082   lsGen     lsgen, lsgen2;
00083   st_table  *FairSet;
00084   st_generator *stgen;
00085   Ctlsp_Formula_t *F;
00086   char *tmpString;
00087   int fairindex, first, i, n;
00089   /*-------------------------------------------------
00090    * digraph "G(F(p=1))" {
00091    * node [shape=ellipse];
00092    * size = "7.5,10"
00093    * center = true;
00094    * "title" [label="G(F(p=1))", shape=plaintext];
00095    *-------------------------------------------------
00096    */
00097   if (aut->name)
00098     tmpString = aut->name;
00099   else
00100     tmpString = "";
00102   fprintf(fp, "\ndigraph \"%s\" {\nnode [shape=ellipse];\nsize = \"7.5,10\"\ncenter = true;\n\"title\" [label=\"%s\",shape=plaintext];", tmpString, tmpString);
00104   /*-------------------------------------------------
00105    * "n1" [label="n1\n{p=1}\n(1)"];
00106    *-------------------------------------------------
00107    */
00108   foreach_vertex( aut->G, lsgen, vtx1) {
00109     node = (Ltl_AutomatonNode_t *)vtx1->user_data;
00110     fprintf(fp,"\n\"n%d\" [label=\"n%d\\n{", node->index, node->index);
00111     if (node->Labels) {
00112       first = 1; n = array_n(aut->labelTable);
00113       for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
00114         if (LtlSetGetElt(node->Labels, i)) {
00115           if (!first)     fprintf(fp, ",");
00116           else            first = 0;
00117           F = array_fetch(Ctlsp_Formula_t *, aut->labelTable, i);
00118           Ctlsp_FormulaPrint(fp, F);
00119         }
00120       }
00121     }
00122     fprintf(fp, "}\\n(");
00123     fairindex = 1;
00124     lsForEachItem(aut->Fair, lsgen2, FairSet) {
00125       if (st_is_member(FairSet, vtx1))
00126         fprintf(fp, " %d ", fairindex);
00127       fairindex++;
00128     }
00129     fprintf(fp, ")\"];");
00130   }
00132   /*-------------------------------------------------
00133    * "init-n2" [style=invis]
00134    * "init-n2" -> "n2";
00135    *-------------------------------------------------
00136    */
00137   st_foreach_item(aut->Init, stgen, &vtx1, NIL(char *)) {
00138     node = (Ltl_AutomatonNode_t *) vtx1->user_data;
00139     fprintf(fp, "\n\"init-n%d\" [style=invis]", node->index);
00140     fprintf(fp, "\n\"init-n%d\" -> \"n%d\";", node->index, node->index);
00141   }
00144   /*-------------------------------------------------
00145    * "n1" -> "n1";
00146    *-------------------------------------------------
00147    */
00148   foreach_edge(aut->G, lsgen, edge) {
00149     vtx1 = g_e_source(edge);
00150     vtx2 = g_e_dest(edge);
00151     node = (Ltl_AutomatonNode_t *) vtx1->user_data;
00152     node2 = (Ltl_AutomatonNode_t *) vtx2->user_data;
00153     fprintf(fp, "\n\"n%d\" -> \"n%d\";", node->index, node2->index);
00154   }
00155   fprintf(fp, "\n}\n");
00156 }
00174 int
00175 Ltl_AutomatonToBlifMv(
00176   FILE *fp,             
00177   Ntk_Network_t *network,
00178   Ltl_Automaton_t *A)     
00179 {
00180   Var_Variable_t *inputVar;
00181   array_t *InputNames = array_alloc(char *, 0);
00182   array_t *Name2LabelIdx = array_alloc(st_table *, 0);
00183   Ntk_Node_t *ntknode;
00184   char *inputName;
00185   st_generator *stgen;
00186   lsGen lsgen, lsgen2;
00187   int i, j, is_enum, range;
00188   int sel_num, sel_cnt;
00189   edge_t *edge;
00190   vertex_t *vtx, *vtx2;
00191   st_table *FairSet, *tmptbl;
00192   int InitIdx = AutomatonComputeInitState(A);
00193   char InitStr[10];
00194   int result = 1;
00195   array_t *labelArray;
00197   /* The initState of the automaton */
00198   if (InitIdx == -1) 
00199     sprintf(InitStr, "Init");
00200   else
00201     sprintf(InitStr, "n%d", InitIdx);
00203   if (network == NIL(Ntk_Network_t)) {
00204     result = 0;
00205     fprintf(vis_stderr, "Warning: the BlifMv output is incomplete. (The current node is empty. Read in design.)\n");
00206   }
00208   /* Retrieve all the input names on the labels; For each input, create a
00209    *  hash table and add all the label subformulae contains that input;
00210    *  Finally, calculate the size of the "selector" 
00211    */
00212   AutomatonGetInputNames(A, InputNames, Name2LabelIdx);
00213   sel_num = AutomatonCountSelector(A);
00214   fprintf(fp, "\n# Buechi automaton: %s\n\n", A->name);
00216   /*-------------------------------------------------------
00217    * .model Buechi$AUT
00218    * .root  Buechi$AUT
00219    *-------------------------------------------------------
00220    */
00221    fprintf(fp, ".model Buechi$AUT\n.root Buechi$AUT");
00223    /*-------------------------------------------------------
00224     * .inputs in1 in2 in3 ... inN 
00225     *-------------------------------------------------------
00226     */
00227    fprintf(fp, "\n.inputs ");
00228    for (i=0; i<array_n(InputNames); i++) {
00229      inputName = array_fetch(char *, InputNames, i);
00230      fprintf(fp, "%s ", inputName);
00231    }
00233    /*-------------------------------------------------------
00234     * .outputs fair1 fair2 fair3... fairN
00235     *-------------------------------------------------------
00236     */
00237    fprintf(fp, "\n.outputs ");
00238    if ( lsLength(A->Fair) != 0) {
00239      for (i=0; i<lsLength(A->Fair); i++) {
00240        fprintf(fp, "fair%d$AUT ", i+1);
00241      }
00242    }else
00243      fprintf(fp, "fair1$AUT");
00245    /*-------------------------------------------------------
00246     * .mv in1 3 RED GREEN YELLOW 
00247     *-------------------------------------------------------
00248     */
00249    if (network != NIL(Ntk_Network_t)) {
00250      for (i=0; i<array_n(InputNames); i++) {
00251        inputName = array_fetch(char *, InputNames, i);
00252        ntknode = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByName(network, inputName);
00253        assert(ntknode != NIL(Ntk_Node_t));
00254        inputVar = Ntk_NodeReadVariable(ntknode);
00255        is_enum = Var_VariableTestIsEnumerative(inputVar);
00256        range = Var_VariableReadNumValues(inputVar);
00257        if (is_enum) {
00258          if (range != 2) 
00259            fprintf(fp, "\ %s %d\n", inputName, range);
00260        }else {
00261          fprintf(fp, "\ %s %d ", inputName, range);
00262          for (j=0; j<range; j++) {
00263            fprintf(fp, "%s ",
00264                    Var_VariableReadSymbolicValueFromIndex(inputVar,j));
00265          }
00266        }
00267      }
00268    }
00270    /*-------------------------------------------------------  
00271     * .mv stateD$AUT N Init n1 n2 n3 ... nN 
00272     * .mv state$AUT  N Init n1 n2 n3 ... nN
00273     *-------------------------------------------------------
00274     */
00275    if (InitIdx == -1) 
00276      fprintf(fp, "\ stateD$AUT %d Init Trap ",
00277              lsLength(g_get_vertices(A->G)) + 2);
00278    else
00279      fprintf(fp, "\ stateD$AUT %d Trap ",
00280              lsLength(g_get_vertices(A->G)) + 1);
00281    foreach_vertex(A->G, lsgen, vtx) {
00282      fprintf(fp, "n%d ", Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(vtx));
00283    }
00284    if (InitIdx == -1)
00285      fprintf(fp, "\ state$AUT %d Init Trap ",
00286              lsLength(g_get_vertices(A->G)) + 2);
00287    else
00288      fprintf(fp, "\ state$AUT %d Trap ",
00289              lsLength(g_get_vertices(A->G)) + 1);
00290    foreach_vertex(A->G, lsgen, vtx) {  
00291      fprintf(fp, "n%d ", Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(vtx));
00292    }
00294    /*-------------------------------------------------------
00295     * .mv selector n
00296     * .table selector 
00297     * - 
00298     *-------------------------------------------------------
00299     */
00300    if (sel_num > 1) 
00301      fprintf(fp, "\ selector$AUT %d\n.table selector$AUT\n-", sel_num);
00303    /*-------------------------------------------------------
00304     * for each state label, create a signal n1_##_label$AUT (recursively)
00305     *-------------------------------------------------------
00306     */
00307    labelArray = array_alloc(vertex_t *, 0);
00308    foreach_vertex(A->G, lsgen, vtx) {
00309      AutomatonVtxLabelToBlifMv(fp, A, vtx);
00310      array_insert_last(vertex_t *, labelArray, vtx);
00311    }
00313    /*-------------------------------------------------------  
00314     * .latch stateD$AUT state$AUT
00315     * .reset state$AUT
00316     * Init (or ns) 
00317     *-------------------------------------------------------
00318     */
00319    fprintf(fp, "\n.latch stateD$AUT state$AUT\n.reset -> state$AUT\n%s",
00320            InitStr);
00323    /*------------------------------------------------------
00324     * .table selector$AUT state$AUT n1_label$AUT n2_label... -> stateD$AUT
00325     * .default Trap
00326     * 0 1 0 0 ... n1
00327     * 1 0 1       n2
00328     * ...
00329     *------------------------------------------------------
00330     */
00331    if (sel_num >1)
00332      fprintf(fp, "\n.table selector$AUT state$AUT ");
00333    else
00334      fprintf(fp, "\n.table state$AUT ");
00336    arrayForEachItem(vertex_t *, labelArray, i, vtx) {
00337      fprintf(fp, "n%d_label$AUT ", Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(vtx));
00338    }
00339    fprintf(fp, " -> stateD$AUT\n.default Trap");
00341    if (InitIdx == -1) {
00342      sel_cnt = 0;
00343      arrayForEachItem(vertex_t *, labelArray, i, vtx) {
00344        if (!st_is_member(A->Init, vtx))
00345          continue;
00346        if (sel_num > 1) {
00347          if (st_count(A->Init) == 1) 
00348            fprintf(fp, "\n- Init ");
00349          else
00350            fprintf(fp, "\n%d Init ", sel_cnt);
00351        }else
00352          fprintf(fp, "\nInit ");
00354        for(j=0; j<array_n(labelArray); j++)
00355          fprintf(fp, "%s ", ((i==j)?"1":"-"));
00357        fprintf(fp, "   n%d", Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(vtx));
00359        if (sel_num > 1)
00360          sel_cnt++;
00361      }
00362    }
00364    /* for each edge (n1, n2) with n2 labeled n2_label$AUT, add entry: 
00365     *-------------------------------------------------------     
00366     * selector 1 0 0  ...     n1
00367     * selector 0 1 0  ...     n2
00368     * ...
00369     *-------------------------------------------------------
00370     */
00371    foreach_vertex(A->G, lsgen, vtx) {
00372      int n1 = Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(vtx);
00373      int outDegree = lsLength(g_get_out_edges(vtx));
00374      sel_cnt = 0;
00375      foreach_out_edge(vtx, lsgen2, edge) {
00376        int n2 = Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(g_e_dest(edge));
00378        if (sel_num > 1) {
00379          if (outDegree == 1) 
00380            fprintf(fp, "\n- n%d ", n1);
00381          else
00382            fprintf(fp, "\n%d n%d ", sel_cnt, n1);
00383        }else {
00384          fprintf(fp, "\nn%d ", n1);
00385        }
00387        arrayForEachItem(vertex_t *, labelArray, i, vtx2) {
00388          fprintf(fp, "%s ", ((vtx2 == g_e_dest(edge))?"1":"-"));
00389        }
00390        fprintf(fp, "   n%d", n2);
00392        if (sel_num > 1)
00393          sel_cnt++;
00394      }
00395    }
00396    array_free(labelArray);
00398    /*-------------------------------------------------------  
00399     * .table state -> fair1
00400     * .default 0 
00401     * ------------------------------------------------------
00402     */
00403    if (lsLength(A->Fair) != 0) {
00404      i = 1;
00405      lsForEachItem(A->Fair, lsgen, FairSet) {
00406        int isFirst = 1;
00407        fprintf(fp, "\n.table state$AUT -> fair%d$AUT ", i++);
00408        fprintf(fp, "\n.default 0\n(");
00409        st_foreach_item(FairSet, stgen, &vtx, NIL(char *)) {
00410          if (isFirst)
00411            isFirst = 0;
00412          else
00413            fprintf(fp, ",");
00414          fprintf(fp, "n%d", Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(vtx));
00415        }
00416        fprintf(fp, ")   1");
00417      }
00418    }else {
00419      fprintf(fp, "\n.table state$AUT -> fair1$AUT ");
00420      if (InitIdx == -1)
00421        fprintf(fp, "\n.default 0\n!(Trap,Init)   1");
00422      else
00423        fprintf(fp, "\n.default 0\n!(Trap)   1");
00424    }
00426    /*-------------------------------------------------------  
00427     * .end 
00428     * ------------------------------------------------------
00429     */
00430    fprintf(fp, "\n.end\n");
00432    /* free the name array 
00433     */
00434    array_free(InputNames);
00435    arrayForEachItem(st_table *, Name2LabelIdx, i, tmptbl) {
00436      st_free_table(tmptbl);
00437    }
00438    array_free(Name2LabelIdx);
00440    return result;
00441 }
00443 #if 0
00444 int
00445 Ltl_AutomatonToBlifMv_Old(
00446   FILE *fp,             
00447   Ntk_Network_t *network,
00448   Ltl_Automaton_t *A)     
00449 {
00450   Var_Variable_t *inputVar;
00451   array_t *InputNames = array_alloc(char *, 0);
00452   array_t *Name2LabelIdx = array_alloc(st_table *, 0);
00453   Ntk_Node_t *ntknode;
00454   char *inputName;
00455   st_generator *stgen, *stgen2;
00456   lsGen lsgen, lsgen2, lsgen3;
00457   int i, j, is_enum, range;
00458   long index;
00459   int sel_num, sel_cnt;
00460   edge_t *edge;
00461   vertex_t *vtx;
00462   st_table *FairSet, *tmptbl;
00463   LtlSet_t *label;
00464   int InitIdx = AutomatonComputeInitState(A);
00465   char InitStr[10];
00466   int result = 1;
00468   /* The initState of the automaton */
00469   if (InitIdx == -1) 
00470     sprintf(InitStr, "Init");
00471   else
00472     sprintf(InitStr, "n%d", InitIdx);
00474   if (network == NIL(Ntk_Network_t)) {
00475     result = 0;
00476     fprintf(vis_stderr, "Warning: the BlifMv output is incomplete. (The current node is empty. Read in design.)\n");
00477   }
00479   /* Retrieve all the input names on the labels; For each input, create a
00480    *  hash table and add all the label subformulae contains that input;
00481    *  Finally, calculate the size of the "selector" 
00482    */
00483   AutomatonGetInputNames(A, InputNames, Name2LabelIdx);
00484   sel_num = AutomatonCountSelector(A);
00485   fprintf(fp, "\n# Buechi automaton: %s\n\n", A->name);
00487   /*-------------------------------------------------------
00488    * .model Buechi$AUT
00489    * .root  Buechi$AUT
00490    *-------------------------------------------------------
00491    */
00492    fprintf(fp, ".model Buechi$AUT\n.root Buechi$AUT");
00494    /*-------------------------------------------------------
00495     * .inputs in1 in2 in3 ... inN 
00496     *-------------------------------------------------------
00497     */
00498    fprintf(fp, "\n.inputs ");
00499    for (i=0; i<array_n(InputNames); i++) {
00500      inputName = array_fetch(char *, InputNames, i);
00501      fprintf(fp, "%s ", inputName);
00502    }
00504    /*-------------------------------------------------------
00505     * .outputs fair1 fair2 fair3... fairN
00506     *-------------------------------------------------------
00507     */
00508    fprintf(fp, "\n.outputs ");
00509    if ( lsLength(A->Fair) != 0) {
00510      for (i=0; i<lsLength(A->Fair); i++) {
00511        fprintf(fp, "fair%d$AUT ", i+1);
00512      }
00513    }else
00514      fprintf(fp, "fair1$AUT");
00516    /*-------------------------------------------------------
00517     * .mv in1 3 RED GREEN YELLOW 
00518     *-------------------------------------------------------
00519     */
00520    if (network != NIL(Ntk_Network_t)) {
00521      for (i=0; i<array_n(InputNames); i++) {
00522        inputName = array_fetch(char *, InputNames, i);
00523        ntknode = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByName(network, inputName);
00524        assert(ntknode != NIL(Ntk_Node_t));
00525        inputVar = Ntk_NodeReadVariable(ntknode);
00526        is_enum = Var_VariableTestIsEnumerative(inputVar);
00527        range = Var_VariableReadNumValues(inputVar);
00528        if (is_enum) {
00529          if (range != 2) 
00530            fprintf(fp, "\ %s %d\n", inputName, range);
00531        }else {
00532          fprintf(fp, "\ %s %d ", inputName, range);
00533          for (j=0; j<range; j++) {
00534            fprintf(fp, "%s ",
00535                    Var_VariableReadSymbolicValueFromIndex(inputVar,j));
00536          }
00537        }
00538      }
00539    }
00541    /*-------------------------------------------------------  
00542     * .mv stateD$AUT N Init n1 n2 n3 ... nN 
00543     * .mv state$AUT  N Init n1 n2 n3 ... nN
00544     *-------------------------------------------------------
00545     */
00546    if (InitIdx == -1) 
00547      fprintf(fp, "\ stateD$AUT %d Init Trap ",
00548              lsLength(g_get_vertices(A->G)) + 2);
00549    else
00550      fprintf(fp, "\ stateD$AUT %d Trap ",
00551              lsLength(g_get_vertices(A->G)) + 1);
00552    foreach_vertex(A->G, lsgen, vtx) {
00553      fprintf(fp, "n%d ", Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(vtx));
00554    }
00555    if (InitIdx == -1)
00556      fprintf(fp, "\ state$AUT %d Init Trap ",
00557              lsLength(g_get_vertices(A->G)) + 2);
00558    else
00559      fprintf(fp, "\ state$AUT %d Trap ",
00560              lsLength(g_get_vertices(A->G)) + 1);
00561    foreach_vertex(A->G, lsgen, vtx) {  
00562      fprintf(fp, "n%d ", Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(vtx));
00563    }
00565    /*-------------------------------------------------------
00566     * .mv selector n
00567     * .table selector 
00568     * - 
00569     *-------------------------------------------------------
00570     */
00571    if (sel_num > 1) 
00572      fprintf(fp, "\ selector$AUT %d\n.table selector$AUT\n-", sel_num);
00574    /*-------------------------------------------------------  
00575     * .latch stateD$AUT state$AUT
00576     * .reset state$AUT
00577     * Init (or ns) 
00578     *-------------------------------------------------------
00579     */
00580    fprintf(fp, "\n.latch stateD$AUT state$AUT\n.reset -> state$AUT\n%s",
00581            InitStr);
00583    /*------------------------------------------------------
00584     * .table selector$AUT state$AUT in1 in2 ... inN -> stateD$AUT
00585     * .default Trap 
00586     *------------------------------------------------------
00587     */
00588    if (sel_num >1)
00589      fprintf(fp, "\n.table selector$AUT state$AUT ");
00590    else
00591      fprintf(fp, "\n.table state$AUT ");
00593    for (i=0; i<array_n(InputNames); i++) {
00594      inputName = array_fetch(char *, InputNames, i);
00595      fprintf(fp, "%s ", inputName);
00596    }
00597    fprintf(fp, " -> stateD$AUT\n.default Trap");
00600    /* for each initial state n2 with label "in1=p  !in3=q...", add entry: 
00601     *-------------------------------------------------------
00602     *  selector Init (p) -  (!(q)) ..  n2   
00603     *-------------------------------------------------------
00604     */
00605    if (InitIdx == -1) {
00606      sel_cnt = 0;
00607      st_foreach_item(A->Init, stgen, &vtx, NIL(char *)) {
00608        int n2 = Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(vtx);
00609        /* each 'compLabel' is a set of "propositional formulae" */
00610        LtlSet_t *compLabel = LtlAutomatonVertexGetLabels(vtx);
00611        /* each item in labelList is a set of "atomic proposition" */
00612        lsList labelList = AutomatonLabelGetCubes(A, compLabel, network);
00613        lsForEachItem(labelList, lsgen, label) {
00614          if (sel_num > 1) {
00615            if (st_count(A->Init) == 1) 
00616              fprintf(fp, "\n- Init ");
00617            else
00618              fprintf(fp, "\n%d Init ", sel_cnt);
00619          }else
00620            fprintf(fp, "\nInit ");
00621          arrayForEachItem(st_table *, Name2LabelIdx, i, tmptbl) {
00622            int isFirst = 1;
00623            int is_universe = 1;
00624            /* The value is the universe '-' iff it is not in the label */
00625            if (!LtlSetIsEmpty(label)) {
00626              st_foreach_item(tmptbl, stgen2, &index, NIL(char *)) {
00627                if (LtlSetGetElt(label, (int) index)) {
00628                  is_universe = 0;
00629                  st_free_gen(stgen2);
00630                  break;
00631                }
00632              }
00633            }
00634            if (is_universe) {
00635              fprintf(fp, "- ");
00636              continue;
00637            }
00638            /* Otherwise, write the value. Note that the value should be
00639             * the conjunction of the values of the atomic propositions.
00640             * A * B * C = !(!A + !B +!C) 
00641             */
00642            fprintf(fp, "!(");
00643            st_foreach_item(tmptbl, stgen2, &index, NIL(char *)) {
00644              if (LtlSetGetElt(label, (int) index)) {
00645                Ctlsp_Formula_t *F = array_fetch(Ctlsp_Formula_t *,
00646                                                 A->labelTable,
00647                                                 (int) index);
00648                if (isFirst)
00649                  isFirst = 0;
00650                else
00651                  fprintf(fp, ",");
00652                if (Ctlsp_FormulaReadType(F) == Ctlsp_NOT_c) {
00653                  F = Ctlsp_FormulaReadLeftChild(F);
00654                }else {
00655                  fprintf(fp, "!");
00656                }
00658                fprintf(fp, "(%s)", Ctlsp_FormulaReadValueName(F));
00659              }
00660            }
00661            fprintf(fp, ") ");
00662          }
00663          fprintf(fp, "   n%d", n2);
00664        }
00665        lsDestroy(labelList, (void (*)(lsGeneric))LtlSetFree);
00667        if (sel_num > 1)
00668          sel_cnt++;
00669      }
00670    }
00672    /* for each edge (n1, n2) with n2 labelled "in1=p !in3=q...", add entry: 
00673     *-------------------------------------------------------     
00674     * selector n1 (p) - (!(q)) ...     n2
00675     *-------------------------------------------------------
00676     */
00677    foreach_vertex(A->G, lsgen, vtx) {
00678      int n1 = Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(vtx);
00679      int outDegree = lsLength(g_get_out_edges(vtx));
00680      sel_cnt = 0;
00681      foreach_out_edge(vtx, lsgen2, edge) {
00682        int n2 = Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(g_e_dest(edge));
00683        /* 'compLabel' contains a set of "propositional formulae" */
00684        LtlSet_t *compLabel =   LtlAutomatonVertexGetLabels(g_e_dest(edge));
00685        /* each item in 'labelList' is a set of "atomic propositions" */ 
00686        lsList labelList = AutomatonLabelGetCubes(A, compLabel, network);
00687        lsForEachItem(labelList, lsgen3, label) {
00688          if (sel_num > 1) {
00689            if (outDegree == 1) 
00690              fprintf(fp, "\n- n%d ", n1);
00691            else
00692              fprintf(fp, "\n%d n%d ", sel_cnt, n1);
00693          }else {
00694            fprintf(fp, "\nn%d ", n1);
00695          }
00696          arrayForEachItem(st_table *, Name2LabelIdx, i, tmptbl) {
00697            int isFirst = 1;
00698            int is_universe = 1;
00699            /* the value is universe '-' iff it is not in the label */
00700            if (!LtlSetIsEmpty(label)) {
00701              st_foreach_item(tmptbl,stgen2,&index, NIL(char *)){
00702                if (LtlSetGetElt(label, (int) index)) {
00703                  is_universe = 0;
00704                  st_free_gen(stgen2);
00705                  break;
00706                }
00707              }
00708            }
00709            if (is_universe) {
00710              fprintf(fp, "- ");
00711              continue;
00712            }
00713            /* write the value as the conjunction of the values in the
00714             * atomic proposition. for example, if the state is labeled
00715             * 'in1={R,G,B}' and 'in1={G}', we should write as
00716             * !( !(R,G,B), !(G) )
00717             * Note that it's the same as {R,G,B}^{G}={G} 
00718             */
00719            fprintf(fp, "!(");
00720            st_foreach_item(tmptbl, stgen, &index, NIL(char *)) {
00721              if (LtlSetGetElt(label, (int) index)) {
00722                Ctlsp_Formula_t *F = array_fetch(Ctlsp_Formula_t *,
00723                                                 A->labelTable,
00724                                                 (int) index);
00725                if (isFirst)
00726                  isFirst = 0;
00727                else
00728                  fprintf(fp, ",");
00729                if (Ctlsp_FormulaReadType(F) == Ctlsp_NOT_c) 
00730                  F = Ctlsp_FormulaReadLeftChild(F);
00731                else 
00732                  fprintf(fp, "!");
00733                fprintf(fp, "(%s)",      Ctlsp_FormulaReadValueName(F));
00734              }
00735            }
00736            fprintf(fp, ") ");
00737          }
00738          fprintf(fp, "   n%d", n2);
00739        }
00740        lsDestroy(labelList, (void (*)(lsGeneric))LtlSetFree);
00742        if (sel_num > 1)
00743          sel_cnt++;
00744      }
00745    }
00748    /*-------------------------------------------------------  
00749     * .table state -> fair1
00750     * .default 0 
00751     * ------------------------------------------------------
00752     */
00753    if (lsLength(A->Fair) != 0) {
00754      i = 1;
00755      lsForEachItem(A->Fair, lsgen, FairSet) {
00756        int isFirst = 1;
00757        fprintf(fp, "\n.table state$AUT -> fair%d$AUT ", i++);
00758        fprintf(fp, "\n.default 0\n(");
00759        st_foreach_item(FairSet, stgen, &vtx, NIL(char *)) {
00760          if (isFirst)
00761            isFirst = 0;
00762          else
00763            fprintf(fp, ",");
00764          fprintf(fp, "n%d", Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(vtx));
00765        }
00766        fprintf(fp, ")   1");
00767      }
00768    }else {
00769      fprintf(fp, "\n.table state$AUT -> fair1$AUT ");
00770      if (InitIdx == -1)
00771        fprintf(fp, "\n.default 0\n!(Trap,Init)   1");
00772      else
00773        fprintf(fp, "\n.default 0\n!(Trap)   1");
00774    }
00776    /*-------------------------------------------------------  
00777     * .end 
00778     * ------------------------------------------------------
00779     */
00780    fprintf(fp, "\n.end\n");
00782    /* free the name array 
00783     */
00784    array_free(InputNames);
00785    arrayForEachItem(st_table *, Name2LabelIdx, i, tmptbl) {
00786      st_free_table(tmptbl);
00787    }
00788    array_free(Name2LabelIdx);
00790    return result;
00791 }
00792 #endif
00807 int
00808 Ltl_AutomatonToVerilog(
00809   FILE *fp,             
00810   Ntk_Network_t *network,
00811   Ltl_Automaton_t *A)     
00812 {
00813   Var_Variable_t *inputVar;
00814   array_t *InputNames = array_alloc(char *, 0);
00815   array_t *Name2LabelIdx = array_alloc(st_table *, 0);
00816   Ntk_Node_t *ntknode;
00817   char *inputName, *formulaString, *normalString;
00818   st_generator *stgen;
00819   lsGen lsgen, lsgen2;
00820   int i, j, is_enum, range, isFirst;
00821   int sel_num, sel_cnt;
00822   edge_t *edge;
00823   vertex_t *vtx;
00824   st_table *FairSet;
00825   int InitIdx = AutomatonComputeInitState(A);
00826   char InitStr[10];
00827   int result = 1;
00829   /* The initState of the automaton */
00830   if (InitIdx == -1) 
00831     sprintf(InitStr, "Init");
00832   else
00833     sprintf(InitStr, "n%d", InitIdx);
00835   if (network == NIL(Ntk_Network_t)) {
00836     result = 0;
00837     fprintf(vis_stderr, "Warning: the Verilog output is incomplete. (The current node is empty. Read in design.)\n");
00838   }
00840   /* Retrieve all the input names of the automaton into 'InputNames', And for
00841    * each name, put into a hash table all the subformulae contains it 
00842    */
00843   AutomatonGetInputNames(A, InputNames, Name2LabelIdx);
00844   sel_num = AutomatonCountSelector(A);
00845   fprintf(fp, "\n// Buechi automaton: %s", A->name);
00847   /*-------------------------------------------------------
00848    * typedef enum {Init, trap, n1, n2, ... nN} states;
00849    * typedef enum {READ, GREEN, YELLOW} type_in1;
00850    *-------------------------------------------------------
00851    */    
00852   if (InitIdx == -1)
00853     fprintf(fp, "\ntypedef enum {Init,Trap");
00854   else
00855     fprintf(fp, "\ntypedef enum {Trap");
00856   foreach_vertex(A->G, lsgen, vtx) {
00857     fprintf(fp, ",n%d", Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(vtx));
00858   }
00859   fprintf(fp, "} type_states;");
00861   if (network != NIL(Ntk_Network_t)) {
00862     arrayForEachItem(char *, InputNames, i, inputName) {
00863       /* replace illegal characters in the input name string */
00864       normalString = StringNormalize(inputName);
00865       fprintf(fp, "\n//Input name mapping:\t %s => %s;", inputName,
00866               normalString);
00868       ntknode = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByName(network, inputName);
00869       assert(ntknode != NIL(Ntk_Node_t));
00870       inputVar = Ntk_NodeReadVariable(ntknode);
00872       is_enum = Var_VariableTestIsEnumerative(inputVar);
00873       range = Var_VariableReadNumValues(inputVar);
00874       if (is_enum) {
00875         if (range>2)
00876           fprintf(fp, "\ntypedef enum {0-%d}  type_%s;", 
00877                   range-1, normalString);
00878       }else {
00879         fprintf(fp, "\ntypedef enum {");
00880         isFirst = 1;
00881         for (j=0; j<range; j++) {
00882           char *vstr =
00883             Var_VariableReadSymbolicValueFromIndex(inputVar,j);
00884           if (isFirst)  {
00885             fprintf(fp, "%s ", vstr);
00886             isFirst = 0;
00887           } else 
00888             fprintf(fp, ",%s ", vstr);
00889         }
00890         fprintf(fp, "}  type_%s;", normalString);
00891       }
00893       FREE(normalString);
00894     }
00895   }
00897   /*-------------------------------------------------------    
00898    * module Buechi (clock, in1, in2 ... inN, fair1, ...);
00899    *-------------------------------------------------------
00900    */
00901   fprintf(fp, "\n//Buechi Buechi (clock");
00902   for (i=0; i<array_n(InputNames); i++) {
00903     inputName = array_fetch(char *, InputNames, i);
00904     fprintf(fp, ",%s", inputName);
00905   }
00906   for (i=0; i<lsLength(A->Fair); i++) {
00907     fprintf(fp, ",fair%d", i+1);
00908   }
00909   fprintf(fp, ");");
00911   fprintf(fp, "\nmodule Buechi (clock");
00912   for (i=0; i<array_n(InputNames); i++) {
00913     inputName = array_fetch(char *, InputNames, i);
00914     normalString = StringNormalize(inputName);
00915     fprintf(fp, ",%s", normalString);
00916     FREE(normalString);
00917   }
00918   for (i=0; i<lsLength(A->Fair); i++) {
00919     fprintf(fp, ",fair%d", i+1);
00920   }
00921   fprintf(fp, ");");
00924   /*-------------------------------------------------------
00925    * input clock, in1, in2 ... inN ;
00926    * output fair1, fair2 ... fairN ;
00927    *-------------------------------------------------------
00928    */
00929   fprintf(fp, "\n\tinput clock");
00930   for (i=0; i<array_n(InputNames); i++) {
00931     inputName = array_fetch(char *, InputNames, i);
00932     normalString = StringNormalize(inputName);
00933     fprintf(fp, ", %s", normalString);
00934     FREE(normalString);
00935   }
00936   if (lsLength(A->Fair)>0) {
00937     fprintf(fp, ";\n\toutput ");
00938     isFirst = 1;
00939     for (i=0; i<lsLength(A->Fair); i++) {
00940       if (isFirst)  {
00941         fprintf(fp, "fair%d", i+1);
00942         isFirst = 0;
00943       } else {
00944         fprintf(fp, ",fair%d", i+1);
00945       }
00946     }
00947   }
00948   fprintf(fp, ";");
00951   /*-------------------------------------------------------
00952    * type_in1 wire in1;
00953    * type_in2 wire in2;
00954    * ...
00955    * type_states reg state;
00956    * wire[0:logN] sel;
00957    *-------------------------------------------------------
00958    */
00959   if (network != NIL(Ntk_Network_t)) {
00960     arrayForEachItem(char *, InputNames, i, inputName) {
00961       normalString = StringNormalize(inputName);
00963       ntknode = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByName(network, inputName);
00964       assert(ntknode != NIL(Ntk_Node_t));
00965       inputVar = Ntk_NodeReadVariable(ntknode);
00967       is_enum = Var_VariableTestIsEnumerative(inputVar);
00968       range = Var_VariableReadNumValues(inputVar);
00970       if (!is_enum || range > 2)
00971         fprintf(fp, "\n\ttype_%s  wire  %s;", normalString,normalString);
00972       FREE(normalString);
00973     }
00974   }
00975   fprintf(fp, "\n\ttype_states reg state;");
00976   if (sel_num >1) {
00977     if (sel_num == 2)
00978       fprintf(fp, "\n\twire sel;");
00979     else
00980       fprintf(fp, "\n\twire [0:%d] sel;", (int)(ceil(log(sel_num)))-1);
00981   }
00983   /*-------------------------------------------------------
00984    * assign sel = $ND( {0-N} );
00985    * assign fair = (state==n1 || state==n2 || ... );
00986    *-------------------------------------------------------
00987    */
00988   fprintf(fp, "\n\tassign sel = $ND( {0-%d} );", sel_num-1 );
00989   i = 1;
00990   lsForEachItem(A->Fair, lsgen, FairSet) {
00991     int isFirst = 1;
00992     fprintf(fp, "\n\tassign fair%d = (state==", i++);
00993     st_foreach_item(FairSet, stgen, &vtx, NIL(char *)) {
00994       if (isFirst)
00995         isFirst = 0;
00996       else
00997         fprintf(fp, "|| state==");
00998       fprintf(fp, "n%d", Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(vtx));
00999     }
01000     fprintf(fp, ");");
01001   }
01003   /*-------------------------------------------------------
01004    * initial state = Init;
01005    *-------------------------------------------------------
01006    */
01007   fprintf(fp, "\n\tinitial state = %s;", InitStr);
01009   /*-------------------------------------------------------
01010    * always @ (posedge clock) begin
01011    *    case (state)
01012    *-------------------------------------------------------
01013    */
01014   fprintf(fp, "\n\talways @ (posedge clock) begin");
01015   fprintf(fp, "\n\t\tcase (state)");  
01017   /* for each initial state n2 with label "in1=p  !in3=q...", add entry: 
01018    *-------------------------------------------------------
01019    *      Init:
01020    *         if( sel==0 && in1==p && !in3=q ... ) 
01021    *            state = n2;
01022    *         else if( sel==1 && ...) 
01023    *            state = n3;
01024    *         else
01025    *            state = Trap;
01026    *------------------------------------------------------
01027    */
01028   if (InitIdx == -1) {
01029     fprintf(fp, "\n\t\tInit:");
01030     sel_cnt = 0;
01031     st_foreach_item(A->Init, stgen, &vtx, NIL(char *)) {
01032       int n2 = Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(vtx);
01033       LtlSet_t *label = LtlAutomatonVertexGetLabels(vtx);
01035       /* universal label (no label) on n2 */
01036       if (LtlSetIsEmpty(label)) {
01037         if (st_count(A->Init) == 1 || sel_num == 0)
01038           fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\tif(1) \n\t\t\t\tstate = n%d;", n2);
01039         else if (sel_cnt == 0)
01040           fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t\tif(sel==%d)\n\t\t\t\tstate = n%d;",
01041                   sel_cnt++, n2);
01042         else 
01043           fprintf(fp, "\n\t\t\telse if(sel==%d)\n\t\t\t\tstate = n%d;",
01044                   sel_cnt++, n2);
01045       }else {
01046         /* there is at least one label on n2 */
01047         if (st_count(A->Init) == 1 || sel_num == 0)
01048           fprintf(fp, "\n\t\t\tif(");
01049         else if (sel_cnt==0)
01050           fprintf(fp, "\n\t\t\tif(sel==%d && ", sel_cnt++);
01051         else 
01052           fprintf(fp, "\n\t\t\telse if(sel==%d && ", sel_cnt++);
01054         isFirst = 1;
01055         for (i=0; i<array_n(A->labelTable); i++) {
01056           if (LtlSetGetElt(label, i)) {
01057             Ctlsp_Formula_t *F = array_fetch(Ctlsp_Formula_t *,
01058                                              A->labelTable, i);
01059             formulaString = Ctlsp_FormulaConvertToString(F);
01060             normalString = StringNormalize(formulaString);
01061             FREE(formulaString);
01063             if (isFirst)
01064               isFirst = 0;
01065             else
01066               fprintf(fp, " && ");
01068             fprintf(fp, "%s", normalString);
01069             FREE(normalString);
01070           }
01071         }
01072         fprintf(fp, ")\n\t\t\t\tstate = n%d;", n2);
01073       }
01074     }      
01075     fprintf(fp, "\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tstate = Trap;");
01076   }
01078   /* for each edge (n1, n2) with n2 labelled "in1=p !in3=q...", add entry: 
01079    *-------------------------------------------------------     
01080    *      n1:
01081    *         if( sel==0 && in1==p && !in3=q ... ) 
01082    *            state = n2;
01083    *         else if( sel==1 && ...) 
01084    *            state = n3;
01085    *         else
01086    *            state = Trap;
01087    *-------------------------------------------------------
01088    */
01089   foreach_vertex(A->G, lsgen, vtx) {
01090     int n1 = Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(vtx);
01091     int outDegree = lsLength(g_get_out_edges(vtx));
01092     fprintf(fp, "\n\t\tn%d:", n1);
01093     sel_cnt = 0;
01094     foreach_out_edge(vtx, lsgen2, edge) {
01095       int n2 = Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(g_e_dest(edge));
01096       LtlSet_t *label =   LtlAutomatonVertexGetLabels(g_e_dest(edge));
01098       /* universal label (no label) on n2 */
01099       if (LtlSetIsEmpty(label)) {
01100         if (outDegree == 1 || sel_num == 0)
01101           fprintf(fp, "\n\t\t\tif(1) \n\t\t\t\tstate = n%d;", n2);
01102         else if (sel_cnt == 0)
01103           fprintf(fp, "\n\t\t\tif(sel==%d) \n\t\t\t\tstate = n%d;",
01104                   sel_cnt++, n2);
01105         else 
01106           fprintf(fp, "\n\t\t\telse if(sel==%d)\n\t\t\t\tstate = n%d;",
01107                   sel_cnt++, n2);
01108       }else {  
01109         /* at least 1 label on n2 */
01110         if (outDegree == 1 || sel_num == 0)
01111           fprintf(fp, "\n\t\t\tif(");
01112         else if (sel_cnt==0)
01113           fprintf(fp, "\n\t\t\tif(sel==%d && ", sel_cnt++);
01114         else 
01115           fprintf(fp, "\n\t\t\telse if(sel==%d && ", sel_cnt++);
01117         isFirst = 1;
01118         for (i=0; i<array_n(A->labelTableNegate); i++) {
01119           if (LtlSetGetElt(label, i)) {
01120             Ctlsp_Formula_t *F = array_fetch(Ctlsp_Formula_t *,
01121                                              A->labelTable, i);
01122             formulaString = Ctlsp_FormulaConvertToString(F);
01123             normalString = StringNormalize(formulaString);
01124             FREE(formulaString);
01126             if (isFirst)  isFirst = 0;
01127             else fprintf(fp, " && ");
01129             fprintf(fp, "%s", normalString);
01130             FREE(normalString);
01131           }
01132         }
01133         fprintf(fp, ")\n\t\t\t\tstate = n%d;", n2);
01134       }
01135     }      
01136     fprintf(fp, "\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tstate = Trap;");
01137   }
01139   /*-------------------------------------------------------
01140    *        default: state = Trap;
01141    *      endcase
01142    *    end
01143    * endmodule
01144    *-------------------------------------------------------
01145    */
01146   fprintf(fp, "\n\t\tdefault: state = Trap;\n\t\tendcase\n\tend\nendmodule\n");
01148   /* free the name array */
01149   array_free(InputNames);
01150   for(i=0; i<array_n(Name2LabelIdx); i++) {
01151     st_table *tmptbl = array_fetch(st_table *, Name2LabelIdx, i);
01152     st_free_table(tmptbl);
01153   }
01154   array_free(Name2LabelIdx);
01156   return result;
01157 }
01172 int
01173 Ltl_AutomatonToSmv(
01174   FILE *fp,             
01175   Ntk_Network_t *network,
01176   Ltl_Automaton_t *A)     
01177 {
01178     return 1;
01179 }
01181 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01182 /* Definition of static functions                                          */
01183 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01198 static void
01199 AutomatonGetInputNames(
01200   Ltl_Automaton_t *A,
01201   array_t *InputNames,
01202   array_t *Name2LabelIdx)
01203 {
01204   st_table *Visited = st_init_table(strcmp, st_strhash);
01205   Ctlsp_Formula_t *F;
01206   Ctlsp_FormulaType F_type;
01207   long i, index, counter;
01209   counter = 0;
01210   for (i=0; i<array_n(A->labelTable); i++) {
01211     /* get the positive formula string */
01212     F = array_fetch(Ctlsp_Formula_t *, A->labelTable, i);
01213     F_type = Ctlsp_FormulaReadType(F);
01214     /* if it's not an AP (just a propositional formula), skip ... */
01215     if (F_type != Ctlsp_NOT_c && F_type != Ctlsp_ID_c)
01216       continue;
01217     if (F_type == Ctlsp_NOT_c) 
01218       F = Ctlsp_FormulaReadLeftChild(F);
01219     /* put into the InputNames array */
01220     if (!st_lookup(Visited, Ctlsp_FormulaReadVariableName(F),&index)){
01221       st_table *tmptbl = st_init_table(st_numcmp, st_numhash);
01222       st_insert(tmptbl, (char *) i, (char *)i);
01224       array_insert(st_table *, Name2LabelIdx, counter, tmptbl);
01225       array_insert(char *, InputNames, counter,
01226                    Ctlsp_FormulaReadVariableName(F));
01228       st_insert(Visited, Ctlsp_FormulaReadVariableName(F), (char *)counter++);
01229     }else {
01230       st_table *tmptbl = array_fetch(st_table *, Name2LabelIdx, index);
01231       st_insert(tmptbl, (char *)i, (char *)i);
01232     }
01233   }
01235   st_free_table(Visited);
01236 }
01251 static int
01252 AutomatonCountSelector(
01253   Ltl_Automaton_t *A)
01254 {
01255   int sel_num = st_count(A->Init);
01256   int local_num;
01257   lsGen lsgen;
01258   vertex_t *vtx;
01260   foreach_vertex(A->G, lsgen, vtx) {
01261     local_num = lsLength(g_get_out_edges(vtx));
01262     if (sel_num < local_num)
01263       sel_num = local_num;
01264   }
01266   return sel_num;
01267 }
01285 static int
01286 AutomatonComputeInitState(
01287   Ltl_Automaton_t *A)
01288 {
01289   int initIdx = -1;
01290   vertex_t *vtx, *vtx2, *s;
01291   edge_t *e;
01292   st_generator *stgen, *stgen2;
01293   lsGen lsgen;
01295   st_foreach_item(A->Init, stgen, &vtx, NIL(char *)) {
01296     int isInit = 1;
01297     /* first, compute the set of sucessors of 'vtx' */
01298     lsList Img = g_get_out_edges(vtx);
01299     st_table *uTable = st_init_table(st_ptrcmp, st_ptrhash);
01300     lsForEachItem(Img, lsgen, e) {
01301       s = g_e_dest(e);
01302       st_insert(uTable,  s,  s);
01303     }
01304     /* then, test if it is equivalent to 'A->Init': No more, No less */
01305     st_foreach_item(A->Init, stgen2, &vtx2, NIL(char *)) {
01306       if (!st_is_member(uTable, vtx2)) {
01307         isInit = 0;
01308         st_free_gen(stgen2);
01309         break;
01310       }
01311     }
01312     if (isInit) {
01313       st_foreach_item(uTable, stgen2, &vtx2, NIL(char *)) {
01314         if (!st_is_member(A->Init, vtx2)) {
01315           isInit = 0;
01316           st_free_gen(stgen2);
01317           break;
01318         }
01319       }
01320     }
01321     st_free_table(uTable);
01323     if (isInit == 1) {
01324       initIdx = ((Ltl_AutomatonNode_t *)vtx->user_data)->index;
01325       st_free_gen(stgen);
01326       break;
01327     }
01328   }
01330   return initIdx;
01331 }
01343 /*static lsList
01344 AutomatonLabelGetCubes(
01345   Ltl_Automaton_t *A,
01346   LtlSet_t *compositeLabel,
01347   Ntk_Network_t *network)
01348 {
01349   LtlTableau_t *tableau = A->tableau;
01350   int size = tableau->labelIndex;
01351   LtlSet_t *tempSet, *tempSet2, *tempSet3;
01352   lsList conjunctList;
01353   lsList disjunctList;
01354   lsList tempList, tempList2, tempList3;
01355   lsGen lsgen, lsgen2;
01356   int i;
01358   if (LtlSetIsEmpty(compositeLabel)) {
01359     tempList = lsCreate();
01360     lsNewEnd(tempList, (lsGeneric)LtlSetNew(size), (lsHandle *)0);
01361     return tempList;
01362   }
01364   first, get a list of disjunctLists (which should be conjoin together
01365     to form a cartesian product 
01367   conjunctList = lsCreate();
01368   tempSet = LtlSetNew(size);
01369   for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
01370     if (LtlSetGetElt(compositeLabel, i)) {
01371       if (Ctlsp_LtlFormulaIsAtomicPropositional(tableau->labelTable[i]))
01372         LtlSetSetElt(tempSet, i);
01373       else {
01374         disjunctList = GetCubes_Aux(A, i);
01375         lsNewEnd(conjunctList, (lsGeneric)disjunctList, (lsHandle *)0);
01376       }
01377     }
01378   }
01379   if (LtlSetIsEmpty(tempSet))
01380     LtlSetFree(tempSet);
01381   else {
01382     disjunctList = lsCreate();
01383     lsNewEnd(disjunctList, (lsGeneric)tempSet, (lsHandle *)0);
01384     lsNewBegin(conjunctList, (lsGeneric)disjunctList, (lsHandle *)0);
01385   }
01388   compute the cartesian product of the conjuncts 
01389   while(lsLength(conjunctList)>1) {
01390     lsList thisList;
01391     lsList leftList;
01392     lsList rightList;
01394     lsDelBegin(conjunctList, (lsGeneric *)&leftList);
01395     lsDelBegin(conjunctList, (lsGeneric *)&rightList);
01396      form the cartesian product of the two lists 
01397     thisList = lsCreate();
01398     lsForEachItem(leftList, lsgen, tempSet) {
01399       lsForEachItem(rightList, lsgen2, tempSet2) {
01400         tempSet3 = LtlSetNew(size);
01401         LtlSetOR(tempSet3, tempSet, tempSet2);
01403         if (0)
01404           fprintf(vis_stdout,
01405                   "tempSet = %d  tempSet2 = %d tempSet3 = %d\n",
01406                   LtlSetIsEmpty(tempSet),
01407                   LtlSetIsEmpty(tempSet2),
01408                   LtlSetIsEmpty(tempSet3));
01410          if no contradictory, retain it 
01411         if (LtlSetIsContradictory(tempSet3,tableau->labelTableNegate))
01412           LtlSetFree(tempSet3);
01413         else
01414           lsNewEnd(thisList, (lsGeneric)tempSet3, (lsHandle *)0);
01415       }
01416     }
01417     lsDestroy(leftList, (void (*)(lsGeneric))LtlSetFree);
01418     lsDestroy(rightList, (void (*)(lsGeneric))LtlSetFree);
01420     lsNewBegin(conjunctList, (lsGeneric)thisList, (lsHandle *)0);
01421   }
01423   lsDelBegin(conjunctList, (lsGeneric *)&tempList);
01424   lsDestroy(conjunctList, (void(*)(lsGeneric))0);
01426    remove redundant minterms from 'tempList' 
01427   tempList3 = lsCreate();
01428   tempList2 = lsCopy(tempList, (lsGeneric(*)(lsGeneric))0);
01429   lsForEachItem(tempList, lsgen, tempSet) {
01430      If tempSet is a superset of other cubes, discard it 
01431     int flag = 1;
01432     lsForEachItem(tempList2, lsgen2, tempSet2) {
01433       if (tempSet != tempSet2 && LtlSetInclude(tempSet, tempSet2)) {
01434         flag = 0;
01435         lsFinish(lsgen2);
01436         break;
01437       }
01438     }
01439     if (!flag) continue;
01440      If tempSet is an "emptyset" (for example, comtains both
01441      signal=0 and signal=1, where signal has only these two
01442       values),  discard it 
01444     flag = 1;
01445     if (network != NIL(Ntk_Network_t)) {
01446       Fsm_Fsm_t *fsm = Fsm_NetworkReadOrCreateFsm(network);
01447       if (fsm != NIL(Fsm_Fsm_t)) {
01448         mdd_t *minterm = LtlSetModelCheckFormulae(tempSet, 
01449                                                   A->labelTable, 
01450                                                   fsm);
01451         flag = !(mdd_is_tautology(minterm, 0));
01452         mdd_free(minterm);
01453       }
01454     }
01455     if (!flag) continue;
01456      otherwise, save a copy into tempList3 
01457     lsNewBegin(tempList3, (lsGeneric)LtlSetCopy(tempSet), (lsHandle *)0); 
01458   }
01459   lsDestroy(tempList2, (void(*)(lsGeneric))0);
01460   lsDestroy(tempList, (void (*)(lsGeneric))LtlSetFree);
01461   tempList = tempList3;
01463   return tempList;
01464 }
01465   */
01478 static lsList
01479 GetCubes_Aux(
01480   Ltl_Automaton_t *A,
01481   int index)
01482 {
01483   Ctlsp_Formula_t *F = A->tableau->labelTable[index];
01484   int size = A->tableau->labelIndex;
01485   lsList leftList;
01486   lsList rightList;
01487   lsList thisList =(lsList)0;
01488   lsGen lsgen, lsgen2;
01489   LtlSet_t *tempSet, *tempSet2, *tempSet3;
01491   if (Ctlsp_LtlFormulaIsAtomicPropositional(F)) {
01492     thisList = lsCreate();
01493     tempSet = LtlSetNew(size);
01494     LtlSetSetElt(tempSet, Ctlsp_FormulaReadLabelIndex(F));
01495     lsNewEnd(thisList, (lsGeneric)tempSet, (lsHandle *)0);
01496   }else {
01497     Ctlsp_Formula_t *F_left = Ctlsp_FormulaReadLeftChild(F);
01498     Ctlsp_Formula_t *F_right = Ctlsp_FormulaReadRightChild(F);
01500     switch(Ctlsp_FormulaReadType(F)) {
01501     case Ctlsp_OR_c:
01502       leftList = GetCubes_Aux(A, Ctlsp_FormulaReadLabelIndex(F_left));
01503       rightList = GetCubes_Aux(A, Ctlsp_FormulaReadLabelIndex(F_right));
01504       /* merge two list together */
01505       thisList = leftList;
01506       lsForEachItem(rightList, lsgen, tempSet) {
01507         lsNewEnd(thisList, (lsGeneric)tempSet, (lsHandle *)0);
01508       }
01509       lsDestroy(rightList, (void (*)(lsGeneric))0);
01510       break;
01511     case Ctlsp_AND_c:
01512       leftList = GetCubes_Aux(A, Ctlsp_FormulaReadLabelIndex(F_left));
01513       rightList = GetCubes_Aux(A, Ctlsp_FormulaReadLabelIndex(F_right));
01514       /* generate the cartesian product of the two lists */
01515       thisList = lsCreate();
01516       lsForEachItem(leftList, lsgen, tempSet) {
01517         lsForEachItem(rightList, lsgen2, tempSet2) {
01518           tempSet3 = LtlSetNew(size);
01519           LtlSetOR(tempSet3, tempSet, tempSet2);
01520           lsNewEnd(thisList, (lsGeneric)tempSet3, (lsHandle *)0);
01521         }
01522       }
01523       lsDestroy(leftList, (void (*)(lsGeneric))LtlSetFree);
01524       lsDestroy(rightList, (void (*)(lsGeneric))LtlSetFree);
01525       break;
01526     default:
01527       assert(0);
01528       break;
01529     }
01530   }
01532   return thisList;
01533 }
01551 static char *
01552 StringNormalize(
01553   char *inputString)
01554 {
01555   char *normalString = ALLOC(char, strlen(inputString)*2);
01556   char *from = inputString;
01557   char *to = normalString;
01559   while( *from ) {
01560     switch(*from) {
01561     case '=':
01562       *(to++) = '=';
01563       *(to) = '=';
01564       break;
01565     case '+':
01566       *(to++) = '|';
01567       *(to) = '|';
01568       break;
01569     case '*':
01570       *(to++) = '&';
01571       *(to) = '&';
01572       break;
01573     case '.':
01574     case '<':
01575     case '>':
01576       *(to) = '_';
01577       break;
01578     default:
01579       *(to) = *from;
01580     }
01581     from++;
01582     to++;
01583   }
01584   *to = '\0';
01586   return normalString;
01587 }
01610 static void
01611 AutomatonVtxLabelToBlifMv(
01612   FILE *fp,
01613   Ltl_Automaton_t *A,
01614   vertex_t *vtx)
01615 {
01616     /* each 'compLabel' is a "propositional formulae" */
01617     LtlSet_t *compositeLabel = LtlAutomatonVertexGetLabels(vtx);
01618     int idx = Ltl_AutomatonVtxGetNodeIdx(vtx);
01619     int size = A->tableau->labelIndex;
01620     int i;
01621     st_table *CreatedSignals;
01623     if (LtlSetIsEmpty(compositeLabel)) {
01624         fprintf(fp, "\n.table n%d_label$AUT\n1\n", idx);
01625         return;
01626     }
01628     /* first, we should create the signals for each subformula */
01629     CreatedSignals = st_init_table(st_ptrcmp, st_ptrhash);
01630     for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
01631       if (LtlSetGetElt(compositeLabel, i))
01632         VtxLabelToBlifMv_Aux(fp, A, idx, i, CreatedSignals);
01633     }
01634     st_free_table(CreatedSignals);
01636     /* the label signal is the AND or all the conjuncts */
01637     fprintf(fp, "\n.table ");
01638     for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
01639       if (LtlSetGetElt(compositeLabel, i))
01640         fprintf(fp, "n%d_%d_label$AUT ", idx, i);
01641     }
01642     fprintf(fp, "  -> n%d_label$AUT\n.default 0\n", idx);
01643     for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
01644       if (LtlSetGetElt(compositeLabel, i))
01645         fprintf(fp, "1 ");
01646     }
01647     fprintf(fp, "1\n");
01649 }
01660 static void
01661 VtxLabelToBlifMv_Aux(
01662   FILE *fp,
01663   Ltl_Automaton_t *A,
01664   int node_idx,
01665   int index,
01666   st_table *CreatedSignals)
01667 {
01668     Ctlsp_Formula_t *F = A->tableau->labelTable[index];
01669     Ctlsp_Formula_t *F_left, *F_right;
01670     int l_index, r_index;
01672     if (st_is_member(CreatedSignals, F))
01673         return;
01674     else
01675         st_insert(CreatedSignals, F, (char *)0);
01677     switch(Ctlsp_FormulaReadType(F)) {
01678     case Ctlsp_ID_c:
01679         fprintf(fp, "\n.table %s -> n%d_%d_label$AUT\n.default 0\n%s 1",
01680                 (char *)Ctlsp_FormulaReadVariableName(F),
01681                 node_idx, index,
01682                 (char *)Ctlsp_FormulaReadValueName(F));
01683         break;
01684     case Ctlsp_NOT_c:
01685         F_left = Ctlsp_FormulaReadLeftChild(F);
01686         fprintf(fp, "\n.table %s -> n%d_%d_label$AUT\n.default 1\n%s 0",
01687                 (char *)Ctlsp_FormulaReadVariableName(F_left),
01688                 node_idx, index,
01689                 (char *)Ctlsp_FormulaReadValueName(F_left));
01690         break;
01691     case Ctlsp_AND_c:
01692         F_left = Ctlsp_FormulaReadLeftChild(F);
01693         F_right = Ctlsp_FormulaReadRightChild(F);
01694         l_index = Ctlsp_FormulaReadLabelIndex(F_left);
01695         r_index = Ctlsp_FormulaReadLabelIndex(F_right);
01696         VtxLabelToBlifMv_Aux(fp, A, node_idx, l_index, CreatedSignals);
01697         VtxLabelToBlifMv_Aux(fp, A, node_idx, r_index, CreatedSignals);
01698         fprintf(fp,"\n.table n%d_%d_label$AUT n%d_%d_label$AUT -> n%d_%d_label$AUT\n.default 0\n1 1 1",
01699                 node_idx, l_index,
01700                 node_idx, r_index,
01701                 node_idx, index);
01702         break;
01703     case Ctlsp_OR_c:
01704         F_left = Ctlsp_FormulaReadLeftChild(F);
01705         F_right = Ctlsp_FormulaReadRightChild(F);
01706         l_index = Ctlsp_FormulaReadLabelIndex(F_left);
01707         r_index = Ctlsp_FormulaReadLabelIndex(F_right);
01708         VtxLabelToBlifMv_Aux(fp, A, node_idx, l_index, CreatedSignals);
01709         VtxLabelToBlifMv_Aux(fp, A, node_idx, r_index, CreatedSignals);
01710         fprintf(fp,
01711         "\n.table n%d_%d_label$AUT n%d_%d_label$AUT -> n%d_%d_label$AUT\n.default 0\n1 - 1\n- 1 1",
01712                 node_idx, l_index,
01713                 node_idx, r_index,
01714                 node_idx, index);
01715         break;
01716     default:
01717         fail("unkown formula type");
01718     }
01719 }