
Go to the documentation of this file.
00060 #include "imgInt.h"
00061 #include "fsm.h"
00063 static char rcsid[] UNUSED = "$Id: imgIwls95.c,v 1.127 2005/05/18 18:11:57 jinh Exp $";
00065 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00066 /* Constant declarations                                                     */
00067 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00068 #define domainVar_c 0
00069 #define rangeVar_c 1
00070 #define quantifyVar_c 2
00071 #define IMG_IWLS95_DEBUG
00073 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00074 /* Type declarations                                                         */
00075 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00077 typedef struct Iwls95InfoStruct Iwls95Info_t;
00078 typedef struct CtrInfoStruct CtrInfo_t;
00079 typedef struct VarInfoStruct VarInfo_t;
00080 typedef struct CtrItemStruct CtrItem_t;
00081 typedef struct VarItemStruct VarItem_t;
00083 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00084 /* Structure declarations                                                    */
00085 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00127 struct Iwls95InfoStruct {
00128   array_t *bitRelationArray; 
00130   array_t *quantifyVarMddIdArray;
00132   array_t *fwdOptClusteredRelationArray;
00133   array_t *fwdClusteredRelationArray;
00134   array_t *fwdOriClusteredRelationArray;
00135   array_t *bwdClusteredRelationArray;
00136   array_t *bwdOriClusteredRelationArray;
00137   array_t *bwdClusteredCofactoredRelationArray;
00138   array_t *careSetArray;
00140   array_t *fwdOptArraySmoothVarBddArray;
00141   array_t *fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray;
00142   array_t *bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray;
00143   array_t *fwdOptSmoothVarCubeArray;
00144   array_t *fwdSmoothVarCubeArray;
00145   array_t *bwdSmoothVarCubeArray;
00147   boolean allowPartialImage;
00148   boolean wasPartialImage;
00149   ImgPartialImageOption_t *PIoption;
00151   array_t *savedArraySmoothVarBddArray;
00152   array_t *savedSmoothVarCubeArray;
00154   Img_MethodType method;
00155   ImgTrmOption_t *option;
00157   int eliminateDepend;
00158         /* 0 : do not perform this
00159            1 : eliminates dependent variables from
00160                 constraint and modifies function vector by
00161                 composition at every image computation.
00162            2 : once the number of eliminated variables
00163                 becomes zero, do not perform.
00164         */
00165   int nFoundDependVars;
00166   float averageFoundDependVars;
00168   int nPrevEliminatedFwd;
00169   int linearComputeRange;
00171   boolean lazySiftFlag;
00172 };
00187 struct CtrInfoStruct {
00188   int ctrId; /* Unique id of the cluster */
00189   int numLocalSmoothVars; /*
00190                            * Number of smooth variables in the support of the
00191                            * cluster which can be quantified out if the cluster
00192                            * is multiplied in the current product.
00193                            */
00194   int numSmoothVars; /* Number of smooth variables in the support */
00195   int numIntroducedVars; /*
00196                           * Number of range variables introduced if the cluster
00197                           * is multiplied in the current product.
00198                           */
00199   int maxSmoothVarIndex; /* Max. index of a smooth variable in the support */
00200   int rankMaxSmoothVarIndex; /* Rank of maximum index amongst all ctr's */
00201   lsList varItemList; /* List of varItemStruct of the support variables */
00202   lsHandle ctrInfoListHandle; /*
00203                                * Handle to the list of info struct of ctr's
00204                                * which are yet to be ordered.
00205                                */
00206 };
00222 struct VarInfoStruct {
00223   int bddId;  /* BDD id of the variable */
00224   int numCtr; /* Number of components which depend on this variable. */
00225   int varType; /* Domain, range or quantify variable ?*/
00226   lsList ctrItemList; /* List of ctrItemStruct corresponding to the clusters
00227                          that depend on it */
00228 };
00244 struct VarItemStruct {
00245   VarInfo_t *varInfo; /* The pointer to the corresponding variable info
00246                        * structure */
00247   lsHandle ctrItemHandle; /*
00248                            * The list handle to the ctrItemStruct
00249                            * corresponding to the ctrInfo (the one which
00250                            * contains this varItem in the varItemList) in the
00251                            * ctrItemList field of the varInfo.
00252                            */
00253 };
00268 struct CtrItemStruct {
00269   CtrInfo_t *ctrInfo;     /* Pointer to the corresponding cluster
00270                            * info structure. */
00271   lsHandle varItemHandle; /*
00272                            * The list handle to the varItemStruct
00273                            * corresponding to the varInfo (the one which
00274                            * contains this ctrItem in the ctrItemList) in the
00275                            * varItemList field of the ctrInfo.
00276                            */
00277 };
00281 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00282 /* Variable declarations                                                     */
00283 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00285 static  double  *signatures;
00287 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00288 /* Macro declarations                                                        */
00289 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00294 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00295 /* Static function prototypes                                                */
00296 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00298 static void ResetClusteredCofactoredRelationArray(mdd_manager *mddManager, Iwls95Info_t *info);
00299 static void FreeClusteredCofactoredRelationArray(Iwls95Info_t *info);
00300 static ImgTrmOption_t * TrmGetOptions(void);
00301 static void CreateBitRelationArray(Iwls95Info_t *info, ImgFunctionData_t *functionData);
00302 static void FreeBitRelationArray(Iwls95Info_t *info);
00303 static void OrderClusterOrder(mdd_manager *mddManager, array_t *relationArray, array_t *fromVarBddArray, array_t *toVarBddArray, array_t *quantifyVarBddArray, array_t **orderedClusteredRelationArrayPtr, array_t **smoothVarBddArrayPtr, ImgTrmOption_t *option, boolean freeRelationArray);
00304 static array_t * CreateClusters(bdd_manager *bddManager, array_t *relationArray, ImgTrmOption_t *option);
00305 static void OrderRelationArray(mdd_manager *mddManager, array_t *relationArray, array_t *domainVarBddArray, array_t *quantifyVarBddArray, array_t *rangeVarBddArray, ImgTrmOption_t *option, array_t **orderedRelationArrayPtr, array_t **arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr);
00306 static array_t * RelationArraySmoothLocalVars(array_t *relationArray, array_t *ctrInfoArray, array_t *varInfoArray, st_table *bddIdToBddTable);
00307 static void OrderRelationArrayAux(array_t *relationArray, lsList remainingCtrInfoList, array_t *ctrInfoArray, array_t *varInfoArray, int *sortedMaxIndexVector, int numSmoothVarsRemaining, int numIntroducedVarsRemaining, st_table *bddIdToBddTable, ImgTrmOption_t *option, array_t *domainAndQuantifyVarBddArray, array_t **orderedRelationArrayPtr, array_t **arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr, array_t *arrayDomainQuantifyVarsWithZeroNumCtr);
00308 static array_t * UpdateInfoArrays(CtrInfo_t *ctrInfo, st_table *bddIdToBddTable, int *numSmoothVarsRemainingPtr, int *numIntroducedVarsRemainingPtr);
00309 static float CalculateBenefit(CtrInfo_t *ctrInfo, int maxNumLocalSmoothVars, int maxNumSmoothVars, int maxIndex, int maxNumIntroducedVars, ImgTrmOption_t *option);
00310 static void PrintOption(Img_MethodType method, ImgTrmOption_t *option, FILE *fp);
00311 static Iwls95Info_t * Iwls95InfoStructAlloc(Img_MethodType method);
00312 static CtrInfo_t * CtrInfoStructAlloc(void);
00313 static void CtrInfoStructFree(CtrInfo_t *ctrInfo);
00314 static VarInfo_t * VarInfoStructAlloc(void);
00315 static void VarInfoStructFree(VarInfo_t *varInfo);
00316 static void CtrItemStructFree(CtrItem_t *ctrItem);
00317 static void VarItemStructFree(VarItem_t *varItem);
00318 static int CtrInfoMaxIndexCompare(const void * p1, const void * p2);
00319 static void PrintCtrInfoStruct(CtrInfo_t *ctrInfo);
00320 static void PrintVarInfoStruct(VarInfo_t *varInfo);
00321 static int CheckQuantificationSchedule(array_t *relationArray, array_t *arraySmoothVarBddArray);
00322 static int CheckCtrInfoArray(array_t *ctrInfoArray, int numDomainVars, int numQuantifyVars, int numRangeVars);
00323 static int CheckCtrInfo(CtrInfo_t *ctrInfo, int numDomainVars, int numQuantifyVars, int numRangeVars);
00324 static int CheckVarInfoArray(array_t *varInfoArray, int numRelation);
00325 static array_t * BddArrayDup(array_t *bddArray);
00326 static array_t * BddArrayArrayDup(array_t *bddArray);
00327 static mdd_t * BddLinearAndSmooth(mdd_manager *mddManager, bdd_t *fromSet, array_t *relationArray, array_t *arraySmoothVarBddArray, array_t *smoothVarCubeArray, int verbosity, ImgPartialImageOption_t *PIoption, boolean *partial, boolean lazySiftFlag);
00328 static void HashIdToBddTable(st_table *table, array_t *idArray, array_t *bddArray);
00329 static void PrintSmoothIntroducedCount(array_t *clusterArray, array_t **arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr, array_t *psBddIdArray, array_t *nsBddIdArray);
00330 static void PrintBddIdFromBddArray(array_t *bddArray);
00331 static void PrintBddIdTable(st_table *idTable);
00332 static void PartitionTraverseRecursively(mdd_manager *mddManager, vertex_t *vertex, int mddId, st_table *vertexTable, array_t *relationArray, st_table *domainQuantifyVarMddIdTable, array_t *quantifyVarMddIdArray);
00333 static void PrintPartitionRecursively(vertex_t *vertex, st_table *vertexTable, int indent);
00334 static bdd_t * RecomputeImageIfNecessary(ImgFunctionData_t *functionData, mdd_manager *mddManager, bdd_t *domainSubset, array_t *relationArray, array_t *arraySmoothVarBddArray, array_t *smoothVarCubeArray, int verbosity, ImgPartialImageOption_t *PIoption, array_t *toCareSetArray, boolean *partial, boolean lazySiftFlag);
00335 static bdd_t * ComputeSubsetOfIntermediateProduct(bdd_t *product, ImgPartialImageOption_t *PIoption);
00336 static bdd_t * ComputeClippedAndAbstract(bdd_t *product, bdd_t *relation, array_t *smoothVarBddArray, int nvars, int clippingDepth, boolean *partial, int verbosity);
00337 static array_t * CopyArrayBddArray(array_t *arrayBddArray);
00338 static void PrintPartitionedTransitionRelation(mdd_manager *mddManager, Iwls95Info_t *info, Img_DirectionType directionType);
00339 static void ReorderPartitionedTransitionRelation(Iwls95Info_t *info, ImgFunctionData_t *functionData, Img_DirectionType directionType);
00340 static void UpdateQuantificationSchedule(Iwls95Info_t *info, ImgFunctionData_t *functionData, Img_DirectionType directionType);
00341 static array_t * MakeSmoothVarCubeArray(mdd_manager *mddManager, array_t *arraySmoothVarBddArray);
00342 static mdd_t * TrmEliminateDependVars(Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo, array_t *relationArray, mdd_t *states, mdd_t **dependRelations);
00343 static int TrmSignatureCompare(int *ptrX, int *ptrY);
00344 static void SetupLazySifting(mdd_manager *mddManager, array_t *bddRelationArray, array_t *domainVarBddArray, array_t *quantifyVarBddArray, array_t *rangeVarBddArray, int verbosity);
00345 static int MddSizeCompare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2);
00349 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00350 /* Definition of exported functions                                          */
00351 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00376 mdd_t*
00377 Img_MultiwayLinearAndSmooth(mdd_manager *mddManager, array_t *relationArray,
00378                             array_t *smoothVarMddIdArray,
00379                             array_t *introducedVarMddIdArray,
00380                             Img_MethodType method,
00381                             Img_DirectionType direction)
00382 {
00383   mdd_t *product;
00384   array_t *smoothVarBddArray = mdd_id_array_to_bdd_array(mddManager,
00385                                                       smoothVarMddIdArray);
00386   array_t *introducedVarBddArray = mdd_id_array_to_bdd_array(mddManager,
00387                                                    introducedVarMddIdArray);
00389   product = ImgMultiwayLinearAndSmooth(mddManager, relationArray,
00390                         smoothVarBddArray, introducedVarBddArray,
00391                         method, direction, NIL(ImgTrmOption_t));
00393   mdd_array_free(introducedVarBddArray);
00394   mdd_array_free(smoothVarBddArray);
00395   return product;
00396 }
00408 void
00409 Img_PrintPartitionedTransitionRelation(mdd_manager *mddManager,
00410                                         Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo,
00411                                         Img_DirectionType directionType)
00412 {
00413   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *) imageInfo->methodData;
00415   if (imageInfo->methodType != Img_Iwls95_c &&
00416       imageInfo->methodType != Img_Mlp_c &&
00417       imageInfo->methodType != Img_Linear_c)
00418     return;
00420   PrintPartitionedTransitionRelation(mddManager, info, directionType);
00421 }
00433 void
00434 Img_ReorderPartitionedTransitionRelation(Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo,
00435                                          Img_DirectionType directionType)
00436 {
00437   if (imageInfo->methodType != Img_Iwls95_c &&
00438       imageInfo->methodType != Img_Mlp_c &&
00439       imageInfo->methodType != Img_Linear_c)
00440     return;
00442   ReorderPartitionedTransitionRelation((Iwls95Info_t *)imageInfo->methodData,
00443                                         &(imageInfo->functionData),
00444                                         directionType);
00445 }
00457 void
00458 Img_UpdateQuantificationSchedule(Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo,
00459                                  Img_DirectionType directionType)
00460 {
00461   if (imageInfo->methodType != Img_Iwls95_c)
00462     return;
00464   UpdateQuantificationSchedule((Iwls95Info_t *)imageInfo->methodData,
00465                                 &(imageInfo->functionData), directionType);
00466 }
00478 void
00479 Img_ClusterRelationArray(mdd_manager *mddManager,
00480                         Img_MethodType method,
00481                         Img_DirectionType direction,
00482                         array_t *relationArray,
00483                         array_t *domainVarMddIdArray,
00484                         array_t *rangeVarMddIdArray,
00485                         array_t *quantifyVarMddIdArray,
00486                         array_t **clusteredRelationArray,
00487                         array_t **arraySmoothVarBddArray,
00488                         array_t **smoothVarCubeArray,
00489                         boolean freeRelationArray)
00490 {
00491   array_t *domainVarBddArray;
00492   array_t *quantifyVarBddArray;
00493   array_t *rangeVarBddArray;
00494   ImgTrmOption_t *option;
00496   option = TrmGetOptions();
00497   domainVarBddArray = mdd_id_array_to_bdd_array(mddManager,
00498                                                 domainVarMddIdArray);
00499   rangeVarBddArray = mdd_id_array_to_bdd_array(mddManager,
00500                                                 rangeVarMddIdArray);
00501   quantifyVarBddArray = mdd_id_array_to_bdd_array(mddManager,
00502                                                   quantifyVarMddIdArray);
00504   *clusteredRelationArray = ImgClusterRelationArray(mddManager,
00505                                                     NIL(ImgFunctionData_t),
00506                                                     method,
00507                                                     direction,
00508                                                     option,
00509                                                     relationArray,
00510                                                     domainVarBddArray,
00511                                                     quantifyVarBddArray,
00512                                                     rangeVarBddArray,
00513                                                     arraySmoothVarBddArray,
00514                                                     smoothVarCubeArray,
00515                                                     freeRelationArray);
00517   ImgFreeTrmOptions(option);
00518   mdd_array_free(domainVarBddArray);
00519   mdd_array_free(rangeVarBddArray);
00520   mdd_array_free(quantifyVarBddArray);
00521 }
00524 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00525 /* Definition of internal functions                                          */
00526 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00551 mdd_t*
00552 ImgMultiwayLinearAndSmooth(mdd_manager *mddManager,
00553                            array_t *relationArray,
00554                            array_t *smoothVarBddArray,
00555                            array_t *introducedVarBddArray,
00556                            Img_MethodType method,
00557                            Img_DirectionType direction,
00558                            ImgTrmOption_t *option)
00559 {
00560   mdd_t *product;
00561   array_t *domainVarBddArray = array_alloc(bdd_t*, 0);
00563   product = ImgMultiwayLinearAndSmoothWithFrom(mddManager, relationArray,
00564                                                 NIL(mdd_t),
00565                                                 smoothVarBddArray,
00566                                                 domainVarBddArray,
00567                                                 introducedVarBddArray,
00568                                                 method, direction, option);
00570   array_free(domainVarBddArray);
00571   return product;
00572 }
00601 mdd_t*
00602 ImgMultiwayLinearAndSmoothWithFrom(mdd_manager *mddManager,
00603                                    array_t *relationArray,
00604                                    mdd_t *from,
00605                                    array_t *smoothVarBddArray,
00606                                    array_t *domainVarBddArray,
00607                                    array_t *introducedVarBddArray,
00608                                    Img_MethodType method,
00609                                    Img_DirectionType direction,
00610                                    ImgTrmOption_t *option)
00611 {
00612   mdd_t *product;
00613   boolean partial = FALSE;
00614   array_t *orderedRelationArray = NIL(array_t);
00615   array_t *arraySmoothVarBddArray = NIL(array_t);
00616   int freeOptionFlag;
00617   int lazySiftFlag = bdd_is_lazy_sift(mddManager);
00619   if (!option) {
00620     option = TrmGetOptions();
00621     freeOptionFlag = 1;
00622   } else
00623     freeOptionFlag = 0;
00625   if (method == Img_Iwls95_c) {
00626     OrderRelationArray(mddManager, relationArray, domainVarBddArray,
00627                         smoothVarBddArray, introducedVarBddArray, option,
00628                         &orderedRelationArray, &arraySmoothVarBddArray);
00629   } else if (method == Img_Mlp_c) {
00630     if (direction == Img_Forward_c) {
00631       /*
00632       * domainVarBddArray : PS
00633       * introducedVarBddArray : NS
00634       */
00635       if (option->mlpMultiway && from == NIL(mdd_t)) {
00636         product = ImgMlpMultiwayAndSmooth(mddManager, NIL(ImgFunctionData_t),
00637                                           relationArray, domainVarBddArray,
00638                                           smoothVarBddArray,
00639                                           introducedVarBddArray, direction,
00640                                           option);
00641         array_free(domainVarBddArray);
00642         if (freeOptionFlag)
00643           ImgFreeTrmOptions(option);
00644         return product;
00645       } else {
00646         ImgMlpOrderRelationArray(mddManager, relationArray, domainVarBddArray,
00647                                  smoothVarBddArray, introducedVarBddArray,
00648                                  direction, &orderedRelationArray,
00649                                  &arraySmoothVarBddArray, option);
00650       }
00651     } else { /* direction == Img_Backward_c */
00652       /*
00653       * domainVarBddArray : NS
00654       * introducedVarBddArray : PS
00655       */
00656       if (option->mlpPreSwapStateVars) {
00657         if (option->mlpMultiway && from == NIL(mdd_t)) {
00658           product = ImgMlpMultiwayAndSmooth(mddManager, NIL(ImgFunctionData_t),
00659                                             relationArray,
00660                                             domainVarBddArray,
00661                                             smoothVarBddArray,
00662                                             introducedVarBddArray,
00663                                             Img_Forward_c, option);
00664           array_free(domainVarBddArray);
00665           if (freeOptionFlag)
00666             ImgFreeTrmOptions(option);
00667           return product;
00668         } else {
00669           ImgMlpOrderRelationArray(mddManager, relationArray,
00670                                    domainVarBddArray, smoothVarBddArray,
00671                                    introducedVarBddArray,
00672                                    Img_Forward_c, &orderedRelationArray,
00673                                    &arraySmoothVarBddArray, option);
00674         }
00675       } else {
00676         if (option->mlpMultiway && from == NIL(mdd_t)) {
00677           product = ImgMlpMultiwayAndSmooth(mddManager, NIL(ImgFunctionData_t),
00678                                             relationArray, domainVarBddArray,
00679                                             smoothVarBddArray,
00680                                             introducedVarBddArray,
00681                                             Img_Backward_c, option);
00682           array_free(domainVarBddArray);
00683           if (freeOptionFlag)
00684             ImgFreeTrmOptions(option);
00685           return product;
00686         } else {
00687           ImgMlpOrderRelationArray(mddManager, relationArray,
00688                                    domainVarBddArray, smoothVarBddArray,
00689                                    introducedVarBddArray,
00690                                    Img_Backward_c, &orderedRelationArray,
00691                                    &arraySmoothVarBddArray, option);
00692         }
00693       }
00694     }
00695   } else
00696     assert(0);
00698   product = BddLinearAndSmooth(mddManager, from,
00699                                orderedRelationArray,
00700                                arraySmoothVarBddArray,
00701                                NIL(array_t),
00702                                option->verbosity,
00703                                NULL, &partial, lazySiftFlag);
00705   if (freeOptionFlag) 
00706     ImgFreeTrmOptions(option);
00707   mdd_array_free(orderedRelationArray);
00708   mdd_array_array_free(arraySmoothVarBddArray);
00709   return product;
00710 }
00727 mdd_t*
00728 ImgBddLinearAndSmooth(mdd_manager *mddManager,
00729                         mdd_t *from,
00730                         array_t *relationArray,
00731                         array_t *arraySmoothVarBddArray,
00732                         array_t *smoothVarCubeArray,
00733                         int verbosity)
00734 {
00735   mdd_t *product;
00736   boolean partial = FALSE;
00737   int lazySiftFlag = bdd_is_lazy_sift(mddManager);
00739   product = BddLinearAndSmooth(mddManager, from,
00740                                relationArray,
00741                                arraySmoothVarBddArray,
00742                                smoothVarCubeArray,
00743                                verbosity,
00744                                NULL, &partial, lazySiftFlag);
00746   return product;
00747 }
00760 array_t *
00761 ImgClusterRelationArray(mdd_manager *mddManager,
00762                         ImgFunctionData_t *functionData,
00763                         Img_MethodType method,
00764                         Img_DirectionType direction,
00765                         ImgTrmOption_t *option,
00766                         array_t *relationArray,
00767                         array_t *domainVarBddArray,
00768                         array_t *quantifyVarBddArray,
00769                         array_t *rangeVarBddArray,
00770                         array_t **arraySmoothVarBddArray,
00771                         array_t **smoothVarCubeArray,
00772                         boolean freeRelationArray)
00773 {
00774   array_t       *orderedRelationArray;
00775   array_t       *clusteredRelationArray;
00776   int           freeOptionFlag;
00777   long          initialTime, finalTime;
00779   if (!option) {
00780     option = TrmGetOptions();
00781     freeOptionFlag = 1;
00782   } else
00783     freeOptionFlag = 0;
00785   if (option->verbosity >= 2)
00786     initialTime = util_cpu_time();
00787   else /* to remove uninitialized variables warning */
00788     initialTime = 0;
00790   if (method == Img_Iwls95_c) {
00791     assert(direction != Img_Both_c);
00792     if (direction == Img_Forward_c) {
00793       OrderClusterOrder(mddManager, relationArray, domainVarBddArray,
00794                         rangeVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray,
00795                         &orderedRelationArray, arraySmoothVarBddArray,
00796                         option, freeRelationArray);
00797     } else {
00798       assert(direction == Img_Backward_c);
00799       OrderClusterOrder(mddManager, relationArray, rangeVarBddArray,
00800                         domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray,
00801                         &orderedRelationArray, arraySmoothVarBddArray,
00802                         option, freeRelationArray);
00804     }
00805     if (freeOptionFlag)
00806       ImgFreeTrmOptions(option);
00808     if (smoothVarCubeArray) {
00809       if (functionData->createVarCubesFlag) {
00810         *smoothVarCubeArray = MakeSmoothVarCubeArray(mddManager,
00811                                                    *arraySmoothVarBddArray);
00812       } else
00813         *smoothVarCubeArray = NIL(array_t);
00814     }
00815     if (option->verbosity >= 2) {
00816       finalTime = util_cpu_time();
00817       fprintf(vis_stdout, "time for clustering with IWLS95 = %10g\n",
00818               (double)(finalTime - initialTime) / 1000.0);
00819     }
00820     return(orderedRelationArray);
00821   } else if (method == Img_Mlp_c) {
00822     if ((direction == Img_Forward_c && option->mlpReorder == 2) ||
00823         (direction == Img_Backward_c && option->mlpPreReorder == 2)) {
00824       if (direction == Img_Forward_c)
00825         option->mlpReorder = 0;
00826       else
00827         option->mlpPreReorder = 0;
00828       ImgMlpClusterRelationArray(mddManager, functionData, relationArray,
00829                 domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray,
00830                 direction, &clusteredRelationArray, NIL(array_t *), option);
00831       if (direction == Img_Forward_c)
00832         option->mlpReorder = 2;
00833       else
00834         option->mlpPreReorder = 2;
00835       ImgMlpOrderRelationArray(mddManager, clusteredRelationArray,
00836                 domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray,
00837                 direction, &orderedRelationArray, arraySmoothVarBddArray,
00838                 option);
00839       mdd_array_free(clusteredRelationArray);
00840     } else if ((direction == Img_Forward_c && option->mlpReorder == 3) ||
00841                (direction == Img_Backward_c && option->mlpPreReorder == 3)) {
00842       if (direction == Img_Forward_c)
00843         option->mlpReorder = 0;
00844       else
00845         option->mlpPreReorder = 0;
00846       ImgMlpClusterRelationArray(mddManager, functionData, relationArray,
00847                 domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray,
00848                 direction, &clusteredRelationArray, NIL(array_t *), option);
00849       if (direction == Img_Forward_c)
00850         option->mlpReorder = 3;
00851       else
00852         option->mlpPreReorder = 3;
00853       OrderRelationArray(mddManager, clusteredRelationArray,
00854                 domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray,
00855                 rangeVarBddArray, option,
00856                 &orderedRelationArray, arraySmoothVarBddArray);
00857       mdd_array_free(clusteredRelationArray);
00858     } else {
00859       ImgMlpClusterRelationArray(mddManager, functionData, relationArray,
00860                 domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray,
00861                 direction, &orderedRelationArray, arraySmoothVarBddArray,
00862                 option);
00863     }
00864     if (freeOptionFlag)
00865       ImgFreeTrmOptions(option);
00866     if (smoothVarCubeArray) {
00867       if (functionData->createVarCubesFlag) {
00868         *smoothVarCubeArray = MakeSmoothVarCubeArray(mddManager,
00869                                                    *arraySmoothVarBddArray);
00870       } else
00871         *smoothVarCubeArray = NIL(array_t);
00872     }
00873     if (option->verbosity >= 2) {
00874       finalTime = util_cpu_time();
00875       fprintf(vis_stdout, "time for clustering with MLP = %10g\n",
00876                 (double)(finalTime - initialTime) / 1000.0);
00877     }
00878     return(orderedRelationArray);
00879   } else
00880     assert(0);
00881   return NIL(array_t); /* we should never get here */
00882 }
00894 array_t *
00895 ImgGetQuantificationSchedule(mdd_manager *mddManager,
00896                                 ImgFunctionData_t *functionData,
00897                                 Img_MethodType method,
00898                                 Img_DirectionType direction,
00899                                 ImgTrmOption_t *option,
00900                                 array_t *relationArray,
00901                                 array_t *smoothVarBddArray,
00902                                 array_t *domainVarBddArray,
00903                                 array_t *introducedVarBddArray,
00904                                 boolean withClustering,
00905                                 array_t **orderedRelationArrayPtr)
00906 {
00907   array_t *orderedRelationArray = NIL(array_t);
00908   array_t *clusteredRelationArray;
00909   array_t *arraySmoothVarBddArray = NIL(array_t);
00910   int freeOptionFlag;
00912   if (!option) {
00913     option = TrmGetOptions();
00914     freeOptionFlag = 1;
00915   } else
00916     freeOptionFlag = 0;
00918   if (method == Img_Iwls95_c) {
00919     if (withClustering) {
00920       OrderRelationArray(mddManager, relationArray, domainVarBddArray,
00921                         smoothVarBddArray, introducedVarBddArray, option,
00922                         &orderedRelationArray, NIL(array_t *));
00924       clusteredRelationArray = CreateClusters(mddManager, orderedRelationArray,
00925                                                 option);
00926       mdd_array_free(orderedRelationArray);
00928       OrderRelationArray(mddManager, clusteredRelationArray, domainVarBddArray,
00929                         smoothVarBddArray, introducedVarBddArray, option,
00930                         &orderedRelationArray, &arraySmoothVarBddArray);
00931       mdd_array_free(clusteredRelationArray);
00932     } else {
00933       OrderRelationArray(mddManager, relationArray, domainVarBddArray,
00934                         smoothVarBddArray, introducedVarBddArray, option,
00935                         &orderedRelationArray, &arraySmoothVarBddArray);
00936     }
00937   } else if (method == Img_Mlp_c) {
00938     if (withClustering) {
00939       ImgMlpClusterRelationArray(mddManager, functionData, relationArray,
00940                 domainVarBddArray, smoothVarBddArray, introducedVarBddArray,
00941                 direction, &orderedRelationArray, &arraySmoothVarBddArray,
00942                 option);
00943     } else {
00944       ImgMlpOrderRelationArray(mddManager, relationArray, domainVarBddArray,
00945                         smoothVarBddArray, introducedVarBddArray, direction,
00946                         &orderedRelationArray, &arraySmoothVarBddArray,
00947                         option);
00948     }
00949   } else
00950     assert(0);
00952   if (freeOptionFlag)
00953     ImgFreeTrmOptions(option);
00954   if (orderedRelationArrayPtr)
00955     *orderedRelationArrayPtr = orderedRelationArray;
00956   else
00957     mdd_array_free(orderedRelationArray);
00958   return(arraySmoothVarBddArray);
00959 }
00971 ImgTrmOption_t *
00972 ImgGetTrmOptions(void)
00973 {
00974   ImgTrmOption_t        *option;
00976   option = TrmGetOptions();
00977   return(option);
00978 }
00990 void
00991 ImgFreeTrmOptions(ImgTrmOption_t *option)
00992 {
00993   if (option->readCluster)
00994     FREE(option->readCluster);
00995   if (option->writeCluster)
00996     FREE(option->writeCluster);
00997   if (option->writeDepMatrix)
00998     FREE(option->writeDepMatrix);
00999   FREE(option);
01000 }
01014 void 
01015 ImgResetMethodDataLinearComputeRange(void *methodData)
01016 {
01017   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *) methodData;
01018   info->linearComputeRange = 0;
01019 }
01031 void 
01032 ImgSetMethodDataLinearComputeRange(void *methodData)
01033 {
01034   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *) methodData;
01035   info->linearComputeRange = 1;
01036 }
01048 mdd_t *
01049 Img_ImageGetUnreachableStates(Img_ImageInfo_t * imageInfo)
01050 {
01051   array_t *relationArray;
01052   mdd_t *states;
01053   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *) imageInfo->methodData;
01055   relationArray = info->fwdOptClusteredRelationArray;
01056   states = array_fetch(mdd_t *, relationArray, 0);
01057   states = ImgSubstitute(states, &(imageInfo->functionData), Img_R2D_c);
01058   return(states);
01059 }
01080 void *
01081 ImgImageInfoInitializeIwls95(void *methodData,
01082                              ImgFunctionData_t *functionData,
01083                              Img_DirectionType directionType,
01084                              Img_MethodType method)
01085 {
01086   array_t *fwdClusteredRelationArray;
01087   array_t *bwdClusteredRelationArray;
01088   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *) methodData;
01089   Ntk_Network_t *network;
01090   Ntk_Node_t *node;
01091   char *flagValue;
01092   int i, mddId ;
01094   if (info &&
01095       (((info->fwdClusteredRelationArray) &&
01096         (info->bwdClusteredRelationArray)) ||
01097        ((directionType == Img_Forward_c) &&
01098         (info->fwdClusteredRelationArray)) ||
01099        ((directionType == Img_Backward_c) &&
01100         (info->bwdClusteredRelationArray)))) {
01101     /* Nothing needs to be done. Return */
01102     return (void *) info;
01103   }
01104   else{
01105     array_t *rangeVarBddArray, *domainVarBddArray, *quantifyVarBddArray;
01106     array_t *newQuantifyVarMddIdArray;
01107     array_t *clusteredRelationArray;
01108     FILE *fin, *fout;
01109     array_t *bddRelationArray, *quantifyVarMddIdArray;
01110     mdd_manager *mddManager = Part_PartitionReadMddManager(functionData->mddNetwork);
01112     if (info == NIL(Iwls95Info_t)) {
01113       info = Iwls95InfoStructAlloc(method);
01114     }
01115     CreateBitRelationArray(info, functionData);
01118     bddRelationArray = info->bitRelationArray;
01119     quantifyVarMddIdArray = info->quantifyVarMddIdArray;
01120     if(functionData->FAFWFlag) {
01121       network = functionData->network;
01122       newQuantifyVarMddIdArray = array_alloc(int, 0);
01123       for(i=0; i<array_n(quantifyVarMddIdArray); i++) {
01124         mddId = array_fetch(int, quantifyVarMddIdArray, i);
01125         node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByMddId(network, mddId);
01126         if(!Ntk_NodeTestIsInput(node)) {
01127           array_insert_last(int, newQuantifyVarMddIdArray, mddId);
01128         }
01129       }
01130       array_free(quantifyVarMddIdArray);
01131       quantifyVarMddIdArray = newQuantifyVarMddIdArray;
01132       info->quantifyVarMddIdArray = newQuantifyVarMddIdArray;
01133     }
01135     info->bitRelationArray = NIL(array_t);
01136     info->quantifyVarMddIdArray = NIL(array_t);
01138     rangeVarBddArray = functionData->rangeBddVars;
01139     domainVarBddArray = functionData->domainBddVars;
01140     quantifyVarBddArray = mdd_id_array_to_bdd_array(mddManager,
01141                                                     quantifyVarMddIdArray);
01143     array_free(quantifyVarMddIdArray);
01145     if (((directionType == Img_Forward_c) ||
01146          (directionType == Img_Both_c)) &&
01147         (info->fwdClusteredRelationArray == NIL(array_t))) {
01148       if (info->option->readCluster) {
01149         if (info->option->readReorderCluster) {
01150           fin = fopen(info->option->readCluster, "r");
01151           ImgMlpReadClusterFile(fin, mddManager,
01152                           functionData, bddRelationArray,
01153                           domainVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray,
01154                           quantifyVarBddArray, Img_Forward_c,
01155                           &clusteredRelationArray, NIL(array_t *),
01156                           info->option);
01157           fclose(fin);
01158           if (method == Img_Iwls95_c) {
01159             OrderRelationArray(mddManager, clusteredRelationArray,
01160                           domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray,
01161                           rangeVarBddArray, info->option,
01162                           &info->fwdClusteredRelationArray,
01163                           &info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
01164           } else if (method == Img_Mlp_c) {
01165             ImgMlpOrderRelationArray(mddManager, clusteredRelationArray,
01166                           domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray,
01167                           rangeVarBddArray, Img_Forward_c,
01168                           &info->fwdClusteredRelationArray,
01169                           &info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray,
01170                           info->option);
01171           } else
01172             assert(0);
01173           mdd_array_free(clusteredRelationArray);
01174         } else {
01175           fin = fopen(info->option->readCluster, "r");
01176           ImgMlpReadClusterFile(fin, mddManager,
01177                           functionData, bddRelationArray,
01178                           domainVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray,
01179                           quantifyVarBddArray, Img_Forward_c,
01180                           &info->fwdClusteredRelationArray,
01181                           &info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray,
01182                           info->option);
01183           fclose(fin);
01184         }
01185       } else if (method == Img_Iwls95_c) {
01186         /*
01187          * Since clusters are formed by multiplying the latches starting
01188          * from one end we need to order the latches using some heuristics
01189          * first. Right now, we order the latches using the same heuristic
01190          * as the one used for ordering the clusters for early quantifiction.
01191          * However, since we are not interested in the quantification
01192          * schedule at this stage, we will pass a NIL(array_t*) as the last
01193          * argument.
01194          */
01195         OrderClusterOrder(mddManager, bddRelationArray, domainVarBddArray,
01196                           rangeVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray,
01197                           &info->fwdClusteredRelationArray,
01198                           &info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray,
01199                           info->option, 0);
01200       } else if (method == Img_Mlp_c) {
01201         if (info->option->mlpReorder == 2) {
01202           info->option->mlpReorder = 0;
01203           ImgMlpClusterRelationArray(mddManager, functionData,
01204                         bddRelationArray, domainVarBddArray,
01205                         quantifyVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray,
01206                         Img_Forward_c, &clusteredRelationArray,
01207                         NIL(array_t *), info->option);
01208           info->option->mlpReorder = 2;
01209           ImgMlpOrderRelationArray(mddManager, clusteredRelationArray,
01210                         domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray,
01211                         rangeVarBddArray, Img_Forward_c,
01212                         &info->fwdClusteredRelationArray,
01213                         &info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray, info->option);
01214           mdd_array_free(clusteredRelationArray);
01215         } else if (info->option->mlpReorder == 3) {
01216           info->option->mlpReorder = 0;
01217           ImgMlpClusterRelationArray(mddManager, functionData,
01218                         bddRelationArray, domainVarBddArray,
01219                         quantifyVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray,
01220                         Img_Forward_c, &clusteredRelationArray,
01221                         NIL(array_t *), info->option);
01222           info->option->mlpReorder = 3;
01223           OrderRelationArray(mddManager, clusteredRelationArray,
01224                         domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray,
01225                         rangeVarBddArray, info->option,
01226                         &info->fwdClusteredRelationArray,
01227                         &info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
01228           mdd_array_free(clusteredRelationArray);
01229         } else {
01230           ImgMlpClusterRelationArray(mddManager, functionData,
01231                         bddRelationArray, domainVarBddArray,
01232                         quantifyVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray,
01233                         Img_Forward_c, &info->fwdClusteredRelationArray,
01234                         &info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray, info->option);
01235         }
01236       } else if (method == Img_Linear_c || method == Img_Linear_Range_c) {
01237           if(method == Img_Linear_Range_c) {
01238             info->option->linearComputeRange = 1;
01239             method = Img_Linear_c;
01240           }
01241           ImgLinearClusterRelationArray(mddManager, functionData,
01242                         bddRelationArray, 
01243                         Img_Forward_c, 
01244                         &info->fwdClusteredRelationArray,
01245                         &info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray, 
01246                         &info->fwdOptClusteredRelationArray,
01247                         &info->fwdOptArraySmoothVarBddArray, 
01248                         info->option);
01249       } else
01250         assert(0);
01252       if (info->option->verbosity > 2) 
01253         PrintPartitionedTransitionRelation(mddManager, info, Img_Forward_c);
01254       if(method == Img_Linear_c)
01255         ImgPrintPartitionedTransitionRelation(mddManager,
01256                 info->fwdOptClusteredRelationArray , 
01257                 info->fwdOptArraySmoothVarBddArray);
01259       if (info->option->printDepMatrix || info->option->writeDepMatrix) {
01260         if (info->option->writeDepMatrix) {
01261           fout = fopen(info->option->writeDepMatrix, "w");
01262           if (!fout) {
01263             fprintf(vis_stderr, "** img error: can't open file [%s]\n",
01264                     info->option->writeDepMatrix);
01265           }
01266         } else
01267           fout = NIL(FILE);
01268         ImgMlpPrintDependenceMatrix(mddManager,
01269                 info->fwdClusteredRelationArray,
01270                 domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray,
01271                 Img_Forward_c, info->option->printDepMatrix, fout,
01272                 info->option);
01273         if (fout)
01274           fclose(fout);
01275       }
01276       if (info->option->writeCluster) {
01277         fout = fopen(info->option->writeCluster, "w");
01278         ImgMlpWriteClusterFile(fout, mddManager, 
01279                 info->fwdClusteredRelationArray,
01280                 domainVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray);
01281         fclose(fout);
01282       }
01284       if (functionData->createVarCubesFlag && info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray) 
01285         info->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray = MakeSmoothVarCubeArray(mddManager,
01286                                         info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
01287       else
01288         info->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray = NIL(array_t);
01290       if (functionData->createVarCubesFlag && info->fwdOptArraySmoothVarBddArray) 
01291         info->fwdOptSmoothVarCubeArray = MakeSmoothVarCubeArray(mddManager,
01292                                         info->fwdOptArraySmoothVarBddArray);
01293       else
01294         info->fwdOptSmoothVarCubeArray = NIL(array_t);
01296 #ifndef NDEBUG
01297       if(info->fwdClusteredRelationArray)
01298         assert(CheckQuantificationSchedule(info->fwdClusteredRelationArray,
01299                                          info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray));
01300       if(info->fwdOptClusteredRelationArray)
01301         assert(CheckQuantificationSchedule(info->fwdOptClusteredRelationArray,
01302                                          info->fwdOptArraySmoothVarBddArray));
01303 #endif
01304     }
01306     if (((directionType == Img_Backward_c) ||
01307          (directionType == Img_Both_c)) &&
01308         (info->bwdClusteredRelationArray == NIL(array_t))) {
01309       if (info->option->readCluster) {
01310         if (info->option->readReorderCluster) {
01311           fin = fopen(info->option->readCluster, "r");
01312           ImgMlpReadClusterFile(fin, mddManager,
01313                           functionData, bddRelationArray,
01314                           domainVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray,
01315                           quantifyVarBddArray, Img_Backward_c,
01316                           &clusteredRelationArray, NIL(array_t *),
01317                           info->option);
01318           fclose(fin);
01319           if (method == Img_Iwls95_c) {
01320             OrderRelationArray(mddManager, clusteredRelationArray,
01321                           rangeVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray,
01322                           domainVarBddArray, info->option,
01323                           &info->bwdClusteredRelationArray,
01324                           &info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
01325           } else if (method == Img_Mlp_c) {
01326             ImgMlpOrderRelationArray(mddManager, clusteredRelationArray,
01327                           domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray,
01328                           rangeVarBddArray, Img_Backward_c,
01329                           &info->bwdClusteredRelationArray,
01330                           &info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray,
01331                           info->option);
01332           } else
01333             assert(0);
01334           mdd_array_free(clusteredRelationArray);
01335         } else {
01336           fin = fopen(info->option->readCluster, "r");
01337           ImgMlpReadClusterFile(fin, mddManager,
01338                           functionData, bddRelationArray,
01339                           domainVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray,
01340                           quantifyVarBddArray, Img_Backward_c,
01341                           &info->bwdClusteredRelationArray,
01342                           &info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray,
01343                           info->option);
01344           fclose(fin);
01345         }
01346       } else if (method == Img_Iwls95_c) {
01347         /*
01348          * Since clusters are formed by multiplying the latches starting
01349          * from one end we need to order the latches using some heuristics
01350          * first. Right now, we order the latches using the same heuristic
01351          * as the one used for ordering the clusters for early quantifiction.
01352          * However, since we are not interested in the quantification
01353          * schedule at this stage, we will pass a NIL(array_t*) as the last
01354          * argument.
01355          */
01356         OrderClusterOrder(mddManager, bddRelationArray, rangeVarBddArray,
01357                           domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray,
01358                           &info->bwdClusteredRelationArray,
01359                           &info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray,
01360                           info->option, 0);
01361       } else if (method == Img_Mlp_c) {
01362         if (info->option->mlpPreReorder == 2) {
01363           info->option->mlpPreReorder = 0;
01364           ImgMlpClusterRelationArray(mddManager, functionData,
01365                         bddRelationArray, domainVarBddArray,
01366                         quantifyVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray,
01367                         Img_Backward_c, &clusteredRelationArray,
01368                         NIL(array_t *), info->option);
01369           info->option->mlpPreReorder = 2;
01370           ImgMlpOrderRelationArray(mddManager, clusteredRelationArray,
01371                         domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray,
01372                         rangeVarBddArray, Img_Backward_c,
01373                         &info->bwdClusteredRelationArray,
01374                         &info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray, info->option);
01375           mdd_array_free(clusteredRelationArray);
01376         } else if (info->option->mlpPreReorder == 3) {
01377           info->option->mlpPreReorder = 0;
01378           ImgMlpClusterRelationArray(mddManager, functionData,
01379                         bddRelationArray, domainVarBddArray,
01380                         quantifyVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray,
01381                         Img_Backward_c, &clusteredRelationArray,
01382                         NIL(array_t *), info->option);
01383           info->option->mlpPreReorder = 3;
01384           OrderRelationArray(mddManager, clusteredRelationArray,
01385                         domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray,
01386                         rangeVarBddArray, info->option,
01387                         &info->bwdClusteredRelationArray,
01388                         &info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
01389           mdd_array_free(clusteredRelationArray);
01390         } else {
01391           ImgMlpClusterRelationArray(mddManager, functionData,
01392                         bddRelationArray, domainVarBddArray,
01393                         quantifyVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray,
01394                         Img_Backward_c, &info->bwdClusteredRelationArray,
01395                         &info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray, info->option);
01396         }
01397       } else
01398         assert(0);
01400       info->careSetArray = NIL(array_t);
01401       info->bwdClusteredCofactoredRelationArray = NIL(array_t);
01403       if (info->option->verbosity > 2) 
01404         PrintPartitionedTransitionRelation(mddManager, info, Img_Backward_c);
01406       if (info->option->printDepMatrix || info->option->writeDepMatrix) {
01407         if (info->option->writeDepMatrix) {
01408           fout = fopen(info->option->writeDepMatrix, "w");
01409           if (!fout) {
01410             fprintf(vis_stderr, "** img error: can't open file [%s]\n",
01411                     info->option->writeDepMatrix);
01412           }
01413         } else
01414           fout = NIL(FILE);
01415         ImgMlpPrintDependenceMatrix(mddManager,
01416                 info->bwdClusteredRelationArray,
01417                 domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray,
01418                 Img_Backward_c, info->option->printDepMatrix, fout,
01419                 info->option);
01421         if (fout)
01422           fclose(fout);
01423       }
01424       if (info->option->writeCluster) {
01425         fout = fopen(info->option->writeCluster, "w");
01426         ImgMlpWriteClusterFile(fout, mddManager, 
01427                 info->bwdClusteredRelationArray,
01428                 domainVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray);
01429         fclose(fout);
01430       }
01432       if (functionData->createVarCubesFlag)
01433         info->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray = MakeSmoothVarCubeArray(mddManager,
01434                                         info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
01435       else
01436         info->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray = NIL(array_t);
01438 #ifndef NDEBUG
01439       assert(CheckQuantificationSchedule(info->bwdClusteredRelationArray,
01440                                          info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray));
01441 #endif
01442     }
01445     info->lazySiftFlag = bdd_is_lazy_sift(mddManager);
01446     if (info->lazySiftFlag) {
01447       SetupLazySifting(mddManager, bddRelationArray, domainVarBddArray,
01448                        quantifyVarBddArray, rangeVarBddArray,
01449                        info->option->verbosity);
01450     }
01452     /* Free the bddRelationArray */
01453     mdd_array_free(bddRelationArray);
01455     if ((info->option)->verbosity > 0) {
01456       fwdClusteredRelationArray = info->fwdClusteredRelationArray;
01457       bwdClusteredRelationArray = info->bwdClusteredRelationArray;
01458       if (method == Img_Iwls95_c)
01459         fprintf(vis_stdout,"Computing Image Using IWLS95 technique.\n");
01460       else if (method == Img_Mlp_c)
01461         fprintf(vis_stdout,"Computing Image Using MLP technique.\n");
01462       else if (method == Img_Linear_c) {
01463         fprintf(vis_stdout,"Computing Image Using LINEAR technique.\n");
01464         fwdClusteredRelationArray = info->fwdOptClusteredRelationArray;
01465         /*bwdClusteredRelationArray = info->bwdOptClusteredRelationArray;*/
01466       }
01467       else
01468         assert(0);
01469       fprintf(vis_stdout,"Total # of domain binary variables = %3d\n",
01470               array_n(domainVarBddArray));
01471       fprintf(vis_stdout,"Total # of range binary variables = %3d\n",
01472               array_n(rangeVarBddArray));
01473       fprintf(vis_stdout,"Total # of quantify binary variables = %3d\n",
01474               array_n(quantifyVarBddArray));
01475       if ((directionType == Img_Forward_c) || (directionType ==
01476                                                Img_Both_c)) {
01477         fprintf(vis_stdout, "Shared size of transition relation for forward image computation is %10ld BDD nodes (%-4d components)\n",
01478                 bdd_size_multiple(fwdClusteredRelationArray),
01479                 array_n(fwdClusteredRelationArray));
01480       }
01481       if ((directionType == Img_Backward_c) || (directionType == Img_Both_c)) {
01482         fprintf(vis_stdout, "Shared size of transition relation for backward image computation is %10ld BDD nodes (%-4d components)\n",
01483                 bdd_size_multiple(bwdClusteredRelationArray),
01484                 array_n(bwdClusteredRelationArray));
01485       }
01486     }
01488     /* Update nvars field in partial image options structure with
01489        total number of variables. */
01490     if (info->PIoption != NULL) {
01491       (info->PIoption)->nvars = array_n(domainVarBddArray) +
01492         array_n(quantifyVarBddArray) +
01493         array_n(rangeVarBddArray);
01494     }
01495     /* Free the Bdd arrays */
01496     mdd_array_free(quantifyVarBddArray);
01498     flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("image_eliminate_depend_vars");
01499     if (flagValue == NIL(char))
01500       info->eliminateDepend = 0; /* the default value */
01501     else
01502       info->eliminateDepend = atoi(flagValue);
01503     if (info->eliminateDepend && bdd_get_package_name() != CUDD) {
01504       fprintf(vis_stderr,
01505 "** trm error : image_eliminate_depend_vars is available for only CUDD.\n");
01506       info->eliminateDepend = 0;
01507     }
01508     info->nPrevEliminatedFwd = -1;
01510     return (void *)info;
01511   }
01512 }
01532 mdd_t *
01533 ImgImageInfoComputeFwdIwls95(ImgFunctionData_t *functionData,
01534                              Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo,
01535                              mdd_t *fromLowerBound,
01536                              mdd_t *fromUpperBound,
01537                              array_t *toCareSetArray)
01538 {
01539   mdd_t *image, *domainSubset, *newFrom;
01540   mdd_manager *mddManager;
01541   boolean partial;
01542   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *)imageInfo->methodData;
01543   int eliminateDepend;
01544   Img_OptimizeType optDir;
01545   array_t *fwdOriClusteredRelationArray;
01546   array_t *fwdOriArraySmoothVarBddArray;
01547   array_t *fwdOriSmoothVarCubeArray;
01548   array_t *fwdClusteredRelationArray;
01549   Relation_t *head;
01550   int bOptimize;
01551   boolean farSideImageIsEnabled;
01552   char    *userSpecifiedMethod;
01554   mddManager = Part_PartitionReadMddManager(functionData->mddNetwork);
01556   if(imageInfo->methodType == Img_Linear_c) {
01557     if(info->fwdClusteredRelationArray == 0 || 
01558        imageInfo->useOptimizedRelationFlag) {
01559       fwdOriClusteredRelationArray = info->fwdOptClusteredRelationArray;
01560       fwdOriArraySmoothVarBddArray = info->fwdOptArraySmoothVarBddArray;
01561       fwdOriSmoothVarCubeArray = info->fwdOptSmoothVarCubeArray;
01562     }
01563     else {
01564       fwdOriClusteredRelationArray = info->fwdClusteredRelationArray;
01565       fwdOriArraySmoothVarBddArray = info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray;
01566       fwdOriSmoothVarCubeArray = info->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray;
01567     }
01568   }
01569   else {
01570     fwdOriClusteredRelationArray = info->fwdClusteredRelationArray;
01571     fwdOriArraySmoothVarBddArray = info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray;
01572     fwdOriSmoothVarCubeArray = info->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray;
01573   }
01575   if (fwdOriClusteredRelationArray == NIL(array_t)) {
01576     fprintf(vis_stderr, "** img error: The data structure has not been ");
01577     fprintf(vis_stderr, "initialized for forward image computation\n");
01578     return NIL(mdd_t);
01579   }
01581   if (info->eliminateDepend == 1 ||
01582       (info->eliminateDepend == 2 && info->nPrevEliminatedFwd > 0)) {
01583     eliminateDepend = 1;
01584   } else
01585     eliminateDepend = 0;
01587   domainSubset = bdd_between(fromLowerBound, fromUpperBound);
01589   if (eliminateDepend) {
01590     fwdClusteredRelationArray = mdd_array_duplicate(fwdOriClusteredRelationArray);
01591     newFrom = TrmEliminateDependVars(imageInfo, fwdClusteredRelationArray,
01592                                      domainSubset, NIL(mdd_t *));
01593     mdd_free(domainSubset);
01594     domainSubset = newFrom;
01595   } else
01596     fwdClusteredRelationArray = fwdOriClusteredRelationArray;
01598   /* Record if partial images are allowed. */
01599   partial = info->allowPartialImage;
01600   info->wasPartialImage = FALSE;
01602   /* bias field is used to bias the intermediate results towards care states */
01603   if ((info->PIoption)->partialImageApproxMethod == BDD_APPROX_BIASED_RUA) {
01604     /* assume that this array has only one mdd */
01605     mdd_t *toCareSet = array_fetch(mdd_t *, toCareSetArray, 0);
01606     (info->PIoption)->bias = mdd_dup(toCareSet);
01607   }
01609   /* when the "compositional far side image approach" is selected, and
01610    * there are more than one transition relation clusters,
01611    * over-approximate images (w.r.t individual TR clusters) will be
01612    * used to minimize the transition relation.
01613    */
01614   farSideImageIsEnabled = FALSE;
01615   userSpecifiedMethod = Cmd_FlagReadByName("image_farside_method");
01616   if (userSpecifiedMethod != NIL(char)) {
01617     if (!strcmp(userSpecifiedMethod, "1")) 
01618       farSideImageIsEnabled = TRUE;
01619   }
01621   if (!farSideImageIsEnabled || array_n(fwdClusteredRelationArray) < 2) {
01623     image = BddLinearAndSmooth(mddManager, domainSubset,
01624                                fwdClusteredRelationArray,
01625                                fwdOriArraySmoothVarBddArray,
01626                                fwdOriSmoothVarCubeArray,
01627                                (info->option)->verbosity,
01628                                info->PIoption, &partial, info->lazySiftFlag);
01630   }else {
01632     array_t  *fwdFarArraySmoothVarBddArray = fwdOriArraySmoothVarBddArray;
01633     array_t  *fwdFarSmoothVarCubeArray      = fwdOriSmoothVarCubeArray;
01634     array_t  *fwdFarClusteredRelationArray = mdd_array_duplicate(fwdClusteredRelationArray);
01635     array_t  *upperBoundImages = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
01636     st_table *domainSupportVarTable, *trClusterSupportVarTable;
01637     mdd_t    *trCluster, *newDomainset, *newTRcluster, *upperBoundImage;
01638     mdd_t    *holdMdd, *tmpMdd;
01639     array_t  *tempArray;
01640     int      beforeSize, afterSize, middleSize;
01641     int      size1, size2, size3;
01642     boolean  flag1, flag2;
01643     int      i,j, k;
01644     long     bddId;
01646     /* compute a series of over-approximate images based on individual
01647      * TR clusters
01648      */
01649     domainSupportVarTable = st_init_table(st_ptrcmp, st_ptrhash);
01650     tempArray = mdd_get_bdd_support_ids(mddManager, domainSubset);
01651     arrayForEachItem(int, tempArray, j, bddId) {
01652       st_insert(domainSupportVarTable, (char *)bddId, (char *)0);
01653     }
01654     array_free(tempArray);
01656     beforeSize = afterSize = middleSize =0;
01657     arrayForEachItem(mdd_t *, fwdFarClusteredRelationArray, i, trCluster) {
01658       array_t *preQuantifiedVarsInDomainset = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
01659       array_t *preQuantifiedVarsInTRcluster = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
01660       array_t *quantifiedVarsInProduct = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
01662       /* some variables can be quantified before taking the conjunction */
01663       trClusterSupportVarTable = st_init_table(st_ptrcmp, st_ptrhash);
01664       tempArray = mdd_get_bdd_support_ids(mddManager, trCluster);
01665       arrayForEachItem(int, tempArray, j, bddId) {
01666         st_insert(trClusterSupportVarTable, (char *)bddId, (char *)0);
01667       }
01668       array_free(tempArray);
01669       arrayForEachItem(array_t *, fwdFarArraySmoothVarBddArray, j, tempArray) {
01670         arrayForEachItem(mdd_t *, tempArray, k, holdMdd) {
01671           bddId = (int)bdd_top_var_id(holdMdd);
01672           flag1 = st_is_member(domainSupportVarTable, (char *)bddId);
01673           flag2 = st_is_member(trClusterSupportVarTable, (char *)bddId);
01674           if (flag1 && flag2)
01675             array_insert_last(mdd_t *, quantifiedVarsInProduct, holdMdd);
01676           else if (flag1)
01677             array_insert_last(mdd_t *, preQuantifiedVarsInDomainset, holdMdd);
01678           else if (flag2)
01679             array_insert_last(mdd_t *, preQuantifiedVarsInTRcluster, holdMdd);
01680           else 
01681             ;
01682         }
01683       }
01684       st_free_table(trClusterSupportVarTable);
01686       if (array_n(preQuantifiedVarsInDomainset) == 0)
01687         newDomainset = bdd_dup(domainSubset);
01688       else
01689         newDomainset = bdd_smooth(domainSubset, preQuantifiedVarsInDomainset);
01690       array_free(preQuantifiedVarsInDomainset);
01692       if (array_n(preQuantifiedVarsInTRcluster) == 0)
01693         newTRcluster = bdd_dup(trCluster);
01694       else
01695         newTRcluster = bdd_smooth(trCluster, preQuantifiedVarsInTRcluster);
01696       array_free(preQuantifiedVarsInTRcluster);
01698       /* compute the over-approximated image */
01699       if (array_n(quantifiedVarsInProduct) == 0)
01700         upperBoundImage = bdd_and(newTRcluster, newDomainset, 1, 1);
01701       else
01702         upperBoundImage = bdd_and_smooth(newTRcluster, newDomainset, quantifiedVarsInProduct);
01703       array_free(quantifiedVarsInProduct);
01704       mdd_free(newTRcluster);
01705       mdd_free(newDomainset);
01707       /* minimize the TR cluster with the new upper bound image */
01708       newTRcluster = Img_MinimizeImage(trCluster, upperBoundImage, 
01709                                        Img_DefaultMinimizeMethod_c, TRUE);
01711       size1 = mdd_size(trCluster);
01712       beforeSize += size1;
01713       size2 = mdd_size(upperBoundImage);
01714       middleSize += size2;
01715       size3 = mdd_size(newTRcluster);
01716       afterSize += size3;
01717       if (info->option->verbosity >= 3) {
01718         fprintf(vis_stdout, "farSideImg: minimize TR cluster[%d]  %d |%d => %d\n", i, 
01719                 size1, size2, size3);
01720       }
01722       if (mdd_equal(newTRcluster, trCluster)) {
01723         mdd_free(newTRcluster);
01724         mdd_free(upperBoundImage);
01725       }else {
01726         mdd_free(trCluster);
01727         array_insert(mdd_t *, fwdFarClusteredRelationArray, i, newTRcluster);
01728         array_insert_last(mdd_t *, upperBoundImages, upperBoundImage);
01729       }
01730     }
01731     st_free_table(domainSupportVarTable);
01733     if (info->option->verbosity >= 2) {
01734       fprintf(vis_stdout, "farSideImg: minimize TR total  %d |%d => %d\n",
01735               beforeSize, middleSize, afterSize);
01736     }
01738     /* compute the image with the simplified transition relation */
01739     image = BddLinearAndSmooth(mddManager, domainSubset,
01740                                fwdFarClusteredRelationArray,
01741                                fwdFarArraySmoothVarBddArray,
01742                                fwdFarSmoothVarCubeArray,
01743                                (info->option)->verbosity,
01744                                info->PIoption, &partial, info->lazySiftFlag);
01745     mdd_array_free(fwdFarClusteredRelationArray);
01747     /* for performance concerns, the following operations are carried
01748      *  out in the domain space
01749      */
01750     arrayForEachItem(mdd_t *, upperBoundImages, i, holdMdd) { 
01751       tmpMdd = ImgSubstitute(holdMdd, functionData, Img_R2D_c); 
01752       mdd_free(holdMdd); 
01753       array_insert(mdd_t *, upperBoundImages, i, tmpMdd); 
01754     } 
01755     holdMdd = image; 
01756     image = ImgSubstitute(image, functionData,Img_R2D_c); 
01757     mdd_free(holdMdd); 
01759     /* remove the "bad states" introduced by the TR cluster minimization */
01760     beforeSize = mdd_size(image);
01761     array_sort(upperBoundImages, MddSizeCompare);    
01762     arrayForEachItem(mdd_t *, upperBoundImages, i, tmpMdd) {
01763       size1 = mdd_size(image);
01764       size2 = mdd_size(tmpMdd);
01765       holdMdd = image;
01766       image = mdd_and(image, tmpMdd, 1, 1);
01767       mdd_free(tmpMdd);
01768       mdd_free(holdMdd);
01769       size3 = mdd_size(image);
01771       if (info->option->verbosity >= 3) {
01772         fprintf(vis_stdout, "farSideImg: clip image  %d | %d => %d\n",
01773                 size1, size2, size3);
01774       }
01775     }
01776     array_free(upperBoundImages);
01778     if (info->option->verbosity >= 2) {
01779       afterSize = mdd_size(image);
01780       fprintf(vis_stdout, "farSideImg: clip image total  %d => %d \n",
01781               beforeSize, afterSize);
01782     }
01784   }
01787   /* check that no partial image was computed if not allowed */
01788   assert(!((!info->allowPartialImage) && partial));
01790   /* if partial image computed, and if no new states, recompute
01791    * image with relaxed parameters.
01792    */
01793   if (partial) {
01794     if (bdd_leq_array(image, toCareSetArray, 1, 0)) {
01795       mdd_free(image);
01796       partial = info->allowPartialImage;
01797       image = RecomputeImageIfNecessary(functionData,
01798                                         mddManager,
01799                                         domainSubset,
01800                                         fwdClusteredRelationArray,
01801                                         fwdOriArraySmoothVarBddArray,
01802                                         fwdOriSmoothVarCubeArray,
01803                                         (info->option)->verbosity,
01804                                         info->PIoption,
01805                                         toCareSetArray,
01806                                         &partial, info->lazySiftFlag);
01807     }
01808   }
01810   if(imageInfo->methodType == Img_Linear_c) {
01811     if(imageInfo->useOptimizedRelationFlag) {
01812       if(info->option->linearOptimize == Opt_NS ||
01813          info->option->linearOptimize == Opt_Both)
01814         optDir = Opt_Both;
01815       else
01816         optDir = Opt_CS;
01818       head = ImgLinearRelationInit(mddManager, fwdOriClusteredRelationArray, 
01819             functionData->domainBddVars, functionData->rangeBddVars, 
01820             functionData->quantifyBddVars, info->option);
01821       bOptimize = ImgLinearOptimizeAll(head, optDir, 0);
01822       if(bOptimize) {
01823         ImgLinearRefineRelation(head);
01824         if(info->fwdClusteredRelationArray == 0 && optDir == Opt_Both) {
01825           info->fwdClusteredRelationArray = fwdOriClusteredRelationArray;
01826           info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray = 
01827                    BddArrayArrayDup(fwdOriArraySmoothVarBddArray);
01828           info->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray = MakeSmoothVarCubeArray(mddManager,
01829                                         info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
01830         }
01831         else {
01832           mdd_array_free(fwdOriClusteredRelationArray);
01833         }
01834         fwdOriClusteredRelationArray = ImgLinearExtractRelationArrayT(head);
01835         info->fwdOptClusteredRelationArray = fwdOriClusteredRelationArray;
01836       }
01837       ImgLinearRelationQuit(head);
01838     }
01839   }
01841   /* free the bias function created. */
01842   if ((info->PIoption)->partialImageApproxMethod == BDD_APPROX_BIASED_RUA) {
01843     mdd_free((info->PIoption)->bias);
01844     (info->PIoption)->bias = NIL(mdd_t);
01845   }
01846   /* indicate whether this image computation was partial or exact. */
01847   info->wasPartialImage = partial;
01848   info->allowPartialImage = FALSE;
01850   if (eliminateDepend)
01851     mdd_array_free(fwdClusteredRelationArray);
01852   mdd_free(domainSubset);
01854   return image;
01855 }
01871 mdd_t *
01872 ImgImageInfoComputeFwdWithDomainVarsIwls95(ImgFunctionData_t *functionData,
01873                                            Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo,
01874                                            mdd_t *fromLowerBound,
01875                                            mdd_t *fromUpperBound,
01876                                            array_t *toCareSetArray)
01877 {
01878   int i;
01879   array_t *toCareSetArrayRV = NIL(array_t);
01880   mdd_t *toCareSet, *toCareSetRV;
01881   mdd_t *imageRV, *imageDV;
01882   int useToCareSetFlag;
01883   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *)imageInfo->methodData;
01885   if (toCareSetArray && info->allowPartialImage)
01886     useToCareSetFlag = 1;
01887   else
01888     useToCareSetFlag = 0;
01890   if (useToCareSetFlag) {
01891     toCareSetArrayRV = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
01892     arrayForEachItem(bdd_t *, toCareSetArray, i, toCareSet) {
01893       toCareSetRV = ImgSubstitute(toCareSet, functionData, Img_D2R_c);
01894       array_insert(bdd_t *, toCareSetArrayRV, i, toCareSetRV);
01895     }
01896   }
01898   imageRV = ImgImageInfoComputeFwdIwls95(functionData,
01899                                          imageInfo,
01900                                          fromLowerBound,
01901                                          fromUpperBound,
01902                                          toCareSetArrayRV);
01904   imageDV = ImgSubstitute(imageRV, functionData, Img_R2D_c);
01905   mdd_free(imageRV);
01906   if (useToCareSetFlag)
01907     mdd_array_free(toCareSetArrayRV);
01908   return imageDV;
01909 }
01927 mdd_t *
01928 ImgImageInfoComputeBwdIwls95(ImgFunctionData_t *functionData,
01929                              Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo,
01930                              mdd_t *fromLowerBound,
01931                              mdd_t *fromUpperBound,
01932                              array_t *toCareSetArray)
01933 {
01934   mdd_t *image, *domainSubset, *simplifiedImage;
01935   mdd_manager *mddManager;
01936   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *)imageInfo->methodData;
01937   boolean partial;
01939   if (info->bwdClusteredRelationArray == NIL(array_t)) {
01940     fprintf(vis_stderr, "** img error: The data structure has not been ");
01941     fprintf(vis_stderr, "initialized for backward image computation\n");
01942     return NIL(mdd_t);
01943   }
01944   mddManager = Part_PartitionReadMddManager(functionData->mddNetwork);
01945   domainSubset = bdd_between(fromLowerBound, fromUpperBound);
01947   assert(mddManager != NIL(mdd_manager));
01949   /* Check if we can use the stored simplified relations */
01950   if (info->careSetArray == NIL(array_t) ||
01951       !mdd_array_equal(info->careSetArray, toCareSetArray)){
01952     FreeClusteredCofactoredRelationArray(info);
01953     info->careSetArray = mdd_array_duplicate(toCareSetArray);
01954     info->bwdClusteredCofactoredRelationArray =
01955       ImgMinimizeImageArrayWithCareSetArray(info->bwdClusteredRelationArray,
01956                                             toCareSetArray,
01957                                             Img_DefaultMinimizeMethod_c, TRUE,
01958                                             (info->option->verbosity > 0),
01959                                             Img_Backward_c);
01960   }
01962   /* if the partial images are allowed, compute the care set (or its superset)
01963    * so that partial products can be minimized with respect to it.
01964    */
01965   partial = info->allowPartialImage;
01966   info->wasPartialImage = FALSE;
01968   /* bias is used to bias the intermediate results towards care states */
01969   if ((info->PIoption)->partialImageApproxMethod == BDD_APPROX_BIASED_RUA) {
01970     /* assume that this array has only one mdd */
01971     mdd_t *toCareSet = array_fetch(mdd_t *, toCareSetArray, 0);
01972     (info->PIoption)->bias = mdd_dup(toCareSet);
01973   }
01976   image = BddLinearAndSmooth(mddManager, domainSubset,
01977                              info->bwdClusteredCofactoredRelationArray,
01978                              info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray,
01979                              info->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray,
01980                              (info->option)->verbosity,
01981                              info->PIoption, &partial, info->lazySiftFlag);
01984   /* check that no partial image was computed if not allowed */
01985   assert(!((!info->allowPartialImage) && partial));
01987   /* if partial image computed, and if no new states, recompute
01988    * image with relaxed parameters.
01989    */
01990   if (partial && bdd_leq_array(image, toCareSetArray, 1, 0)) {
01991     bdd_free(image);
01992     partial = info->allowPartialImage;
01993     image = RecomputeImageIfNecessary(functionData,
01994                                       mddManager,
01995                                       domainSubset,
01996                                       info->bwdClusteredRelationArray,
01997                                       info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray,
01998                                       info->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray,
01999                                       (info->option)->verbosity,
02000                                       info->PIoption,
02001                                       toCareSetArray,
02002                                       &partial, info->lazySiftFlag);
02003   }
02005   /* free the bias function created. */
02006   if ((info->PIoption)->partialImageApproxMethod == BDD_APPROX_BIASED_RUA) {
02007     mdd_free((info->PIoption)->bias);
02008     (info->PIoption)->bias = NIL(mdd_t);
02009   }
02010   /* indicate whether this image computation was partial or exact. */
02011   info->wasPartialImage = partial;
02012   info->allowPartialImage = FALSE;
02014   mdd_free(domainSubset);
02015   simplifiedImage = bdd_minimize_array(image, toCareSetArray);
02016   bdd_free(image);
02017   return simplifiedImage;
02018 }
02033 mdd_t *
02034 ImgImageInfoComputeBwdWithDomainVarsIwls95(ImgFunctionData_t *functionData,
02035                                            Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo,
02036                                            mdd_t *fromLowerBound,
02037                                            mdd_t *fromUpperBound,
02038                                            array_t *toCareSetArray)
02039 {
02040   mdd_t *fromLowerBoundRV;
02041   mdd_t *fromUpperBoundRV;
02042   mdd_t *image;
02044   fromLowerBoundRV = ImgSubstitute(fromLowerBound, functionData, Img_D2R_c);
02045   if (mdd_equal(fromLowerBound, fromUpperBound))
02046     fromUpperBoundRV = fromLowerBoundRV;
02047   else
02048     fromUpperBoundRV = ImgSubstitute(fromUpperBound, functionData, Img_D2R_c);
02050   image =  ImgImageInfoComputeBwdIwls95(functionData,
02051                                         imageInfo,
02052                                         fromLowerBoundRV,
02053                                         fromUpperBoundRV,
02054                                         toCareSetArray);
02056   mdd_free(fromLowerBoundRV);
02057   if (!mdd_equal(fromLowerBound, fromUpperBound))
02058     mdd_free(fromUpperBoundRV);
02059   return image;
02060 }
02073 void
02074 ImgImageInfoFreeIwls95(void *methodData)
02075 {
02076   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *)methodData;
02078   if (info == NIL(Iwls95Info_t)) {
02079     fprintf(vis_stderr, "** img error: Trying to free the NULL image info\n");
02080     return;
02081   }
02082   if (info->bitRelationArray != NIL(array_t)) {
02083     mdd_array_free(info->bitRelationArray);
02084   }
02085   if (info->quantifyVarMddIdArray != NIL(array_t)) {
02086     array_free(info->quantifyVarMddIdArray);
02087   }
02088   if (info->fwdOptClusteredRelationArray != NIL(array_t)) {
02089     mdd_array_free(info->fwdOptClusteredRelationArray);
02090     mdd_array_array_free(info->fwdOptArraySmoothVarBddArray);
02091   }
02092   if (info->fwdOptSmoothVarCubeArray)
02093     mdd_array_free(info->fwdOptSmoothVarCubeArray);
02094   if (info->fwdClusteredRelationArray != NIL(array_t)) {
02095     mdd_array_free(info->fwdClusteredRelationArray);
02096     mdd_array_array_free(info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
02097   }
02098   if (info->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray)
02099     mdd_array_free(info->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray);
02100   if (info->bwdClusteredRelationArray != NIL(array_t)) {
02101     mdd_array_free(info->bwdClusteredRelationArray);
02102     mdd_array_array_free(info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
02103   }
02104   if (info->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray)
02105     mdd_array_free(info->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray);
02106   FreeClusteredCofactoredRelationArray(info);
02108   if (info->option != NULL) ImgFreeTrmOptions(info->option);
02109   if (info->PIoption != NULL) FREE(info->PIoption);
02111   if (info->savedArraySmoothVarBddArray != NIL(array_t))
02112     mdd_array_array_free(info->savedArraySmoothVarBddArray);
02113   if (info->savedSmoothVarCubeArray != NIL(array_t))
02114     mdd_array_free(info->savedSmoothVarCubeArray);
02116   FREE(info);
02117 }
02131 void
02132 ImgImageInfoPrintMethodParamsIwls95(void *methodData, FILE *fp)
02133 {
02134   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *)methodData;
02135   if (fp == NULL) return;
02136   PrintOption(info->method, info->option, fp);
02137   if (info->fwdClusteredRelationArray != NIL(array_t)) {
02138     (void) fprintf(fp, "Shared size of transition relation for forward image computation is %10ld BDD nodes (%-4d components)\n",
02139                    bdd_size_multiple(info->fwdClusteredRelationArray),
02140                    array_n(info->fwdClusteredRelationArray));
02141   }
02142   if (info->bwdClusteredRelationArray != NIL(array_t)) {
02143     (void) fprintf(fp, "Shared size of transition relation for backward image computation is %10ld BDD nodes (%-4d components)\n",
02144                    bdd_size_multiple(info->bwdClusteredRelationArray),
02145                    array_n(info->bwdClusteredRelationArray));
02146   }
02147 }
02160 st_table *
02161 ImgBddGetSupportIdTable(bdd_t *function)
02162 {
02163   st_table *supportTable;
02164   var_set_t *supportVarSet;
02165   int i;
02167   supportTable = st_init_table(st_numcmp, st_numhash);
02168   supportVarSet = bdd_get_support(function);
02169   for(i=0; i<supportVarSet->n_elts; i++) {
02170     if (var_set_get_elt(supportVarSet, i) == 1) {
02171       st_insert(supportTable, (char *)(long) i, NIL(char));
02172     }
02173   }
02174   var_set_free(supportVarSet);
02175   return supportTable;
02176 }
02191 boolean
02192 ImgImageWasPartialIwls95(void *methodData)
02193 {
02194   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *) methodData;
02195   return (info->wasPartialImage);
02196 }
02213 void
02214 ImgImageAllowPartialImageIwls95(void *methodData, boolean value)
02215 {
02216   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *) methodData;
02217   info->allowPartialImage = value;
02218 }
02230 void
02231 ImgRestoreTransitionRelationIwls95(Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo,
02232         Img_DirectionType directionType)
02233 {
02234   array_t *relationArray;
02235   Iwls95Info_t *iwlsInfo = (Iwls95Info_t *) imageInfo->methodData;
02236   ImgFunctionData_t *functionData = &(imageInfo->functionData);
02237   mdd_manager *mgr = NIL(mdd_manager);
02239   mgr =  Part_PartitionReadMddManager(imageInfo->functionData.mddNetwork);
02241   if (directionType == Img_Both_c) {
02242     fprintf(vis_stderr,
02243             "** img error : can't restore fwd and bwd at the same time.\n");
02244     return;
02245   }
02247   relationArray = ImgGetTransitionRelationIwls95(iwlsInfo, directionType);
02248   mdd_array_free(relationArray);
02249   ImgUpdateTransitionRelationIwls95(iwlsInfo,
02250                                     (array_t *)imageInfo->savedRelation,
02251                                     directionType);
02252   imageInfo->savedRelation = NIL(void);
02254   assert(iwlsInfo->savedArraySmoothVarBddArray);
02255   if (directionType == Img_Forward_c) {
02256     mdd_array_array_free(iwlsInfo->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
02257     iwlsInfo->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray = iwlsInfo->savedArraySmoothVarBddArray;
02258     if (functionData->createVarCubesFlag) {
02259       mdd_array_free(iwlsInfo->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray);
02260       iwlsInfo->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray = iwlsInfo->savedSmoothVarCubeArray;
02261     }
02262   } else {
02263     mdd_array_array_free(iwlsInfo->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
02264     iwlsInfo->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray = iwlsInfo->savedArraySmoothVarBddArray;
02265     if (functionData->createVarCubesFlag) {
02266       mdd_array_free(iwlsInfo->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray);
02267       iwlsInfo->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray = iwlsInfo->savedSmoothVarCubeArray;
02268     }
02269   }
02270   iwlsInfo->savedArraySmoothVarBddArray = NIL(array_t);
02271   iwlsInfo->savedSmoothVarCubeArray = NIL(array_t);
02273   if(directionType == Img_Backward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c)
02274     ResetClusteredCofactoredRelationArray(mgr, iwlsInfo);
02275 }
02288 void
02289 ImgDuplicateTransitionRelationIwls95(Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo,
02290                                      Img_DirectionType directionType)
02291 {
02292   array_t *relationArray, *copiedRelationArray;
02293   Iwls95Info_t *iwlsInfo = (Iwls95Info_t *) imageInfo->methodData;
02294   ImgFunctionData_t *functionData = &(imageInfo->functionData);
02296   if (directionType == Img_Both_c) {
02297     fprintf(vis_stderr,
02298             "** img error : can't duplicate fwd and bwd at the same time.\n");
02299     return;
02300   }
02302   relationArray = ImgGetTransitionRelationIwls95(iwlsInfo, directionType);
02303   copiedRelationArray = BddArrayDup(relationArray);
02304   assert(!imageInfo->savedRelation);
02305   imageInfo->savedRelation = (void *)relationArray;
02306   ImgUpdateTransitionRelationIwls95(iwlsInfo,
02307                                     copiedRelationArray, directionType);
02309   assert(!iwlsInfo->savedArraySmoothVarBddArray);
02310   if (directionType == Img_Forward_c) {
02311     iwlsInfo->savedArraySmoothVarBddArray = iwlsInfo->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray;
02312     iwlsInfo->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray =
02313       CopyArrayBddArray(iwlsInfo->savedArraySmoothVarBddArray);
02314     if (functionData->createVarCubesFlag) {
02315       iwlsInfo->savedSmoothVarCubeArray = iwlsInfo->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray;
02316       iwlsInfo->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray =
02317         BddArrayDup(iwlsInfo->savedSmoothVarCubeArray);
02318     }
02319   } else {
02320     iwlsInfo->savedArraySmoothVarBddArray = iwlsInfo->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray;
02321     iwlsInfo->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray =
02322       CopyArrayBddArray(iwlsInfo->savedArraySmoothVarBddArray);
02323     if (functionData->createVarCubesFlag) {
02324       iwlsInfo->savedSmoothVarCubeArray = iwlsInfo->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray;
02325       iwlsInfo->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray =
02326         BddArrayDup(iwlsInfo->savedSmoothVarCubeArray);
02327     }
02328   }
02329 }
02355 void
02356 ImgMinimizeTransitionRelationIwls95(
02357   void *methodData,
02358   ImgFunctionData_t  *functionData,
02359   array_t *constrainArray,
02360   Img_MinimizeType minimizeMethod,
02361   Img_DirectionType directionType,
02362   boolean reorderClusters,
02363   int printStatus)
02364 {
02365   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *)methodData;
02367   if (minimizeMethod == Img_DefaultMinimizeMethod_c)
02368     minimizeMethod = Img_ReadMinimizeMethod();  
02370   if (directionType == Img_Forward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c) {
02371     ImgMinimizeImageArrayWithCareSetArrayInSitu(
02372       info->fwdClusteredRelationArray, constrainArray, minimizeMethod, TRUE,
02373       (printStatus == 2), Img_Forward_c); 
02375     if(reorderClusters)
02376       ReorderPartitionedTransitionRelation(info, functionData,
02377                                            Img_Forward_c); 
02378     else{
02379       /* any minimization method other than restrict may introduce new
02380          variables, which invalidates the quantification schedule */
02381       assert(minimizeMethod != Img_DefaultMinimizeMethod_c);
02382       if(minimizeMethod != Img_Restrict_c)
02383         UpdateQuantificationSchedule(info, functionData, Img_Forward_c);
02384     }
02385      assert(CheckQuantificationSchedule(info->fwdClusteredRelationArray,
02386                                      info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray));
02387   }
02389   if (directionType == Img_Backward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c) {
02390     ImgMinimizeImageArrayWithCareSetArrayInSitu(
02391       info->bwdClusteredRelationArray, constrainArray, minimizeMethod, TRUE,
02392       (printStatus == 2), Img_Backward_c); 
02394     if(reorderClusters)
02395       ReorderPartitionedTransitionRelation(info, functionData,
02396                                            Img_Backward_c); 
02397     /* Minimization can only introduce PS variables, which need not be
02398        quantified out, hence no need to recompute quantification schedule
02399        in backward case. */
02400     assert(CheckQuantificationSchedule(info->bwdClusteredRelationArray,
02401                                        info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray))
02402     }
02404   if(directionType == Img_Backward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c)
02405     FreeClusteredCofactoredRelationArray(info);
02407   return;
02408 }
02425 void
02426 ImgAbstractTransitionRelationIwls95(Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo,
02427         array_t *abstractVars, mdd_t *abstractCube,
02428         Img_DirectionType directionType, int printStatus)
02429 {
02430   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *)imageInfo->methodData;
02431   int i, fwd_size, bwd_size;
02432   bdd_t *relation, *abstractedRelation;
02434   if (!abstractVars || array_n(abstractVars) == 0)
02435     return;
02437   fwd_size = bwd_size = 0;
02438   if (printStatus) {
02439     if (directionType == Img_Forward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c)
02440       fwd_size = bdd_size_multiple(info->fwdClusteredRelationArray);
02441     if (directionType == Img_Backward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c)
02442       bwd_size = bdd_size_multiple(info->bwdClusteredRelationArray);
02443   } 
02444   if (directionType == Img_Forward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c) {
02445     arrayForEachItem(bdd_t*, info->fwdClusteredRelationArray, i, relation) {
02446       if (abstractCube)
02447         abstractedRelation = bdd_smooth_with_cube(relation, abstractCube);
02448       else
02449         abstractedRelation = bdd_smooth(relation, abstractVars);
02450       if (printStatus == 2) {
02451         (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,
02452           "IMG Info: abstracted fwd relation %d => %d in component %d\n",
02453                          bdd_size(relation), bdd_size(abstractedRelation), i);
02454       }
02455       mdd_free(relation);
02456       array_insert(bdd_t*, info->fwdClusteredRelationArray, i,
02457                    abstractedRelation);
02458     }
02459   }
02460   if (directionType == Img_Backward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c) {
02461     arrayForEachItem(bdd_t*, info->bwdClusteredRelationArray, i, relation) {
02462       if (abstractCube)
02463         abstractedRelation = bdd_smooth_with_cube(relation, abstractCube);
02464       else
02465         abstractedRelation = bdd_smooth(relation, abstractVars);
02466       if (printStatus == 2) {
02467         (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,
02468           "IMG Info: abstracted bwd relation %d => %d in component %d\n",
02469                          bdd_size(relation), bdd_size(abstractedRelation), i);
02470       }
02471       mdd_free(relation);
02472       array_insert(bdd_t*, info->bwdClusteredRelationArray, i,
02473                    abstractedRelation);
02474     }
02475   }
02476   if (printStatus) {
02477     if (directionType == Img_Forward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c) {
02478       (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,
02479      "IMG Info: abstracted fwd relation [%d => %ld] with %d components\n",
02480                      fwd_size,
02481                      bdd_size_multiple(info->fwdClusteredRelationArray),
02482                      array_n(info->fwdClusteredRelationArray));
02483     }
02484     if (directionType == Img_Backward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c) {
02485       (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,
02486      "IMG Info: abstracted bwd relation [%d => %ld] with %d components\n",
02487                      bwd_size,
02488                      bdd_size_multiple(info->bwdClusteredRelationArray),
02489                      array_n(info->bwdClusteredRelationArray));
02490     }
02491   }
02493   if(directionType == Img_Backward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c) 
02494     FreeClusteredCofactoredRelationArray(info);
02495 }
02510 int
02511 ImgApproximateTransitionRelationIwls95(mdd_manager *mgr, void *methodData,
02512                     bdd_approx_dir_t approxDir, bdd_approx_type_t approxMethod,
02513                     int approxThreshold, double approxQuality,
02514                     double approxQualityBias,
02515                     Img_DirectionType directionType, mdd_t *bias)
02516 {
02517   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *)methodData;
02518   int i;
02519   bdd_t *relation, *approxRelation;
02520   int   unchanged = 0;
02522   if (directionType == Img_Forward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c) {
02523     arrayForEachItem(bdd_t*, info->fwdClusteredRelationArray, i, relation) {
02524       approxRelation = Img_ApproximateImage(mgr, relation,
02525                                             approxDir, approxMethod,
02526                                             approxThreshold, approxQuality,
02527                                             approxQualityBias, bias);
02528       if (bdd_is_tautology(approxRelation, 1)) {
02529         fprintf(vis_stdout,
02530                 "** img warning : bdd_one from subsetting in fwd[%d].\n", i);
02531         mdd_free(approxRelation);
02532         unchanged++;
02533       } else if (bdd_is_tautology(approxRelation, 0)) {
02534         fprintf(vis_stdout,
02535                 "** img warning : bdd_zero from subsetting in fwd[%d].\n", i);
02536         mdd_free(approxRelation);
02537         unchanged++;
02538       } else if (mdd_equal(approxRelation, relation)) {
02539         mdd_free(approxRelation);
02540         unchanged++;
02541       } else {
02542         mdd_free(relation);
02543         array_insert(bdd_t*, info->fwdClusteredRelationArray, i,
02544                      approxRelation);
02545       }
02546     }
02547   }
02548   if (directionType == Img_Backward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c) {
02549     arrayForEachItem(bdd_t*, info->bwdClusteredRelationArray, i, relation) {
02550       approxRelation = Img_ApproximateImage(mgr, relation,
02551                                             approxDir, approxMethod,
02552                                             approxThreshold, approxQuality,
02553                                             approxQualityBias, bias);
02554       if (bdd_is_tautology(approxRelation, 1)) {
02555         fprintf(vis_stdout,
02556                 "** img warning : bdd_one from subsetting in bwd[%d].\n", i);
02557         mdd_free(approxRelation);
02558         unchanged++;
02559       } else if (bdd_is_tautology(approxRelation, 0)) {
02560         fprintf(vis_stdout,
02561                 "** img warning : bdd_zero from subsetting in bwd[%d].\n", i);
02562         mdd_free(approxRelation);
02563         unchanged++;
02564       } else if (mdd_equal(approxRelation, relation)) {
02565         mdd_free(approxRelation);
02566         unchanged++;
02567       } else {
02568         mdd_free(relation);
02569         array_insert(bdd_t*, info->bwdClusteredRelationArray, i,
02570                      approxRelation);
02571       }
02572     }
02573   }
02575   if(directionType == Img_Backward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c)
02576     FreeClusteredCofactoredRelationArray(info);
02578   return(unchanged);
02579 }
02591 array_t *
02592 ImgGetTransitionRelationIwls95(void *methodData,
02593                                Img_DirectionType directionType)
02594 {
02595   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *)methodData;
02597   if (directionType == Img_Forward_c)
02598     return(info->fwdClusteredRelationArray);
02599   else if (directionType == Img_Backward_c)
02600     return(info->bwdClusteredRelationArray);
02601   return(NIL(array_t));
02602 }
02614 void
02615 ImgUpdateTransitionRelationIwls95(void *methodData, array_t *relationArray,
02616                                   Img_DirectionType directionType)
02617 {
02618   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *)methodData;
02620   if (directionType == Img_Forward_c)
02621     info->fwdClusteredRelationArray = relationArray;
02622   else if (directionType == Img_Backward_c)
02623     info->bwdClusteredRelationArray = relationArray;
02624 }
02636 void
02637 ImgReplaceIthPartitionedTransitionRelationIwls95(void *methodData,
02638         int i, mdd_t *relation, Img_DirectionType directionType)
02639 {
02640   array_t       *relationArray;
02641   mdd_t         *old;
02643   relationArray = ImgGetTransitionRelationIwls95(methodData, directionType);
02644   if (!relationArray)
02645     return;
02646   old = array_fetch(mdd_t *, relationArray, i);
02647   mdd_free(old);
02648   array_insert(mdd_t *, relationArray, i, relation);
02649 }
02663 void
02664 ImgImageFreeClusteredTransitionRelationIwls95(void *methodData,
02665                                Img_DirectionType directionType)
02666 {
02667   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *)methodData;
02669   if (directionType == Img_Forward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c) {
02670     if (info->fwdClusteredRelationArray != NIL(array_t)) {
02671       mdd_array_free(info->fwdClusteredRelationArray);
02672       info->fwdClusteredRelationArray = NIL(array_t);
02673     }
02674     if (info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray != NIL(array_t)) {
02675       mdd_array_array_free(info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
02676       info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray = NIL(array_t);
02677     }
02678     if (info->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray != NIL(array_t)) {
02679       mdd_array_free(info->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray);
02680       info->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray = NIL(array_t);
02681     }
02682   }
02683   if (directionType == Img_Backward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c) {
02684     if (info->bwdClusteredRelationArray != NIL(array_t)) {
02685       mdd_array_free(info->bwdClusteredRelationArray);
02686       info->bwdClusteredRelationArray = NIL(array_t);
02687     }
02688     if (info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray != NIL(array_t)) {
02689       mdd_array_array_free(info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
02690       info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray = NIL(array_t);
02691     }
02692     if (info->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray != NIL(array_t)) {
02693       mdd_array_free(info->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray);
02694       info->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray = NIL(array_t);
02695     }
02696   }
02697 }
02728 void
02729 ImgImageConstrainAndClusterTransitionRelationIwls95OrMlp(
02730   Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo,
02731   Img_DirectionType direction,
02732   mdd_t *constrain,
02733   Img_MinimizeType minimizeMethod,
02734   boolean underApprox,
02735   boolean cleanUp,
02736   boolean forceReorder,
02737     int printStatus)
02738 {
02739   ImgFunctionData_t *functionData = &(imageInfo->functionData);
02740   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *)imageInfo->methodData;
02741   array_t *constrainArray;
02742   mdd_manager *mddManager = Part_PartitionReadMddManager(functionData->mddNetwork);
02743   array_t *relationArray    = NIL(array_t);
02744   array_t *relationArrayFwd = NIL(array_t);
02745   array_t *relationArrayBwd = NIL(array_t);
02747   assert(imageInfo->methodType == Img_Iwls95_c ||
02748          imageInfo->methodType == Img_Mlp_c);
02750   /* free existing relation */
02751   ImgImageFreeClusteredTransitionRelationIwls95(imageInfo->methodData,
02752                                                 direction);
02753   if (forceReorder) bdd_reorder(mddManager);
02754   /* create a bit relation and quantifiable variables (PIs and
02755      intermediate variables) if necessary */
02756   CreateBitRelationArray(info, functionData);
02758   /* make a work copy of the bit array */
02759   relationArray = BddArrayDup(info->bitRelationArray);
02761   if (cleanUp) FreeBitRelationArray(info);
02763   /* apply the constraint to the bit relation */
02764   if (constrain) {
02765     constrainArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 1);
02766     array_insert(mdd_t *, constrainArray, 0, constrain);
02767     ImgMinimizeImageArrayWithCareSetArrayInSitu(relationArray,
02768                                                 constrainArray,
02769                                                 minimizeMethod, underApprox,
02770                                                 printStatus, direction);
02771     array_free(constrainArray);
02772   }
02774   if (direction == Img_Forward_c) {
02775     relationArrayFwd = relationArray;
02776   } else if (direction == Img_Backward_c) {
02777     relationArrayBwd = relationArray;
02778   } else if (direction == Img_Both_c) {
02779     relationArrayFwd = relationArray;
02780     relationArrayBwd = BddArrayDup(relationArray);
02781   } else {
02782     assert(0);
02783   }
02784   relationArray = NIL(array_t);
02786   /* return order and recluster the relation */
02787   if (direction == Img_Forward_c || direction == Img_Both_c) {
02788     Img_ClusterRelationArray(mddManager,
02789                              imageInfo->methodType,
02790                              direction,
02791                              relationArrayFwd,
02792                              functionData->domainVars,
02793                              functionData->rangeVars,
02794                              info->quantifyVarMddIdArray,
02795                              &info->fwdClusteredRelationArray,
02796                              &info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray,
02797                              NULL,
02798                              1);
02799     if (functionData->createVarCubesFlag) {
02800       info->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray = MakeSmoothVarCubeArray(mddManager,
02801                                         info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
02802     }
02803   }
02805   if (direction == Img_Backward_c || direction == Img_Both_c) {
02806     Img_ClusterRelationArray(mddManager,
02807                              imageInfo->methodType,
02808                              direction,
02809                              relationArrayBwd,
02810                              functionData->domainVars,
02811                              functionData->rangeVars,
02812                              info->quantifyVarMddIdArray,
02813                              &info->bwdClusteredRelationArray,
02814                              &info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray,
02815                              NULL,
02816                              1);
02817     if (functionData->createVarCubesFlag) {
02818       info->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray = MakeSmoothVarCubeArray(mddManager,
02819                                         info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
02820     }
02821   }
02823   if (cleanUp) {
02824     array_free(info->quantifyVarMddIdArray);
02825     info->quantifyVarMddIdArray = NIL(array_t);
02826   }
02828   /* Print information */
02829   if (info->option->verbosity > 0){
02830     fprintf(vis_stdout,"Computing Image Using %s technique.\n",
02831             imageInfo->methodType == Img_Mlp_c ? "MLP" : "IWLS95");
02832     fprintf(vis_stdout,"Total # of domain binary variables = %3d\n",
02833             array_n(functionData->domainBddVars));
02834     fprintf(vis_stdout,"Total # of range binary variables = %3d\n",
02835             array_n(functionData->rangeBddVars));
02836     if (info->quantifyVarMddIdArray) {
02837       array_t *bddArray;
02839       bddArray = mdd_id_array_to_bdd_array(mddManager,
02840                                                   info->quantifyVarMddIdArray);
02841       fprintf(vis_stdout,"Total # of quantify binary variables = %3d\n",
02842               array_n(bddArray));
02843       mdd_array_free(bddArray);
02844     } else {
02845       fprintf(vis_stdout,"Total # of quantify binary variables = %3d\n",
02846               array_n(functionData->quantifyBddVars));
02847     }
02848     if (((direction == Img_Forward_c) || (direction == Img_Both_c)) &&
02849         (info->fwdClusteredRelationArray != NIL(array_t))) {
02850       (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,
02851                      "Shared size of transition relation for forward image ");
02852       (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,
02853                      "computation is %10ld BDD nodes (%-4d components)\n",
02854                      bdd_size_multiple(info->fwdClusteredRelationArray),
02855                      array_n(info->fwdClusteredRelationArray));
02856     }
02857     if (((direction == Img_Backward_c) || (direction == Img_Both_c)) &&
02858       (info->bwdClusteredRelationArray != NIL(array_t))) {
02859       (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,
02860                      "Shared size of transition relation for backward image ");
02861       (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,
02862                      "computation is %10ld BDD nodes (%-4d components)\n",
02863                      bdd_size_multiple(info->bwdClusteredRelationArray),
02864                      array_n(info->bwdClusteredRelationArray));
02865     }
02866   }/* if verbosity > 0 */
02868   if(direction == Img_Backward_c || direction == Img_Both_c)
02869     ResetClusteredCofactoredRelationArray(mddManager, info);
02870 }
02883 void
02884 ImgPrintIntegerArray(array_t *idArray)
02885 {
02886   int i;
02887   fprintf(vis_stdout,
02888     "**************** printing bdd ids from the bdd array ***********\n");
02889   fprintf(vis_stdout,"%d::\t", array_n(idArray));
02890   for (i=0;i<array_n(idArray); i++) {
02891     fprintf(vis_stdout," %d ", array_fetch(int, idArray, i));
02892   }
02893 }
02905 void
02906 ImgPrintPartition(graph_t *partition)
02907 {
02908   vertex_t *vertex;
02909   lsList vertexList = g_get_vertices(partition);
02910   lsGen gen;
02911   st_table *vertexTable = st_init_table(st_ptrcmp, st_ptrhash);
02912   fprintf(vis_stdout,"\n");
02913   lsForEachItem(vertexList, gen, vertex) {
02914     if (lsLength(g_get_out_edges(vertex)) == 0)
02915       PrintPartitionRecursively(vertex,vertexTable,0);
02916   }
02917   st_free_table(vertexTable);
02918 }
02930 void
02931 ImgPrintPartitionedTransitionRelation(mdd_manager *mddManager,
02932                                 array_t *relationArray,
02933                                 array_t *arraySmoothVarBddArray)
02934 {
02935   int   i, j, n;
02936   mdd_t *relation;
02937   mdd_t *bdd;
02938   array_t *smoothVarBddArray;
02939   array_t *bvar_list = mdd_ret_bvar_list(mddManager);
02940   var_set_t *vset;
02941   bvar_type bv;
02943   n = array_n(relationArray);
02945   fprintf(vis_stdout, "# of relations = %d\n", n);
02946   if (arraySmoothVarBddArray) {
02947     smoothVarBddArray = array_fetch(array_t *, arraySmoothVarBddArray, 0);
02948     fprintf(vis_stdout, "Early smooth(%d) = ", array_n(smoothVarBddArray));
02949     for (j = 0; j < array_n(smoothVarBddArray); j++) {
02950       bdd = array_fetch(mdd_t *, smoothVarBddArray, j);
02951       mdd_print_support_to_file(vis_stdout, " %s", bdd);
02952     }
02953     fprintf(vis_stdout, "\n");
02954   }
02955   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
02956     relation = array_fetch(mdd_t *, relationArray, i);
02957     fprintf(vis_stdout, "T[%d] : bdd_size = %d\n", i, bdd_size(relation));
02958     fprintf(vis_stdout, "  support(%d) = ",
02959             mdd_get_number_of_bdd_support(mddManager, relation));
02960     vset = bdd_get_support(relation);
02961     for (j = 0; j < array_n(bvar_list); j++) {
02962       if (var_set_get_elt(vset, j) == 1) {
02963         bv = array_fetch(bvar_type, bvar_list, j);
02964         mdd_print_support_to_file(vis_stdout, " %s", bv.node);
02965       }
02966     }
02967     var_set_free(vset);
02968     fprintf(vis_stdout, "\n");
02969     if (arraySmoothVarBddArray) {
02970       smoothVarBddArray = array_fetch(array_t *, arraySmoothVarBddArray, i + 1);
02971       fprintf(vis_stdout, "  smooth(%d) = ", array_n(smoothVarBddArray));
02972       for (j = 0; j < array_n(smoothVarBddArray); j++) {
02973         bdd = array_fetch(mdd_t *, smoothVarBddArray, j);
02974         mdd_print_support_to_file(vis_stdout, " %s", bdd);
02975       }
02976       fprintf(vis_stdout, "\n");
02977     }
02978   }
02979 }
02995 mdd_t *
02996 ImgTrmEliminateDependVars(ImgFunctionData_t *functionData,
02997                           array_t *relationArray,
02998                           mdd_t *states, mdd_t **dependRelations,
02999                           int *nDependVars)
03000 {
03001   int           i, j;
03002   int           howMany = 0;    /* number of latches that can be eliminated */
03003   mdd_t         *var, *newStates, *abs, *positive, *phi, *tmp, *relation;
03004   int           nSupports;    /* vars in the support of the state set */
03005   int           *candidates;    /* vars to be considered for elimination */
03006   double        minStates;
03007   var_set_t     *supportVarSet;
03008   graph_t       *mddNetwork;
03009   mdd_manager   *mddManager;
03011   mddNetwork = functionData->mddNetwork;
03012   mddManager = Part_PartitionReadMddManager(mddNetwork);
03014   if (dependRelations)
03015     *dependRelations = mdd_one(mddManager);
03016   newStates = mdd_dup(states);
03018   nSupports = 0;
03019   supportVarSet = bdd_get_support(newStates);
03020   for (i = 0; i < supportVarSet->n_elts; i++) {
03021     if (var_set_get_elt(supportVarSet, i) == 1)
03022       nSupports++;
03023   }
03024   candidates = ALLOC(int, nSupports);
03025   if (candidates == NULL) {
03026     var_set_free(supportVarSet);
03027     return(NULL);
03028   }
03029   nSupports = 0;
03030   for (i = 0; i < supportVarSet->n_elts; i++) {
03031     if (var_set_get_elt(supportVarSet, i) == 1) {
03032       candidates[nSupports] = i;
03033       nSupports++;
03034     }
03035   }
03036   var_set_free(supportVarSet);
03038   /* The signatures of the variables in a function are the number
03039   ** of minterms of the positive cofactors with respect to the
03040   ** variables themselves. */
03041   signatures = bdd_cof_minterm(newStates);
03042   if (signatures == NULL) {
03043     FREE(candidates);
03044     return(NULL);
03045   }
03046   /* We now extract a positive quantity which is higher for those
03047   ** variables that are closer to being essential. */
03048   minStates = signatures[nSupports];
03049   for (i = 0; i < nSupports; i++) {
03050     double z = signatures[i] / minStates - 1.0;
03051     signatures[i] = (z < 0.0) ? -z : z;    /* make positive */
03052   }
03053   qsort((void *)candidates, nSupports, sizeof(int),
03054       (int (*)(const void *, const void *))TrmSignatureCompare);
03055   FREE(signatures);
03057   /* Now process the candidates in the given order. */
03058   for (i = 0; i < nSupports; i++) {
03059     var = bdd_var_with_index(mddManager, candidates[i]);
03060     if (bdd_var_is_dependent(newStates, var)) {
03061       abs = bdd_smooth_with_cube(newStates, var);
03062       if (abs == NULL)
03063         return(NULL);
03064       positive = bdd_cofactor(newStates, var);
03065       if (positive == NULL)
03066         return(NULL);
03067       phi = Img_MinimizeImage(positive, abs, Img_DefaultMinimizeMethod_c, 1);
03068       if (phi == NULL)
03069         return(NULL);
03070       mdd_free(positive);
03071       if (bdd_size(phi) < IMG_MAX_DEP_SIZE) {
03072         howMany++;
03073         for (j = 0; j < array_n(relationArray); j++) {
03074           relation = array_fetch(mdd_t *, relationArray, j);
03075           if (dependRelations)
03076             tmp = bdd_smooth_with_cube(relation, var);
03077           else
03078             tmp = bdd_compose(relation, var, phi);
03079           mdd_free(relation);
03080           array_insert(mdd_t *, relationArray, j, tmp);
03081         }
03082         mdd_free(newStates);
03083         newStates = abs;
03084         if (dependRelations) {
03085           relation = mdd_xnor(var, phi);
03086           tmp = ImgSubstitute(relation, functionData, Img_R2D_c);
03087           mdd_free(relation);
03088           relation = mdd_and(*dependRelations, tmp, 1, 1);
03089           mdd_free(*dependRelations);
03090           *dependRelations = relation;
03091         }
03092       } else {
03093         mdd_free(abs);
03094       }
03095       mdd_free(phi);
03096     }
03097   }
03098   FREE(candidates);
03100   *nDependVars = howMany;
03101   return(newStates);
03102 } /* end of ImgTrmEliminateDependVars */
03105 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
03106 /* Definition of static functions                                            */
03107 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
03121 static void
03122 ResetClusteredCofactoredRelationArray(
03123    mdd_manager *mddManager,
03124    Iwls95Info_t *info)
03125 {
03126   int i;
03127   mdd_t *cluster;
03129   assert(info->bwdClusteredRelationArray != NIL(array_t));
03131   FreeClusteredCofactoredRelationArray(info);
03133   info->careSetArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 1);
03134   array_insert_last(mdd_t *, info->careSetArray, mdd_one(mddManager));
03135   info->bwdClusteredCofactoredRelationArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
03137   arrayForEachItem(mdd_t *, info->bwdClusteredRelationArray, i, cluster){
03138     array_insert_last(mdd_t *, info->bwdClusteredCofactoredRelationArray,
03139                       mdd_dup(cluster)); 
03140   }
03141 }
03155 static void
03156 FreeClusteredCofactoredRelationArray(
03157    Iwls95Info_t *info)
03158 {
03159   /* one should only be NIL if the other is, too */
03160   assert((info->bwdClusteredCofactoredRelationArray != NIL(array_t)) ==
03161          (info->careSetArray != NIL(array_t)));
03163   if(info->bwdClusteredCofactoredRelationArray == NIL(array_t))
03164     return;
03166   mdd_array_free(info->bwdClusteredCofactoredRelationArray);
03167   info->bwdClusteredCofactoredRelationArray = NIL(array_t);
03168   mdd_array_free(info->careSetArray);
03169   info->careSetArray = NIL(array_t);
03170 }
03185 static ImgTrmOption_t *
03186 TrmGetOptions(void)
03187 {
03188   char *flagValue;
03189   ImgTrmOption_t *option;
03191   option = ALLOC(ImgTrmOption_t, 1);
03193   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("image_cluster_size");
03194   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03195     option->clusterSize = 5000; /* the default value */
03196   }
03197   else {
03198     option->clusterSize = atoi(flagValue);
03199   }
03201   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("image_verbosity");
03202   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03203     option->verbosity = 0; /* the default value */
03204   }
03205   else {
03206     option->verbosity = atoi(flagValue);
03207   }
03209   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("image_W1");
03210   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03211     option->W1 = 6; /* the default value */
03212   }
03213   else {
03214     option->W1 = atoi(flagValue);
03215   }
03217   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("image_W2");
03218   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03219     option->W2 = 1; /* the default value */
03220   }
03221   else {
03222     option->W2 = atoi(flagValue);
03223   }
03225   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("image_W3");
03226   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03227     option->W3 = 1; /* the default value */
03228   }
03229   else {
03230     option->W3 = atoi(flagValue);
03231   }
03233   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("image_W4");
03234   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03235     option->W4 = 2; /* the default value */
03236   }
03237   else {
03238     option->W4 = atoi(flagValue);
03239   }
03241   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("image_print_depend_matrix");
03242   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03243     option->printDepMatrix = 0; /* the default value */
03244   }
03245   else {
03246     option->printDepMatrix = atoi(flagValue);
03247   }
03250   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_method");
03251   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03252     option->mlpMethod = 0; /* the default value */
03253   }
03254   else {
03255     option->mlpMethod = atoi(flagValue);
03256   }
03258   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_cluster");
03259   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03260     option->mlpCluster = 1; /* the default value */
03261   }
03262   else {
03263     option->mlpCluster = atoi(flagValue);
03264   }
03266   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_cluster_dynamic");
03267   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03268     option->mlpClusterDynamic = 1; /* the default value */
03269   }
03270   else {
03271     option->mlpClusterDynamic = atoi(flagValue);
03272   }
03274   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_affinity_threshold");
03275   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03276     option->mlpAffinityThreshold = 0.0; /* the default value */
03277   }
03278   else {
03279     sscanf(flagValue, "%f", &option->mlpAffinityThreshold);
03280   }
03282   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_cluster_quantify_vars");
03283   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03284     option->mlpClusterQuantifyVars = 0; /* the default value */
03285   }
03286   else {
03287     option->mlpClusterQuantifyVars = atoi(flagValue);
03288   }
03290   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_cluster_sorted_list");
03291   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03292     option->mlpClusterSortedList = 1; /* the default value */
03293   }
03294   else {
03295     option->mlpClusterSortedList = atoi(flagValue);
03296   }
03298   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_initial_cluster");
03299   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03300     option->mlpInitialCluster = 0; /* the default value */
03301   }
03302   else {
03303     option->mlpInitialCluster = atoi(flagValue);
03304   }
03306   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_cs_first");
03307   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03308     option->mlpCsFirst = 0; /* the default value */
03309   }
03310   else {
03311     option->mlpCsFirst = atoi(flagValue);
03312   }
03314   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_skip_rs");
03315   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03316     option->mlpSkipRs = 0; /* the default value */
03317   }
03318   else {
03319     option->mlpSkipRs = atoi(flagValue);
03320   }
03322   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_skip_cs");
03323   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03324     option->mlpSkipCs = 1; /* the default value */
03325   }
03326   else {
03327     option->mlpSkipCs = atoi(flagValue);
03328   }
03330   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_row_based");
03331   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03332     option->mlpRowBased = 0; /* the default value */
03333   }
03334   else {
03335     option->mlpRowBased = atoi(flagValue);
03336   }
03338   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_reorder");
03339   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03340     option->mlpReorder = 0; /* the default value */
03341   }
03342   else {
03343     option->mlpReorder = atoi(flagValue);
03344   }
03346   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_pre_reorder");
03347   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03348     option->mlpPreReorder = 0; /* the default value */
03349   }
03350   else {
03351     option->mlpPreReorder = atoi(flagValue);
03352   }
03354   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_postprocess");
03355   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03356     option->mlpPostProcess = 0; /* the default value */
03357   }
03358   else {
03359     option->mlpPostProcess = atoi(flagValue);
03360   }
03362   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_decompose_scc");
03363   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03364     option->mlpDecomposeScc = 1; /* the default value */
03365   }
03366   else {
03367     option->mlpDecomposeScc = atoi(flagValue);
03368   }
03370   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_cluster_scc");
03371   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03372     option->mlpClusterScc = 1; /* the default value */
03373   }
03374   else {
03375     option->mlpClusterScc = atoi(flagValue);
03376   }
03378   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_sort_scc");
03379   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03380     option->mlpSortScc = 1; /* the default value */
03381   }
03382   else {
03383     option->mlpSortScc = atoi(flagValue);
03384   }
03386   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_sort_scc_mode");
03387   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03388     option->mlpSortSccMode = 2; /* the default value */
03389   }
03390   else {
03391     option->mlpSortSccMode = atoi(flagValue);
03392   }
03394   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_cluster_merge");
03395   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03396     option->mlpClusterMerge = 0; /* the default value */
03397   }
03398   else {
03399     option->mlpClusterMerge = atoi(flagValue);
03400   }
03402   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_multiway");
03403   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03404     option->mlpMultiway = 0; /* the default value */
03405   }
03406   else {
03407     option->mlpMultiway = atoi(flagValue);
03408   }
03410   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_lambda_mode");
03411   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03412     option->mlpLambdaMode = 0; /* the default value */
03413   }
03414   else {
03415     option->mlpLambdaMode = atoi(flagValue);
03416   }
03418   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_sorted_rows");
03419   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03420     option->mlpSortedRows = 1; /* the default value */
03421   }
03422   else {
03423     option->mlpSortedRows = atoi(flagValue);
03424   }
03426   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_sorted_cols");
03427   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03428     option->mlpSortedCols = 1; /* the default value */
03429   }
03430   else {
03431     option->mlpSortedCols = atoi(flagValue);
03432   }
03434   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_pre_swap_state_vars");
03435   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03436     option->mlpPreSwapStateVars = 0; /* the default value */
03437   }
03438   else {
03439     option->mlpPreSwapStateVars = atoi(flagValue);
03440   }
03442   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_print_matrix");
03443   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03444     option->mlpPrintMatrix = 0; /* the default value */
03445   }
03446   else {
03447     option->mlpPrintMatrix = atoi(flagValue);
03448   }
03450   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_write_order");
03451   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03452     option->mlpWriteOrder = NIL(char); /* the default value */
03453   }
03454   else {
03455     option->mlpWriteOrder = util_strsav(flagValue);
03456   }
03458   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_verbosity");
03459   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03460     option->mlpVerbosity = 0; /* the default value */
03461   }
03462   else {
03463     option->mlpVerbosity = atoi(flagValue);
03464   }
03466   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("mlp_debug");
03467   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03468     option->mlpDebug = 0; /* the default value */
03469   }
03470   else {
03471     option->mlpDebug = atoi(flagValue);
03472   }
03474   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("image_read_reorder_cluster");
03475   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03476     option->readReorderCluster = 0; /* the default value */
03477   }
03478   else {
03479     option->readReorderCluster = atoi(flagValue);
03480   }
03482   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("image_read_cluster");
03483   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03484     option->readCluster = NIL(char); /* the default value */
03485   }
03486   else {
03487     option->readCluster = util_strsav(flagValue);
03488   }
03490   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("image_write_cluster");
03491   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03492     option->writeCluster = NIL(char); /* the default value */
03493   }
03494   else {
03495     option->writeCluster = util_strsav(flagValue);
03496   }
03498   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("image_write_depend_matrix");
03499   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03500     option->writeDepMatrix = NIL(char); /* the default value */
03501   }
03502   else {
03503     option->writeDepMatrix = util_strsav(flagValue);
03504   }
03506   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("linear_grain_type");
03507   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03508     option->linearFineGrainFlag = 0; /* the default value */
03509   }
03510   else {
03511     option->linearFineGrainFlag = 1;
03512   }
03514   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("linear_optimize");
03515   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03516     option->linearOptimize = Opt_None; /* the default value */
03517   }
03518   else {
03519     option->linearOptimize = Opt_NS;
03520   }
03522   option->linearOrderVariable = 0;
03523   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("linear_order_variable");
03524   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03525     option->linearOrderVariable = 0; /* the default value */
03526   }
03527   else {
03528     option->linearOrderVariable = 1;
03529   }
03531   option->linearGroupStateVariable = 0; 
03532   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("linear_group_state_variable");
03533   if (flagValue == NIL(char)) {
03534     option->linearGroupStateVariable = 0; /* the default value */
03535   }
03536   else {
03537     option->linearGroupStateVariable = 1;
03538   }
03540   option->linearIncludeCS = 1;
03541   option->linearIncludeNS = 1;
03542   option->linearQuantifyCS = 0; 
03543   option->linearComputeRange = 0;
03544   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("linear_exclude_cs");
03545   if (flagValue) option->linearIncludeCS = 0;
03546   flagValue = Cmd_FlagReadByName("linear_exclude_ns");
03547   if (flagValue) option->linearIncludeNS = 0;
03549   return option;
03550 }
03572 static void
03573 CreateBitRelationArray(Iwls95Info_t *info, ImgFunctionData_t *functionData)
03574 {
03575   array_t *bddRelationArray = NIL(array_t);
03576   array_t *domainVarMddIdArray = functionData->domainVars;
03577   array_t *rangeVarMddIdArray = functionData->rangeVars;
03578   array_t *quantifyVarMddIdArray = NIL(array_t);
03579   graph_t *mddNetwork = functionData->mddNetwork;
03580   array_t *roots = functionData->roots;
03581   int i;
03582   int n1, n2, nIntermediateVars = 0;
03583   mdd_manager *mddManager = NIL(mdd_manager);
03584   st_table *vertexTable   = NIL(st_table);
03585   st_table *domainQuantifyVarMddIdTable = NIL(st_table);
03586   int mddId;
03587   char *nodeName;
03589   if (info->bitRelationArray != NIL(array_t)) {
03590     assert(info->quantifyVarMddIdArray != NIL(array_t));
03591     return;
03592   }
03594   bddRelationArray = array_alloc(mdd_t*, 0);
03595   quantifyVarMddIdArray = array_dup(functionData->quantifyVars);
03596   mddManager = Part_PartitionReadMddManager(mddNetwork);
03597   vertexTable = st_init_table(st_ptrcmp, st_ptrhash);
03598   domainQuantifyVarMddIdTable = st_init_table(st_numcmp, st_numhash);
03600   arrayForEachItem(int, domainVarMddIdArray, i, mddId) {
03601     st_insert(domainQuantifyVarMddIdTable, (char *)(long)mddId, NIL(char));
03602   }
03603   arrayForEachItem(int, quantifyVarMddIdArray, i, mddId) {
03604     st_insert(domainQuantifyVarMddIdTable, (char *)(long)mddId, NIL(char));
03605   }
03607   arrayForEachItem(char *, roots, i, nodeName) {
03608     vertex_t *vertex = Part_PartitionFindVertexByName(mddNetwork, nodeName);
03609     Mvf_Function_t *mvf = Part_VertexReadFunction(vertex);
03610     int mddId = array_fetch(int, rangeVarMddIdArray, i);
03612     /*mdd_t *relation = Mvf_FunctionBuildRelationWithVariable(mvf, mddId);*/
03613     array_t *varBddRelationArray = mdd_fn_array_to_bdd_rel_array(mddManager,
03614                                                                  mddId, mvf);
03615     array_append(bddRelationArray, varBddRelationArray);
03616     array_free(varBddRelationArray);
03617     /*array_insert_last(mdd_t *, bddRelationArray, relation);*/
03618     if (info->option->verbosity)
03619       n1 = array_n(bddRelationArray);
03620     else /* to remove uninitialized variable warning */
03621       n1 = 0;
03622     PartitionTraverseRecursively(mddManager, vertex, -1, vertexTable,
03623                                  bddRelationArray,
03624                                  domainQuantifyVarMddIdTable,
03625                                  quantifyVarMddIdArray);
03626     if (info->option->verbosity) {
03627       n2 = array_n(bddRelationArray);
03628       nIntermediateVars += n2 - n1;
03629     }
03630   }
03631   if (info->option->verbosity) {
03632     (void)fprintf(vis_stdout, "** img info: %d intermediate variables\n",
03633                   nIntermediateVars);
03634   }
03635   st_free_table(vertexTable);
03636   st_free_table(domainQuantifyVarMddIdTable);
03637   info->bitRelationArray = bddRelationArray;
03638   info->quantifyVarMddIdArray = quantifyVarMddIdArray;
03639   return;
03641 }
03653 static void
03654 FreeBitRelationArray (Iwls95Info_t *info)
03655 {
03656   mdd_array_free(info->bitRelationArray);
03657   info->bitRelationArray = NIL(array_t);
03658   return;
03659 }
03691 static void
03692 OrderClusterOrder(mdd_manager *mddManager,                            
03693                   array_t     *relationArray, 
03694                   array_t     *fromVarBddArray, 
03695                   array_t     *toVarBddArray, 
03696                   array_t     *quantifyVarBddArray,
03697                   array_t    **orderedClusteredRelationArrayPtr,
03698                   array_t    **smoothVarBddArrayPtr,
03699                   ImgTrmOption_t   *option,
03700                   boolean freeRelationArray)
03701 {
03702   array_t *clusteredRelationArray; /*clustered version of orderedRelationArray*/
03704   /*
03705    * Since clusters are formed by multiplying the latches starting
03706    * from one end we need to order the latches using some heuristics
03707    * first. Right now, we order the latches using the same heuristic
03708    * as the one used for ordering the clusters for early quantifiction.
03709    * However, since we are not interested in the quantification
03710    * schedule at this stage, we will pass a NIL(array_t*) as the last
03711    * argument. 
03712    */      
03713   *orderedClusteredRelationArrayPtr = NIL(array_t);
03714   OrderRelationArray(mddManager, relationArray, fromVarBddArray,
03715                      quantifyVarBddArray, toVarBddArray, option, 
03716                      orderedClusteredRelationArrayPtr, NIL(array_t *));
03718   /* free relationArray if told to */
03719   if (freeRelationArray) mdd_array_free(relationArray);
03722   /* Create the clusters */
03723   clusteredRelationArray = CreateClusters(mddManager,
03724                                           *orderedClusteredRelationArrayPtr,
03725                                           option);
03727   /* Free the orderedRelationArray */
03728   mdd_array_free(*orderedClusteredRelationArrayPtr);
03730   /* Order the clusters for image and pre-image computation. */
03731   OrderRelationArray(mddManager, clusteredRelationArray, fromVarBddArray, 
03732                      quantifyVarBddArray, toVarBddArray, option,
03733                      orderedClusteredRelationArrayPtr, smoothVarBddArrayPtr);
03734   /* Free the clusteredRelationArray. */
03735   mdd_array_free(clusteredRelationArray);
03736 }
03750 static array_t *
03751 CreateClusters(bdd_manager *bddManager, array_t *relationArray,
03752                ImgTrmOption_t *option)
03753 {
03754   array_t *clusterArray;
03755   int i;
03756   bdd_t *cluster, *relation, *tempCluster;
03757   int flag;
03758   int size;
03760   clusterArray = array_alloc(bdd_t *, 0);
03762   for (i=0; i<array_n(relationArray);) {
03763     cluster = bdd_one(bddManager);
03764     flag = 0;
03765     do{
03766       relation = array_fetch(bdd_t *,relationArray, i);
03767       i++;
03768       tempCluster = bdd_and_with_limit(cluster, relation, 1, 1,
03769                                        option->clusterSize);
03770       assert(flag || tempCluster != NIL(mdd_t));
03771       if (tempCluster != NIL(mdd_t)) {
03772         size = bdd_size(tempCluster);
03773         if (size <= option->clusterSize || flag == 0) {
03774           bdd_free(cluster);
03775           cluster = tempCluster;
03776           if (flag == 0 && size >= option->clusterSize)
03777             break;
03778           flag = 1;
03779         }
03780         else{
03781           bdd_free(tempCluster);
03782           i--;
03783           break;
03784         }
03785       }
03786       else {
03787         i--;
03788         break;
03789       }
03790     } while (i < array_n(relationArray));
03791     array_insert_last(bdd_t *, clusterArray, cluster);
03792   }
03793   return clusterArray;
03794 }
03814 static void
03815 OrderRelationArray(mdd_manager *mddManager,
03816                    array_t *relationArray,
03817                    array_t *domainVarBddArray,
03818                    array_t *quantifyVarBddArray,
03819                    array_t *rangeVarBddArray,
03820                    ImgTrmOption_t *option,
03821                    array_t **orderedRelationArrayPtr,
03822                    array_t **arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr)
03823 {
03824   array_t *quantifyVarBddIdArray, *domainVarBddIdArray, *rangeVarBddIdArray;
03825   array_t *domainAndQuantifyVarBddArray;
03826   array_t *ctrInfoArray, *varInfoArray, *simplifiedRelationArray;
03827   array_t *sortedMaxIndexArray;
03828   array_t *arrayDomainQuantifyVarsWithZeroNumCtr = NIL(array_t);
03829   int numRelation, numDomainVars, numQuantifyVars, numRangeVars;
03830   int numSmoothVars, numVars;
03831   int bddId;
03832   int i;
03833   int *sortedMaxIndexVector;
03834   int numSmoothVarsRemaining, numIntroducedVarsRemaining;
03835   st_table  *bddIdToVarInfoTable, *bddIdToBddTable;
03836   bdd_t *relation, *bdd;
03837   CtrInfo_t *ctrInfo;
03838   VarInfo_t *varInfo;
03839   lsList remainingCtrInfoList;
03841   numRelation = array_n(relationArray);
03842   numDomainVars = array_n(domainVarBddArray);
03843   numRangeVars = array_n(rangeVarBddArray);
03844   numQuantifyVars = array_n(quantifyVarBddArray);
03845   numSmoothVars = numDomainVars + numQuantifyVars;
03846   numVars = numSmoothVars + numRangeVars;
03848   domainVarBddIdArray = bdd_get_varids(domainVarBddArray);
03849   rangeVarBddIdArray = bdd_get_varids(rangeVarBddArray);
03850   quantifyVarBddIdArray = bdd_get_varids(quantifyVarBddArray);
03851   domainAndQuantifyVarBddArray = array_join(domainVarBddArray,
03852                                             quantifyVarBddArray);
03854   bddIdToBddTable = st_init_table(st_numcmp, st_numhash);
03855   HashIdToBddTable(bddIdToBddTable, domainVarBddIdArray, domainVarBddArray);
03856   HashIdToBddTable(bddIdToBddTable, quantifyVarBddIdArray, quantifyVarBddArray);
03857   HashIdToBddTable(bddIdToBddTable, rangeVarBddIdArray, rangeVarBddArray);
03859   bddIdToVarInfoTable = st_init_table(st_numcmp, st_numhash);
03861   /*
03862    * Create the array of ctrInfo's for each component
03863    */
03864   ctrInfoArray = array_alloc(CtrInfo_t*, 0);
03865   varInfoArray = array_alloc(VarInfo_t*, 0);
03867   /*
03868    * Create the array of varInfo for each variable
03869    */
03870   for (i=0; i<numVars; i++) {
03871     varInfo = VarInfoStructAlloc();
03872     if (i<numDomainVars) {
03873       bddId = array_fetch(int, domainVarBddIdArray, i);
03874       varInfo->varType = domainVar_c;
03875     }
03876     else if (i < (numDomainVars+numQuantifyVars)) {
03877       bddId = array_fetch(int, quantifyVarBddIdArray, i-numDomainVars);
03878       varInfo->varType = quantifyVar_c;
03879     }
03880     else{
03881       bddId = array_fetch(int, rangeVarBddIdArray,
03882                           (i-(numDomainVars+numQuantifyVars)));
03883       varInfo->varType = rangeVar_c;
03884     }
03885     array_insert_last(VarInfo_t*, varInfoArray, varInfo);
03886     varInfo->bddId = bddId;
03887     st_insert(bddIdToVarInfoTable, (char *)(long) bddId, (char *)varInfo);
03888   }
03890   /*
03891    * Fill in the data structure of the ctrInfo and varInfo
03892    */
03893   for (i=0; i<numRelation; i++) {
03894     st_table *supportTable;
03895     st_generator *stGen;
03896     VarItem_t *varItem;
03897     CtrItem_t *ctrItem;
03898     lsHandle varItemHandle, ctrItemHandle;
03899     long varId;
03901     ctrInfo = CtrInfoStructAlloc();
03902     array_insert_last(CtrInfo_t*, ctrInfoArray, ctrInfo);
03903     ctrInfo->ctrId = i;
03904     relation = array_fetch(bdd_t*, relationArray, i);
03905     supportTable = ImgBddGetSupportIdTable(relation);
03906     st_foreach_item(supportTable, stGen, &varId, NULL) {
03907       varInfo = NIL(VarInfo_t);
03908       if (st_lookup(bddIdToVarInfoTable, (char *) varId, &varInfo) == 0) {
03909         /* This variable is of no interest, because it is not present
03910          * in the bddIdToVarInfoTable.
03911          */
03912         continue;
03913       }
03914       varItem = ALLOC(VarItem_t,1);
03915       varItem->varInfo = varInfo;
03916       (void) lsNewBegin(ctrInfo->varItemList, (lsGeneric)varItem,
03917                         (lsHandle *)&varItemHandle);
03918       ctrItem = ALLOC(CtrItem_t,1);
03919       ctrItem->ctrInfo = ctrInfo;
03920       (void) lsNewBegin(varInfo->ctrItemList, (lsGeneric)ctrItem,
03921                         (lsHandle *)&ctrItemHandle);
03922       varItem->ctrItemHandle = ctrItemHandle;
03923       ctrItem->varItemHandle = varItemHandle;
03924       varInfo->numCtr++;
03925     }
03926     st_free_table(supportTable);
03927   } /* Initialization of ctrInfoArray and varInfoArray complete */
03929   /*
03930    * Smooth out the quantify variables which are local to a particular cluster.
03931    */
03932   simplifiedRelationArray = RelationArraySmoothLocalVars(relationArray,
03933                                                          ctrInfoArray,
03934                                                          varInfoArray,
03935                                                          bddIdToBddTable);
03937   assert(CheckCtrInfoArray(ctrInfoArray, numDomainVars, numQuantifyVars,
03938                            numRangeVars));
03939   assert(CheckVarInfoArray(varInfoArray, numRelation));
03941   /*
03942    * In the ordering scheme of clusters, the number of variables yet to be
03943    * quantified out and number of variables which are yet to be introduced is
03944    * taken into account.  The number of smooth variables which are yet to be
03945    * quantified out could have changed. Also some of the range variables may
03946    * not be in the support of any of the clusters. This can happen while doing
03947    * the ordering for clusters for backward image (when a present state
03948    * variable does not appear in the support of any of the next state
03949    * functions. Recalculate these numbers.  */
03951   numSmoothVarsRemaining = numSmoothVars;
03952   numIntroducedVarsRemaining = numRangeVars;
03954   /*
03955    * Find out which variables do not appear in the support of any cluster.
03956    * Update the numSmoothVarsRemaining and numIntroducedVarsRemaining
03957    * accordingly.
03958    * Also, these domainVars and quantifyVars can be quantified out as soon as
03959    * possible.
03960    */
03961   if (arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr != NIL(array_t *))
03962     arrayDomainQuantifyVarsWithZeroNumCtr = array_alloc(bdd_t*, 0);
03963   for (i=0; i<numVars; i++) {
03964     varInfo = array_fetch(VarInfo_t*, varInfoArray, i);
03965     if (varInfo->numCtr == 0) {
03966       if ((varInfo->varType == domainVar_c) ||
03967           (varInfo->varType == quantifyVar_c)) {
03968         numSmoothVarsRemaining--;
03969         if (arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr != NIL(array_t *)) {
03970           st_lookup(bddIdToBddTable, (char *)(long)varInfo->bddId, &bdd);
03971           array_insert_last(bdd_t*, arrayDomainQuantifyVarsWithZeroNumCtr,
03972                             bdd_dup(bdd));
03973         }
03974       }
03975       else numIntroducedVarsRemaining--;
03976     }
03977   }
03979   /*
03980    * The ordering scheme also depends on the value of the maximum index of a
03981    * smooth variable which is yet to be quantified. For efficiency reasons, we
03982    * maintain a vector indicating the maximum index of the clusters. This
03983    * vector is sorted in the decreasing order of index. The rank of a cluster
03984    * is stored in its "rankMaxSmoothVarIndex" field.
03985    */
03986   sortedMaxIndexArray = array_dup(ctrInfoArray);
03987   array_sort(sortedMaxIndexArray, CtrInfoMaxIndexCompare);
03988   sortedMaxIndexVector = ALLOC(int, numRelation);
03989   for (i=0; i<numRelation; i++) {
03990     ctrInfo = array_fetch(CtrInfo_t*, sortedMaxIndexArray, i);
03991     ctrInfo->rankMaxSmoothVarIndex = i;
03992     sortedMaxIndexVector[i] = ctrInfo->maxSmoothVarIndex;
03993   }
03994   array_free(sortedMaxIndexArray);
03996   /*
03997    * Create a list of clusters which are yet to be ordered. Right now
03998    * put all the clusters. Later on the list will contain only those
03999    * clusters which have not yet been ordered.
04000    */
04001   remainingCtrInfoList = lsCreate();
04002   for(i=0; i<numRelation; i++) {
04003     lsHandle ctrHandle;
04004     ctrInfo = array_fetch(CtrInfo_t*, ctrInfoArray, i);
04005     lsNewBegin(remainingCtrInfoList, (lsGeneric)ctrInfo, &ctrHandle);
04006     ctrInfo->ctrInfoListHandle = ctrHandle;
04007   }
04009   /* Call the auxiliary routine to do the ordering. */
04010   OrderRelationArrayAux(simplifiedRelationArray, remainingCtrInfoList,
04011                         ctrInfoArray, varInfoArray, sortedMaxIndexVector,
04012                         numSmoothVarsRemaining, numIntroducedVarsRemaining,
04013                         bddIdToBddTable, option, domainAndQuantifyVarBddArray,
04014                         orderedRelationArrayPtr, arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr,
04015                         arrayDomainQuantifyVarsWithZeroNumCtr);
04017   lsDestroy(remainingCtrInfoList,0);
04019   /* Free the info arrays */
04021   for (i=0; i<numRelation; i++) {
04022     ctrInfo = array_fetch(CtrInfo_t*, ctrInfoArray, i);
04023     CtrInfoStructFree(ctrInfo);
04024   }
04025   array_free(ctrInfoArray);
04027   for (i=0; i<numVars; i++) {
04028     varInfo = array_fetch(VarInfo_t*, varInfoArray, i);
04029     assert(varInfo->numCtr == 0);
04030     VarInfoStructFree(varInfo);
04031   }
04032   array_free(varInfoArray);
04034   if (option->verbosity >= 3) {
04035     int numRelation = array_n(*orderedRelationArrayPtr);
04037     if (arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr != NIL(array_t*)) {
04038       PrintSmoothIntroducedCount(*orderedRelationArrayPtr,
04039                                  arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr,
04040                                  domainVarBddIdArray,
04041                                  rangeVarBddIdArray);
04042     }
04043     if (option->verbosity >= 4) {
04044       for (i= 0; i <numRelation; i++) {
04045         st_table *supportTable;
04046         (void) fprintf(vis_stdout, "Cluster # %d\n",i);
04047         supportTable = ImgBddGetSupportIdTable(
04048                        array_fetch(bdd_t*, *orderedRelationArrayPtr, i));
04049         PrintBddIdTable(supportTable);
04050         if (arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr != NIL(array_t*)) {
04051           (void) fprintf(vis_stdout, "Exist cube # %d\n",i);
04052           PrintBddIdFromBddArray(array_fetch(array_t*,
04053                                              *arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr, i));
04054         }
04055       }
04056     }
04057   }
04058   FREE(sortedMaxIndexVector);
04059   array_free(simplifiedRelationArray);
04061   /* Free BDD Id arrays */
04062   array_free(domainVarBddIdArray);
04063   array_free(quantifyVarBddIdArray);
04064   array_free(rangeVarBddIdArray);
04065   array_free(domainAndQuantifyVarBddArray);
04066   /* Free the st_tables */
04067   st_free_table(bddIdToBddTable);
04068   st_free_table(bddIdToVarInfoTable);
04069 }
04087 static array_t *
04088 RelationArraySmoothLocalVars(array_t *relationArray, array_t *ctrInfoArray,
04089                              array_t *varInfoArray,
04090                              st_table *bddIdToBddTable)
04091 {
04092   array_t *arraySmoothVarBddArray, *smoothVarBddArray;
04093   array_t *simplifiedRelationArray;
04094   bdd_t *simplifiedRelation, *relation, *varBdd;
04095   int maxSmoothVarIndexForAllCtr, i, numRelation;
04097   numRelation = array_n(relationArray);
04099   /*
04100    * Initialize the array of cubes (of quantified variables which occur in
04101    * only one relation), to be smoothed out.
04102    */
04103   arraySmoothVarBddArray = array_alloc(array_t*, 0);
04104   for (i=0; i<numRelation; i++) {
04105     smoothVarBddArray = array_alloc(bdd_t*, 0);
04106     array_insert_last(array_t*, arraySmoothVarBddArray, smoothVarBddArray);
04107   }
04109   maxSmoothVarIndexForAllCtr = -1;
04110   for (i=0; i<numRelation; i++) {
04111     VarItem_t *varItem;
04112     lsHandle varItemHandle;
04113     CtrInfo_t *ctrInfo = array_fetch(CtrInfo_t*, ctrInfoArray, i);
04114     int maxSmoothVarIndex = -1;
04115     lsGen varItemListGen = lsStart(ctrInfo->varItemList);
04117     smoothVarBddArray = array_fetch(array_t *, arraySmoothVarBddArray, i);
04118     while (lsNext(varItemListGen, &varItem, &varItemHandle) ==
04119            LS_OK) {
04120       int  varBddId;
04121       VarInfo_t *varInfo = varItem->varInfo;
04122       if (varInfo->varType == rangeVar_c) {
04123         ctrInfo->numIntroducedVars++;
04124       }
04125       else if (varInfo->numCtr == 1) {
04126         assert(lsLength(varInfo->ctrItemList) == 1);
04127         if (varInfo->varType == quantifyVar_c) {
04128           /*
04129            * The variable can be smoothed out.
04130            * Put it in an array of variables to be
04131            * smoothed out from the relation.
04132            */
04133           CtrItem_t *ctrItem;
04134           varBddId = varInfo->bddId;
04135           st_lookup(bddIdToBddTable, (char *)(long)varBddId,&varBdd);
04136           array_insert_last(bdd_t*, smoothVarBddArray, bdd_dup(varBdd));
04137           varInfo->numCtr = 0;
04138           /* Remove the cluster from the ctrItemList of varInfo */
04139           lsRemoveItem(varItem->ctrItemHandle, &ctrItem);
04140           CtrItemStructFree(ctrItem);
04141           /* Remove the variable from the varItemList of ctrInfo.*/
04142           lsRemoveItem(varItemHandle, &varItem);
04143           VarItemStructFree(varItem);
04144           continue;
04145         }
04146         else {
04147           /* Increase the numLocalSmoothVars count of the corresponding ctr. */
04148           ctrInfo->numLocalSmoothVars++;
04149           ctrInfo->numSmoothVars++;
04150           if (maxSmoothVarIndex < varInfo->bddId) {
04151             maxSmoothVarIndex = varInfo->bddId;
04152           }
04153         }
04154       }
04155       else{ /* varInfo->numCtr > 1 */
04156         assert(varInfo->numCtr > 1);
04157         ctrInfo->numSmoothVars++;
04158         if (maxSmoothVarIndex < varInfo->bddId) {
04159           maxSmoothVarIndex = varInfo->bddId;
04160         }
04161       }
04162     }
04163     lsFinish(varItemListGen);
04164     if (maxSmoothVarIndex >= 0) {
04165       ctrInfo->maxSmoothVarIndex = maxSmoothVarIndex;
04166     }
04167     else{
04168       ctrInfo->maxSmoothVarIndex = 0;
04169     }
04170     if (maxSmoothVarIndexForAllCtr < maxSmoothVarIndex) {
04171       maxSmoothVarIndexForAllCtr = maxSmoothVarIndex;
04172     }
04173   }
04175   /*
04176    * Initialization Finished. We need to smooth out those quantify
04177    * variables which appear in only one ctr.
04178    */
04179   simplifiedRelationArray = array_alloc(bdd_t*, 0);
04180   for (i=0; i<numRelation; i++) {
04181     relation = array_fetch(bdd_t*, relationArray, i);
04182     smoothVarBddArray = array_fetch(array_t*, arraySmoothVarBddArray, i);
04183     if (array_n(smoothVarBddArray) != 0)
04184       simplifiedRelation = bdd_smooth(relation, smoothVarBddArray);
04185     else
04186       simplifiedRelation = bdd_dup(relation);
04187     array_insert_last(bdd_t*, simplifiedRelationArray, simplifiedRelation);
04188   }
04189   mdd_array_array_free(arraySmoothVarBddArray);
04190   return simplifiedRelationArray;
04191 }
04211 static void
04212 OrderRelationArrayAux(array_t *relationArray,
04213                       lsList remainingCtrInfoList,
04214                       array_t *ctrInfoArray,
04215                       array_t *varInfoArray,
04216                       int *sortedMaxIndexVector,
04217                       int numSmoothVarsRemaining,
04218                       int numIntroducedVarsRemaining,
04219                       st_table *bddIdToBddTable,
04220                       ImgTrmOption_t *option,
04221                       array_t *domainAndQuantifyVarBddArray,
04222                       array_t **orderedRelationArrayPtr,
04223                       array_t **arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr,
04224                       array_t *arrayDomainQuantifyVarsWithZeroNumCtr)
04225 {
04226   int numRelation, ctrCount, currentRankMaxSmoothVarIndex;
04227   int maxIndex = 0;
04228   array_t *orderedRelationArray, *arraySmoothVarBddArray;
04229   array_t *smoothVarBddArray;
04230   int *bestCtrIdVector;
04231   int maxNumLocalSmoothVars, maxNumSmoothVars, maxNumIntroducedVars;
04232   lsGen lsgen;
04234   ctrCount = 0;
04235   currentRankMaxSmoothVarIndex = 0;
04237   numRelation = array_n(relationArray);
04239   arraySmoothVarBddArray = NIL(array_t);
04240   orderedRelationArray = array_alloc(bdd_t*, 0);
04241   *orderedRelationArrayPtr = orderedRelationArray;
04242   if (arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr != NIL(array_t *)) {
04243     arraySmoothVarBddArray = array_alloc(array_t*, 0);
04244     *arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr = arraySmoothVarBddArray;
04245     array_insert_last(array_t*, arraySmoothVarBddArray,
04246                         arrayDomainQuantifyVarsWithZeroNumCtr);
04247   }
04248   bestCtrIdVector = ALLOC(int, numRelation);
04250   while (ctrCount < numRelation) {
04251     float bestBenefit, benefit;
04252     int bestCtrId;
04253     bdd_t *bestRelation;
04254     lsGen ctrInfoListGen;
04255     CtrInfo_t *ctrInfo, *ctrInfoAux;
04257     bestBenefit = -1.0e20;      /* a safely small number */
04258     bestCtrId = -1;
04259     /* Find the maximum index of the remaining clusters */
04260     while (currentRankMaxSmoothVarIndex < numRelation &&
04261       (maxIndex = sortedMaxIndexVector[currentRankMaxSmoothVarIndex++]) == -1);
04263     /* Calculate the maximum values of local smooth variables etc. */
04264     maxNumLocalSmoothVars = 0;
04265     maxNumSmoothVars = 0;
04266     maxNumIntroducedVars = 0;
04267     lsForEachItem(remainingCtrInfoList, lsgen, ctrInfo) {
04268       if (ctrInfo->numLocalSmoothVars > maxNumLocalSmoothVars) {
04269         maxNumLocalSmoothVars = ctrInfo->numLocalSmoothVars;
04270       }
04271       if (ctrInfo->numSmoothVars > maxNumSmoothVars) {
04272         maxNumSmoothVars = ctrInfo->numSmoothVars;
04273       }
04274       if (ctrInfo->numIntroducedVars > maxNumIntroducedVars) {
04275         maxNumIntroducedVars = ctrInfo->numIntroducedVars;
04276       }
04277     }
04279     if (option->verbosity >= 4) {
04280       fprintf(vis_stdout, "maxNumLocalSmoothVars = %3d maxNumSmoothVars = %3d ",
04281               maxNumLocalSmoothVars, maxNumSmoothVars);
04282       fprintf(vis_stdout, "maxNumIntroducedVars = %3d\n", maxNumIntroducedVars);
04283     }
04284     /* Calculate the cost function of each of the cluster */
04285     ctrInfoListGen = lsStart(remainingCtrInfoList);
04286     while (lsNext(ctrInfoListGen, &ctrInfo, NIL(lsHandle)) ==
04287            LS_OK) {
04288       benefit = CalculateBenefit(ctrInfo, maxNumLocalSmoothVars,
04289                                  maxNumSmoothVars, maxIndex,
04290                                  maxNumIntroducedVars, option);
04292       if (option->verbosity >= 4) {
04293         fprintf(vis_stdout,
04294           "id = %d: numLocalSmoothVars = %d numSmoothVars = %d benefit = %f\n",
04295                 ctrInfo->ctrId, ctrInfo->numLocalSmoothVars,
04296                 ctrInfo->numSmoothVars, benefit);
04297       }
04298       if (benefit > bestBenefit) {
04299         bestBenefit = benefit;
04300         bestCtrId = ctrInfo->ctrId;
04301       }
04302     }
04303     lsFinish(ctrInfoListGen);
04304     /*
04305      * Insert the relation in the ordered array of relations and put in the
04306      * appropriate cubes.
04307      */
04309     bestCtrIdVector[ctrCount] = bestCtrId;
04310     ctrInfo = array_fetch(CtrInfo_t*, ctrInfoArray, bestCtrId);
04311     lsRemoveItem(ctrInfo->ctrInfoListHandle, &ctrInfoAux);
04312     assert(ctrInfo == ctrInfoAux);
04313     bestRelation = array_fetch(bdd_t*, relationArray, bestCtrId);
04314     array_insert_last(bdd_t*, orderedRelationArray, bestRelation);
04315     if (option->verbosity >= 4) {
04316       fprintf(vis_stdout,
04317        "Best id = %d benefit = %f numLocalSmoothVars = %d numSmoothVars = %d\n",
04318               bestCtrId, bestBenefit, ctrInfo->numLocalSmoothVars,
04319               ctrInfo->numSmoothVars);
04320     }
04321     /*
04322      * Update the remaining ctrInfo's and the varInfo's affected by choosing
04323      * this cluster. Also get the array of smooth variables which can be
04324      * quantified once this cluster is multiplied in the product.
04325      */
04326     smoothVarBddArray = UpdateInfoArrays(ctrInfo, bddIdToBddTable,
04327                                          &numSmoothVarsRemaining,
04328                                          &numIntroducedVarsRemaining);
04329     assert(CheckCtrInfo(ctrInfo, numSmoothVarsRemaining, 0,
04330                         numIntroducedVarsRemaining));
04332     if (arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr != NIL(array_t *)) {
04333       if (ctrCount == numRelation-1) {
04334         /*
04335          * In the last element of arraySmoothVarBddArray, put all the domain
04336          * and quantify variables (in case some of them were not in the support
04337          * of any cluster).
04338          */
04339         int             i, j;
04340         st_table        *varsTable = st_init_table((ST_PFICPCP)bdd_ptrcmp,
04341                                                    (ST_PFICPI)bdd_ptrhash);
04342         array_t         *tmpVarBddArray;
04343         mdd_t           *tmpVar;
04345         arrayForEachItem(array_t *, arraySmoothVarBddArray, i, tmpVarBddArray) {
04346           arrayForEachItem(mdd_t *, tmpVarBddArray, j, tmpVar) {
04347             st_insert(varsTable, (char *)tmpVar, NIL(char));
04348           }
04349         }
04350         arrayForEachItem(mdd_t *, smoothVarBddArray, i, tmpVar) {
04351           st_insert(varsTable, (char *)tmpVar, NIL(char));
04352         }
04353         arrayForEachItem(mdd_t *, domainAndQuantifyVarBddArray, i, tmpVar) {
04354           if (st_lookup(varsTable, (char *)tmpVar, NIL(char *)) == 0)
04355             array_insert_last(mdd_t *, smoothVarBddArray, mdd_dup(tmpVar));
04356         }
04357         st_free_table(varsTable);
04358       }
04359       array_insert_last(array_t*, arraySmoothVarBddArray, smoothVarBddArray);
04360     }
04361     else{
04362       mdd_array_free(smoothVarBddArray);
04363     }
04364     sortedMaxIndexVector[ctrInfo->rankMaxSmoothVarIndex] = -1;
04365     ctrCount++;
04366   }
04367   assert(numIntroducedVarsRemaining == 0);
04368   assert(numSmoothVarsRemaining == 0);
04369   if (option->verbosity >= 3) {
04370     int i;
04371     (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,"Cluster Sequence = ");
04372     for (i=0; i<numRelation; i++) {
04373       (void) fprintf(vis_stdout, "%d ", bestCtrIdVector[i]);
04374     }
04375     (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,"\n");
04376   }
04378   FREE(bestCtrIdVector);
04379 }
04425 static array_t *
04426 UpdateInfoArrays(CtrInfo_t *ctrInfo, st_table *bddIdToBddTable,
04427                  int *numSmoothVarsRemainingPtr,
04428                  int *numIntroducedVarsRemainingPtr)
04429 {
04430   array_t *smoothVarBddArray;
04431   lsGen varItemListGen;
04432   int numSmoothVarsRemaining = *numSmoothVarsRemainingPtr;
04433   int numIntroducedVarsRemaining = *numIntroducedVarsRemainingPtr;
04434   VarItem_t *varItem;
04435   lsHandle varItemHandle;
04437   smoothVarBddArray = array_alloc(bdd_t*, 0);
04438   varItemListGen = lsStart(ctrInfo->varItemList);
04439   while (lsNext(varItemListGen, &varItem, &varItemHandle) ==
04440          LS_OK) {
04441     VarInfo_t *varInfo = varItem->varInfo;
04442     CtrItem_t *ctrItem;
04443     assert(varInfo->numCtr == lsLength(varInfo->ctrItemList));
04444     lsRemoveItem(varItem->ctrItemHandle,  &ctrItem);
04445     CtrItemStructFree(ctrItem);
04446     varInfo->numCtr--;
04447     lsRemoveItem(varItemHandle, &varItem);
04448     VarItemStructFree(varItem);
04450     /*
04451      * If this variable is to be smoothed (domain or quantify type) and
04452      * the numCtr is 1, then it should be added to the smoothVarBddArray,
04453      * otherwise, the numCtr should be decreased by 1.
04454      * If the variable is of the range type then the number of introduced
04455      * vars remaining and the number of introduced vars should be
04456      * appropriately modified.
04457      */
04458     if ((varInfo->varType == domainVar_c) ||
04459         (varInfo->varType == quantifyVar_c)) {
04460       if (varInfo->numCtr == 0) {
04461         bdd_t *varBdd;
04462         st_lookup(bddIdToBddTable, (char *)(long)(varInfo->bddId), &varBdd);
04463         array_insert_last(bdd_t*, smoothVarBddArray, bdd_dup(varBdd));
04464         numSmoothVarsRemaining--;
04465         ctrInfo->numLocalSmoothVars--;
04466         ctrInfo->numSmoothVars--;
04467       }
04468       else{
04469         if (varInfo->numCtr == 1) {
04470           /*
04471            * We need to update the numLocalSmoothVars of the ctr
04472            * which depends on it.
04473            */
04474           lsFirstItem(varInfo->ctrItemList, &ctrItem, LS_NH);
04475           ctrItem->ctrInfo->numLocalSmoothVars++;
04476         }
04477         /*
04478          * else varInfo->numCtr > 1 : Nothing to be done because neither it
04479          * can be quantified out, nor it is effecting any cost function.
04480          */
04481         ctrInfo->numSmoothVars--;
04482       }
04483     }
04484     else{/* The variable is of range type, so need to appropriately modify the
04485           * numIntroducedVars of those clusters which contain this range
04486           * variable in their support.
04487           */
04488       lsHandle ctrItemHandle;
04489       lsGen ctrItemListGen = lsStart(varInfo->ctrItemList);
04490       ctrInfo->numIntroducedVars--;
04491       while (lsNext(ctrItemListGen, &ctrItem, &ctrItemHandle) == LS_OK) {
04492         ctrItem->ctrInfo->numIntroducedVars--;
04493         lsRemoveItem(ctrItem->varItemHandle,&varItem);
04494         lsRemoveItem(ctrItemHandle,&ctrItem);
04495         VarItemStructFree(varItem);
04496         CtrItemStructFree(ctrItem);
04497       }
04498       lsFinish(ctrItemListGen);
04499       numIntroducedVarsRemaining--;
04500       varInfo->numCtr = 0;
04501     }
04502     assert(varInfo->numCtr == lsLength(varInfo->ctrItemList));
04503   }
04504   lsFinish(varItemListGen);
04505   *numIntroducedVarsRemainingPtr = numIntroducedVarsRemaining;
04506   *numSmoothVarsRemainingPtr = numSmoothVarsRemaining;
04507   return smoothVarBddArray;
04508 }
04544 static float
04545 CalculateBenefit(CtrInfo_t *ctrInfo, int maxNumLocalSmoothVars, int
04546                  maxNumSmoothVars, int maxIndex, int
04547                  maxNumIntroducedVars, ImgTrmOption_t *option)
04548 {
04549   int W1, W2, W3, W4;
04550   float benefit;
04552   W1 = option->W1;
04553   W2 = option->W2;
04554   W3 = option->W3;
04555   W4 = option->W4;
04557   benefit = 0.0;
04558   benefit += (maxNumLocalSmoothVars ?
04559               ((float)W1 * ((float)ctrInfo->numLocalSmoothVars /
04560                 (float)maxNumLocalSmoothVars)) : 0.0);
04562   benefit += (maxNumSmoothVars ?
04563               ((float)W2 * ((float)ctrInfo->numSmoothVars /
04564                 (float)maxNumSmoothVars)) : 0.0);
04566   benefit += (maxIndex ?
04567               ((float)W3 * ((float)ctrInfo->maxSmoothVarIndex /
04568                 (float)maxIndex)) : 0.0);
04570   benefit -= (maxNumIntroducedVars ?
04571               ((float)W4 * ((float)ctrInfo->numIntroducedVars /
04572                 (float)maxNumIntroducedVars)) : 0.0);
04574   return benefit;
04575 }
04588 static void
04589 PrintOption(Img_MethodType method, ImgTrmOption_t *option, FILE *fp)
04590 {
04591   if (method == Img_Iwls95_c)
04592     (void)fprintf(fp, "Printing Information about Image method: IWLS95\n");
04593   else if (method == Img_Mlp_c)
04594     (void)fprintf(fp, "Printing Information about Image method: MLP\n");
04595   else if (method == Img_Linear_c)
04596     (void)fprintf(fp, "Printing Information about Image method: LINEAR\n");
04597   else
04598     assert(0);
04599   (void)fprintf(fp,
04600                 "\tThreshold Value of Bdd Size For Creating Clusters = %d\n",
04601                 option->clusterSize);
04602   (void)fprintf(fp,
04603   "\t\t(Use \"set image_cluster_size value\" to set this to desired value)\n");
04604   (void)fprintf(fp, "\tVerbosity = %d\n", option->verbosity);
04605   (void)fprintf(fp,
04606     "\t\t(Use \"set image_verbosity value\" to set this to desired value)\n");
04607   if (method == Img_Iwls95_c) {
04608     (void)fprintf(fp, "\tW1 =%3d W2 =%2d W3 =%2d W4 =%2d\n",
04609                   option->W1, option->W2, option->W3, option->W4);
04610     (void)fprintf(fp,
04611         "\t\t(Use \"set image_W? value\" to set these to desired values)\n");
04612   }
04613 }
04626 static Iwls95Info_t *
04627 Iwls95InfoStructAlloc(Img_MethodType method)
04628 {
04629   Iwls95Info_t *info;
04630   info = ALLOC(Iwls95Info_t, 1);
04631   memset(info, 0, sizeof(Iwls95Info_t));
04632   info->method = method;
04633   info->option = TrmGetOptions();
04634   info->PIoption = ImgGetPartialImageOptions();
04635   return info;
04636 }
04647 static CtrInfo_t *
04648 CtrInfoStructAlloc(void)
04649 {
04650   CtrInfo_t *ctrInfo;
04651   ctrInfo = ALLOC(CtrInfo_t, 1);
04652   ctrInfo->ctrId = -1;
04653   ctrInfo->numLocalSmoothVars = 0;
04654   ctrInfo->numSmoothVars = 0;
04655   ctrInfo->maxSmoothVarIndex = -1;
04656   ctrInfo->numIntroducedVars = 0;
04657   ctrInfo->varItemList = lsCreate();
04658   ctrInfo->ctrInfoListHandle = NULL;
04659   return ctrInfo;
04660 }
04672 static void
04673 CtrInfoStructFree(CtrInfo_t *ctrInfo)
04674 {
04675   lsDestroy(ctrInfo->varItemList, 0);
04676   FREE(ctrInfo);
04677 }
04688 static VarInfo_t *
04689 VarInfoStructAlloc(void)
04690 {
04691   VarInfo_t *varInfo;
04692   varInfo = ALLOC(VarInfo_t, 1);
04693   varInfo->bddId = -1;
04694   varInfo->numCtr = 0;
04695   varInfo->varType = -1;
04696   varInfo->ctrItemList = lsCreate();
04697   return varInfo;
04698 }
04709 static void
04710 VarInfoStructFree(VarInfo_t *varInfo)
04711 {
04712   lsDestroy(varInfo->ctrItemList,0);
04713   FREE(varInfo);
04714 }
04725 static void
04726 CtrItemStructFree(CtrItem_t *ctrItem)
04727 {
04728   FREE(ctrItem);
04729 }
04740 static void
04741 VarItemStructFree(VarItem_t *varItem)
04742 {
04743   FREE(varItem);
04744 }
04757 static int
04758 CtrInfoMaxIndexCompare(const void * p1, const void * p2)
04759 {
04760   CtrInfo_t **infoCtr1 = (CtrInfo_t **) p1;
04761   CtrInfo_t **infoCtr2 = (CtrInfo_t **) p2;
04762   return ((*infoCtr1)->maxSmoothVarIndex > (*infoCtr2)->maxSmoothVarIndex);
04763 }
04765 /* **************************************************************************
04766  * Debugging Related Routines.
04767  ***************************************************************************/
04779 static void
04780 PrintCtrInfoStruct(CtrInfo_t *ctrInfo)
04781 {
04782   lsGen lsgen;
04783   VarItem_t *varItem;
04785   (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,"Ctr ID = %d\tNumLocal = %d\tNumSmooth=%d\tNumIntro=%d\tmaxSmooth=%d\trank=%d\n",
04786                  ctrInfo->ctrId, ctrInfo->numLocalSmoothVars,
04787                  ctrInfo->numSmoothVars, ctrInfo->numIntroducedVars,
04788                  ctrInfo->maxSmoothVarIndex, ctrInfo->rankMaxSmoothVarIndex);
04789   lsgen = lsStart(ctrInfo->varItemList);
04790   while (lsNext(lsgen, &varItem, NIL(lsHandle)) == LS_OK) {
04791     (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,"%d\t", varItem->varInfo->bddId);
04792   }
04793   lsFinish(lsgen);
04794   fprintf(vis_stdout,"\n");
04795 }
04805 static void
04806 PrintVarInfoStruct(VarInfo_t *varInfo)
04807 {
04808   lsGen lsgen;
04809   CtrItem_t *ctrItem;
04811   (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,"Var ID = %d\tNumCtr = %d\tVarType=%d\n",
04812                  varInfo->bddId, varInfo->numCtr, varInfo->varType);
04813   lsgen = lsStart(varInfo->ctrItemList);
04814   while (lsNext(lsgen, &ctrItem, NIL(lsHandle)) == LS_OK) {
04815     (void) fprintf(vis_stdout,"%d\t", ctrItem->ctrInfo->ctrId);
04816   }
04817   lsFinish(lsgen);
04818   fprintf(vis_stdout,"\n");
04819 }
04840 static int
04841 CheckQuantificationSchedule(array_t *relationArray,
04842                             array_t *arraySmoothVarBddArray)
04843 {
04844   int i, j;
04845   long varId;
04846   st_table *smoothVarTable, *supportTable;
04847   bdd_t *relation;
04848   array_t *smoothVarBddArray, *smoothVarBddIdArray;
04849   st_generator *stgen;
04851   assert(array_n(relationArray) + 1 == array_n(arraySmoothVarBddArray));
04853   smoothVarTable = st_init_table(st_numcmp, st_numhash);
04855   smoothVarBddArray = array_fetch(array_t*, arraySmoothVarBddArray, 0);
04856   smoothVarBddIdArray = bdd_get_varids(smoothVarBddArray);
04857   for (j=0; j<array_n(smoothVarBddIdArray); j++) {
04858     varId = (long) array_fetch(int, smoothVarBddIdArray, j);
04859     assert(st_insert(smoothVarTable, (char *) varId, NIL(char))==0);
04860   }
04861   array_free(smoothVarBddIdArray);
04863   for (i=0; i<array_n(relationArray); i++) {
04864     relation = array_fetch(bdd_t*, relationArray, i);
04865     supportTable = ImgBddGetSupportIdTable(relation);
04866     /*
04867      * Check that none of the variables in the support have already been
04868      * quantified.
04869      */
04870     st_foreach_item(supportTable, stgen, &varId, NULL) {
04871       assert(st_is_member(smoothVarTable, (char *) varId) == 0);
04873     }
04874     st_free_table(supportTable);
04875     if (i == (array_n(relationArray)-1)) {
04876       /* Since last element of arraySmoothVarBddArray has all the
04877        * smooth variables, it will not satisfy the condition.
04878        */
04879       continue;
04880     }
04882     /*
04883      * Put each of the variables quantified at this step in the
04884      * smoothVarTable. And check that none of these smooth variables
04885      * have been introduced before.
04886      */
04887     smoothVarBddArray = array_fetch(array_t*, arraySmoothVarBddArray, i + 1);
04888     smoothVarBddIdArray = bdd_get_varids(smoothVarBddArray);
04889     for (j=0; j<array_n(smoothVarBddIdArray); j++) {
04890       varId = (long) array_fetch(int, smoothVarBddIdArray, j);
04891       assert(st_insert(smoothVarTable, (char *) varId, NIL(char))==0);
04892     }
04893     array_free(smoothVarBddIdArray);
04894   }
04895   st_free_table(smoothVarTable);
04896   return 1;
04897 }
04908 static int
04909 CheckCtrInfoArray(array_t *ctrInfoArray, int numDomainVars, int
04910                   numQuantifyVars, int numRangeVars)
04911 {
04912   int i;
04913   for (i=0; i<array_n(ctrInfoArray); i++) {
04914     CheckCtrInfo(array_fetch(CtrInfo_t *, ctrInfoArray, i),
04915                  numDomainVars, numQuantifyVars, numRangeVars);
04916   }
04917   return 1;
04918 }
04929 static int
04930 CheckCtrInfo(CtrInfo_t *ctrInfo, int numDomainVars,
04931              int numQuantifyVars, int numRangeVars)
04932 {
04933   assert(ctrInfo->numLocalSmoothVars <= (numDomainVars +
04934                                          numQuantifyVars));
04935   assert(ctrInfo->numSmoothVars <= (numDomainVars +
04936                                     numQuantifyVars));
04937   assert(ctrInfo->numIntroducedVars <= numRangeVars);
04938   assert(lsLength(ctrInfo->varItemList) ==
04939          (ctrInfo->numSmoothVars+ctrInfo->numIntroducedVars));
04940   return 1;
04941 }
04952 static int
04953 CheckVarInfoArray(array_t *varInfoArray, int numRelation)
04954 {
04955   int i;
04956   for (i=0; i<array_n(varInfoArray); i++) {
04957     VarInfo_t *varInfo;
04958     varInfo = array_fetch(VarInfo_t *, varInfoArray, i);
04959     assert(varInfo->numCtr <= numRelation);
04960     assert(varInfo->varType >= 0);
04961     assert(varInfo->varType <= 2);
04962     assert(lsLength(varInfo->ctrItemList) == varInfo->numCtr);
04963   }
04964   return 1;
04965 }
04967 /* ****************************************************************
04968  * Utility Routines.
04969  ****************************************************************/
04980 static array_t *
04981 BddArrayDup(array_t *bddArray)
04982 {
04983   int i;
04984   array_t *resultArray;
04985   bdd_t *bdd;
04986   resultArray = array_alloc(bdd_t*, 0);
04987   arrayForEachItem(bdd_t *, bddArray, i, bdd) {
04988     array_insert_last(bdd_t*, resultArray, bdd_dup(bdd));
04989   }
04990   return resultArray;
04991 }
04993 static array_t *
04994 BddArrayArrayDup(array_t *bddArray)
04995 {
04996   int i;
04997   array_t *resultArray;
04998   array_t *arr, *tarr;
05000   resultArray = array_alloc(bdd_t*, 0);
05001   arrayForEachItem(array_t *, bddArray, i, arr) {
05002     tarr = BddArrayDup(arr);
05003     array_insert_last(array_t*, resultArray, tarr);
05004   }
05005   return resultArray;
05006 }
05032 static mdd_t *
05033 BddLinearAndSmooth(mdd_manager *mddManager,
05034                    bdd_t *fromSet,
05035                    array_t *relationArray,
05036                    array_t *arraySmoothVarBddArray,
05037                    array_t *smoothVarCubeArray,
05038                    int verbosity,
05039                    ImgPartialImageOption_t *PIoption,
05040                    boolean *partial, boolean lazySiftFlag)
05041 {
05042   int i;
05043   int intermediateSize = 0;
05044   int maxSize = 0;
05045   mdd_t *newProduct;
05046   boolean partialImageAllowed;
05047   bdd_t *product = fromSet;
05048   int clippingDepth = -1;
05049   int partialImageThreshold = 0;
05050   int partialImageMethod = Img_PIApprox_c;
05051   array_t *smoothVarBddArray = NIL(array_t);
05052   mdd_t *smoothVarCube = NIL(mdd_t);
05053   int nvars = -2;
05055   assert(CheckQuantificationSchedule(relationArray, arraySmoothVarBddArray));
05057    /* Copy (*partial) which indicates whether partial image is allowed. */
05058   /* (*partial) is set to TRUE later if partial image was performed. */
05059   partialImageAllowed = *partial;
05060   *partial = FALSE;
05062   /* partial image options */
05063   if (PIoption != NULL) {
05064     nvars = PIoption->nvars;
05065     clippingDepth = (int) (PIoption->clippingDepthFrac*nvars);
05066     partialImageThreshold = PIoption->partialImageThreshold;
05067     partialImageMethod = PIoption->partialImageMethod;
05068   }
05070   if (fromSet) {
05071     if (smoothVarCubeArray) {
05072       smoothVarCube = array_fetch(mdd_t*, smoothVarCubeArray, 0);
05073       if (bdd_is_tautology(smoothVarCube, 1))
05074         product = bdd_dup(fromSet);
05075       else
05076         product = bdd_smooth_with_cube(fromSet, smoothVarCube);
05077     } else {
05078       smoothVarBddArray = array_fetch(array_t*, arraySmoothVarBddArray, 0);
05079       if (array_n(smoothVarBddArray) == 0)
05080         product = bdd_dup(fromSet);
05081       else
05082         product = bdd_smooth(fromSet, smoothVarBddArray);
05083     }
05084   } else
05085     product = bdd_one(mddManager);
05087   for (i=0; i<array_n(relationArray); i++) {
05088     bdd_t *relation, *tmpProduct;
05089     boolean allowClipping = FALSE;
05091     /* fetch relation to intersect with the next product. */
05092     relation = array_fetch(bdd_t*, relationArray, i);
05093     if (smoothVarCubeArray)
05094       smoothVarCube = array_fetch(mdd_t*, smoothVarCubeArray, i + 1);
05095     else
05096       smoothVarBddArray = array_fetch(array_t*, arraySmoothVarBddArray, i + 1);
05098     /* Clipping allowed only if clipping option is specified, partial
05099      * image is allowed, clipping depth is meaningful and sizes are not
05100      * under control.
05101      */
05102     if ((PIoption != NULL)  &&
05103         (partialImageAllowed) &&
05104         (partialImageMethod == Img_PIClipping_c) &&
05105         (nvars >= clippingDepth)) {
05106       /* if conjuncts too small, dont clip. */
05107       if ((bdd_size(product) > partialImageThreshold) ||
05108           (bdd_size(relation) > partialImageThreshold)) {
05109         allowClipping = TRUE;
05110       }
05111     }
05113     if (lazySiftFlag) {
05114       int j;
05115       int nVars = bdd_num_vars(mddManager);
05116       var_set_t *sup_ids = bdd_get_support(relation);
05118       for (j = 0; j < nVars; j++) {
05119         if (var_set_get_elt(sup_ids, j) == 1) {
05120           if (bdd_is_ns_var(mddManager, j))
05121             bdd_reset_var_to_be_grouped(mddManager, j);
05122           else if (!bdd_is_ps_var(mddManager, j))
05123             bdd_reset_var_to_be_grouped(mddManager, j);
05124         }
05125       }
05126       var_set_free(sup_ids);
05127     }
05129     /* if clipping not allowed, do regular and-abstract */
05130     if (!allowClipping) {
05131       if (smoothVarCubeArray) {
05132         if (bdd_is_tautology(smoothVarCube, 1))
05133           tmpProduct = bdd_and(product, relation, 1, 1);
05134         else {
05135           tmpProduct = bdd_and_smooth_with_cube(product, relation,
05136                                                 smoothVarCube);
05137         }
05138       } else {
05139         if (array_n(smoothVarBddArray) == 0)
05140           tmpProduct = bdd_and(product, relation, 1, 1);
05141         else
05142           tmpProduct = bdd_and_smooth(product, relation, smoothVarBddArray);
05143       }
05144     } else {
05145       /* the conditions to clip are that partial image is allowed,
05146        * partial image method is set to clipping, clipping depth
05147        * is meaningful and either the product or the relation is
05148        * larger than the partial image threshold.
05149        */
05150       if (smoothVarCubeArray)
05151         smoothVarBddArray = array_fetch(array_t*, arraySmoothVarBddArray, i+1);
05152       tmpProduct = ComputeClippedAndAbstract(product, relation,
05153                                              smoothVarBddArray, nvars,
05154                                              clippingDepth, partial, verbosity);
05155     }
05157     if (lazySiftFlag) {
05158       int k, index;
05159       bdd_t *svar;
05161       if (smoothVarCubeArray)
05162         smoothVarBddArray = array_fetch(array_t*, arraySmoothVarBddArray, i+1);
05163       for (k = 0; k < array_n(smoothVarBddArray); k++) {
05164         svar = array_fetch(bdd_t *, smoothVarBddArray, k);
05165         index = bdd_top_var_id(svar);
05166         bdd_set_var_to_be_grouped(mddManager, index);
05167       }
05168     }
05170     bdd_free(product);
05171     product = tmpProduct;
05173     /* subset if necessary */
05174     if ((i != array_n(relationArray)) &&
05175         (partialImageAllowed) &&
05176         (partialImageMethod == Img_PIApprox_c)) {
05177       intermediateSize = bdd_size(product);
05178       /* approximate if the intermediate product is too large. */
05179       if (intermediateSize > partialImageThreshold) {
05180         if (verbosity >= 2) {
05181           (void) fprintf(vis_stdout, "Intermediate Block %d Size = %10d\n", i,
05182                          intermediateSize);
05183         }
05184         newProduct = ComputeSubsetOfIntermediateProduct(product, PIoption);
05185         if (verbosity >= 2) {
05186           if (!bdd_equal(newProduct, product)) {
05187             (void)fprintf(vis_stdout,
05188                           "Intermediate Block Subset Size = %10d\n",
05189                           bdd_size(newProduct));
05190           } else {
05191             (void)fprintf(vis_stdout, "Intermediate Block unchanged\n");
05192           }
05193         }
05194         /* record if partial image occurred */
05195         if (!bdd_equal(newProduct, product)) {
05196           *partial = TRUE;
05197           intermediateSize = bdd_size(product);
05198         }
05199         bdd_free(product);
05200         product = newProduct;
05201       }
05202     }
05204     /* keep track of intermediate product size */
05205     if (verbosity >= 2) {
05206       if ((partialImageMethod  != Img_PIApprox_c) ||
05207           (!partialImageAllowed) ||
05208           ( i == array_n(relationArray))) {
05209         intermediateSize = bdd_size(product);
05210       }
05211       if (maxSize < intermediateSize) {
05212         maxSize = intermediateSize;
05213       }
05214     }
05215   }
05216   if (lazySiftFlag) {
05217     int nVars = bdd_num_vars(mddManager);
05218     for (i = 0; i < nVars; i++) {
05219       if (bdd_is_ps_var(mddManager, i))
05220         bdd_reset_var_to_be_grouped(mddManager, i);
05221       else
05222         bdd_set_var_to_be_grouped(mddManager, i);
05223     }
05224   }
05225   if (verbosity >= 2) {
05226     (void)fprintf(vis_stdout,
05227                   "Max. BDD size for intermediate product = %10d\n", maxSize);
05228   }/* for all clusters */
05230   return product;
05231 } /* end of BddLinearAndSmooth */
05246 static void
05247 HashIdToBddTable(st_table *table, array_t *idArray,
05248                  array_t *bddArray)
05249 {
05250   int i;
05251   for (i=0; i<array_n(idArray); i++) {
05252     int id;
05253     bdd_t *bdd;
05254     id = array_fetch(int, idArray, i);
05255     bdd = array_fetch(bdd_t*, bddArray, i);
05256     st_insert(table, (char*)(long)id, (char *)bdd);
05257   }
05258 }
05274 static void
05275 PrintSmoothIntroducedCount(array_t *clusterArray, array_t
05276                            **arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr,
05277                            array_t *psBddIdArray, array_t
05278                            *nsBddIdArray)
05279 {
05280   int i,j;
05281   st_table *nsBddIdTable, *supportTable, *psBddIdTable;
05282   bdd_t *trans;
05283   int introducedCount;
05284   bdd_t *tmp;
05285   st_generator *stgen;
05286   long varId;
05287   array_t *smoothVarBddArray, *arraySmoothVarBddArray;
05288   array_t *smoothVarBddIdArray = NIL(array_t);
05289   int psCount, piNdCount;
05291   if (arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr == NIL(array_t*))
05292     arraySmoothVarBddArray = NIL(array_t);
05293   else
05294     arraySmoothVarBddArray = *arraySmoothVarBddArrayPtr;
05296   (void) fprintf(vis_stdout, "**********************************************\n");
05297   nsBddIdTable = st_init_table(st_numcmp, st_numhash);
05298   for (i=0; i<array_n(nsBddIdArray); i++)
05299     st_insert(nsBddIdTable, (char *)(long) array_fetch(int, nsBddIdArray, i),
05300               (char *) NULL);
05301   psBddIdTable = st_init_table(st_numcmp, st_numhash);
05302   for (i=0; i<array_n(psBddIdArray); i++)
05303     st_insert(psBddIdTable, (char *)(long) array_fetch(int, psBddIdArray, i),
05304               (char *) NULL);
05306   for (i=0; i<=array_n(clusterArray)-1; i++) {
05307     trans = array_fetch(bdd_t*, clusterArray, i);
05308     supportTable = ImgBddGetSupportIdTable(trans);
05309     psCount = 0;
05310     piNdCount = 0;
05311     if (arraySmoothVarBddArray != NIL(array_t)) {
05312       smoothVarBddArray = array_fetch(array_t*, arraySmoothVarBddArray, i);
05313       smoothVarBddIdArray = bdd_get_varids(smoothVarBddArray);
05314       for (j=0; j<array_n(smoothVarBddIdArray);j++) {
05315         if (st_is_member(psBddIdTable, (char *)(long)
05316                          array_fetch(int, smoothVarBddIdArray, j)))
05317           psCount++;
05318         else
05319           piNdCount++;
05320       }
05321     }
05322     introducedCount = 0;
05323     st_foreach_item(nsBddIdTable, stgen, &varId, &tmp) {
05324       if (st_is_member(supportTable, (char *)varId)) {
05325         introducedCount++;
05326         st_delete(nsBddIdTable,&varId, NULL);
05327       }
05328     }
05329     (void)fprintf(vis_stdout,
05330     "Tr no = %3d\tSmooth PS # = %3d\tSmooth PI # = %3d\tIntroduced # = %d\n", i,
05331                   psCount, piNdCount, introducedCount);
05332     st_free_table(supportTable);
05333     array_free(smoothVarBddIdArray);
05334   }
05335   st_free_table(nsBddIdTable);
05336   st_free_table(psBddIdTable);
05337 }
05348 static void
05349 PrintBddIdFromBddArray(array_t *bddArray)
05350 {
05351   int i;
05352   array_t *idArray = bdd_get_varids(bddArray);
05353   fprintf(vis_stdout,
05354           "**************** printing bdd ids from the bdd array ***********\n");
05355   fprintf(vis_stdout,"%d::\t", array_n(idArray));
05356   for (i=0;i<array_n(idArray); i++) {
05357     fprintf(vis_stdout," %d ", (int)array_fetch(int, idArray, i));
05358   }
05359   fprintf(vis_stdout,"\n******************\n");
05360   array_free(idArray);
05361   return;
05362 }
05373 static void
05374 PrintBddIdTable(st_table *idTable)
05375 {
05376   st_generator *stgen;
05377   long varId;
05378   fprintf(vis_stdout,
05379           "**************** printing bdd ids from the id table  ***********\n");
05380   fprintf(vis_stdout,"%d::\t", st_count(idTable));
05381   st_foreach_item(idTable, stgen, &varId, NIL(char *)) {
05382     fprintf(vis_stdout," %d ", (int) varId);
05383   }
05384   fprintf(vis_stdout,"\n******************\n");
05385   return;
05386 }
05399 static void
05400 PartitionTraverseRecursively(mdd_manager *mddManager, vertex_t *vertex,
05401                              int mddId, st_table *vertexTable,
05402                              array_t *relationArray,
05403                              st_table *domainQuantifyVarMddIdTable,
05404                              array_t *quantifyVarMddIdArray)
05405 {
05406   Mvf_Function_t *mvf;
05407   lsList faninEdges;
05408   lsGen gen;
05409   vertex_t *faninVertex;
05410   edge_t *faninEdge;
05411   array_t *varBddRelationArray;
05413   if (st_is_member(vertexTable, (char *)vertex)) return;
05414   st_insert(vertexTable, (char *)vertex, NIL(char));
05415   if (mddId != -1) { /* This is not the next state function node */
05416     /* There is an mdd variable associated with this vertex */
05417     array_insert_last(int, quantifyVarMddIdArray, mddId);
05418     mvf = Part_VertexReadFunction(vertex);
05419     /*relation = Mvf_FunctionBuildRelationWithVariable(mvf, mddId);*/
05420     varBddRelationArray = mdd_fn_array_to_bdd_rel_array(mddManager, mddId, mvf);
05421     array_append(relationArray, varBddRelationArray);
05422     array_free(varBddRelationArray);
05423     /*array_insert_last(mdd_t *, relationArray, relation);*/
05424   }
05425   faninEdges = g_get_in_edges(vertex);
05426   if (lsLength(faninEdges) == 0) return;
05427   lsForEachItem(faninEdges, gen, faninEdge) {
05428     faninVertex = g_e_source(faninEdge);
05429     mddId = Part_VertexReadMddId(faninVertex);
05430     if (st_is_member(domainQuantifyVarMddIdTable, (char *)(long)mddId)) {
05431       /* This is either domain var or quantify var */
05432       /* continue */
05433       continue;
05434     }
05435     PartitionTraverseRecursively(mddManager, faninVertex, mddId, vertexTable,
05436                                  relationArray,
05437                                  domainQuantifyVarMddIdTable,
05438                                  quantifyVarMddIdArray);
05439   }
05440 }
05452 static void
05453 PrintPartitionRecursively(vertex_t *vertex, st_table *vertexTable, int indent)
05454 {
05455   int i;
05456   lsList faninEdges;
05457   lsGen gen;
05458   vertex_t *faninVertex;
05459   edge_t *faninEdge;
05461   if (st_is_member(vertexTable, (char *)vertex)) return;
05462   st_insert(vertexTable, (char *)vertex, NIL(char));
05463   for(i=0; i<= indent; i++) fprintf(vis_stdout," ");
05464   fprintf(vis_stdout,"%s %d\n", Part_VertexReadName(vertex),
05465           Part_VertexReadMddId(vertex));
05466   faninEdges = g_get_in_edges(vertex);
05467   if (lsLength(faninEdges) == 0) return;
05468   lsForEachItem(faninEdges, gen, faninEdge) {
05469     faninVertex = g_e_source(faninEdge);
05470     PrintPartitionRecursively(faninVertex, vertexTable,indent+2);
05471   }
05472 }
05492 static bdd_t *
05493 RecomputeImageIfNecessary(ImgFunctionData_t *functionData,
05494                           mdd_manager *mddManager,
05495                           bdd_t *domainSubset,
05496                           array_t *relationArray,
05497                           array_t *arraySmoothVarBddArray,
05498                           array_t *smoothVarCubeArray,
05499                           int verbosity,
05500                           ImgPartialImageOption_t *PIoption,
05501                           array_t *toCareSetArray,
05502                           boolean *partial, boolean lazySiftFlag)
05503 {
05504   int oldPIThreshold = 0, oldPISize;
05505   double oldClippingFrac = IMG_PI_CLIP_DEPTH;
05506   boolean realRequired = FALSE;
05507   mdd_t *image = NIL(mdd_t);
05509   /* relax values to compute a non-trivial partial image */
05510   if (PIoption->partialImageMethod == Img_PIApprox_c) {
05511     oldPIThreshold = PIoption->partialImageThreshold;
05512     PIoption->partialImageThreshold *= 2;
05513     if (!PIoption->partialImageThreshold)
05514       PIoption->partialImageThreshold = IMG_PI_SP_THRESHOLD;
05515   } else if (PIoption->partialImageMethod == Img_PIClipping_c) {
05516     oldClippingFrac = PIoption->clippingDepthFrac;
05517     PIoption->clippingDepthFrac =
05518         (PIoption->clippingDepthFrac < IMG_PI_CLIP_DEPTH_FINAL) ?
05519         IMG_PI_CLIP_DEPTH_FINAL : PIoption->clippingDepthFrac;
05520   }
05521   if (((PIoption->partialImageMethod == Img_PIClipping_c) &&
05522        (oldClippingFrac != PIoption->clippingDepthFrac)) ||
05523       (PIoption->partialImageMethod == Img_PIApprox_c)) {
05524     if (verbosity >= 2) {
05525       fprintf(vis_stdout,
05526         "IMG: No new states, computing image again with relaxed thresholds.\n");
05527       if (PIoption->partialImageMethod == Img_PIApprox_c) {
05528         fprintf(vis_stdout, "IMG: Relaxed hd_partial_image_threshold to %d\n",
05529                 PIoption->partialImageThreshold);
05530       } else if (PIoption->partialImageMethod == Img_PIClipping_c) {
05531         fprintf(vis_stdout,
05532                 "IMG: Relaxed hd_partial_image_clipping_depth to %g\n",
05533                 PIoption->clippingDepthFrac);
05534       }
05535     }
05537     *partial = TRUE;
05538     /* if values were relaxed, compute image again. */
05539     image = BddLinearAndSmooth(mddManager, domainSubset, relationArray,
05540                                 arraySmoothVarBddArray, smoothVarCubeArray,
05541                                 verbosity, PIoption, partial, lazySiftFlag);
05543     /* check if new states were produced. */
05544     if (*partial) {
05545       if (bdd_leq_array(image, toCareSetArray, 1, 0)) {
05546         bdd_free(image);
05547         if (PIoption->partialImageMethod == Img_PIApprox_c) {
05548           /* relax approximation values some more. */
05549           oldPISize = PIoption->partialImageSize;
05550           PIoption->partialImageSize *= 2;
05551           if (!PIoption->partialImageSize)
05552             PIoption->partialImageSize = IMG_PI_SP_THRESHOLD;
05554           if (verbosity >= 2) {
05555             fprintf(vis_stdout,
05556         "IMG: No new states, computing image again with relaxed thresholds.\n");
05557             fprintf(vis_stdout, "IMG: Relaxed hd_partial_image_size to %d\n",
05558                     PIoption->partialImageSize);
05559           }
05561           *partial = TRUE;
05562           image = BddLinearAndSmooth(mddManager, domainSubset, relationArray,
05563                                      arraySmoothVarBddArray, smoothVarCubeArray,
05564                                      verbosity, PIoption, partial,
05565                                      lazySiftFlag);
05566           PIoption->partialImageSize = oldPISize;
05568           /* check if new states were produced. */
05569           if (*partial) {
05570             if (bdd_leq_array(image, toCareSetArray, 1, 0)) {
05571               bdd_free(image);
05572               realRequired = TRUE;
05573             }
05574           }
05575         } else if (PIoption->partialImageMethod == Img_PIClipping_c) {
05576           /* compute real image since clipping depth cannot be increased. */
05577           realRequired = TRUE;
05578         }
05579       }
05580     } /* require recomputation */
05581   } else { /* clipping depth could not be increased. */
05582     /* compute real image since clipping depth cannot be increased. */
05583     realRequired = TRUE;
05584   }
05586   /* reset the values to the orginal values. */
05587   if (PIoption->partialImageMethod == Img_PIClipping_c) {
05588     PIoption->clippingDepthFrac = oldClippingFrac;
05589   } else if (PIoption->partialImageMethod == Img_PIApprox_c) {
05590     PIoption->partialImageThreshold = oldPIThreshold;
05591   }
05592   /* if the actual image is required compute it. */
05593   if (realRequired) {
05594     if (verbosity >= 2) {
05595       fprintf(vis_stdout, "IMG: No new states, computing exact image.\n");
05596     }
05597     *partial = FALSE;
05598     image = BddLinearAndSmooth(mddManager, domainSubset, relationArray,
05599                                 arraySmoothVarBddArray, smoothVarCubeArray,
05600                                 verbosity, PIoption, partial, lazySiftFlag);
05601     assert(!(*partial));
05602   }
05604   return (image);
05605 } /* end of RecomputeImageIfNecessary */
05617 static bdd_t *
05618 ComputeSubsetOfIntermediateProduct(bdd_t *product,
05619                                    ImgPartialImageOption_t *PIoption)
05620 {
05621   int partialImageSize = PIoption->partialImageSize;
05622   int nvars = PIoption->nvars;
05623   bdd_t *newProduct;
05625   switch (PIoption->partialImageApproxMethod) {
05626   case BDD_APPROX_HB:
05627     {
05628       int tempSize;
05629       tempSize = (partialImageSize < IMG_PI_SP_THRESHOLD) ?
05630                 IMG_PI_SP_THRESHOLD : partialImageSize;
05631       newProduct = bdd_approx_hb(product,
05632                                  (bdd_approx_dir_t)BDD_UNDER_APPROX,
05633                                  nvars, tempSize);
05634       break;
05635     }
05636   case BDD_APPROX_SP:
05637     {
05638       int tempSize;
05639       tempSize = (partialImageSize < IMG_PI_SP_THRESHOLD) ?
05640                 IMG_PI_SP_THRESHOLD : partialImageSize;
05641       newProduct = bdd_approx_sp(product,
05642                                  (bdd_approx_dir_t)BDD_UNDER_APPROX,
05643                                  nvars, tempSize, 0);
05644       break;
05645     }
05646   case BDD_APPROX_UA:
05647     newProduct = bdd_approx_ua(product,
05648                                (bdd_approx_dir_t)BDD_UNDER_APPROX,
05649                                nvars, partialImageSize,
05650                                0, PIoption->quality);
05651     break;
05652   case BDD_APPROX_RUA:
05653     newProduct = bdd_approx_remap_ua(product,
05654                                      (bdd_approx_dir_t)BDD_UNDER_APPROX,
05655                                      0, partialImageSize,
05656                                      PIoption->quality);
05657     break;
05658   case BDD_APPROX_COMP:
05659     {
05660       newProduct = bdd_approx_compress(product,
05661                                      (bdd_approx_dir_t)BDD_UNDER_APPROX,
05662                                      nvars, partialImageSize);
05663     }
05664     break;
05666     newProduct = bdd_approx_biased_rua(product,
05667                                        (bdd_approx_dir_t)BDD_UNDER_APPROX,
05668                                        PIoption->bias,
05669                                        0, partialImageSize,
05670                                        PIoption->quality,
05671                                        PIoption->qualityBias);
05672     break;
05673   default :
05674     newProduct = bdd_approx_remap_ua(product,
05675                                      (bdd_approx_dir_t)BDD_UNDER_APPROX,
05676                                      0, partialImageSize,
05677                                      PIoption->quality);
05678     break;
05679   }
05680   return newProduct;
05681 } /* end of ComputeSubsetOfIntermediateProduct */
05693 static bdd_t *
05694 ComputeClippedAndAbstract(bdd_t *product,
05695                           bdd_t *relation,
05696                           array_t *smoothVarBddArray,
05697                           int nvars,
05698                           int clippingDepth,
05699                           boolean *partial,
05700                           int verbosity)
05701 {
05702   bdd_t *tmpProduct;
05704   /* compute clipped image */
05705   tmpProduct = bdd_clipping_and_smooth(product, relation,
05706                                        smoothVarBddArray, clippingDepth, 0);
05707   /* if product is zero, compute clipped image with increased
05708    * clipping depth
05709    */
05710   if (bdd_is_tautology(tmpProduct, 0)) {
05711     bdd_free(tmpProduct);
05712     tmpProduct = bdd_clipping_and_smooth(product, relation,
05713                                          smoothVarBddArray,
05714                                          (int) (nvars*IMG_PI_CLIP_DEPTH_FINAL),
05715                                          0);
05717     /* if clipped image is zero, compute unclipped image */
05718     if (bdd_is_tautology(tmpProduct, 0)) {
05719       if (verbosity >= 2) {
05720         fprintf(vis_stdout,
05721                 "IMG: Clipping failed, computing exact and-abstract\n");
05722       }
05723       bdd_free(tmpProduct);
05724       tmpProduct = bdd_and_smooth(product, relation,
05725                                   smoothVarBddArray);
05726     } else *partial = TRUE;
05728   } else *partial = TRUE;
05730   return tmpProduct;
05731 } /* end of ComputeClippedAndAbstract */
05743 static array_t *
05744 CopyArrayBddArray(array_t *arrayBddArray)
05745 {
05746   int           i, j;
05747   array_t       *newArrayBddArray = array_alloc(array_t *, 0);
05748   array_t       *bddArray, *newBddArray;
05749   mdd_t         *bdd;
05751   for (i = 0; i < array_n(arrayBddArray); i++) {
05752     bddArray = array_fetch(array_t *, arrayBddArray, i);
05753     newBddArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
05754     for (j = 0; j < array_n(bddArray); j++) {
05755       bdd = array_fetch(mdd_t *, bddArray, j);
05756       array_insert(mdd_t *, newBddArray, j, bdd_dup(bdd));
05757     }
05758     array_insert(array_t *, newArrayBddArray, i, newBddArray);
05759   }
05761   return(newArrayBddArray);
05762 }
05774 static void
05775 PrintPartitionedTransitionRelation(mdd_manager *mddManager,
05776                                    Iwls95Info_t *info,
05777                                    Img_DirectionType directionType)
05778 {
05779   array_t *relationArray;
05780   array_t *arraySmoothVarBddArray;
05782   if (directionType == Img_Forward_c) {
05783     relationArray = info->fwdClusteredRelationArray;
05784     arraySmoothVarBddArray = info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray;
05785   } else if (directionType == Img_Backward_c) {
05786     relationArray = info->bwdClusteredRelationArray;
05787     arraySmoothVarBddArray = info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray;
05788   } else {
05789    return;
05790   }
05792   ImgPrintPartitionedTransitionRelation(mddManager, relationArray,
05793                                         arraySmoothVarBddArray);
05794 }
05806 static void
05807 ReorderPartitionedTransitionRelation(Iwls95Info_t *info,
05808                                      ImgFunctionData_t *functionData,
05809                                      Img_DirectionType directionType)
05810 {
05811   array_t *domainVarMddIdArray = functionData->domainVars;
05812   array_t *rangeVarMddIdArray = functionData->rangeVars;
05813   array_t *quantifyVarMddIdArray = array_dup(functionData->quantifyVars);
05814   graph_t *mddNetwork = functionData->mddNetwork;
05815   mdd_manager *mddManager = Part_PartitionReadMddManager(mddNetwork);
05816   array_t *rangeVarBddArray, *domainVarBddArray, *quantifyVarBddArray;
05817   array_t *clusteredRelationArray;
05818   st_table *varsTable = st_init_table(st_numcmp, st_numhash);
05819   int i, j, k, mddId;
05820   array_t *smoothVarBddArray, *arraySmoothVarBddArray;
05821   mdd_t *mdd;
05822   array_t *supportIdArray;
05824   /* Finds the variables which are neither state variable nor primary input
05825    * from previous smooth variable array, and put those variable into
05826    * quantify variable array.
05827    */
05828   for (i =0 ; i<  array_n(domainVarMddIdArray); i++) {
05829     mddId = array_fetch(int, domainVarMddIdArray, i);
05830     st_insert(varsTable, (char *)(long)mddId, NIL(char));
05831   }
05832   for (i = 0; i < array_n(rangeVarMddIdArray); i++) {
05833     mddId = array_fetch(int, rangeVarMddIdArray, i);
05834     st_insert(varsTable, (char *)(long)mddId, NIL(char));
05835   }
05836     for (i = 0; i < array_n(quantifyVarMddIdArray); i++) {
05837     mddId = array_fetch(int, quantifyVarMddIdArray, i);
05838     st_insert(varsTable, (char *)(long)mddId, NIL(char));
05839   }
05840     if (directionType == Img_Forward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c)
05841     arraySmoothVarBddArray = info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray;
05842   else
05843     arraySmoothVarBddArray = info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray;
05844   for (i = 0; i < array_n(arraySmoothVarBddArray); i++) {
05845     smoothVarBddArray = array_fetch(array_t *, arraySmoothVarBddArray, i);
05846     for (j = 0; j < array_n(smoothVarBddArray); j++) {
05847       mdd = array_fetch(mdd_t *, smoothVarBddArray, j);
05848       supportIdArray = mdd_get_support(mddManager, mdd);
05849       for (k = 0; k < array_n(supportIdArray); k++) {
05850         mddId = array_fetch(int, supportIdArray, k);
05851         if (!st_lookup(varsTable, (char *)(long)mddId, NIL(char *))) {
05852           array_insert_last(int, quantifyVarMddIdArray, mddId);
05853           st_insert(varsTable, (char *)(long)mddId, NIL(char));
05854         }
05855       }
05856       array_free(supportIdArray);
05857     }
05858   }
05859   st_free_table(varsTable);
05861   /* Get the Bdds from Mdd Ids */
05862   rangeVarBddArray = functionData->rangeBddVars;
05863   domainVarBddArray = functionData->domainBddVars;
05864   quantifyVarBddArray = mdd_id_array_to_bdd_array(mddManager,
05865                                                   quantifyVarMddIdArray);
05866   array_free(quantifyVarMddIdArray);
05868   if (directionType == Img_Forward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c) {
05869     clusteredRelationArray = info->fwdClusteredRelationArray;
05870     mdd_array_array_free(info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
05871     info->fwdClusteredRelationArray = NIL(array_t);
05872     info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray = NIL(array_t);
05873     if (info->method == Img_Iwls95_c) {
05874       OrderRelationArray(mddManager, clusteredRelationArray,
05875                         domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray,
05876                         rangeVarBddArray, info->option,
05877                         &info->fwdClusteredRelationArray,
05878                         &info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
05879     } else if (info->method == Img_Mlp_c) {
05880       ImgMlpOrderRelationArray(mddManager, clusteredRelationArray,
05881                         domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray,
05882                         rangeVarBddArray, Img_Forward_c,
05883                         &info->fwdClusteredRelationArray,
05884                         &info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray,
05885                         info->option);
05886     } else
05887       assert(0);
05888     mdd_array_free(clusteredRelationArray);
05890     if (functionData->createVarCubesFlag) {
05891       if (info->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray)
05892         mdd_array_free(info->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray);
05893       info->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray = MakeSmoothVarCubeArray(mddManager,
05894                                         info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
05895     }
05897     if (info->option->verbosity > 2) {
05898       PrintPartitionedTransitionRelation(mddManager, info, Img_Forward_c);
05899     }
05900   }
05902   if (directionType == Img_Backward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c) {
05903     clusteredRelationArray = info->bwdClusteredRelationArray;
05904     mdd_array_array_free(info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
05905     info->bwdClusteredRelationArray = NIL(array_t);
05906     info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray = NIL(array_t);
05907     if (info->method == Img_Iwls95_c) {
05908       OrderRelationArray(mddManager, clusteredRelationArray,
05909                         rangeVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray,
05910                         domainVarBddArray, info->option,
05911                         &info->bwdClusteredRelationArray,
05912                         &info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
05913     } else if (info->method == Img_Mlp_c) {
05914       ImgMlpOrderRelationArray(mddManager, clusteredRelationArray,
05915                         domainVarBddArray, quantifyVarBddArray,
05916                         rangeVarBddArray, Img_Backward_c,
05917                         &info->bwdClusteredRelationArray,
05918                         &info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray, info->option);
05919     } else
05920       assert(0);
05921     mdd_array_free(clusteredRelationArray);
05923     if (functionData->createVarCubesFlag) {
05924       if (info->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray)
05925         mdd_array_free(info->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray);
05926       info->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray = MakeSmoothVarCubeArray(mddManager,
05927                                         info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
05928     }
05930     if (info->option->verbosity > 2) {
05931       PrintPartitionedTransitionRelation(mddManager, info, Img_Backward_c);
05932     }
05933   }
05935   /* Free the Bdd arrays */
05936   mdd_array_free(quantifyVarBddArray);
05937 }
05949 static void
05950 UpdateQuantificationSchedule(Iwls95Info_t *info,
05951                              ImgFunctionData_t *functionData,
05952                              Img_DirectionType directionType)
05953 {
05954   graph_t *mddNetwork = functionData->mddNetwork;
05955   mdd_manager *mddManager = Part_PartitionReadMddManager(mddNetwork);
05956   array_t *clusteredRelationArray;
05957   st_table *quantifyVarsTable;
05958   var_set_t *supportVarSet;
05959   int i, j, id, nRelations;
05960   int pos;
05961   long longid;
05962   array_t *smoothVarBddArray, **smoothVarBddArrayPtr;
05963   bdd_t *bdd, *relation;
05964   st_generator *gen;
05966   if (directionType == Img_Forward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c) {
05967     nRelations = array_n(info->fwdClusteredRelationArray);
05968     quantifyVarsTable = st_init_table(st_numcmp, st_numhash);
05969     for (i = 0; i <= nRelations; i++) {
05970       smoothVarBddArray = array_fetch(array_t *,
05971                       info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray, i);
05972       for (j = 0; j < array_n(smoothVarBddArray); j++) {
05973         bdd = array_fetch(mdd_t *, smoothVarBddArray, j);
05974         id = (int)bdd_top_var_id(bdd);
05975         st_insert(quantifyVarsTable, (char *)(long)id, NIL(char));
05976       }
05977     }
05979     clusteredRelationArray = info->fwdClusteredRelationArray;
05980     for (i = 0; i < nRelations; i++) {
05981       relation = array_fetch(bdd_t *, clusteredRelationArray, i);
05982       supportVarSet = bdd_get_support(relation);
05983       for (j = 0; j < supportVarSet->n_elts; j++) {
05984         if (var_set_get_elt(supportVarSet, j) == 1) {
05985           if (st_is_member(quantifyVarsTable, (char *)(long)j))
05986             st_insert(quantifyVarsTable, (char *)(long)j, (char *)(long)(i+1));
05987         }
05988       }
05989       var_set_free(supportVarSet);
05990     }
05992     mdd_array_array_free(info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
05993     info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray = array_alloc(array_t *, nRelations + 1);
05994     smoothVarBddArrayPtr = ALLOC(array_t *, sizeof(array_t *) * (nRelations+1));
05995     for (i = 0; i <= nRelations; i++) {
05996       smoothVarBddArray = array_alloc(bdd_t *, 0);
05997       smoothVarBddArrayPtr[i] = smoothVarBddArray;
05998       array_insert(array_t *, info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray, i,
05999                 smoothVarBddArray);
06000     }
06002     st_foreach_item_int(quantifyVarsTable, gen, &longid, &pos) {
06003       id = (int) longid;
06004       smoothVarBddArray = array_fetch(array_t *,
06005                       info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray, pos);
06006       bdd = bdd_var_with_index(mddManager, id);
06007       array_insert_last(bdd_t *, smoothVarBddArray, bdd);
06008     }
06010     FREE(smoothVarBddArrayPtr);
06011     st_free_table(quantifyVarsTable);
06013     if (functionData->createVarCubesFlag) {
06014       if (info->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray)
06015         mdd_array_free(info->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray);
06016       info->fwdSmoothVarCubeArray = MakeSmoothVarCubeArray(mddManager,
06017                                         info->fwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
06018     }
06020     if (info->option->verbosity > 2) {
06021       PrintPartitionedTransitionRelation(mddManager, info, Img_Forward_c);
06022     }
06023   }
06025   if (directionType == Img_Backward_c || directionType == Img_Both_c) {
06026     nRelations = array_n(info->bwdClusteredRelationArray);
06027     quantifyVarsTable = st_init_table(st_numcmp, st_numhash);
06028     for (i = 0; i <= nRelations; i++) {
06029       smoothVarBddArray = array_fetch(array_t *,
06030                       info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray, i);
06031       for (j = 0; j < array_n(smoothVarBddArray); j++) {
06032         bdd = array_fetch(mdd_t *, smoothVarBddArray, j);
06033         id = (int)bdd_top_var_id(bdd);
06034         st_insert(quantifyVarsTable, (char *)(long)id, (char *)(long)0);
06035       }
06036     }
06038     clusteredRelationArray = info->bwdClusteredRelationArray;
06039     for (i = 0; i < nRelations; i++) {
06040       relation = array_fetch(bdd_t *, clusteredRelationArray, i);
06041       supportVarSet = bdd_get_support(relation);
06042       for (j = 0; j < supportVarSet->n_elts; j++) {
06043         if (var_set_get_elt(supportVarSet, j) == 1) {
06044           if (st_is_member(quantifyVarsTable, (char *)(long)j))
06045             st_insert(quantifyVarsTable, (char *)(long)j, (char *)(long)(i+1));
06046         }
06047       }
06048       var_set_free(supportVarSet);
06049     }
06051     mdd_array_array_free(info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
06052     info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray = array_alloc(array_t *, nRelations + 1);
06053     smoothVarBddArrayPtr = ALLOC(array_t *, sizeof(array_t *) * (nRelations+1));
06054     for (i = 0; i <= nRelations; i++) {
06055       smoothVarBddArray = array_alloc(bdd_t *, 0);
06056       smoothVarBddArrayPtr[i] = smoothVarBddArray;
06057       array_insert(array_t *, info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray, i,
06058                 smoothVarBddArray);
06059     }
06061     st_foreach_item_int(quantifyVarsTable, gen, &longid, &pos) {
06062       id = (int) longid;
06063       smoothVarBddArray = array_fetch(array_t *,
06064                       info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray, pos);
06065       bdd = bdd_var_with_index(mddManager, id);
06066       array_insert_last(bdd_t *, smoothVarBddArray, bdd);
06067     }
06069     FREE(smoothVarBddArrayPtr);
06070     st_free_table(quantifyVarsTable);
06072     if (functionData->createVarCubesFlag) {
06073       if (info->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray)
06074         mdd_array_free(info->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray);
06075       info->bwdSmoothVarCubeArray = MakeSmoothVarCubeArray(mddManager,
06076                                         info->bwdArraySmoothVarBddArray);
06077     }
06079     if (info->option->verbosity > 2) {
06080       PrintPartitionedTransitionRelation(mddManager, info, Img_Backward_c);
06081     }
06082   }
06083 }
06095 static array_t *
06096 MakeSmoothVarCubeArray(mdd_manager *mddManager, array_t *arraySmoothVarBddArray)
06097 {
06098   int           i, j;
06099   array_t       *smoothVarBddArray;
06100   array_t       *cubeArray = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
06101   mdd_t         *cube, *var, *tmp;
06103   arrayForEachItem(array_t *, arraySmoothVarBddArray, i, smoothVarBddArray) {
06104     cube = mdd_one(mddManager);
06105     arrayForEachItem(mdd_t *, smoothVarBddArray, j, var) {
06106       tmp = mdd_and(cube, var, 1, 1);
06107       mdd_free(cube);
06108       cube = tmp;
06109     }
06110     array_insert_last(mdd_t *, cubeArray, cube);
06111   }
06112   return(cubeArray);
06113 }
06129 static mdd_t *
06130 TrmEliminateDependVars(Img_ImageInfo_t *imageInfo, array_t *relationArray,
06131                         mdd_t *states, mdd_t **dependRelations)
06132 {
06133   int           nDependVars;
06134   mdd_t         *newStates;
06135   Iwls95Info_t  *info = (Iwls95Info_t *) imageInfo->methodData;
06137   newStates = ImgTrmEliminateDependVars(&imageInfo->functionData, relationArray,
06138                                         states, dependRelations, &nDependVars);
06139   if (nDependVars) {
06140     if (imageInfo->verbosity > 0)
06141       (void)fprintf(vis_stdout, "Eliminated %d vars.\n", nDependVars);
06142     info->averageFoundDependVars = (info->averageFoundDependVars *
06143                         (float)info->nFoundDependVars + (float)nDependVars) /
06144                         (float)(info->nFoundDependVars + 1);
06145     info->nFoundDependVars++;
06146   }
06148   info->nPrevEliminatedFwd = nDependVars;
06149   return(newStates);
06150 } /* end of TfmEliminateDependVars */
06163 static int
06164 TrmSignatureCompare(int *ptrX, int *ptrY)
06165 {
06166   if (signatures[*ptrY] > signatures[*ptrX])
06167     return(1);
06168   if (signatures[*ptrY] < signatures[*ptrX])
06169     return(-1);
06170   return(0);
06171 } /* end of TrmSignatureCompare */
06183 static void
06184 SetupLazySifting(mdd_manager *mddManager, array_t *bddRelationArray,
06185                 array_t *domainVarBddArray, array_t *quantifyVarBddArray,
06186                 array_t *rangeVarBddArray, int verbosity)
06187 {
06188   int i, id, psId, nsId, psLevel, nsLevel;
06189   int nVars = bdd_num_vars(mddManager);
06190   int nUngroup = 0;
06191   int nGroup = 0;
06192   int nConst = 0;
06193   int *nonLambda = ALLOC(int, nVars);
06194   int nLambda = 0;
06195   int nDepend1to1 = 0;
06196   int nIndepend1to1 = 0;
06197   int nPairPsOnce = 0;
06198   int pairPsId;
06199   int constFlag;
06200   int dependFlag;
06201   int nDependPs;
06202   int nDependPi;
06203   bdd_t* relation;
06204   var_set_t* supIds;
06205   bdd_t *bdd, *psVar, *nsVar;
06207   bdd_discard_all_var_groups(mddManager);
06208   for (i = 0; i < array_n(quantifyVarBddArray); i++) {
06209     bdd = array_fetch(bdd_t *, quantifyVarBddArray, i);
06210     id = bdd_top_var_id(bdd);
06211     bdd_set_pair_index(mddManager, id, id);
06212     bdd_set_pi_var(mddManager, id);
06213     bdd_reset_var_to_be_grouped(mddManager, id);
06214   }
06216   for (i = 0; i < array_n(rangeVarBddArray); i++) {
06217     psVar = array_fetch(bdd_t *, domainVarBddArray, i);
06218     nsVar = array_fetch(bdd_t *, rangeVarBddArray, i);
06219     psId = bdd_top_var_id(psVar);
06220     nsId = bdd_top_var_id(nsVar);
06221     bdd_set_pair_index(mddManager, psId, nsId);
06222     bdd_set_pair_index(mddManager, nsId, psId);
06223     bdd_set_ps_var(mddManager, psId);
06224     bdd_set_ns_var(mddManager, nsId);
06225     bdd_reset_var_to_be_grouped(mddManager, psId);
06226     bdd_set_var_to_be_grouped(mddManager, nsId);
06227   }
06229   if (array_n(domainVarBddArray) > array_n(rangeVarBddArray)) {
06230     for (i = array_n(rangeVarBddArray); i < array_n(domainVarBddArray); i++) {
06231       bdd = array_fetch(bdd_t *, domainVarBddArray, i);
06232       id = bdd_top_var_id(bdd);
06233       bdd_set_pair_index(mddManager, id, id);
06234       bdd_set_pi_var(mddManager, id);
06235       bdd_reset_var_to_be_grouped(mddManager, id);
06236     }
06237   }
06239   memset(nonLambda, 0, sizeof(int) * nVars);
06240   for (i = 0; i < array_n(bddRelationArray); i++) {
06241     nsId = -1;
06242     pairPsId = -1;
06243     constFlag = 1;
06244     dependFlag = 0;
06245     nDependPs = 0;
06246     nDependPi = 0;
06247     relation = array_fetch(bdd_t *, bddRelationArray, i);
06248     supIds = bdd_get_support(relation);
06250     for (id = 0; id < nVars; id++) {
06251       if (var_set_get_elt(supIds, id) == 1) {
06252         if (bdd_is_ns_var(mddManager, id)) {
06253           pairPsId = bdd_read_pair_index(mddManager, id);
06254           nsId = id;
06255         } else if (bdd_is_ps_var(mddManager, id)) {
06256           constFlag = 0;  /* nonconst next sate function */
06257           nonLambda[id]++;
06258           psId = id;
06259           /* At least one next state function depends on psvar id  */
06260           nDependPs++;
06261         } else {
06262           constFlag = 0;  /* nonconst next state function */
06263           nDependPi++;
06264         }
06265       }
06266     }
06267     if (nsId >= 0) {
06268       /* bitwise transition relation depends on some nsvar */
06269       for (id = 0; id < nVars; id++) {
06270         if (var_set_get_elt(supIds, id) == 1) {
06271           if (pairPsId == id) {
06272             /* dependendent state pair */
06273             nGroup++;
06274             dependFlag = 1;
06275           }
06276         }
06277       }
06278       if (dependFlag != 1) {
06279         /* independent state pair */
06280         nUngroup++;
06281         if (constFlag == 1) {
06282           /* next state function is constant */
06283           psLevel = bdd_get_level_from_id(mddManager, pairPsId);
06284           nsLevel = bdd_get_level_from_id(mddManager, nsId);
06285           if (psLevel == nsLevel - 1) {
06286             bdd = bdd_var_with_index(mddManager, pairPsId);
06287             bdd_new_var_block(bdd, 2);
06288             bdd_free(bdd);
06289             nConst++;
06290           } else if (psLevel == nsLevel + 1) {
06291             bdd = bdd_var_with_index(mddManager, nsId);
06292             bdd_new_var_block(bdd, 2);
06293             bdd_free(bdd);
06294             nConst++;
06295           }
06296         } else {
06297           bdd_set_var_to_be_ungrouped(mddManager, pairPsId);
06298           bdd_set_var_to_be_ungrouped(mddManager, nsId);
06299         }
06300       } else if (nDependPs == 1) {
06301         psLevel = bdd_get_level_from_id(mddManager, pairPsId);
06302         nsLevel = bdd_get_level_from_id(mddManager, nsId);
06303         if (psLevel == nsLevel - 1) {
06304           bdd = bdd_var_with_index(mddManager, pairPsId);
06305           bdd_new_var_block(bdd, 2);
06306           bdd_free(bdd);
06307           nDepend1to1++;
06308         } else if (psLevel == nsLevel + 1) {
06309           bdd = bdd_var_with_index(mddManager, nsId);
06310           bdd_new_var_block(bdd, 2);
06311           bdd_free(bdd);
06312           nDepend1to1++;
06313         }
06314       } else if (nonLambda[pairPsId] == 1) {
06315         psLevel = bdd_get_level_from_id(mddManager, pairPsId);
06316         nsLevel = bdd_get_level_from_id(mddManager, nsId);
06317         if (psLevel == nsLevel - 1) {
06318           bdd = bdd_var_with_index(mddManager, pairPsId);
06319           bdd_new_var_block(bdd, 2);
06320           bdd_free(bdd);
06321           nPairPsOnce++;
06322         } else if (psLevel == nsLevel + 1) {
06323           bdd = bdd_var_with_index(mddManager, nsId);
06324           bdd_new_var_block(bdd, 2);
06325           bdd_free(bdd);
06326           nPairPsOnce++;
06327         }
06328       }
06329     } else {
06330       /* bitwise transition relation does not depend on any nsvar */
06331       nUngroup++;
06332     }
06333     var_set_free(supIds);
06334   }
06335   for (i = 0; i < nVars; i++) {
06336     if (bdd_is_ps_var(mddManager, i)) {
06337       if (nonLambda[i] == 0) {
06338         /* no next state function depends on psvar i */
06339         psId = i;
06340         nsId = bdd_read_pair_index(mddManager, psId);
06341         psLevel = bdd_get_level_from_id(mddManager, psId);
06342         nsLevel = bdd_get_level_from_id(mddManager, nsId);
06343         nLambda++;
06344         if (psLevel == nsLevel - 1) {
06345           bdd = bdd_var_with_index(mddManager, psId);
06346           bdd_new_var_block(bdd, 2);
06347           bdd_free(bdd);
06348         } else if (psLevel == nsLevel + 1) {
06349           bdd = bdd_var_with_index(mddManager, nsId);
06350           bdd_new_var_block(bdd, 2);
06351           bdd_free(bdd);
06352         }
06353       }
06354     } else if (bdd_is_pi_var(mddManager, i)) {
06355       bdd_set_var_to_be_ungrouped(mddManager, i);
06356     }
06357   }
06358   if (verbosity) {
06359     fprintf(vis_stdout, "#grp=%d(#depend1to1=%d,#pairpsonce=%d)",
06360             nGroup, nDepend1to1, nPairPsOnce);
06361     fprintf(vis_stdout,
06362             " #ungrp=%d(#const=%d,#lambda=%d, independ1to1=%d)\n",
06363             nUngroup, nConst, nLambda, nIndepend1to1);
06364   }
06365   FREE(nonLambda);
06366 }
06377 int
06378 Img_IsTransitionRelationOptimized(Img_ImageInfo_t * imageInfo)
06379 {
06380   Iwls95Info_t *info = (Iwls95Info_t *)imageInfo->methodData;
06381   if(info->fwdOptClusteredRelationArray &&
06382      info->fwdClusteredRelationArray)   return(1);
06383   return(0);
06384 }
06395 static int
06396 MddSizeCompare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2)
06397 {
06398   mdd_t *mdd1 = *(mdd_t **)ptr1;
06399   mdd_t *mdd2 = *(mdd_t **)ptr2;
06400   int size1 = mdd_size(mdd1);
06401   int size2 = mdd_size(mdd2);
06403   if (size1 > size2)
06404     return 1;
06405   else if (size1 < size2)
06406     return -1;
06407   else
06408     return 0;
06409 }
06421 void
06422 Img_ForwardImageInfoRecoverFromWinningStrategy(
06423         Img_ImageInfo_t * imageInfo
06424         )
06425 {
06426   Iwls95Info_t *info;
06427   array_t *new_;
06429   info = (Iwls95Info_t *)imageInfo->methodData;
06431   if(info->fwdOriClusteredRelationArray) {
06432     new_ = info->fwdClusteredRelationArray;
06433     info->fwdClusteredRelationArray = info->fwdOriClusteredRelationArray;
06434     info->fwdOriClusteredRelationArray = 0;
06435     mdd_array_free(new_);
06436   }
06437 }
06449 void
06450 Img_ForwardImageInfoConjoinWithWinningStrategy(
06451         Img_ImageInfo_t * imageInfo,
06452         mdd_t *winningStrategy)
06453 {
06454   Iwls95Info_t *info;
06455   array_t *old, *new_;
06456   int i;
06457   mdd_t *tr, *ntr, *winning;
06460   old = 0;
06461   winning = 0;
06462   new_ = array_alloc(mdd_t *, 0);
06463   info = (Iwls95Info_t *)imageInfo->methodData;
06464   old = info->fwdClusteredRelationArray;
06465   info->fwdClusteredRelationArray = new_;
06466   info->fwdOriClusteredRelationArray = old;
06467   winning = mdd_dup(winningStrategy);
06468 /*    winning = ImgSubstitute(winningStrategy, &(imageInfo->functionData), Img_D2R_c);*/
06469   for(i=0; i<array_n(old); i++) {
06470     tr = array_fetch(mdd_t *, old, i);
06471     ntr = mdd_and(tr, winning, 1, 1);
06472     array_insert_last(mdd_t *, new_, ntr);
06473   }
06474   mdd_free(winning);
06475 }