src/map/super/superGate.c File Reference

#include "superInt.h"
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Data Structures

struct  Super_ManStruct_t_
struct  Super_GateStruct_t_


#define SUPER_MASK(n)   ((~((unsigned)0)) >> (32-(n)))
#define SUPER_FULL   (~((unsigned)0))
#define SUPER_NO_VAR   (-9999.0)
#define SUPER_EPSILON   (0.001)
#define Super_ManForEachGate(GateArray, Limit, Index, Gate)


typedef struct Super_ManStruct_t_ Super_Man_t
typedef struct Super_GateStruct_t_ Super_Gate_t


static Super_Man_tSuper_ManStart ()
static void Super_ManStop (Super_Man_t *pMan)
static void Super_AddGateToTable (Super_Man_t *pMan, Super_Gate_t *pGate)
static void Super_First (Super_Man_t *pMan, int nVarsMax)
static Super_Man_tSuper_Compute (Super_Man_t *pMan, Mio_Gate_t **ppGates, int nGates, bool fSkipInv)
static Super_Gate_tSuper_CreateGateNew (Super_Man_t *pMan, Mio_Gate_t *pRoot, Super_Gate_t **pSupers, int nSupers, unsigned uTruth[], float Area, float tPinDelaysRes[], float tDelayMax, int nPins)
static bool Super_CompareGates (Super_Man_t *pMan, unsigned uTruth[], float Area, float tPinDelaysRes[], int nPins)
static int Super_DelayCompare (Super_Gate_t **ppG1, Super_Gate_t **ppG2)
static int Super_AreaCompare (Super_Gate_t **ppG1, Super_Gate_t **ppG2)
static void Super_TranferGatesToArray (Super_Man_t *pMan)
static int Super_CheckTimeout (ProgressBar *pPro, Super_Man_t *pMan)
static void Super_Write (Super_Man_t *pMan)
static int Super_WriteCompare (Super_Gate_t **ppG1, Super_Gate_t **ppG2)
static void Super_WriteFileHeader (Super_Man_t *pMan, FILE *pFile)
static void Super_WriteLibrary (Super_Man_t *pMan)
static void Super_WriteLibraryGate (FILE *pFile, Super_Man_t *pMan, Super_Gate_t *pGate, int Num)
static char * Super_WriteLibraryGateName (Super_Gate_t *pGate)
static void Super_WriteLibraryGateName_rec (Super_Gate_t *pGate, char *pBuffer)
static void Super_WriteLibraryTree (Super_Man_t *pMan)
static void Super_WriteLibraryTree_rec (FILE *pFile, Super_Man_t *pMan, Super_Gate_t *pSuper, int *pCounter)
void Super_Precompute (Mio_Library_t *pLibGen, int nVarsMax, int nLevels, float tDelayMax, float tAreaMax, int TimeLimit, bool fSkipInv, bool fWriteOldFormat, int fVerbose)

Define Documentation

#define SUPER_EPSILON   (0.001)

Definition at line 29 of file superGate.c.

#define SUPER_FULL   (~((unsigned)0))

Definition at line 27 of file superGate.c.

#define Super_ManForEachGate ( GateArray,
Gate   ) 
for ( Index = 0;                                             \
          Index < Limit && (Gate = GateArray[Index]);            \
          Index++ )

Definition at line 91 of file superGate.c.

#define SUPER_MASK (  )     ((~((unsigned)0)) >> (32-(n)))


FileName [superGate.c]

PackageName [MVSIS 1.3: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]

Synopsis [Pre-computation of supergates.]

Author [MVSIS Group]

Affiliation [UC Berkeley]

Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - September 8, 2003.]

Revision [

superGate.c,v 1.7 2004/08/03 00:11:40 satrajit Exp


Definition at line 26 of file superGate.c.

#define SUPER_NO_VAR   (-9999.0)

Definition at line 28 of file superGate.c.

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 33 of file superGate.c.

Definition at line 32 of file superGate.c.

Function Documentation

void Super_AddGateToTable ( Super_Man_t pMan,
Super_Gate_t pGate 
) [static]


Synopsis [Adds one supergate into the unique table.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 728 of file superGate.c.

00729 {
00730     Super_Gate_t ** ppList;
00731     unsigned Key;
00732 //    Key = pGate->uTruth[0] + 2003 * pGate->uTruth[1];
00733     Key = pGate->uTruth[0] ^ pGate->uTruth[1];
00734     if ( !stmm_find_or_add( pMan->tTable, (char *)Key, (char ***)&ppList ) )
00735         *ppList = NULL;
00736     pGate->pNext = *ppList;
00737     *ppList = pGate;
00738     pMan->nAdded++;
00739 }

int Super_AreaCompare ( Super_Gate_t **  ppG1,
Super_Gate_t **  ppG2 
) [static]


Synopsis [Compares the area of two gates.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 1075 of file superGate.c.

01076 {
01077     if ( (*ppG1)->Area < (*ppG2)->Area )
01078         return -1;
01079     if ( (*ppG1)->Area > (*ppG2)->Area )
01080         return 1;
01081     return 0;
01082 }

int Super_CheckTimeout ( ProgressBar pPro,
Super_Man_t pMan 
) [static]


Synopsis [Transfers gates from table into the array.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 670 of file superGate.c.

00671 {
00672     int TimeNow = clock();
00673     if ( TimeNow > pMan->TimePrint )
00674     {
00675         Extra_ProgressBarUpdate( pPro, ++pMan->TimeSec, NULL );
00676         pMan->TimePrint = clock() + CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
00677     }
00678     if ( TimeNow > pMan->TimeStop )
00679     {
00680         printf ("Timeout!\n");
00681         return 1;
00682     }
00683     pMan->nTried++;
00684     return 0;
00685 }

bool Super_CompareGates ( Super_Man_t pMan,
unsigned  uTruth[],
float  Area,
float  tPinDelaysRes[],
int  nPins 
) [static]


Synopsis [Check the manager's unique table for comparable gates.]

Description [Returns 0 if the gate is dominated by others. Returns 1 if the gate is new or is better than the available ones. In this case, cleans the table by removing the gates that are worse than the given one.]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 754 of file superGate.c.

00755 {
00756     Super_Gate_t ** ppList, * pPrev, * pGate, * pGate2;
00757     int i, fNewIsBetter, fGateIsBetter;
00758     unsigned Key;
00760     // skip constant functions
00761     if ( pMan->nVarsMax < 6 )
00762     {
00763         if ( uTruth[0] == 0 || ~uTruth[0] == 0 )
00764             return 0;
00765     }
00766     else
00767     {
00768         if ( ( uTruth[0] == 0 && uTruth[1] == 0 ) || ( ~uTruth[0] == 0 && ~uTruth[1] == 0 ) )
00769             return 0;
00770     }
00772     // get hold of the place where the entry is stored
00773 //    Key = uTruth[0] + 2003 * uTruth[1];
00774     Key = uTruth[0] ^ uTruth[1];
00775     if ( !stmm_find( pMan->tTable, (char *)Key, (char ***)&ppList ) )
00776         return 1; 
00777     // the entry with this truth table is found
00778     pPrev = NULL;
00779     for ( pGate = *ppList, pGate2 = pGate? pGate->pNext: NULL; pGate; 
00780         pGate = pGate2, pGate2 = pGate? pGate->pNext: NULL )
00781     {
00782         pMan->nLookups++;
00783         if ( pGate->uTruth[0] != uTruth[0] || pGate->uTruth[1] != uTruth[1] )
00784         {
00785             pMan->nAliases++;
00786             continue;
00787         }
00788         fGateIsBetter = 0;
00789         fNewIsBetter  = 0;
00790         if ( pGate->Area + SUPER_EPSILON < Area )
00791             fGateIsBetter = 1;
00792         else if ( pGate->Area > Area + SUPER_EPSILON )
00793             fNewIsBetter = 1;
00794         for ( i = 0; i < nPins; i++ )
00795         {
00796             if ( pGate->ptDelays[i] == SUPER_NO_VAR || tPinDelaysRes[i] == SUPER_NO_VAR )
00797                 continue;
00798             if ( pGate->ptDelays[i] + SUPER_EPSILON < tPinDelaysRes[i] )
00799                 fGateIsBetter = 1;
00800             else if ( pGate->ptDelays[i] > tPinDelaysRes[i] + SUPER_EPSILON )
00801                 fNewIsBetter = 1;
00802             if ( fGateIsBetter && fNewIsBetter )
00803                 break;
00804         }
00805         // consider 4 cases
00806         if ( fGateIsBetter && fNewIsBetter ) // Pareto points; save both
00807             pPrev = pGate;
00808         else if ( fNewIsBetter ) // gate is worse; remove the gate
00809         {
00810             if ( pPrev == NULL )
00811                 *ppList = pGate->pNext;
00812             else
00813                 pPrev->pNext = pGate->pNext;
00814             Extra_MmFixedEntryRecycle( pMan->pMem, (char *)pGate );
00815             pMan->nRemoved++;
00816         }
00817         else if ( fGateIsBetter ) // new is worse, already dominated no need to see others
00818             return 0;
00819         else // if ( !fGateIsBetter && !fNewIsBetter ) // they are identical, no need to see others
00820             return 0;
00821     }
00822     return 1;
00823 }

Super_Man_t * Super_Compute ( Super_Man_t pMan,
Mio_Gate_t **  ppGates,
int  nGates,
bool  fSkipInv 
) [static]


Synopsis [Precomputes one level of supergates.]

Description [This procedure computes the set of supergates that can be derived from the given set of root gates (from GENLIB library) by composing the root gates with the currently available supergates. This procedure is smart in the sense that it tries to avoid useless emuration by imposing tight bounds by area and delay. Only the supergates and are guaranteed to have smaller area and delay are enumereated. See comments below for details.]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 294 of file superGate.c.

00295 {
00296     Super_Gate_t * pSupers[6], * pGate0, * pGate1, * pGate2, * pGate3, * pGate4, * pGate5, * pGateNew;
00297     float tPinDelaysRes[6], * ptPinDelays[6], tPinDelayMax, tDelayMio;
00298     float Area, Area0, Area1, Area2, Area3, Area4, AreaMio;
00299     unsigned uTruth[2], uTruths[6][2];
00300     int i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5; 
00301     Super_Gate_t ** ppGatesLimit;
00302     int nFanins, nGatesLimit, k, s, t;
00303     ProgressBar * pProgress;
00304     int fTimeOut;
00305     int fPrune = 1;                     // Shall we prune?
00306     int iPruneLimit = 3;                // Each of the gates plugged into the root gate will have 
00307                                         // less than these many fanins
00308     int iPruneLimitRoot = 4;            // The root gate may have only less than these many fanins
00310     // put the gates from the unique table into the array
00311     // the gates from the array will be used to compose other gates
00312     // the gates in tbe table are used to check uniqueness of collected gates
00313     Super_TranferGatesToArray( pMan );
00315     // sort the gates in the increasing order of maximum delay
00316     if ( pMan->nGates > 10000 )
00317     {
00318         printf( "Sorting array of %d supergates...\r", pMan->nGates );
00319         fflush( stdout );
00320     }
00321     qsort( (void *)pMan->pGates, pMan->nGates, sizeof(Super_Gate_t *), 
00322             (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) Super_DelayCompare );
00323     assert( Super_DelayCompare( pMan->pGates, pMan->pGates + pMan->nGates - 1 ) <= 0 );
00324     if ( pMan->nGates > 10000 )
00325     {
00326         printf( "                                       \r" );
00327     }
00329     pProgress = Extra_ProgressBarStart( stdout, pMan->TimeLimit );
00330     pMan->TimePrint = clock() + CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
00331     ppGatesLimit = ALLOC( Super_Gate_t *, pMan->nGates );
00332     // go through the root gates
00333     // the root gates are sorted in the increasing gelay
00334     fTimeOut = 0;
00335     for ( k = 0; k < nGates; k++ )
00336     {
00337         if ( fTimeOut ) break;
00339         if ( fPrune )
00340         {
00341             if ( pMan->nLevels >= 1 )  // First level gates have been computed
00342             {
00343                 if ( Mio_GateReadInputs(ppGates[k]) >= iPruneLimitRoot )
00344                     continue;
00345             }
00346         }
00348         // select the subset of gates to be considered with this root gate
00349         // all the gates past this point will lead to delay larger than the limit
00350         tDelayMio = (float)Mio_GateReadDelayMax(ppGates[k]);
00351         for ( s = 0, t = 0; s < pMan->nGates; s++ )
00352         {
00353             if ( fPrune && ( pMan->nLevels >= 1 ) && ( ((int)pMan->pGates[s]->nFanins) >= iPruneLimit ))
00354                 continue;
00356             ppGatesLimit[t] = pMan->pGates[s];
00357             if ( ppGatesLimit[t++]->tDelayMax + tDelayMio > pMan->tDelayMax )
00358                 break;
00359         }
00360         nGatesLimit = t;
00362         if ( pMan->fVerbose )
00363         {
00364             printf ("Trying %d choices for %d inputs\n", t, Mio_GateReadInputs(ppGates[k]) );
00365         }
00367         // resort part of this range by area
00368         // now we can prune the search by going up in the list until we reach the limit on area
00369         // all the gates beyond this point can be skipped because their area can be only larger
00370         if ( nGatesLimit > 10000 )
00371             printf( "Sorting array of %d supergates...\r", nGatesLimit );
00372         qsort( (void *)ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, sizeof(Super_Gate_t *), 
00373                 (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) Super_AreaCompare );
00374         assert( Super_AreaCompare( ppGatesLimit, ppGatesLimit + nGatesLimit - 1 ) <= 0 );
00375         if ( nGatesLimit > 10000 )
00376             printf( "                                       \r" );
00378         // consider the combinations of gates with the root gate on top
00379         AreaMio = (float)Mio_GateReadArea(ppGates[k]);
00380         nFanins = Mio_GateReadInputs(ppGates[k]);
00381         switch ( nFanins )
00382         {
00383         case 0: // should not happen
00384             assert( 0 ); 
00385             break;
00386         case 1: // interter root
00387             Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i0, pGate0 )
00388             {
00389               if ( fTimeOut ) break;
00390               fTimeOut = Super_CheckTimeout( pProgress, pMan );
00391               // skip the inverter as the root gate before the elementary variable
00392               // as a result, the supergates will not have inverters on the input side
00393               // but inverters still may occur at the output of or inside complex supergates
00394               if ( fSkipInv && pGate0->tDelayMax == 0 )
00395                   continue;
00396               // compute area
00397               Area = AreaMio + pGate0->Area;
00398               if ( Area > pMan->tAreaMax )
00399                   break;
00401               pSupers[0] = pGate0;  uTruths[0][0] = pGate0->uTruth[0];  uTruths[0][1] = pGate0->uTruth[1];  ptPinDelays[0] = pGate0->ptDelays; 
00402               Mio_DeriveGateDelays( ppGates[k], ptPinDelays, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, SUPER_NO_VAR, tPinDelaysRes, &tPinDelayMax );
00403               Mio_DeriveTruthTable( ppGates[k], uTruths, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, uTruth );
00404               if ( !Super_CompareGates( pMan, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, pMan->nVarsMax ) )
00405                   continue;
00406               // create a new gate
00407               pGateNew = Super_CreateGateNew( pMan, ppGates[k], pSupers, nFanins, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, tPinDelayMax, pMan->nVarsMax );
00408               Super_AddGateToTable( pMan, pGateNew );
00409            }
00410             break;
00411         case 2: // two-input root gate
00412             Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i0, pGate0 )
00413             {
00414               Area0 = AreaMio + pGate0->Area;
00415               if ( Area0 > pMan->tAreaMax )
00416                   break;
00417               pSupers[0] = pGate0;  uTruths[0][0] = pGate0->uTruth[0];  uTruths[0][1] = pGate0->uTruth[1];  ptPinDelays[0] = pGate0->ptDelays; 
00418               Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i1, pGate1 )
00419               if ( i1 != i0 )
00420               {
00421                 if ( fTimeOut ) goto done;
00422                 fTimeOut = Super_CheckTimeout( pProgress, pMan );
00423                 // compute area
00424                 Area = Area0 + pGate1->Area;
00425                 if ( Area > pMan->tAreaMax )
00426                     break;
00428                 pSupers[1] = pGate1;  uTruths[1][0] = pGate1->uTruth[0];  uTruths[1][1] = pGate1->uTruth[1];  ptPinDelays[1] = pGate1->ptDelays;
00429                 Mio_DeriveGateDelays( ppGates[k], ptPinDelays, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, SUPER_NO_VAR, tPinDelaysRes, &tPinDelayMax );
00430                 Mio_DeriveTruthTable( ppGates[k], uTruths, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, uTruth );
00431                 if ( !Super_CompareGates( pMan, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, pMan->nVarsMax ) )
00432                     continue;
00433                 // create a new gate
00434                 pGateNew = Super_CreateGateNew( pMan, ppGates[k], pSupers, nFanins, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, tPinDelayMax, pMan->nVarsMax );
00435                 Super_AddGateToTable( pMan, pGateNew );
00436               }
00437             }
00438             break;
00439         case 3: // three-input root gate
00440             Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i0, pGate0 )
00441             {
00442               Area0 = AreaMio + pGate0->Area;
00443               if ( Area0 > pMan->tAreaMax )
00444                   break;
00445               pSupers[0] = pGate0;  uTruths[0][0] = pGate0->uTruth[0];  uTruths[0][1] = pGate0->uTruth[1];  ptPinDelays[0] = pGate0->ptDelays; 
00447               Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i1, pGate1 )
00448               if ( i1 != i0 )
00449               {
00450                 Area1 = Area0 + pGate1->Area;
00451                 if ( Area1 > pMan->tAreaMax )
00452                     break;
00453                 pSupers[1] = pGate1;  uTruths[1][0] = pGate1->uTruth[0];  uTruths[1][1] = pGate1->uTruth[1];  ptPinDelays[1] = pGate1->ptDelays;
00455                 Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i2, pGate2 )
00456                 if ( i2 != i0 && i2 != i1 )
00457                 {
00458                   if ( fTimeOut ) goto done;
00459                   fTimeOut = Super_CheckTimeout( pProgress, pMan );
00460                   // compute area
00461                   Area = Area1 + pGate2->Area;
00462                   if ( Area > pMan->tAreaMax )
00463                       break;
00464                   pSupers[2] = pGate2;  uTruths[2][0] = pGate2->uTruth[0];  uTruths[2][1] = pGate2->uTruth[1];   ptPinDelays[2] = pGate2->ptDelays;
00466                   Mio_DeriveGateDelays( ppGates[k], ptPinDelays, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, SUPER_NO_VAR, tPinDelaysRes, &tPinDelayMax );
00467                   Mio_DeriveTruthTable( ppGates[k], uTruths, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, uTruth );
00468                   if ( !Super_CompareGates( pMan, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, pMan->nVarsMax ) )
00469                       continue;
00470                   // create a new gate
00471                   pGateNew = Super_CreateGateNew( pMan, ppGates[k], pSupers, nFanins, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, tPinDelayMax, pMan->nVarsMax );
00472                   Super_AddGateToTable( pMan, pGateNew );
00473                 }
00474               }
00475             }
00476             break;
00477         case 4: // four-input root gate
00478             Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i0, pGate0 )
00479             {
00480               Area0 = AreaMio + pGate0->Area;
00481               if ( Area0 > pMan->tAreaMax )
00482                   break;
00483               pSupers[0] = pGate0;  uTruths[0][0] = pGate0->uTruth[0];  uTruths[0][1] = pGate0->uTruth[1];  ptPinDelays[0] = pGate0->ptDelays; 
00485               Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i1, pGate1 )
00486               if ( i1 != i0 )
00487               {
00488                 Area1 = Area0 + pGate1->Area;
00489                 if ( Area1 > pMan->tAreaMax )
00490                     break;
00491                 pSupers[1] = pGate1;  uTruths[1][0] = pGate1->uTruth[0];  uTruths[1][1] = pGate1->uTruth[1];  ptPinDelays[1] = pGate1->ptDelays;
00493                 Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i2, pGate2 )
00494                 if ( i2 != i0 && i2 != i1 )
00495                 {
00496                   Area2 = Area1 + pGate2->Area;
00497                   if ( Area2 > pMan->tAreaMax )
00498                       break;
00499                   pSupers[2] = pGate2;  uTruths[2][0] = pGate2->uTruth[0];  uTruths[2][1] = pGate2->uTruth[1];   ptPinDelays[2] = pGate2->ptDelays;
00501                   Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i3, pGate3 )
00502                   if ( i3 != i0 && i3 != i1 && i3 != i2 )
00503                   {
00504                     if ( fTimeOut ) goto done;
00505                     fTimeOut = Super_CheckTimeout( pProgress, pMan );
00506                     // compute area
00507                     Area = Area2 + pGate3->Area;
00508                     if ( Area > pMan->tAreaMax )
00509                         break;
00510                     pSupers[3] = pGate3;   uTruths[3][0] = pGate3->uTruth[0];  uTruths[3][1] = pGate3->uTruth[1];   ptPinDelays[3] = pGate3->ptDelays;
00512                     Mio_DeriveGateDelays( ppGates[k], ptPinDelays, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, SUPER_NO_VAR, tPinDelaysRes, &tPinDelayMax );
00513                     Mio_DeriveTruthTable( ppGates[k], uTruths, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, uTruth );
00514                     if ( !Super_CompareGates( pMan, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, pMan->nVarsMax ) )
00515                         continue;
00516                     // create a new gate
00517                     pGateNew = Super_CreateGateNew( pMan, ppGates[k], pSupers, nFanins, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, tPinDelayMax, pMan->nVarsMax );
00518                     Super_AddGateToTable( pMan, pGateNew );
00519                   }
00520                 }
00521               }
00522             }
00523             break;
00524         case 5: // five-input root gate
00525             Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i0, pGate0 )
00526             {
00527               Area0 = AreaMio + pGate0->Area;
00528               if ( Area0 > pMan->tAreaMax )
00529                   break;
00530               pSupers[0] = pGate0;  uTruths[0][0] = pGate0->uTruth[0];  uTruths[0][1] = pGate0->uTruth[1];  ptPinDelays[0] = pGate0->ptDelays; 
00532               Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i1, pGate1 )
00533               if ( i1 != i0 )
00534               {
00535                 Area1 = Area0 + pGate1->Area;
00536                 if ( Area1 > pMan->tAreaMax )
00537                     break;
00538                 pSupers[1] = pGate1;  uTruths[1][0] = pGate1->uTruth[0];  uTruths[1][1] = pGate1->uTruth[1];  ptPinDelays[1] = pGate1->ptDelays;
00540                 Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i2, pGate2 )
00541                 if ( i2 != i0 && i2 != i1 )
00542                 {
00543                   Area2 = Area1 + pGate2->Area;
00544                   if ( Area2 > pMan->tAreaMax )
00545                       break;
00546                   pSupers[2] = pGate2;  uTruths[2][0] = pGate2->uTruth[0];  uTruths[2][1] = pGate2->uTruth[1];   ptPinDelays[2] = pGate2->ptDelays;
00548                   Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i3, pGate3 )
00549                   if ( i3 != i0 && i3 != i1 && i3 != i2 )
00550                   {
00551                     Area3 = Area2 + pGate3->Area;
00552                     if ( Area3 > pMan->tAreaMax )
00553                         break;
00554                     pSupers[3] = pGate3;   uTruths[3][0] = pGate3->uTruth[0];  uTruths[3][1] = pGate3->uTruth[1];   ptPinDelays[3] = pGate3->ptDelays;
00556                     Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i4, pGate4 )
00557                     if ( i4 != i0 && i4 != i1 && i4 != i2 && i4 != i3 )
00558                     {
00559                       if ( fTimeOut ) goto done;
00560                       fTimeOut = Super_CheckTimeout( pProgress, pMan );
00561                       // compute area
00562                       Area = Area3 + pGate4->Area;
00563                       if ( Area > pMan->tAreaMax )
00564                           break;
00565                       pSupers[4] = pGate4;   uTruths[4][0] = pGate4->uTruth[0];  uTruths[4][1] = pGate4->uTruth[1];  ptPinDelays[4] = pGate4->ptDelays;
00567                       Mio_DeriveGateDelays( ppGates[k], ptPinDelays, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, SUPER_NO_VAR, tPinDelaysRes, &tPinDelayMax );
00568                       Mio_DeriveTruthTable( ppGates[k], uTruths, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, uTruth );
00569                       if ( !Super_CompareGates( pMan, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, pMan->nVarsMax ) )
00570                           continue;
00571                       // create a new gate
00572                       pGateNew = Super_CreateGateNew( pMan, ppGates[k], pSupers, nFanins, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, tPinDelayMax, pMan->nVarsMax );
00573                       Super_AddGateToTable( pMan, pGateNew );
00574                     }
00575                   }
00576                 }
00577               }
00578             }
00579             break;
00580         case 6: // six-input root gate
00581             Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i0, pGate0 )
00582             {
00583               Area0 = AreaMio + pGate0->Area;
00584               if ( Area0 > pMan->tAreaMax )
00585                   break;
00586               pSupers[0] = pGate0;  uTruths[0][0] = pGate0->uTruth[0];  uTruths[0][1] = pGate0->uTruth[1];  ptPinDelays[0] = pGate0->ptDelays; 
00588               Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i1, pGate1 )
00589               if ( i1 != i0 )
00590               {
00591                 Area1 = Area0 + pGate1->Area;
00592                 if ( Area1 > pMan->tAreaMax )
00593                     break;
00594                 pSupers[1] = pGate1;  uTruths[1][0] = pGate1->uTruth[0];  uTruths[1][1] = pGate1->uTruth[1];  ptPinDelays[1] = pGate1->ptDelays;
00596                 Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i2, pGate2 )
00597                 if ( i2 != i0 && i2 != i1 )
00598                 {
00599                   Area2 = Area1 + pGate2->Area;
00600                   if ( Area2 > pMan->tAreaMax )
00601                       break;
00602                   pSupers[2] = pGate2;  uTruths[2][0] = pGate2->uTruth[0];  uTruths[2][1] = pGate2->uTruth[1];   ptPinDelays[2] = pGate2->ptDelays;
00604                   Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i3, pGate3 )
00605                   if ( i3 != i0 && i3 != i1 && i3 != i2 )
00606                   {
00607                     Area3 = Area2 + pGate3->Area;
00608                     if ( Area3 > pMan->tAreaMax )
00609                         break;
00610                     pSupers[3] = pGate3;   uTruths[3][0] = pGate3->uTruth[0];  uTruths[3][1] = pGate3->uTruth[1];   ptPinDelays[3] = pGate3->ptDelays;
00612                     Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i4, pGate4 )
00613                     if ( i4 != i0 && i4 != i1 && i4 != i2 && i4 != i3 )
00614                     {
00615                       if ( fTimeOut ) break;
00616                       fTimeOut = Super_CheckTimeout( pProgress, pMan );
00617                       // compute area
00618                       Area4 = Area3 + pGate4->Area;
00619                       if ( Area > pMan->tAreaMax )
00620                           break;
00621                       pSupers[4] = pGate4;   uTruths[4][0] = pGate4->uTruth[0];  uTruths[4][1] = pGate4->uTruth[1];  ptPinDelays[4] = pGate4->ptDelays;
00623                       Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i5, pGate5 )
00624                       if ( i5 != i0 && i5 != i1 && i5 != i2 && i5 != i3 && i5 != i4 )
00625                       {
00626                         if ( fTimeOut ) goto done;
00627                         fTimeOut = Super_CheckTimeout( pProgress, pMan );
00628                         // compute area
00629                         Area = Area4 + pGate5->Area;
00630                         if ( Area > pMan->tAreaMax )
00631                             break;
00632                         pSupers[5] = pGate5;   uTruths[5][0] = pGate5->uTruth[0];  uTruths[5][1] = pGate5->uTruth[1];  ptPinDelays[5] = pGate5->ptDelays;
00634                         Mio_DeriveGateDelays( ppGates[k], ptPinDelays, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, SUPER_NO_VAR, tPinDelaysRes, &tPinDelayMax );
00635                         Mio_DeriveTruthTable( ppGates[k], uTruths, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, uTruth );
00636                         if ( !Super_CompareGates( pMan, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, pMan->nVarsMax ) )
00637                             continue;
00638                         // create a new gate
00639                         pGateNew = Super_CreateGateNew( pMan, ppGates[k], pSupers, nFanins, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, tPinDelayMax, pMan->nVarsMax );
00640                         Super_AddGateToTable( pMan, pGateNew );
00641                       }
00642                     }
00643                   }
00644                 }
00645               }
00646             }
00647             break;
00648         default :
00649             assert( 0 );
00650             break;
00651         }
00652     }
00653 done: 
00654     Extra_ProgressBarStop( pProgress );
00655     free( ppGatesLimit );
00656     return pMan;
00657 }

Super_Gate_t * Super_CreateGateNew ( Super_Man_t pMan,
Mio_Gate_t pRoot,
Super_Gate_t **  pSupers,
int  nSupers,
unsigned  uTruth[],
float  Area,
float  tPinDelaysRes[],
float  tDelayMax,
int  nPins 
) [static]


Synopsis [Create a new supergate.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 837 of file superGate.c.

00839 {
00840     Super_Gate_t * pSuper;
00841     pSuper = (Super_Gate_t *)Extra_MmFixedEntryFetch( pMan->pMem );
00842     memset( pSuper, 0, sizeof(Super_Gate_t) );
00843     pSuper->pRoot     = pRoot;
00844     pSuper->uTruth[0] = uTruth[0];
00845     pSuper->uTruth[1] = uTruth[1];
00846     memcpy( pSuper->ptDelays, tPinDelaysRes, sizeof(float) * nPins );
00847     pSuper->Area      = Area;
00848     pSuper->nFanins   = nSupers;
00849     memcpy( pSuper->pFanins, pSupers, sizeof(Super_Gate_t *) * nSupers );
00850     pSuper->pNext     = NULL;
00851     pSuper->tDelayMax = tDelayMax;
00852     return pSuper;
00853 }

int Super_DelayCompare ( Super_Gate_t **  ppG1,
Super_Gate_t **  ppG2 
) [static]


Synopsis [Compares the max delay of two gates.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 1055 of file superGate.c.

01056 {
01057     if ( (*ppG1)->tDelayMax < (*ppG2)->tDelayMax )
01058         return -1;
01059     if ( (*ppG1)->tDelayMax > (*ppG2)->tDelayMax )
01060         return 1;
01061     return 0;
01062 }

void Super_First ( Super_Man_t pMan,
int  nVarsMax 
) [static]


Synopsis [Derives the starting supergates.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 227 of file superGate.c.

00228 {
00229     Super_Gate_t * pSuper;
00230     int nMintLimit, nVarLimit;
00231     int v, m;
00232     // set the parameters
00233     pMan->nVarsMax  = nVarsMax;
00234     pMan->nMints    = (1 << nVarsMax);
00235     pMan->nLevels   = 0;
00236     // allocate room for the gates
00237     pMan->nGates    = nVarsMax;  
00238     pMan->pGates    = ALLOC( Super_Gate_t *, nVarsMax + 2 ); 
00239     // create the gates corresponding to the elementary variables
00240     for ( v = 0; v < nVarsMax; v++ )
00241     {
00242         // get a new gate
00243         pSuper = (Super_Gate_t *)Extra_MmFixedEntryFetch( pMan->pMem );
00244         memset( pSuper, 0, sizeof(Super_Gate_t) );
00245         // assign the elementary variable, the truth table, and the delays
00246         pSuper->fVar = 1;
00247         pSuper->Number = v;
00248         for ( m = 0; m < nVarsMax; m++ )
00249             pSuper->ptDelays[m] = SUPER_NO_VAR;
00250         pSuper->ptDelays[v] = 0.0;
00251         // set the gate
00252         pMan->pGates[v] = pSuper;
00253         Super_AddGateToTable( pMan, pSuper );
00254         pMan->pInputs[v] = pSuper;
00255     }
00256     // set up their truth tables
00257     nVarLimit  = (nVarsMax >= 5)? 5 : nVarsMax;
00258     nMintLimit = (1 << nVarLimit);
00259     for ( m = 0; m < nMintLimit; m++ )
00260         for ( v = 0; v < nVarLimit; v++ )
00261             if ( m & (1 << v) )
00262                 pMan->pGates[v]->uTruth[0] |= (1 << m);
00263     // make adjustments for the case of 6 variables
00264     if ( nVarsMax == 6 )
00265     {
00266         for ( v = 0; v < 5; v++ )
00267             pMan->pGates[v]->uTruth[1] = pMan->pGates[v]->uTruth[0];
00268         pMan->pGates[5]->uTruth[0] = 0;
00269         pMan->pGates[5]->uTruth[1] = ~((unsigned)0);
00270     }
00271     else
00272     {
00273         for ( v = 0; v < nVarsMax; v++ )
00274             pMan->pGates[v]->uTruth[1] = 0;
00275     }
00276 }

Super_Man_t * Super_ManStart (  )  [static]


Synopsis [Starts the manager.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 866 of file superGate.c.

00867 {
00868     Super_Man_t * pMan;
00869     pMan = ALLOC( Super_Man_t, 1 );
00870     memset( pMan, 0, sizeof(Super_Man_t) );
00871     pMan->pMem     = Extra_MmFixedStart( sizeof(Super_Gate_t) );
00872     pMan->tTable   = stmm_init_table( st_ptrcmp, st_ptrhash );
00873     return pMan;
00874 }

void Super_ManStop ( Super_Man_t pMan  )  [static]


Synopsis [Stops the manager.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 887 of file superGate.c.

00888 {
00889     Extra_MmFixedStop( pMan->pMem );
00890     if ( pMan->tTable ) stmm_free_table( pMan->tTable );
00891     FREE( pMan->pGates );
00892     free( pMan );
00893 }

void Super_Precompute ( Mio_Library_t pLibGen,
int  nVarsMax,
int  nLevels,
float  tDelayMax,
float  tAreaMax,
int  TimeLimit,
bool  fSkipInv,
bool  fWriteOldFormat,
int  fVerbose 

FUNCTION DEFINITIONS ///Function*************************************************************

Synopsis [Precomputes the library of supergates.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 137 of file superGate.c.

00138 {
00139     Super_Man_t * pMan;
00140     Mio_Gate_t ** ppGates;
00141     int nGates, Level, clk, clockStart;
00143     assert( nVarsMax < 7 );
00145     // get the root gates
00146     ppGates = Mio_CollectRoots( pLibGen, nVarsMax, tDelayMax, 0, &nGates );
00148     // start the manager
00149     pMan = Super_ManStart();
00150     pMan->pName     = Mio_LibraryReadName(pLibGen);
00151     pMan->fSkipInv  = fSkipInv;
00152     pMan->tDelayMax = tDelayMax;
00153     pMan->tAreaMax  = tAreaMax;
00154     pMan->TimeLimit = TimeLimit; // in seconds
00155     pMan->TimeStop  = TimeLimit * CLOCKS_PER_SEC + clock(); // in CPU ticks
00156     pMan->fWriteOldFormat = fWriteOldFormat;
00157     pMan->fVerbose = fVerbose;
00159     if ( nGates == 0 )
00160     {
00161         fprintf( stderr, "Error: No genlib gates satisfy the limits criteria. Stop.\n");
00162         fprintf( stderr, "Limits: max delay =  %.2f, max area =  %.2f, time limit = %d sec.\n", 
00163             pMan->tDelayMax, pMan->tAreaMax, pMan->TimeLimit );
00165         // stop the manager
00166         Super_ManStop( pMan );
00167         free( ppGates );
00169         return;
00170     }
00172     // get the starting supergates
00173     Super_First( pMan, nVarsMax );
00175     // perform the computation of supergates
00176     clockStart = clock();
00177 if ( fVerbose )
00178 {
00179     printf( "Computing supergates with %d inputs and %d levels.\n", 
00180         pMan->nVarsMax, nLevels );
00181     printf( "Limits: max delay =  %.2f, max area =  %.2f, time limit = %d sec.\n", 
00182         pMan->tDelayMax, pMan->tAreaMax, pMan->TimeLimit );
00183 }
00185     for ( Level = 1; Level <= nLevels; Level++ )
00186     {
00187         if ( clock() > pMan->TimeStop )
00188             break;
00189 clk = clock();
00190         Super_Compute( pMan, ppGates, nGates, fSkipInv );
00191         pMan->nLevels = Level;
00192 if ( fVerbose )
00193 {
00194         printf( "Lev %d: Try =%12d. Add =%6d. Rem =%5d. Save =%6d. Lookups =%12d. Aliases =%12d. ",
00195            Level, pMan->nTried, pMan->nAdded, pMan->nRemoved, pMan->nAdded - pMan->nRemoved, pMan->nLookups, pMan->nAliases );
00196 PRT( "Time", clock() - clk );
00197 fflush( stdout );
00198 }
00199     }
00200     pMan->Time = clock() - clockStart;
00202 if ( fVerbose )
00203 {
00204 printf( "Writing the output file...\n" );
00205 fflush( stdout );
00206 }
00207     // write them into a file
00208     Super_Write( pMan );
00210     // stop the manager
00211     Super_ManStop( pMan );
00212     free( ppGates );
00213 }

void Super_TranferGatesToArray ( Super_Man_t pMan  )  [static]


Synopsis [Transfers gates from table into the array.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 699 of file superGate.c.

00700 {
00701     stmm_generator * gen;
00702     Super_Gate_t * pGate, * pList;
00703     unsigned Key;
00705     // put the gates fron the table into the array
00706     free( pMan->pGates );
00707     pMan->pGates = ALLOC( Super_Gate_t *, pMan->nAdded );
00708     pMan->nGates = 0;
00709     stmm_foreach_item( pMan->tTable, gen, (char **)&Key, (char **)&pList )
00710     {
00711         for ( pGate = pList; pGate; pGate = pGate->pNext )
00712             pMan->pGates[ pMan->nGates++ ] = pGate;
00713     }
00714 //    assert( pMan->nGates == pMan->nAdded - pMan->nRemoved );
00715 }

void Super_Write ( Super_Man_t pMan  )  [static]


Synopsis [Writes the supergate library into the file.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 910 of file superGate.c.

00911 {
00912     Super_Gate_t * pGateRoot, * pGate;
00913     stmm_generator * gen;
00914     int fZeroFound, clk, v;
00915     unsigned Key;
00917     if ( pMan->nGates < 1 )
00918     {
00919         printf( "The generated library is empty. No output file written.\n" );
00920         return;
00921     }
00923     // Filters the supergates by removing those that have fewer inputs than 
00924     // the given limit, provided that the inputs are not consequtive. 
00925     // For example, NAND2(a,c) is removed, but NAND2(a,b) is left, 
00926     // because a and b are consequtive.
00927     FREE( pMan->pGates );
00928     pMan->pGates = ALLOC( Super_Gate_t *, pMan->nAdded );
00929     pMan->nGates = 0;
00930     stmm_foreach_item( pMan->tTable, gen, (char **)&Key, (char **)&pGateRoot )
00931     {
00932         for ( pGate = pGateRoot; pGate; pGate = pGate->pNext )
00933         {
00934             // skip the elementary variables
00935             if ( pGate->pRoot == NULL )
00936                 continue;
00937             // skip the non-consequtive gates
00938             fZeroFound = 0;
00939             for ( v = 0; v < pMan->nVarsMax; v++ )
00940                 if ( pGate->ptDelays[v] < SUPER_NO_VAR + SUPER_EPSILON )
00941                     fZeroFound = 1;
00942                 else if ( fZeroFound )
00943                     break;
00944             if ( v < pMan->nVarsMax )
00945                 continue;
00946             // save the unique gate
00947             pMan->pGates[ pMan->nGates++ ] = pGate;
00948         }
00949     }
00951 clk = clock();
00952     // sort the supergates by truth table
00953     qsort( (void *)pMan->pGates, pMan->nGates, sizeof(Super_Gate_t *), 
00954             (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) Super_WriteCompare );
00955     assert( Super_WriteCompare( pMan->pGates, pMan->pGates + pMan->nGates - 1 ) <= 0 );
00956 if ( pMan->fVerbose )
00957 {
00958 PRT( "Sorting", clock() - clk );
00959 }
00962     // write library in the old format
00963 clk = clock();
00964     if ( pMan->fWriteOldFormat )
00965         Super_WriteLibrary( pMan );
00966 if ( pMan->fVerbose )
00967 {
00968 PRT( "Writing old format", clock() - clk );
00969 }
00971     // write the tree-like structure of supergates
00972 clk = clock();
00973     Super_WriteLibraryTree( pMan );
00974 if ( pMan->fVerbose )
00975 {
00976 PRT( "Writing new format", clock() - clk );
00977 }
00978 }

int Super_WriteCompare ( Super_Gate_t **  ppG1,
Super_Gate_t **  ppG2 
) [static]


Synopsis [Compares the truth tables of two gates.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 1029 of file superGate.c.

01030 {
01031     unsigned * pTruth1 = (*ppG1)->uTruth;
01032     unsigned * pTruth2 = (*ppG2)->uTruth;
01033     if ( pTruth1[1] < pTruth2[1] )
01034         return -1;
01035     if ( pTruth1[1] > pTruth2[1] )
01036         return 1;
01037     if ( pTruth1[0] < pTruth2[0] )
01038         return -1;
01039     if ( pTruth1[0] > pTruth2[0] )
01040         return 1;
01041     return 0;
01042 }

void Super_WriteFileHeader ( Super_Man_t pMan,
FILE *  pFile 
) [static]


Synopsis [Writes the file header.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 992 of file superGate.c.

00993 {
00994     fprintf( pFile, "#\n" );
00995     fprintf( pFile, "# Supergate library derived for \"%s\" on %s.\n", pMan->pName, Extra_TimeStamp() );
00996     fprintf( pFile, "#\n" );
00997     fprintf( pFile, "# Command line: \"super  -i %d  -l %d  -d %.2f  -a %.2f  -t %d  %s  %s\".\n", 
00998         pMan->nVarsMax, pMan->nLevels, pMan->tDelayMax, pMan->tAreaMax, pMan->TimeLimit, (pMan->fSkipInv? "" : "-s"), pMan->pName );
00999     fprintf( pFile, "#\n" );
01000     fprintf( pFile, "# The number of inputs      = %10d.\n", pMan->nVarsMax );
01001     fprintf( pFile, "# The number of levels      = %10d.\n", pMan->nLevels );
01002     fprintf( pFile, "# The maximum delay         = %10.2f.\n", pMan->tDelayMax  );
01003     fprintf( pFile, "# The maximum area          = %10.2f.\n", pMan->tAreaMax );
01004     fprintf( pFile, "# The maximum runtime (sec) = %10d.\n", pMan->TimeLimit );
01005     fprintf( pFile, "#\n" );
01006     fprintf( pFile, "# The number of attempts    = %10d.\n", pMan->nTried  );
01007     fprintf( pFile, "# The number of supergates  = %10d.\n", pMan->nGates  );
01008     fprintf( pFile, "# The number of functions   = %10d.\n", pMan->nUnique );
01009     fprintf( pFile, "# The total functions       = %.0f (2^%d).\n", pow(2,pMan->nMints), pMan->nMints );
01010     fprintf( pFile, "#\n" );
01011     fprintf( pFile, "# Generation time (sec)     = %10.2f.\n", (float)(pMan->Time)/(float)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) );
01012     fprintf( pFile, "#\n" );
01013     fprintf( pFile, "%s\n", pMan->pName );
01014     fprintf( pFile, "%d\n", pMan->nVarsMax );
01015     fprintf( pFile, "%d\n", pMan->nGates );
01016 }

void Super_WriteLibrary ( Super_Man_t pMan  )  [static]


Synopsis [Writes the gates into the file.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 1100 of file superGate.c.

01101 {
01102     Super_Gate_t * pGate, * pGateNext;
01103     FILE * pFile;
01104     char FileName[100];
01105     char * pNameGeneric;
01106     int i, Counter;
01108     // get the file name
01109     pNameGeneric = Extra_FileNameGeneric( pMan->pName );
01110     sprintf( FileName, "%s.super_old", pNameGeneric );
01111     free( pNameGeneric );
01113     // count the number of unique functions
01114     pMan->nUnique = 1;
01115     Super_ManForEachGate( pMan->pGates, pMan->nGates, i, pGate )
01116     {
01117         if ( i == pMan->nGates - 1 )
01118             break;
01119         // print the newline if this gate is different from the following one
01120         pGateNext = pMan->pGates[i+1];
01121         if ( pGateNext->uTruth[0] != pGate->uTruth[0] || pGateNext->uTruth[1] != pGate->uTruth[1] )
01122             pMan->nUnique++;
01123     }
01125     // start the file
01126     pFile = fopen( FileName, "w" );
01127     Super_WriteFileHeader( pMan, pFile );
01129     // print the gates
01130     Counter = 0;
01131     Super_ManForEachGate( pMan->pGates, pMan->nGates, i, pGate )
01132     {
01133         Super_WriteLibraryGate( pFile, pMan, pGate, ++Counter );
01134         if ( i == pMan->nGates - 1 )
01135             break;
01136         // print the newline if this gate is different from the following one
01137         pGateNext = pMan->pGates[i+1];
01138         if ( pGateNext->uTruth[0] != pGate->uTruth[0] || pGateNext->uTruth[1] != pGate->uTruth[1] )
01139             fprintf( pFile, "\n" );
01140     }
01141     assert( Counter == pMan->nGates );
01142     fclose( pFile );
01144 if ( pMan->fVerbose )
01145 {
01146     printf( "The supergates are written using old format \"%s\" ", FileName );
01147     printf( "(%0.3f Mb).\n", ((double)Extra_FileSize(FileName))/(1<<20) );
01148 }
01149 }

void Super_WriteLibraryGate ( FILE *  pFile,
Super_Man_t pMan,
Super_Gate_t pGate,
int  Num 
) [static]


Synopsis [Writes the supergate into the file.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 1162 of file superGate.c.

01163 {
01164     int i;
01165     fprintf( pFile, "%04d  ", Num );                         // the number
01166     Extra_PrintBinary( pFile, pGate->uTruth, pMan->nMints ); // the truth table
01167     fprintf( pFile, "   %5.2f", pGate->tDelayMax );          // the max delay
01168     fprintf( pFile, "  " );                                  
01169     for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nVarsMax; i++ )                   // the pin-to-pin delays
01170         fprintf( pFile, " %5.2f", pGate->ptDelays[i]==SUPER_NO_VAR? 0.0 : pGate->ptDelays[i] );  
01171     fprintf( pFile, "   %5.2f", pGate->Area );               // the area
01172     fprintf( pFile, "   " );
01173     fprintf( pFile, "%s", Super_WriteLibraryGateName(pGate) );      // the symbolic expression
01174     fprintf( pFile, "\n" );
01175 }

char * Super_WriteLibraryGateName ( Super_Gate_t pGate  )  [static]


Synopsis [Recursively generates symbolic name of the supergate.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 1188 of file superGate.c.

01189 {
01190     static char Buffer[2000];
01191     Buffer[0] = 0;
01192     Super_WriteLibraryGateName_rec( pGate, Buffer );
01193     return Buffer;
01194 }

void Super_WriteLibraryGateName_rec ( Super_Gate_t pGate,
char *  pBuffer 
) [static]


Synopsis [Recursively generates symbolic name of the supergate.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 1207 of file superGate.c.

01208 {
01209     char Buffer[10];
01210     int i;
01212     if ( pGate->pRoot == NULL )
01213     {
01214         sprintf( Buffer, "%c", 'a' + pGate->Number );
01215         strcat( pBuffer, Buffer );
01216         return;
01217     }
01218     strcat( pBuffer, Mio_GateReadName(pGate->pRoot) );
01219     strcat( pBuffer, "(" );
01220     for ( i = 0; i < (int)pGate->nFanins; i++ )
01221     {
01222         if ( i )
01223             strcat( pBuffer, "," );
01224         Super_WriteLibraryGateName_rec( pGate->pFanins[i], pBuffer );
01225     }
01226     strcat( pBuffer, ")" );
01227 }

void Super_WriteLibraryTree ( Super_Man_t pMan  )  [static]


Synopsis [Recursively writes the gates.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 1244 of file superGate.c.

01245 {
01246     Super_Gate_t * pSuper;
01247     FILE * pFile;
01248     char FileName[100];
01249     char * pNameGeneric;
01250     int i, Counter;
01251     int posStart;
01253     // get the file name
01254     pNameGeneric = Extra_FileNameGeneric( pMan->pName );
01255     sprintf( FileName, "%s.super", pNameGeneric );
01256     free( pNameGeneric );
01258     // write the elementary variables
01259     pFile = fopen( FileName, "w" );
01260     Super_WriteFileHeader( pMan, pFile );
01261     // write the place holder for the number of lines
01262     posStart = ftell( pFile );
01263     fprintf( pFile, "         \n" );
01264     // mark the real supergates
01265     Super_ManForEachGate( pMan->pGates, pMan->nGates, i, pSuper )
01266         pSuper->fSuper = 1;
01267     // write the supergates
01268     Counter = pMan->nVarsMax;
01269     Super_ManForEachGate( pMan->pGates, pMan->nGates, i, pSuper )
01270         Super_WriteLibraryTree_rec( pFile, pMan, pSuper, &Counter );
01271     fclose( pFile );
01272     // write the number of lines
01273     pFile = fopen( FileName, "rb+" );
01274     fseek( pFile, posStart, SEEK_SET );
01275     fprintf( pFile, "%d", Counter );
01276     fclose( pFile );
01278 if ( pMan->fVerbose )
01279 {
01280     printf( "The supergates are written using new format \"%s\" ", FileName );
01281     printf( "(%0.3f Mb).\n", ((double)Extra_FileSize(FileName))/(1<<20) );
01282 }
01283 }

void Super_WriteLibraryTree_rec ( FILE *  pFile,
Super_Man_t pMan,
Super_Gate_t pSuper,
int *  pCounter 
) [static]


Synopsis [Recursively writes the gate.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 1296 of file superGate.c.

01297 {
01298     int nFanins, i;
01299     // skip an elementary variable and a gate that was already written
01300     if ( pSuper->fVar || pSuper->Number > 0 )
01301         return;
01302     // write the fanins
01303     nFanins = Mio_GateReadInputs(pSuper->pRoot);
01304     for ( i = 0; i < nFanins; i++ )
01305         Super_WriteLibraryTree_rec( pFile, pMan, pSuper->pFanins[i], pCounter );
01306     // finally write the gate
01307     pSuper->Number = (*pCounter)++;
01308     fprintf( pFile, "%s", pSuper->fSuper? "* " : "" );
01309     fprintf( pFile, "%s", Mio_GateReadName(pSuper->pRoot) );
01310     for ( i = 0; i < nFanins; i++ )
01311         fprintf( pFile, " %d", pSuper->pFanins[i]->Number );
01312     // write the formula 
01313     // this step is optional, the resulting library will work in any case
01314     // however, it may be helpful to for debugging to compare the same library 
01315     // written in the old format and written in the new format with formulas
01316 //    fprintf( pFile, "    # %s", Super_WriteLibraryGateName( pSuper ) );
01317     fprintf( pFile, "\n" );
01318 }

Generated on Tue Jan 5 12:19:09 2010 for abc70930 by  doxygen 1.6.1