Tutorial, make-up lab sessions, exam date

Ed Casas (edc@ece.ubc.ca) Mon, 3 Apr 2000 16:04:25 -0700

Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 16:04:25 -0700
From: Ed Casas <edc@ece.ubc.ca>
Subject: Tutorial, make-up lab sessions, exam date

Here's a few last-minute announcements for those who don't make it to the lectures... You *must* let me know by Tuesday, April 2 if you have not completed at least four labs so that we can schedule an extra lab session. "Completed" means that you demonstrated a solution that substantially met the requirements for a particular lab and the TA accepted your solution. There will be an (optional) tutorial on Friday, April 7 at 8:30 (the regular lecture time slot). Review the exercises, assignments, labs and midterms and bring your questions to the tutorial. If you're haven't "earned" your participation mark by posting a question to the course mailing list, here's you chance to do so. Use one of the free web-based e-mail services (yahoo, hotmail, etc) if you are worried about your e-mail address falling into the hands of people who send junk e-mail. The final exam schedule shows the final exam for EECE379 section 201 on Apr 14 at 8:30 am in MCLD 202. -- Ed Casas edc@ece.ubc.ca http://casas.ece.ubc.ca +1 604 822-2592