Interesting Things with PEZ

Optional Points of Interest

If you're interested in seeing what the point of some of this Z-Plane stuff is, try some of the following questions. In each case, start with a blank Z-Plane (ie, do a clear-->all before running each question).

Impulse Response

What happens when you place a single pole outside of the unit circle? What kind of system does this produce?

What happens when you place several poles at the origin?

What happens when you place several zeros at the origin? What kind of system does this produce?

Frequency Response

Add a single pole just inside of the unit circle(Just make sure it has an imaginary component to it so that it is mirrored across the Real axis). Use the Drag & Draw plots option to drag the pole around a complete revolution of the unit circle. As you drag the pole, watch what happens to the Frequency Response plots. What do you see?

Add a pole-zero combination with the "add pole-zero combo" button. What kind of frequency response do you get back?

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