Using PEZ: File Options and Other Stuff

File Options

PEZ supports a few different ways to save and load data relating to the filter you have designed. The file options are:

PEZ Data File Description

The internal PEZ data files that PEZ uses to save and load data basically hold all the variables that PEZ needs to reconstruct your filter simply. They are stored in one singular *.mat data file. This does not allow an easy way to import data into PEZ, and general imports of outside data will be included in the next release of PEZ.

PEZ Export File Descriptions

The export facilities provide an easy way to save your filter in a form that can be used in MATLAB. As with the internal PEZ data format, the necessary vectors are saved to a single MATLAB file. To access the vectors, load the mat file. For a Polynomial export there will be two vectors: pole_poly_list and zero_poly_list. These files should be in order for direct calls to functions such as freqz(). Similarly a Roots export will generate the roots of the filter with the names of pole_roots_list and zero_roots_list. The polynomial can be formed by calling the function poly().

Clearing the Z-Plane

The main control window has a few menu options to clear all of the poles and/or zeros from the work area. These options will do deletions permanently, so make sure you pay attention to what you're doing with these options or you will lose your work!

Quick-Sizing the Windows

On both the Main Control Window and the Plots Window are options to allow for the quick resizing of the windows. Due to the large amount of screen space that PEZ can take up, there are a few options to quickly change the size of PEZ's windows. While in the smaller modes text can become unreadable, the functionality of the windows are still in tact. Future versions of PEZ may reflect changes in OS dimensions.

Resizing the Z-Plane

Just below the Z-Plane in the Main Control Window is a gadget to zoom in and out of the Z-Plane. The value in this gadget determines what the magnitude of the Z-Plane Axis is.

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