Lab Proctor Positions

I was asked to forward the following notice:

From: Kavita Sharma
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2015 11:02 AM
Subject: Lab proctor posting on e-jobs

I have posted the lab proctor position on e-jobs this morning – 2 positions for each option.  Please inform your students.

Closing date:  midnight Wed Sept 16th (no late applications will be accepted)
How to apply: Email applications to: or drop off applications to SW2-201

Anticipated start date: September 21, 2015

BCIT Writing Centre & Peer Tutoring - FREE - starting Mon Sept 21

Free services in the Learning Commons to help you succeed:

Writing Centre -  Writing peer tutors are available 7 days/week – book an appointment online or drop in with your written assignment

WriteAway online writing supportsubmit a draft assignment for feedback within 48 hours

Peer Tutoring Peers from 20 BCIT programs are available 6 days/week to can help you with your studiesDrop by for help with course content or to work on learning skills for success at BCIT

Learning Skills BootcampSpecial Event Sept 21-24   Make the best of your BCIT experience.  Through conversation and seminars, our peer tutors will share their strategies for learning efficiently and effectively.  (seminar schedule attached)

We’re located in the Burnaby campus library.  Contact us at if you have questions.  Up-to-date schedules are posted in the Learning Commons and at


Checking Your Marks

Your mark thus far is shown in the HTML document:

Content / Course Information / Marks

Enter your BCIT IT (starting with A00) and your marks retrieval password.  This password has been sent to you in an internal (D2L) e-mail accessible by clicking on the envelope icon along the top of the course web page.

Each row shows the item name, the maximum mark and your mark.  Composite items (e.g. Labs, Final Mark) show a percentage.  These items, including the final mark, only include the items that have been marked thus far.  Your rank in the class is based on the final mark (1 is highest). 

If there is a mark of zero for an item you submitted:

In the Dropbox folder under the "Feedback" column you can retrieve an annotated version of your PDF submission.  It will contain with my comments and your mark.

The marking scheme (rubric) is given in:

Content / Course Information / Marking Scheme

Mid-Term Exam

Will be held on Wednesday, November 4 at 9:30 AM.  Two hours (one hour more than the scheduled lecture time) will be allowed.

It will cover up to the end of Lecture 4.

It is open-book (all notes and books allowed).  Calculators are the only electronic devices allowed.

Previous mid-terms and solutions for this course (and the very similar course, ELEX 4340) are available on-line (see the course information sheet for the URL).

Room Change for Mid-Term Exam

The mid-term exam will be held on Wednesday, November 4 from 9:30 to 11:20 in: SW1-4076.

Note the room change.  This is to accomodate the two-hour exam duration.

Lab 7

Lab 7 will start on November 5 even though there is no pre-lab assignment for it and I haven't handed out the lab procedure yet.  I will hand out out the lab instructions and explain the lab during the lab.

This lab will be held over two weeks but it is long so it is important that you show up for the first lab.

Mid-Term Exam Marks

The mid-term exam has been marked and the solutions and marking scheme are available.  You can retrieve your marks from the Marks file using the password e-mailed to you earlier.  The min/mean/media/maximum marks were: 4, 11.1, 11.5 and 16 respectively (out of 16).  The distribution of the marks is shown below.

Notes for Assignment 2

Final Exam

The final exam for ELEX 3525 is scheduled for Monday, January 11 from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM in SE12-307.

It will be a 3-hour open-book exam.  Note the early start time.

Please check your marks

All Pre-Labs, Labs and Assignments have now been marked.  Your marked submissions are available in the feedback section of the dropbox.

Please check the marking and the recorded marks against the marking scheme.

Also let me know if there was an excused absence that I missed.

Final Marks

Congratulations, everyone passed. 

The final exam marks ranged from 39% to 100% with a mean of 79% and a median of 84%.  The solutions and marking scheme are available.

The tentative final marks for the course range from 59% to 98% with an average of 81% and a median of 77%.  The distribution of the final marks is shown below.

The final marks are subject to change.

Please check to make sure there were no errors in entering or computing your marks.


Spectrum Management Officer-in-Training Posting

 I've been asked to pass on this notice:

"Here is the link to the posting for Spectrum Management Officer-in-Training positions.

One piece of advice you might pass on is to be follow the instructions carefully.  If an application is missing key information, it will likely be screened out of the process before it gets to the hiring managers."