- Doctor of Philosophy, Electrical and
Computer Engineering – University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 2012 - 2017.
- Bachelor of Engineering, Electrical
Engineering and Automation – Tianjin
University, Tianjin, China, 2008 - 2012.
- Exchange Student, Electrical and Electronic
Engineering – University of Hong Kong, Hong
Kong, 2010 - 2011.
Yingwei is currently a Sr.
Transmission Operations Planning Engineer with the
Transmission Operations Services (TOS) Department,
Integrated Planning, BC Hydro. His work includes
power system operational planning studies and
stability assessments, development and updates of
System Operating Orders, development of power
system remedial action schemes (RAS) and other
control schemes, power system stabilizer (PSS)
tuning studies, load interconnection system impact
studies (SIS), etc. He had worked with the
Operations Planning Department, T&D System
Operations (TDSO), BC Hydro, where he prepared the
Daily Operational Plans (DOP) and Total
Transmission Capability (TTC), and provided
real-time technical support to System Operators in
BC Hydro Control Center.
At UBC, Yingwei works on the
research and development of next-generation power
system simulation tools, by proposing innovative
techniques to the modeling of electric machines
and power electronic systems. In addition, he has
been teaching various electrical and power
engineering courses, including power systems
analysis I&II, power system operation and
control, electric machines and energy conversion
system, etc.
Yingwei is a
registered Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) in the
Province of British Columbia, and he is
an active member in several IEEE technical
committees and task forces, including IEEE PES
Transient Analysis and Simulation Subcommittee
(TASS), IEEE TF on Interfacing Techniques for
Simulation Tools (ITST), IEEE TF on Real-Time
Contingency Analysis (RTCA), IEEE TF on Dynamic
Average Modeling (DAM), etc.
Research Interests
- Power Systems Modeling and Simulation
- Power
System Transients and Stability
- Power
System Operations and Planning
- Electric Machines and Drives
- Power
Electronic Systems
- N.
Amiri, S.
Ebrahimi, Y. Huang,
J. Jatskevich, and S. D. Pekarek "Constant-parameter
voltage-behind-reactance modeling of
five-phase synchronous machines with air-gap
flux harmonics," IEEE
Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 35, no.
1, pp. 119-129, Sep.
2019. DOI
- S. Yin, Y. Huang,
Y. Xue, D. Meng, C. Wang, Y. Lv, L. Diao,
and J. Jatskevich, "Improved full-order
adaptive observer for sensorless induction
motor control in railway traction systems
under low-switching frequency," IEEE
Trans. Emerg. Sel. Topics Power Electron.,
vol. 7, no. 4,
pp. 2333-2345, Feb. 2019. DOI
- S. Xu, J.
Zhang, Y. Huang,
and J. Jatskevich, "Dynamic
average-value modeling of three-level T-type
grid-connected converter system," IEEE
Trans. Emerg. Sel. Topics Power Electron.,
vol. 7, no. 4,
pp. 2428-2442, Jan. 2019. DOI
- S. Ebrahimi, N.
Amiri, Y. Huang,
L. Wang, and J. Jatskevich, "Average-value
modeling of diode rectifier systems under
asymmetrical operation and internal faults," IEEE
Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 33, no.
4, pp. 1895-1906, Dec.
2018. DOI
- N.
Amiri, S.
Ebrahimi, Y. Huang,
and J. Jatskevich,
algebraic-loop relaxation in CPVBR models
of synchronous machines under power
electronic switching," IEEE
Trans. Energy Convers., IEEE
Trans. Energy Convers.,
vol. 33, no.
2, pp. 900-903, Jun.
- S. Ebrahimi, N.
Amiri, H. Atighechi, Y. Huang,
L. Wang, and J. Jatskevich, "Generalized
parametric average-value model of
line-commutated rectifiers considering ac
harmonics with variable frequency operation," IEEE
Trans. Energy Convers., vol.
33, no. 1, pp. 341-353, Mar. 2018.
- Y. Huang, S.
Ebrahimi, N.
Amiri, Z. Shan and J.
Jatskevich, "Parametric dynamic phasor modeling of
thyristor-controlled rectifier systems
including harmonics for various operating
modes," IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 32,
no. 4, pp. 1626-1629, Dec. 2017.
- Y. Huang, L. Dong, S. Ebrahimi, N.
Amiri, and J. Jatskevich,
"Dynamic-phasor-type modeling of line-commutated
rectifiers with harmonics using analytical
and parametric approaches," IEEE Trans.
Energy Convers., vol. 32, no.
2, pp. 534-547, Jun. 2017. DOI
- L. Dong, Y. Huang, J. Jatskevich,
and J. Liu, "Improved fault
tolerant control for brushless permanent
magnet motor drives with defective Hall
Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 31, no.
2, pp. 789-799, Jun. 2016. DOI
- L. Dong, J. Jatskevich, Y. Huang, M. Chapariha,
and J. Liu, "Fault diagnosis and signal
reconstruction of Hall sensors in brushless
permanent magnet motor drives," IEEE Trans.
Energy Convers., vol.
31, no. 1, pp. 118-131, Mar. 2016. DOI
- Y.
Huang, M. Chapariha, F. Therrien,
J. Jatskevich, and J. R. Martí, "A
constant-parameter voltage-behind-reactance
synchronous machine model based on
shifted-frequency analysis," IEEE Trans.
Energy Convers., vol. 30, no.
2, pp. 761-771, Jun. 2015. DOI
- Y.
Huang, G. Wang, J.
Lu, Y. Zhang, L. Wang, "Practical
considerations for controller upgrade of
dynamic braking resistors at BC Hydro's GMS
Generating Station," in Proc. IEEE Power
Energy Soc. Gen. Meet., Denver, CO,
Jul. 2022, pp.1-5. (Best
Conf. Papers on Power System Modeling and
Analysis) DOI
- X. Liang, Y. Huang, J. Xia,
and J.
Jatskevich, "Reduced-order parametric dynamic
phasor modeling of line-commutated rectifier
systems," in Proc. IEEE Power
Energy Soc. Gen. Meet., Atlanta, GA,
USA, Aug. 2019, pp.1-5.
- X. Liang, Y. Huang, S.
Ebrahimi, and J.
Jatskevich, "Reduced-order parametric dynamic
phasor modeling of AC distribution systems
with rectifier loads," in
2019 IEEE 28th International Symposium on
Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Vancouver,
BC, Canada, Jun. 2019, pp. 165-170. DOI
- J. Xia, J. Xu, Y. Huang,
J. Jatskevich, Y.
Guo, and X. Zhang,
"Parametric-estimation-based adaptive MTPA
control for the interior permanent magnet
synchronous motors," in
2019 6th International Conf. on Control,
Decision, and Information Tech. (CoDIT),
Paris, France, Apr. 2019, pp. 397-402. DOI
- J. Xu, Y. Huang,
N. Amiri, J. Jatskevich,
and O. Pizniur, "Online source identification
in DC distribution systems using the recursive
extended least-square method," in
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling
for Power Electronics (COMPEL),
Padova, Italy, Jun. 2018, pp. 1-7. DOI
- Y.
Huang, H. Chang, S.
Rezaee, and J.
Jatskevich, "Parametric dynamic phasor modeling of
synchronous machine-rectifier systems for
integrated AC-DC microgrids," in Proc. IEEE Power
Energy Soc. Gen. Meet., Chicago,
IL, USA, Jul. 2017, pp.1-5.
DOI (Best Conf. Papers on Power System
Modeling and Analysis)
- H. Chang, Y. Huang,
Ebrahimi, and J.
Jatskevich, "Smart meter based selective
harmonic compensation in building distribution
systems with AC/DC microgrids,"
in Proc. IEEE Power
Energy Soc. Gen. Meet., Chicago, IL,
USA, Jul. 2017, pp.1-5.DOI
- H. Chang, Y. Huang,
S. Ebrahimi, and J.
Jatskevich, "Harmonic compensation in AC
distribution systems using smart electronic
loads with PFC converters," in
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling
for Power Electronics (COMPEL),
Stanford, CA, USA, Jul. 2017, pp. 1-5. DOI
- S. Rezaee, S. Ebrahimi, N.
Amiri, Y.
Huang, and J.
Jatskevich, "Accurate and fast power sharing
among inverters in AC micorgrids with constant
power loads," in
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling
for Power Electronics (COMPEL),
Stanford, CA, USA, Jul. 2017, pp. 1-5. DOI
Y. Huang, S.
Ebrahimi, N.
Amiri, M. Chapariha, and J.
Jatskevich, "Interfacing SFA- and GAM-type dynamic phasors for modeling of integrated AC/DC
systems," in Proc. IEEE Power
Energy Soc. Gen. Meet., Boston, MA,
Jul. 2016, pp.1-5. DOI
S. Ebrahimi, N. Amiri, Y. Huang,
J. Jatskevich, and L.
Wang, "Multi-rate
modeling of twelve-pulse
rectifiers with six-phase permanent magnet
synchronous generators in variable frequency
operation – 400 Hz inversion,"
in Proc. IEEE Power
Energy Soc. Gen. Meet., Boston, MA,
Jul. 2016, pp.1-5.
N. Amiri, S. Ebrahimi, Y.
Huang, J. Jatskevich, and H. Dommel, "Improved constant
parameter VBR model of permanent magnet
synchronous machine using resonant auxiliary
rotor winding," in Proc. IEEE Power
Energy Soc. Gen. Meet., Boston, MA,
Jul. 2016, pp.1-5. DOI
( Best Conf. Papers on Power System Modeling
and Analysis)
Z. Shan, Y. Huang, and J.
Jatskevich, Using LED lighting systems for
harmonic current cancellation in power
distribution systems ," in Proc.
IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for
Power Electronics (COMPEL),
Trondheim, Norway, Jun. 2016, pp.1-5. DOI
Huang, S. Ebrahimi, N. Amiri, H. Atighechi, and J.
Jatskevich, "A parametric dynamic phasor model of
line-commutated rectifier systems," in Proc. IEEE Canadian
Conf. Electr. Comput. Eng. (CCECE),
Vancouver, Canada, May. 2016, pp.1-4. DOI
Ebrahimi, N.
Amiri, Y.
Huang, L. Wang, and J.
Jatskevich, "Efficient simulation of wind
farms using switching reduced models of
converters and VBR formulation of six-phase PM
synchronous generators,"
in Proc. IEEE Canadian
Conf. Electr. Comput. Eng.
(CCECE), Vancouver,
Canada, May. 2016, pp.1-4. DOI
N. Amiri, S. Ebrahimi, Y.
Huang, J. Jatskevich, and H. Dommel, "Saturable voltage-behind-reactance model of six-phase
synchronous machine in hybrid AC and DC
generation system," in Proc. IEEE Canadian
Conf. Electr. Comput. Eng.
(CCECE), Vancouver,
Canada, May. 2016, pp.1-4. DOI
- Y. Huang, F. Therrien, J. Jatskevich,
and L. Dong, "State-space
voltage-behind-reactance modeling of induction
machines based on shifted-frequency analysis," in Proc. IEEE Power
Energy Soc. Gen. Meet., Denver, CO,
Jul. 2015, pp.1-5. DOI
Technical Report
- Y. Huang, Z. Yao, H. Atighechi, D.
Atanackovic, G. Wang, R. Barone, et al,
"Handling of special protection systems and
remedial action schemes in real-time contingency
analysis (BC Hydro's automatic system for RAS
arming and action),"
IEEE Technical Report on Real-Time Contingency
Analysis (PES-TR85), Feb. 2021. DOI