Brief CV
Bio Notes
Septimiu (Tim) E. Salcudean recieved the
B.Eng and M.Eng degrees from McGill University and the Ph.D. degree
from U.C.
Berkeley, all in Electrical Engineering. From 1986 to 1989, he was a
Staff Member in the robotics group at the IBM T.J. Watson Research
He then joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at
the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, where he holds
the Laszlo Chair in Biomedical Engineering and
a Canada Research Chair. He spent one year at ONERA in
Toulouse, France, in 1996 - 1997, where he held a Killam Research
From 01/2005 to 06/2005 he was on a sabbatical visit at CNRS/TIMG/GMCAO
Grenoble, with Dr. Jocelyne Troccaz. Professor Salcudean has been
a co-organizer of the
Symposium from 2000 - 2002, of a Haptics,
Virtual Reality, and Human Computer Interaction Workshop at the
Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, and a Technical
Editor(1992 - 1994) and Senior Editor(1994 - 2000) of the IEEE
Transactions on Robotics and Automation.
- 2009 NSERC
Synergy Award, with colleague Robert Rohling and Ultrasonix Medical
for a long-term partnership that helped Ultrasonix develop its widely
used Research Package.
- PRECARN 20th
Anniversary Research Excellence Award, June 2008.
- Distinguished
Lecturer of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, 2007.
- IEEE Fellowship, for “contributions to
haptic interfaces and teleoperation and applications”, 2004
Killam Research Prize, 2004
- Fellow,
The Canadian Academy of Engineering, since 2003
Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Faculty Research Fellow, 1996-1997
- Fellow,
British Columbia Advanced Systems Institute, since 1992
- Best
Paper Award, Symposium On Haptic Interfaces for Virtual
Environment & Teleoperator Systems, 2004, for "Haptic rendering of
rigid body collisions", by D. Constantinescu, S.E. Salcudean and E.A.
Conference Best
Demonstration Awards, in 2003 (DiMaio & Salcudean), and 1999
(Salcudean with graduate students)
- Innovation 1999 Editorial Board Award
for the article “Robotics Research at UBC: Improving the
Human-Machine Interface”, by S.E. Salcudean and P.D. Lawrence.
and a number of Awards to
Graduate Students .
- 2006 - last updated December, 2009