Manuals >User's Guide >Transforms
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Creating and Running a Transform

A transform is a framework for mathematical or logical functions that operate on data. Extraction and optimization are accomplished through the use of transforms. A transform can operate on any combination of data sets, parameters, and variables. These inputs are used to calculate either a new data set or new values for parameters and variables. Transforms are created for Setups, since they typically operate on data from a particular Setup.

To create and run a transform:

  1   Open the Model window and select the desired Setup.

  2   Click the Extract/Optimize tab and note the list of existing transforms.

  3   Click New and provide a name for the new transform in the dialog box that appears.

  4   Click OK and the new transform name is added to the list.

  5   Select an existing function from the Browser, or type Program2 or Program in the Function field, and press Enter to create your own.

  6   Fill in the argument fields displayed for a selected function, or type the desired text if creating your own.

  7   To run the transform, click Execute.

Related Topics:

Chapter 9, "Using Transforms and Functions"

Chapter 11, "Creating and Running Macros"

Chapter 9, "Parameter Extraction Language," in the Reference manual
