Manuals >User's Guide >DUT/Setup Editing
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Copying/Pasting a DUT or Setup

To copy and paste a DUT:

  1   Select the DUT you want to copy.

  2   Choose Edit > Copy and a dialog box appears.

  3   Select the DUT option and click OK.

  4   Choose Edit > Paste and the copied DUT is added after any existing DUTs.

  5   Rename the DUT/Setups as needed (see Renaming a DUT or Setup).

To copy and paste a setup:

  1   Select the setup you want to copy.

  2   Choose Edit > Copy and a dialog box appears.

  3   Select the Setup option and click OK.

  4   Select the DUT you want to copy the setup to and choose Edit > Paste Setup. The copied setup is added below any existing setups of that DUT.

  5   Rename the setup as needed (see Renaming a DUT or Setup).
