Manuals >User's Guide >DUT/Setup Editing
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Defining Instrument Options

The Instrument Options table is available once you specify the unit names (from the Hardware Setup configuration dialog) in the Inputs and Outputs, as needed. Once you define your instrument options, you can save them to file and read in this file anytime as needed.

To save instrument options:

  1   With the Instrument Options folder active, choose File > Save As.

  2   In the dialog box that appears, select Instrument Options (.iot).

  3   If desired, choose another directory by typing or using the Browser.

  4   Provide a filename (the extension is appended automatically) and click OK.

To read a file containing previously saved instrument options:

  1   With the Instrument Options folder active, choose File > Open.

  2   In the dialog box that appears, select Instrument Options (.iot).

  3   If desired, choose another directory by typing or using the Browser.

  4   Provide a filename (the extension is appended automatically) and click OK.
