Manuals >User's Guide >Creating and Running Macros
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Creating and Running a Macro

This example uses the Bipolar Transistor model bjt_npn and creates a small macro that gives you an immediate visible result.

  1   Open the Example model bjt_npn.

  2   In the Model window click Macros.

  3   Click New.

  4   In the prompt, type the macro name mactst.

  5   Click OK. The macro name, mactst, appears in the macro list.

  6   Select mactst. The macro editing text window clears.

  7   Click anywhere in the text editing area and type:

iccap_func("/npn/dc/fgummel","Display Plots")


iccap_func specifies the execution of a specific action

/npn/dc/fgummel is the path name of the setup containing the plots

a comma (,) separates the path name from the command

Display Plot specifies the action to perform

  8   Click Execute to run the macro.

  9   Plot windows, for the two plots defined, appear in the fgummel setup.

This completes the procedure for creating and testing a simple macro. You can run the macro anytime by selecting it and clicking Execute.


Alternatively, you can execute macros from the Macros menu in the Model window's main menu bar, Macros > Execute > <macro name>. This is useful when you want to run a macro and the Macros folder is not open.

You can save the macro by selecting it and selecting File > Save As. Select the file type Macro, select the macro from the list, and click OK.
