Manuals >User's Guide >Creating and Modifying Models
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Model Components

The IC-CAP model components are shown in the following figure. A model consists of these components:

    • Circuit   Description of the circuit used to represent the actual device.
    • Model Parameters   Values used in simulating the circuit.
    • Model Variables   User-defined variables that are global to a model.
    • DUTs   Representations of different physical devices or measurement configurations.
    • Macros   Combinations of the available menu functions used to create complex operations.

Figure 10 IC-CAP Model Components

DUTs and Setups

Each DUT contains:

Test Circuit
Description of the circuit used in a particular DUT.

DUT Parameters
Values for parameters specific to a DUT.

DUT Variables
User-defined variables that apply only to a DUT.

Define measurements and simulations for a DUT.

Each setup contains:

A definition of the input stimuli.

A definition of the types of responses to monitor.

Specifications for different data manipulations, such as mathematical functions and extractions.

Data display, in a variety of formats.

Setup Variables
User-defined variables that apply only to a setup.

Instrument Options
Instrument options control the state of the hardware for a setup.
