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Making Selections with the Mouse

The mouse is used to make selections and to open and close program windows.

    • To select an item, move the mouse pointer to the item, then click (press and release) the left mouse button.
    • To select a command from a menu:
     Move the mouse pointer to the command and double-click (two clicks in rapid succession) the left mouse button.
     Move the mouse pointer to the command and press, but do not release, the left mouse button. Drag (slide) the pointer to the command and then release.
    • To cancel a menu, click anywhere outside the menu. (Or, you can press F10 or Esc.)
    • To display the x- and y-axis values of a particular point on a data trace, move the mouse pointer to the point and click the middle mouse button.
    • To display a list of available choices for a field, move the mouse pointer over the list pointer at the right end of the field, then click the left mouse button.
