Manuals >Nonlinear Device Models Volume 1 >Agilent-HBT Modeling Package
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Key Features of the Agilent-HBT Modeling Package

    • The new graphical user interface (GUI) in IC-CAP enables quick setup of measurements followed by automatic parameter extraction routines.
    • The GUI contains tabbed folders that are ordered from left to right according to the task flow in the measurements and extractions, which makes the interface intuitive.
    • Global settings enable quick and certain setup in measurements.
    • Data management functionality enables flexible handling of measurement data.
    • De-embedding process and data sets used for de-embedding are intuitively controlled by a newly introduced concept—De-embedding Sets.
    • Recommended measurement setups and extraction procedures are included for effective HBT modeling.
    • Powerful extraction flow edit capability and the new Function Editor enables you to customize your original extraction routines for different processes.
    • The Multiplot feature enables you to view both measured and simulated plots in one window. The user-configurable plot display window (Extraction Result Browser) enables quick review of extraction results.
