



This robot moves an object on its belt from one end to the other. A sensor in the starting point detects the object and its color. If the object is white, the conveyor would start and if it is black, the pneumatic jack will push it off and drop it down. Assume that the object is white, then the conveyor will start and carry the object to the other end. Another sensor on the destination side detects the object and the control circuit switches the motor off.

For experimental purposes, we designed two kinds of conveyors. The first one has the sensors on the top and the second one has them in the side. If the object has a large height, the first type is not applicable. In application, this type of conveyor with an iron-detector sensor can be used in the recycling systems of metallic objects.



Board Assembly


List of Components 

Conveyor with sensors on the side.

Conveyor with sensors on the top.

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This site was last updated 05/13/15