PhD Student, MSc, BSc
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Current Research Interests:
- High performance computing systems
- Quantum computing
- Artificial intelligence
- Exponential trends in science and technology
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
– Arthur C. Clarke
Multi-Objective Job Placement in Clusters
Sergey Blagodurov, Alexandra Fedorova, Evgeny Vinnik, Tyler Dwyer, Fabien Hermenier
SC'15: SuperComputing, 2015
Conference Paper (pdf)
On Instruction Organization
Tyler Dwyer, Alexandra Fedorova
USENIX HotOS: Hot Topics for Operating Systems, 2015
Acceptance Rate 29%
Conference Paper (pdf)
A Practical Method for Estimating Performance Degradation on Multicore Processors and its Application to HPC Workloads
Tyler Dwyer, Alexandra Fedorova, Sergey Blagodurov, Mark Roth, Fabien Gaud and Jian Pei
Supercomputing Conference, 2012
Acceptance Rate 21%
Conference Paper (pdf) | Masters Thesis (pdf) | ACM Library (link)
OASIS – Operations and Service Infrastructure for Space
Team OASIS, Dwyer et al.
Space Studies Program 2012, International Space University
Executive Summary (pdf) | Full Report (pdf)
Lecture Respositories:
Favorite Lectures:
Utilizing the other 80% of your system's performance: Starting with Vectorization [ACM 2015]
Quantum Information Processing: Are We There Yet? [Google, 2015]
Relativity, Quantum Physics, and Graphene [Harvard, 2015]
Dark Energy and Cosmic Sound [Harvard, 2015]
Small bodies of the solar system [Gresham College, 2015]
Bringing Bioelectricity to Light [Harvard, 2014]
Hard disks: More than just block devices [Observe, Hack, Make, 2013]
Astro Teller on Moonshot Thinking [Google, 2013]
Peter Diamandis: Abundance is our future [TED, 2012]
Bill Bryson at the Cambridge Union Society [Cambridge, 2012]
Astro Teller on Innovation [Singularity University, 2011]
The Art of Doing Science - Introduction [Hamming, 1995]
Exponential Trends:
Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World; Diamandis, 2015
Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think; Diamandis, 2014
Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies; Bostrom, 2014
How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed; Kurzweil, 2012
The Cognitive Structure of Scientific Revolutions; Andersen, 2006
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions; Kuhn, 1996
Little Science, Big Science; Price, 1964