Import source tree into an empty git repo

If you've got local source code you want to add to a new remote new git repository without 'cloning' the remote first, do the following:

  1. Create the remote repository, and get the URL. In our case, it is

    If your local GIT repo is already set up, skips steps 2 and 3

  2. Locally, at the root directory of your source, execute:
      $ git init

    If you initialize the repo with a .gitignore and a you should do a git pull {url from step 1} to ensure you don't commit files to source that you want to ignore ;)

  3. Locally, add and commit what you want in your initial repo:
      $ git add .
      $ git commit -m 'initial commit comment'
  4. To attach your remote repo with the name 'origin' (like cloning would do), use:
    git remote add origin [URL From Step 1]
  5. To push up your master branch (change master to something else for a different branch), use:
    git push origin master