About Me
- M. Ramezani, "Joint source based brain imaging analysis for classification of individuals", The Univesity of British Columbia, 2014.
Journal Articles
- M. Ramezani, P. Abolmaesumi, A. Tahmasebi, T. Hollenstein, K. Harkness, IS. Johnsrude, "Fusion Analysis of First Episode Depression: Where Brain Shape Deformations Meet Local Composition of Tissue", Neuroimage: Clinical, 2015.
- F. Imani, M. Ramezani, P. Mousavi, P. Abolmaesumi, , "Ultrasound-based Characterization of Prostate Cancer using Joint Independent Component Analysis", IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 2015.
- M. Ramezani, A. Rasoulian, T. Hollenstein, IS. Johnsrude, K. Harkness, P. Abolmaesumi, "Temporal-lobe morphology differs between healthy adolescents and those with early-onset of depression", Neuroimage: Clinical, 2014.
- M. Ramezani, K. Marble, H. Trang, I. Johnsrude, P. Abolmaesumi,
"Joint Sparse Representation of Brain Activity Patterns in Multi-task fMRI Data", IEEE Trans Med Imag,
- M. Ramezani, P. Abolmaesumi, K. Marble, H. Trang, I. Johnsrude,
"Fusion Analysis of Functional MRI Data for Classification of Individuals Based on Patterns of Activation", Brain Imaging and Behavior,
- O. Mohareri, M. Ramezani, T. Adebar,P. Abolmaesumi, SE. Salcudean,
Automatic Localization of the da Vinci Surgical Instrument Tips in 3D Transrectal Ultrasound, IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 2013.
Conference Proceedings
- M. Ramezani, A. Rasoulian, T. Hollenstein, K. Harkness, IS. Johnsrude, P. Abolmaesumi,
"Joint source based analysis of multiple brain structures in studying major depressive disorder", SPIE Medical Imaging,
- S. Nouranian, M. Ramezani, S..Mahdavi, I. Spadinger, WJ. Morris, SE. Salcudean, P. Abolmaesumi,
Fast segmentation of the prostate for brachytherapy based on joint fusion of images and labels, SPIE Medical Imaging,
- M. Ramezani, A. Rasoulian, IS. Johnsrude, T. Hollenstein, K. Harkness, P. Abolmaesumi,
Independent Component Analysis on Lie groups for Multi-object analysis of First Episode Depression, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'13),
Vancouver, Canada, 2013.
- M. Ramezani, A. Rasoulian, P. Abolmaesumi, T. Hollenstein, IS. Johnsrude, K. Harkness,
Multi-Object Statistical Analysis of Late Adolescent Depression, SPIE Medical Imaging,
- M. Ramezani, P. Abolmaesumi, K. Marble, H. MacDonald, I. Johnsrude, Classification
of Individuals Based on Sparse Representation of Brain Cognitive Patterns: a Functional
MRI, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC'12),
San Diego, US, 2012.
- M. Ramezani, P. Abolmaesumi, K. Marble, H. MacDonald, I. Johnsrude, Joint Sparse
Representation of Brain Activity Patterns Related to Perceptual and Cognitive Components
of a Speech Comprehension Task, Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging (PRNI'12), London, UK, 2012.
- O. Mohareri, M. Ramezani, T. Adebar, P. Abolmaesumi, S. E. Salcudean, Automatic
localization and detection of da Vinci tool tips in 3D ultrasound, Information
Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions (IPCAI'12), Pisa, Italy, 2012.
- M. Ramezani, A. Heidari, E. Fatemizadeh and H. Soltanian-Zadeh, Spectral Clustering
Approach with Sparsifying Technique for Functional Connectivity Detection in the
Resting Brain, International Conference on Intelligent & Advanced Systems 2010(ICIAS'10). Malaysia, 2010.
- M. Ramezani, and S. Ghaemmaghami, Adaptive image Steganography with Mod-4 Embedding
using Image Contrast, IEEE conference on Consumer communications
and networking conference (CCNC'10), Las Vegas, USA, 2010.
- M. Ramezani, and S. Ghaemmaghami, Towards Genetic Feature Selection in Image Steganalysis,
IEEE conference on Consumer communications and networking
conference (CCNC'10), Las Vegas, USA, 2010.
Book Chapters
- M. Ramezani, and E. Fatemizadeh, Comparison of Supervised Classification Methods
with Various Data Preprocessing Procedures for Activation Detection in fMRI Data.
Computational Neuroscience, Optimization and Its Applications , vol. 8, pp.
75-83: Springer, New York, 2010.
A data fusion method to identify common information across different functional
contrasts in data from fMRI experiment.
Structural brain differences between adolescence and young adulthood individuals
on their very first episode of MDD and healthy controls were investigated.
A fully automatic registration technique based on accurate and automatic localization
of robot tool tips pressed against the air-tissue boundary of the prostate, in 3D
TRUS, was proposed.
I have served as teaching assistant (TA) for the following courses
Upcoming Conferences