Wildflowers of Sumas Mountain, Abbotsford, BC.
These wildflowers were photographed on the western part of the
Centennial Trail on Sumas Mountain, east of Abbotsford, BC.
The hike was with Vancouver's GA Hiking Club on June 21, 2005.
The trail is accessed from Batt Road, off Sumas Mountain Road,
at UTM 60,160 E, 40,530 N (NAD83). The trailhead is about 350m
elevation and the top is about 900m.
Many thanks to Terry Taylor and Eva Nagy for help in
identifying the plants!
The page numbers refer to "Plants of Coastal British Columbia",
Pojar and MacKinnon, Lone Pine Publishing, 1994,
where the plants are described.
In some cases, the species are hard to identify.
Please let me know if there are some plants that are misidentified -
I can send associated photos of leaves and habitat.
To view the flower in half size, move your mouse over the thumbnail.
If you want to download the half size images, add an address like "DSCN0565e.JPG"
after the site address (replacing index.htm if it exists),
then invoke "Save Image As" with the right mouse button.
Replace 0565 with the 4-digit number under the photo.
If you want the full size image (up to 2048 x 1536 pixels) or you want associated
images showing the leaves or habitat of each plant, please email me.
Ian Cumming, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UBC

0565 - Piggy-back Plant - Tolmiea menziesii Page 168

0571 - Half way up the mountain, you get a good view to the northwest,
over Nicomen Island (near right), the town of Dewdney and
Hatzic Lake. The Fraser River is out of sight, below the trees
in the foreground. The highest peak in the distance is
Golden Ears at 1706m.

0574 - Queen's Cup - Clintonia uniflora Page 104

0582 - Davidson's Penstemon - Penstemon davidsonii Page 267

0586 - Alaska Saxifrage - Saxifraga ferruginea Page 163

0595 - Woolly Eriophyllum - Eriophyllum lanatum (Aster family) Page 293

0601 - Small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary - Collinsia parviflora Page 263

0606 - Star-flowered False Solomon's-Seal - Smilacina stellata Page 100

0609 - Single Delight - Moneses uniflora Page 224
Sorry about the focus - this is an example of the difficulty of
capturing a tiny flower in a dark forest on a cloudy day!

0611 - View east over Chadsey Lake, about 2/3 of the way along the hike, about 650m elevation.

0612 - Yellow Pond-Lily in Chadsey Lake - Nuphar polysepalum Page 349

0614 - Creeping Buttercup, Ranunculus repens Page 176
It looks similar to the Mountain Buttercup,
but the latter is much shorter and is found at higher elevations

0616 - Our hiking group: Peter Bachmann, Elizabeth and Jeff Roger,
Phillip Hewitt, Muna Hamlin, Diane Fast, David Klassen and Jim Campbell,
at a rest stop by Chadsey Lake.

0618 - Devil's Club - Oplopanax horridus Page 82

0621 - Tiger Lily - Lilium columbianum Page 111

0626 - Deer Foot (Vanilla-Leaf) - Achlys triphylla Page 312

0629 - Red Columbine - Aquilegia formosa Page 180

0633 - Common Foxglove - Digitalis purpurea Page 251