Rafting and Wildflowers on the Firth River #2, July 17-20, 2006

The following photos were taken during a rafting trip down the Firth River July 15-24, 2006.
The rafting began at Margaret Lake, 68o 49.5 N, 140o 37.1 W and ended at Nunaluk Spit, 69o 33.4 N, 139o 31.9 W.
The elevation of the river varies from 430 m at Margaret Lake to sea level at the Beaufort Sea (Arctic Ocean).
We took several hikes up to 700 m, where some of the wildflowers were seen.

Please scroll down to see the photos.
Click here to see wildflowers in Inuvik or photos of other rafting days.
View other photos on Jean van Berkel's web page

Photo     Date         Comment
#5693     July 17     Our second day on the river - generally cloudy with a bit of sun - temp around 18 Celcius

#5695     July 17     This is as close as we got to a wolf

#0515     July 17     Siberian Phlox - Phlox sibirica (TT) - P. 141

#0527   July 17   Alpine Arnica - Arnica angustifolia (TT) - P. 170

#5705     July 17     The river is gentle at this point (the aufeis reach). Dave, Steve and John

#5706     July 17     Camping on a gravel bar after our second day of rafting

#5719     July 18     Lunch stop with a short walk

#5724     July 18     Mountain Avens (White Dryas) - Dryas integrifolia - P. 78

#5725     July 18     Northern Goldenrod - Solidago multiradiata - P. 191

#5733     July 18     Looking north towards Sluice Box rapids - 69o 6' N

#5738     July 18     Siberian Aster - Aster sibiricus - P. 176

#5739     July 18     Scouting Wrap Rock, one of our first obstacles - 69o 8' N

Google Earth     July 18     Entering the roughest part of the river - 69o 8' N

#5742     July 18     Running Wrap Rock without passengers

#5753     July 18     Camping on the dryas bench

#5769     July 18     Arctic Ground Squirrel - Spermophilus parryii - Was this the little guy who chewed a hole in Della's boots?

#5770     July 19     Arctic Dock - Rumex arcticus - P. 30

#5775     July 19     Three-Toothed Saxifrage - Saxifraga tricuspidata (TT) - P. 76

#5776     July 19     Start of our first full-day hike

#5777     July 19     Like Mountain Fleabane - Erigeron humilis (TT) - P. 180

#0662     July 19     Dwarf Hawk's-Beard - Crepis nana - P. 178

#5778     July 19     Steve on the highest tor - about 680 m

#5782     July 19     Like Arctic willow - Salix arctica (TT) - P. 25

#5784     July 19     Lumpy soil in the damp areas of the permafrost

#5786     July 20     Yellow Dryas in seed (or maybe it's white Dryas - see #5724)

#5788     July 20     Our biggest challenge of the trip!     68o 9'N

#5790     July 20     The two meter wave in Sheep Slot!

#5803     July 20     Steve running Sheep Slot

#5805     July 20     Mike running Sheep Slot

#5809     July 20     Rich running Sheep Slot

#5812     July 20     Last drop in Sheep Horn

#5833     July 20     Lunch near the Ranger's Cabin (an abandoned mine)

#5837     July 20     The rest of the days was relaxingly rough!

#5873     July 20     The geology was often interesting

#5893     July 20     Still trying to get my hiking shoes dry

Many thanks to Jean van Berkel and John Limb who contributed some of the photos.

Please let me know about any plants that are misindentified! Surely some are.
If you can email the correct ID to me, I'll be very grateful (please refer to the number above each photo)

Reference pages are given from:   "Wild Flowers of the Yukon, Alaska and Northwestern Canada"
by John Trelawny. 2nd edition, Harbour Publishing, Madeira Park, BC, 2003.
It seems to be the best book covering the flowers we saw in the Yukon.